Coal & Allied Interims

Rio Tinto PLC 18 July 2001 Coal & Allied first half profit and outlook FINANCIAL SUMMARY * Net profit after tax and abnormal items for the first half of 2001 was $79.5 million, up from $73.6 million for the same period last year. There were no abnormal items for the first half compared with an abnormal gain of $33 million in the first half of 2000 relating to the settlement of a long term coal contract. * Excluding the effect of abnormal items, profit after tax of $79.5 million increased by 96 per cent compared with $40.6 million for the same period last year. * Sales revenue increased 123 per cent to $642.7 million. This increase was attributable mainly to the acquisition of the Peabody and Lemington mines which continued to perform well under Coal & Allied's management. * An interim dividend of 35 cents per ordinary share and a dividend of 1.75 cents per preference share, both fully franked at 30 per cent, were declared. Commenting on the results, Coal & Allied Chairman, Mr Barry Cusack said, 'Volume gains provided by the Peabody and Lemington acquisitions contributed to this good result, despite the additional costs relating to those gains and the increased interest costs arising from the acquisitions.' 'The benefits of these acquisitions are being enhanced by the integration of the six newly acquired mines to achieve cost efficiencies, which will be a continuing major focus through the second half,' Mr Cusack said. 'Despite the uncertain economic environment in key markets in Asia, coal demand is likely to increase as a result of continuing high energy demand. Coal & Allied will benefit from the full impact of price increases for export coal in the second half because of its strong contract position with its customers.' SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Coal & Allied's results for the first half of 2001 are shown below, along with comparative results for the first half of 2000. First half to 30 June 2001 2000 Change $ million $ million % Sales revenue 642.7 288.4 123 Profit after tax and before 79.5 40.6 96 abnormal items Net profit after tax and 79.5 73.6 8 abnormal items Operating cash flow 159.9 55.0 191 Dividends (cents per 35 200 - share)1 Coal production2 (mt) 16.9 6.4 163 Coal shipments2 (mt) 17.2 6.5 164 1 Interim dividend for 2000 was a special dividend. 2 Production and shipments are on a 100% basis. Shipments exclude coal purchase trading. Sales Revenue Sales revenue of $642.7 million was up 123 per cent in the first half of 2001 due to increased shipments of 17.2 million tonnes and stronger prices for part of the period. The benefit of a weaker Australian dollar against the US dollar was partly offset by the impact of forward exchange contracts that were put in place last year to hedge a portion of sales revenue. Last year, Coal & Allied entered into a limited number of forward exchange contracts to sell US dollars. There are A$25 million of hedge contracts at an average exchange rate of 53 US cents due to mature this year, which completes this program. In addition, as part of the Peabody acquisition, Coal & Allied inherited additional hedges comprising approximately A$40 million per year at an average rate of 54 US cents maturing over the next four years. Coal & Allied has not entered into any new hedges since that time. Production Production increased by 163 per cent to 16.9 million tonnes compared with the first half of last year, reflecting the acquisitions made in the past twelve months. Including these acquisitions, Coal & Allied now manages over 37 million tonnes of saleable coal, of which it is entitled to about 28 million tonnes. Dividend Directors declared an interim dividend of 35 cents per ordinary share and a dividend of 1.75 cents per preference share, both fully franked at 30 per cent. This compares with a special interim dividend of 200 cents per ordinary share franked to 55 cents at 34 per cent, and a preference dividend of 1.75 cents per preference share fully franked at 34 per cent for the first half of 2000. The interim dividend will be paid on 23 August 2001 to shareholders registered at close of business on 16 August 2001. Following payment of this interim dividend, there are $41.0 million of available franking credits at a tax rate of 30 per cent. FUNDING Cash flow Coal & Allied generated an operating cash flow of $159.9 million reflecting sales from the newly acquired mines, higher realised coal prices and the lower Australian dollar. Debt Net debt increased to $1.2 billion as a result of the Lemington and Peabody acquisitions. Debt repayments of $67.2 million were made during the period. Net debt to total capital was 65.8 per cent at 30 June 2001. Coal & Allied previously had negligible debt. Capital Expenditure and Investments Total capital expenditure and investments for the first half of 2001 were $72.6 million compared with $10.5 million for the same period last year. The increase largely reflected the purchase of an additional 11.82 per cent interest in the Warkworth Mining Joint Venture ($52 million), about $9 million spent on upgrading the truck fleets at Moura and Hunter Valley Operations and about $4 million to complete the development of Hunter Valley Operation's Carrington pit. PRICES AND INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRY CONDITIONS Market Conditions and Outlook Pricing negotiations with most major customers were completed during the period, generally reflecting the 20 per cent increase in the headline price for internationally traded thermal coal. Most of these price increases are applicable from 1 April and will be more fully reflected in the second half of the year. Recently the spot market for export coal has been trending slowly downwards on very small volumes. The rapid expansion of coal exports from China has been significant in capping the recent rise in spot prices. Despite the economic slowdown in Japan, demand for thermal coal in that country is expected to increase significantly as the peak summer season approaches. Renewed tender activity in Japan is expected to emerge in the second half of 2001. Coking coal demand in Japan is expected to remain firm notwithstanding some uncertainty in the crude steel production rate. The underlying outlook for coal remains firm however the continued economic slowdown in Japan remains a concern. Energy demand growth continues in Korea and Taiwan. In Europe, the continuing winding down of subsidised domestic coal production will offer increased export opportunities. