Palabora Final Results

Rio Tinto PLC 24 January 2003 Palabora Mining Company Preliminary report for the year ended 31 December 2002 Abridged income statement 2002 2001 R'000 R'000 Revenue 2 121 307 1 985 038 Operating costs 1 586 598 1 461 140 Depreciation 133 187 163 535 Operating profit 401 522 360 363 Interest received 5 495 4 001 Interest payable (31 283) (31 436) Foreign exchange gains 27 306 38 361 Increase in provisions (40 976) (31 910) Profit before taxation 362 064 339 379 Taxation 105 211 119 546 Current 25 010 36 432 Deferred tax 80 201 83 114 Profit after taxation 256 853 219 833 Notes: 1. Accounting Policies The preliminary consolidated financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis. Accounting principles and policies used in preparing this report comply with South African Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and are consistent with the accounting policies applied in the previous year. Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation in the current year. 2. Audit Review The year-end financial results have been reviewed in terms of Rule 3.23 of the listing requirements of the JSE Securities Exchange SA by the company's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers. This review opinion is available on request from the Company Secretary. 3. Long-term loan Year Year 2002 2001 Long term loan 1 082 331 1 393 218 Current portion (355 450) (1 823) 726 881 1 391 395 The company has arranged a long-term loan with a group of national and international banks for an unsecured facility agreement of US$125 million. The facility consists of a US$90 million tranche and a Rand tranche of R283 million. This facility, which is being used for the underground mine development and the repayment of other short-term loans, is repayable in six equal half yearly instalments starting on 11 June 2003 and the interest rate is based on Libor/ Jibor + 1,5% - see Commentary. Summarised cash flow 2002 2001 R'000 R'000 Cash flow from operating activities 588 917 771 378 Cash flow from investing activities (741 996) (800 407) Replacement of mining assets (195 323) (108 242) Development expenditure (570 075) (687 679) Other investing activities 23 402 (4 486) Cash flow from financing activities 18 416 461 Long-term loans raised 18 1 032 575 Long and short-term loans re-paid - (599 125) Dividends paid - (16 989) Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (153 061) 387 432 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period (199 736) (587 168) Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (352 797) (199 736) Share Capital Other Distributable Total & Premium Reserves Reserves R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2002 Balance 1 January 2002 28 891 174 642 1 589 200 1 792 733 Net gains and losses not recognised in income statement: Currency translation difference - (40 398) - (40 398) Net profit for the period - - 256 853 256 853 Balance 31 December 2002 28 891 134 244 1 846 053 2 009 188 Comparative statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2001 Balance 1 January 2001 28 891 109 419 1 386 356 1 524 666 Net gains and losses not recognised in income statement: Currency translation difference - 65 223 - 65 223 Net profit for the period - - 219 833 219 833 Dividends - - (16 989) (16 989) Balance 31 December 2001 28 891 174 642 1 589 200 1 792 733 Abridged balance sheet 2002 2001 R'000 R'000 Employment of capital Current assets: Stores 47 737 46 976 Production inventories 254 607 240 368 Accounts receivable 282 456 398 699 Taxation 3 030 1 417 Cash and cash equivalents 39 019 66 475 626 849 753 935 Mining assets 4 284 701 3 959 841 Deferred expenditure - 6 534 Investment - (unlisted) 54 971 47 915 Total assets 4 966 521 4 768 225 Liabilities and shareholders' equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable 217 900 165 821 Provisions 39 227 29 781 Current portion of long term loans 355 450 1 823 Taxation 7 403 10 593 Group companies - related parties 8 214 13 568 Bank overdraft 391 816 266 211 1 020 010 487 797 Provision for close down costs and restoration costs 185 147 162 877 Provision for post retirement medical benefits 159 760 148 803 Deferred taxation 865 535 784 620 Long-term loans 726 881 1 391 395 Total liabilities 2 957 333 2 975 492 Total shareholders' equity 2 009 188 1 792 733 Total equity and liabilities 4 966 521 4 768 225 4. Headline Earnings Per Share The calculation of headline earnings per share is derived from consolidated net profit after taxation of R256.9 million (2001: R219.8 million) adjusted for any non-operational losses / gains, divided by the number of shares in issue. The only adjustment made to consolidated net profit after taxation is the elimination of post taxation profit on disposal of fixed assets and subsidiaries of R19.4 million (2001: R0.4 million). This adjustment resulted in headline earnings of R237.5 million (2001: R219.5 million). 