Palabora Mining Interim Rslts

Rio Tinto PLC 20 July 2001 Palabora Mining Unaudited Group Results Six Months Six Months Year Abridged Income Statement 30.6.01 30.6.00 2000 R000 R000 R000 Revenue 1 118 741 719 039 1 747 685 Operating Costs 758 754 496 574 1 305 600 Depreciation 83 802 66 294 124 302 Operating Profit 276 185 156 171 317 783 Interest Received 351 5 636 12 723 Interest Payable (15 560) (11 516) (11 545) Foreign Exchange Gains / (Losses) (6 172) (1 306) 28 081 Amortisation Of Discount Related To (9 812) (918) (19 642) Provisions Profit Before Taxation 244 992 148 067 327 400 Taxation 88 253 56 521 90 658 Current 13 169 24 717 7 738 Deferred Tax 75 084 31 804 82 920 Profit After Taxation 156 739 91 546 236 742 Notes: 1. Accounting principles The accounting policies used in the preparation of the interim report are consistent with those used in the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2000. The interim report has been prepared in accordance with accounting standard AC127, 'Interim Reports'. Six Months Year 30.06.01 2000 Long-term loan Long term loan 1 002 230 595 100 Current portion - (405 850) 1 002 230 189 250 Six Months Six Months Year 30.6.01 30.6.00 2000 R000 R000 R000 Summarised Cash Flow Cash Flow From Operating Activities 366 827 174 207 317 239 Cash Flow From Investing Activities (250 648) (288 395) (599 423) Replacement Of Mining Assets (36 314) (48 911) (132 447) Development Expenditure (214 455) (248 089) (476 673) Other Investing Activities 121 8 605 9 697 Cash Flow From Financing Activities 396 868 65 684 (225 192) Long-Term Loans Raised - Net 407 130 82 673 (191 213) Other Financing Activities (10 262) (16 989) (33 979) Net Increase In Cash And Cash 513 047 (48 504) (507 376) Equivalents Cash And Cash Equivalents At (587 168) (79 792) (79 792) Beginning Of Period Cash And Cash Equivalent At End Of (74 121) (128 296) (587 168) Period Share Other Distributable Total Capital & Reserves Reserves Premium R000 R000 R000 R000 Statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 June 2001 Balance 1 28 891 109 419 1 386 356 1 524 666 January 2001 Net Gains And Losses Not Recognised In Income Statement: Currency Translation 1 087 1 087 Difference Net Profit For The Period 156 739 156 739 Dividends (16 990) (16 990) Balance 30 June 2001 28 891 110 506 1 526 105 1 665 502 Comparative statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 June 2000 Balance 1 28 891 79 648 1 183 593 1 292 132 January 2000 Net Gains And Losses Not Recognised In Income Statement: Currency Translation (1 269) (1 269) Difference Net Profit For 91 546 91 546 The Period Dividends (16 990) (16 990) Balance 30 June 28 891 78 379 1 258 149 1 365 419 2000 Six Months Year Abridged Balance Sheet 30.6.01 2000 R000 R000 Employment Of Capital Current Assets 740 991 945 748 Mining Assets 3 189 841 2 935 660 Deferred Expenditure 14 813 26 126 Investments - (Unlisted) 41 967 41 967 Total Assets 3 987 612 3 949 501 Liabilities And Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities 246 029 1 250 497 Provision For Close-Down And Restoration Costs 151 913 142 092 Provision For Post-Retirement Medical Benefits 147 994 141 490 Deferred Taxation 773 944 701 506 Long-Term Loans 1 002 230 189 250 Total Liabilities 2 322 110 2 424 835 Total Shareholders' Equity 1 665 502 1 524 666 Total Equity And Liabilities 3 987 612 3 949 501 The company has arranged a long-term loan with a group of national and international banks for an unsecured facility agreement of US$125 million. This facility, which is being used for the underground mine development and the repayment of other short term loans, is repayable in six equal half yearly instalments starting on 11 June 2003 and the interest rate is based on Libor/Jibor + 1,5%. The balance owing on the Chase Manhattan loan, being US$50 million was repaid on 29 June 2001. SELECTED STATISTICS Six Months Six Months Year 30.6.01 30.6.00 2000 Production