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS In this Review of Operations, production figures for the ex-Peabody mines (Bengalla, Moura, Narama, Ravensworth East and Warkworth), cover the period from the effective date of acquisition (29 January 2001) to 30 June 2001. The figures in brackets below represent Coal & Allied's equity interest. Mount Thorley Operations (80 Per Cent) The Mount Thorley open cut mine produced two million tonnes of soft coking and thermal coal during the first half of 2001, in line with the first half of last year. Production was adversely affected by heavy rainfall. Hunter Valley Operations (100 Per Cent) The integration of the Lemington mine into Hunter Valley Operations was completed following substantial restructuring, including rationalisation of the workforce. Production was 5.1 million tonnes, compared with 4.4 million tonnes for the same period last year. The entire Hunter Valley Operations complex was adversely affected by unusually high rainfall that also delayed development of new mining areas to progressively replace the North pit. Warkworth (55.57 Per Cent) Production of 2.9 million tonnes at Warkworth was increased to take advantage of a domestic contract. Bengalla (40 Per Cent) Production increased to 2.4 million tonnes as output was ramped up closer to design capacity. The dragline moved to a seven-day operation and three new trucks were introduced. Ravensworth (100 Per Cent) And Narama (50 Per Cent) Ravensworth East, which began production in December 2000, produced 668,000 tonnes however output was constrained by heavy rainfall in the first quarter. At Narama, production increased to 1.2 million tonnes in order to take advantage of a spot tender. Moura (55 Per Cent) The Moura mine, in Queensland, achieved excellent operating performance, producing 2.6 million tonnes of coking and thermal coal. Additional mobile equipment and improved dragline performance contributed to the production increase. Mount Pleasant Development (100 Per Cent) Development plans for the Mount Pleasant deposit are progressing following receipt of development consent last year, based on a seven million tonne per annum open cut mining operation with a life of twenty years. While capable of stand-alone development, the deposit's proximity to the adjacent Bengalla mine offers potential for world-scale efficiencies through infrastructure sharing. The final decision is subject to further development consents and joint venture approvals. Port Waratah Coal Services (36.5 Per Cent) As a result of the recent acquisitions, Coal & Allied's interest in Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) increased from 33.7 per cent to 36.5 per cent. PWCS contributed profit of $7.3 million compared with $8.2 million for the same period last year. Work is underway to expand the Newcastle port's coal loading capacity from 70 to 90 million tonnes per year. INTEGRATION AND RESTRUCTURING Work is progressing to realise value from the acquisitions undertaken in the past twelve months. Beyond the immediate operating benefits realised, opportunities for further value creation are being explored. Coal & Allied is discussing these opportunities with its joint venture partners and will be seeking additional approvals if necessary. The Lemington mine has been successfully integrated into Hunter Valley Operations following substantial restructuring which has resulted in the closure of the mine offices and redeployment of surplus equipment. At Lemington, production levels for the latter part of the first half were maintained with 100 fewer employees. As part of the integration exercise, administrative and technical functions of the newly acquired Hunter Valley mines were rationalised. Shared services are being introduced at all operating sites, except at Bengalla, where discussions with joint venture partners are continuing. Shared service functions will cover technical, health, safety and environment, finance, logistics, human resources and community relations functions - all aimed at improving efficiencies and generating savings. Coal & Allied increased its interest in the Warkworth mine from 43.75 per cent to 55.57 per cent, effective 29 January 2001, following completion of Ticor's divestment of its 20 per cent interest. Also during the half year, the sale of Eroc Pty Ltd (formerly Peabody Mining Services Pty Ltd) was completed. As part of the fair value exercise conducted on the acquisition of Peabody and Lemington mines, an amount of $19 million was charged against profit representing amortisation of mining rights. For future periods, it is expected that over a full year, approximately $45 million will be charged against profit. OTHER Airc Decision On 10 July 2001, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission ordered the reinstatement of 11 employees, representative of the 108 Hunter Valley No. 1 employees made redundant in October 1998, on the basis of an individual performance review system. Coal & Allied is reviewing the decision closely before deciding on its future course of action. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Lisa Cullimore Ian Head + 44 (0) 20 7753 2305 +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Investor Relations Investor Relations Peter Cunningham Dave Skinner + 44 (0) 20 7753 2401 +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Jonathan Murrin Daphne Morros + 44 (0) 20 7753 2326 +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Website: Coal & Allied Financial and Operating Statistics Half year Half year 2001 2000 Production and shipments '000 tonnes '000 tonnes Total shipments 1 17,202 6,509 Total saleable production 2 Hunter Valley Operations 5,136 4,449 Mount Thorley Operations 2,022 1,955 Warkworth 2,909 - Bengalla 2,367 - Narama 1,168 - Ravensworth East 668 - Moura 2,586 - Total 16,856 6,404 Coal & Allied equity share of production Hunter Valley Operations (100%) 5,136 4,449 Mount Thorley Operations (80%) 1,618 1,564 Warkworth (55.57%) 1,617 - Bengalla (40%) 947 - Narama (50%) 584 - Ravensworth East (100%) 668 - Moura (55%) 1,422 - Total 11,992 6,013 Half year Half year 2001 2000 Financials $ million $ million Total assets 2,461 1,004 Capital expenditure and investments 3 73 10 Depreciation and amortisation 4 76 30 Employees 1,903 769 Net debt to total capital (per cent) 65.8 0.0 Earnings per share (cents) 91.8 85.0 Effective tax rate (per cent) 34.9 29.4 Notes: First half 2000 comparative information reflects Coal & Allied's actual results and does not include the effect of the Lemington and Peabody acquisitions. 1 Shipments are on a 100% basis and exclude coal purchase trading. 2 Production is on a 100% basis. 3 Capital expenditure and investments includes the acquisition of an additional 11.82% interest in Warkworth. 4 Includes amortisation of mining rights relating to Lemington and Peabody mines.


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