5. Holding Company The immediate holding company is Palabora Holdings Limited and the ultimate holding company is Rio Tinto plc, which is incorporated in the United Kingdom. Selected Statistics 2002 2001 Production and sales Ore mined surface (millions of tons) 6,7 12,9 Ore mined underground (millions of tons) 3,3 1,0 Copper in concentrate (thousands of tons) 52,2 78,4 Cathode produced (thousands of tons) 81,6 86,9 Cathode sold (thousands of tons) 83,4 95,9 Contained copper sold (thousands of tons) 84,3 100,2 Vermiculite sold (thousands of tons) 190 186 ZBS sold (thousands of tons) 1,1 1,0 Average rand/dollar exchange rate 10,54 8,54 Average copper price realised per ton (ZAR) 17 355 14 006 Cash cost per ton - delivered (ZAR) 14 476 8 928 Average copper price realised (usc/lb) 74,7 74,4 Average vermiculite price realised per ton (ZAR) 1 911 1 571 Average ZBS price realised per ton (ZAR) 10 104 17 338 All tons are metric tons Capital expenditure (R millions) 695 702 Capital commitments (R millions) Approved expenditure at end of each period 381 844 Contracts placed at end of each period 293 402 Share capital Ordinary shares of R1 each (thousands) - authorised 28 500 28 500 Ordinary shares of R1 each (thousands) - issued 28 316 28 316 The directors are authorised to issue unissued Shares until the next annual general meeting Investments - (r thousands) Fair value of investments 86 902 81 857 Interest capitalized (R thousands) 70 796 53 927 Dividends paid (R thousands) 2001 total dividend 60 cents per share - 16 989 Earnings per share, based on the net profit after tax 907c 776c Headline earnings per share, based on the net profit 839c 775c After tax adjusted for non-operational gains/losses Net asset value per share R70,96 R63,31 Segmental reporting Copper Industrial minerals Other Total R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 Profit and loss Revenues 1 459 146 1 378 247 535 249 503 663 126 912 103 128 2 121 307 1 985 038 Cost and expenses 1 156 909 1 167 593 457 495 374 464 105 381 82 618 1 719 785 1 624 675 Operating profit 302 237 210 654 77 754 129 199 21 531 20 510 401 522 360 363 Finance cost (39 458) (20 984) Profit before tax 362 064 339 379 Taxation 105 211 119 546 Net income for the year 256 853 219 833 The basis of allocation of overhead costs was revised during 2002 to reflect profit by product more accurately. 2001 comparatives have been restated in order to provide a fair comparison. The segmental split on a geographical basis is based on the country in which the order is received. South Africa America United kingdom Singapore Total R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01 Profit and loss Revenues 1 632 754 1 486 238 280 917 208 222 207 636 223 044 - 67 534 2 121 307 1 985 038 Cost 1 344 112 1 250 938 255 506 187 418 159 625 165 168 - 42 135 1 759 243 1 645 659 and expenses Operating 288 642 235 300 25 411 20 804 48 011 57 876 - 25 399 362 064 339 379 profit before tax Taxation 80 945 88 313 9 206 7 387 15 060 18 325 - 5 521 105 211 119 546 Net 207 697 146 987 16 205 13 417 32 951 39 551 - 19 878 256 853 219 833 income for the year Commentary Group profit for the year was R257 million, up 17% on the R220 million achieved in 2001. The increase can largely be attributed to the decrease in the value of the Rand in 2002. Group operating expenditure increased by R125 million mainly due to the increased imports of copper concentrates (R91 million), open pit contract mining costs (R88 million) and the cost of pension fund contributions arising from a change in pension fund legislation (R30 million). These additional costs were partly offset by the realization of cost savings from the Total Operating Performance (TOP) programme. As expected, 2002 was a year of significant transition for Palabora Mining Company. The planned closure of the open pit for large-scale mining took place as scheduled on 30 April 2002. Smaller scale contract mining of the open pit ramps began in May. This has been a great success with mining rates being in excess of those forecast. The underground mine did not achieve its targeted full production rate of 30 000 tons of ore per day by the end of 2002. Production increased during the year from a monthly average of 4 700 tons per day in January to 13 500 tons per day in December. Production rates have been constrained primarily by the poor availability of secondary breaking equipment. This is required to handle oversize material reporting to the drawbells from the cave. Operating plans to improve production rates are currently being implemented, including the increase in size of the secondary breaking fleet and changes to operating methods. It is anticipated that the target of 30 000 tons per day will be achieved in the third quarter of 2003. As regards the development of the mine, the ore handling system, with a capacity of 30 000 tons per day, is in place. More specifically, the undercut progressed well and according to plan. The third crusher was commissioned on schedule and construction of the fourth and last crusher commenced according to plan. This will be commissioned in April 2003. 