And Sales Materials Mined (Millions Of Tons) 7,7 10,1 21,8 Copper In Concentrate (Thousands Of Tons) 29,3 57,9 117,0 Cathode Produced (Thousands Of Tons) 44,5 32,2 87,7 Cathode Sold (Thousands Of Tons) 53,5 36,7 84,2 Contained Copper Sold (Thousands Of Tons) 54,3 37,6 89,7 Average Rand/Dollar Exchange Rate 7,93 6,58 6,93 Average Copper Price Realised Per Ton 14 446 11 983 12 949 (ZAR) Cash Cost - Delivered (ZAR) 10 426 8 830 7 682 Average Copper Price Realised (Usc/Lb) 82,6 82,6 84,8 All Tons Are Metric Tons Capital Expenditure (R Million) 251 262 505 Capital Commitments (R Million) Approved Expenditure At End Of Each 828 958 999 Period Contracts Placed At End Of Each Period 391 607 621 Share Capital (R 000) Ordinary Shares Of R1 Each (Thousands) - 28 500 28 500 28 500 Authorised Ordinary Shares Of R1 Each (Thousands) - 28 316 28 316 28 316 Issued The Directors Are Authorised To Issue Unissued Shares Until The Next Annual General Meeting Investments - (Unlisted) Fair Value Of Unlisted Investments 75 728 60 947 70 078 Dividends Paid (R000) 2000 Final Dividend 30 Cents Per Share 8 495 (1999 : 30 Cents Per Share) 8 495 2000 Total Dividend 120 Cents Per Share 33 980 2001 First Interim Dividend : 30 Cents 8 495 Per Share (2000 : 30 Cents Per Share) 8 495 Earnings Per Share, Based On The Net R5,54 R3,23 R8,36 Profit After Tax Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share, Based R5,54 R3,23 R8,36 On The Net Profit After Tax Headline Earnings Per Share, Based On R5,54 R3,23 R7,91 The Net Profit After Tax Adjusted For Non-Operational Gains/Losses Net Asset Value Per Share R58,82 R48,22 R53,85 Segment Copper Industrial Other Total report R000 Minerals R000 R000 ng R000 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 Profit And Loss Revenues 784,728 450,345 228,797 171,745 105,216 96,949 1,118,741 719,039 Cost And Expenses 633,693 392,617 164,727 106,901 75,329 71,455 873,749 570,972 Operating Profit Before Tax 151, 035 57,728 64,070 64,844 29,887 25,494 244,992 148,067 Taxation 88,253 56,521 Net Income for the six months 156,739 91,546 The segmental split on a geographical basis is based on the country in which the order is received. Total assets are presented by geographical area according to where the assets are located. South Africa America United Kingdom R000 R000 R000 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 Profit And Loss Revenues 892 358 486 463 82 742 79 190 109 464 124 880 Cost And 698 487 398 593 72 261 68 605 82 480 88 345 Expenses Operating 193 871 87 870 10 481 10 585 26 984 36 535 Profit Before Tax Taxation 72 495 37 988 4 055 4 041 8 523 11 271 Net Income 121 376 49 882 6 426 6 544 18 461 25 264 For The Six Months Balance Sheet Total 3 780 137 3 157 137 76 274 77 604 110 027 166 537 Assets Total 2 283 487 1 633 165 7 868 12 665 27 382 32 315 Liabilities Singapore Total R000 R000 30.6.01 30.6.00 30.6.01 30.6.00 Profit & Loss Revenues 34 177 28 506 1 118 741 719 039 Cost And Expenses 20 521 15 429 873 749 570 972 Operating Profit Before Tax 13 656 13 077 244 992 148 067 Taxation 3 180 3 221 88 253 56 521 Net Income For The Six 10 476 9 856 156 739 91 546 Months Balance Sheet Total Assets 21 174 34 288 3 987 612 3 435 566 Total Liabilities 3 373 6 018 2 322 110 2 070 147 COMMENTARY Consolidated Group Profit for the first half of 2001 was R157 million, compared with R92 million achieved for the equivalent period last year. The increase in profit was attributable to an increase in revenue on account of the benefit derived from a weakening of the Rand/US$ exchange rate and an increase in the contained copper sold. Operating costs were R759 million compared to R497 million for the first six months in 2000. The increase was attributable to the increase in sales volumes and increased operating costs due to industrial action. The Company and the National Union of Mine workers failed to reach agreement on wages and conditions of employment negotiations in