113 drawbells were completed and handed over to operations by the end of 2002 against a target of 120 drawbells. The delayed ramp up of the underground mine resulted in production of new copper in concentrate of 52 197 tons, down 33 % on the 78 381 tons achieved in 2001. Reduced new copper in concentrate production was supplemented by the processing of smelter secondaries and low-grade concentrate stockpiles. These sources provided an additional 12 170 tons of copper in concentrate. Total production of copper in concentrate was 64 367 tons (2001: 82 243 tons). Imported concentrate and stock-piled concentrates and scrap copper were also processed as feed to the smelter, as well as stockpiled concentrate. As a result of this, refined copper production was 81 392 tons, 6% lower than 2001 production of 86 848 tons. Industrial Minerals profits are lower than those for 2001 following the closure of the zirconia plant in August 2001. The upgraded ZBS plant was commissioned in the second half of 2002. Commissioning of the plant was delayed following a fire in January 2002. As a result, production of ZBS was limited to 501 tons in 2002 (2001: 1 229 tons). Production of ZBS within customer specifications is being achieved on a consistent basis from the refurbished plant. Average sales prices achieved for ZBS in 2002 were low due to the sale of stockpiled low-grade material. Production of vermiculite improved significantly in 2002 as a result of improved plant recoveries. During 2001, Palabora embarked on a number of business improvement initiatives in order to retain its position as a small-scale world-class mining company. Good progress was made with these projects in 2002, resulting in improved process and equipment efficiencies and reduced operating costs. A successful redeployment programme was undertaken in the first half of 2002 to ensure that employees working in the open pit were redeployed elsewhere in the company wherever possible. A number of redundant assets from the open pit operations were sold during 2002, generating cash income of R19 million. The Group's net debt decreased by R158 million during the year. Consolidated net debt was R1 435 million at 31 December 2002. This was largely due to exchange gains on the US$90 million loan facility due to the strengthening of the Rand between the start and end of 2002. The company will be paying the first half yearly instalment of its long-term loan facility of US$15 million and R47 million on 11 June 2003. As a consequence of the strengthening of the South African Rand in late 2002, coupled with the delay in ramp up of underground mine production, the cash flow in the latter part of 2002 was below plan. Management is taking the necessary action to ensure that adequate funding is available. It is unlikely that dividend payments will recommence within the next two years. Palabora's safety performance has deteriorated. The lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) for the year was 0,46 (2001: 0,27) arising from 26 lost time injuries. Of the 26 lost injuries 17 occurred in the underground mine. Contractors accounted for 65% of the lost time injuries. There was an increase in raw water consumption with an average of 43,5 Ml/day for 2002, compared with 36,6 Ml /day for 2001. This increase is largely due to the low rainfall for the calendar year of 154mm against the annual average of 527mm. Palabora, through the Palabora Foundation, has a long-term commitment to develop and maintain sound relations with neighbouring communities through a number of programmes targeting education, community services, skills development and healthcare. The company bid farewell to Wells Ntuli upon his retirement at year-end. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr Ntuli for his valued contribution during the 11 years he was a director of the company. Josh Sachikonye will act as Chairman until a successor is appointed later this year. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Hugh Leggatt Ian Head + 44 (0) 20 7753 2273 +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Investor Relations Investor Relations Peter Cunningham Dave Skinner + 44 (0) 20 7753 2401 +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Richard Brimelow Daphne Morros + 44 (0) 20 7753 2326 +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Website: This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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