May 2001. This resulted in a protracted strike by the union and a simultaneous lockout by the company, which lasted 24 days from 22 May to 14 June 2001. Sales and production volumes of all products were impacted by the industrial action. The Rand copper price achieved for the first half of 2001 was R14 446/ton against R11 983/ton for the equivalent period in 2000. Revenue of R1 119 million was R400 million more than the R719 million achieved for the equivalent period in 2000. Contained copper sold increased from 37 583 tons in 2000 to 54 323 tons over the comparable period. There is a concern that the current low copper price of approximately US$0.70 per lb and the inventory effects of the strike will have an impact on second half earnings. Copper in concentrate produced was 29 307 tons, a decrease of 49% compared with the same period in 2000. This decrease was mainly the result of low concentrate grades associated with the processing of reverberatory slag and low matte grades linked to high pyrrhotite levels in the ex-pit ores and the flooding of the open pit in the first quarter of the year. The last two months of the period under review were dominated by the strike and previously stockpiled concentrate was used to maintain smelter production at a reduced level. Production of copper cathode increased from 32 170 to 44 503 tons over the comparable period due to improved smelter performance compared to the first six months of 2000 when production was down due to smelter operational problems coupled with a planned extensive smelter overhaul. The company announced in April 2001 that mining in its present form in the open pit would come to an end on 31 January 2002. By this date, the pit will be virtually exhausted and will have reached its final planned depth although some 'scavenging' of the ramps will subsequently take place. It was also announced at the same time that the Zirconium Sulphate Tetrahydrate (ZST) plant would cease operations in its current form on 31 May 2001 as the expected reduction in zirconia available to the baddeleyite plants is occurring earlier than anticipated and has rendered the ZST plant uneconomic. In anticipation of reduced copper output it was also determined that across the property there would be a number of positions which will no longer be required over the next two years. As a consequence of the above it was decided to offer voluntary early retirement to all employees who had reached the age of 53 years by 30 April 2001, and had 10 years service with the company. A total of 261 employees took up this offer. The company was successful in arranging a new four-and-a-half year unsecured syndicated loan of US$125 million with a consortium of nine local and international banks. The loan has been used to repay the Chase Manhattan loan outstanding of US$50 million and other short term loans incurred to finance the underground mine development. The first of six half-yearly instalments is due on 11 June 2003. On 25 April 2001 the Company announced on the declaration of Dividend No. 136 that the payment of future dividends may be deferred in the light of the continuing need to finance the development of the underground mining project. One of the conditions pertaining to the granting of the aforementioned loan was that of dividend control. The company undertook that it would not, in respect of either of the calendar years 2001 and 2002, distribute any of its Distributable Profits for each such calendar year except for the dividends already declared on 25 January 2001 and 25 April 2001. The directors ratified this agreement at the Board meeting held on 19 July 2001. It is with regret that we have to report that a fatality occurred in the underground mine on 14 June 2001. A total of 11 lost time injuries (including the fatality) were reported during the first half of 2001. This is a small improvement over the 12 lost time injuries reported in the first half of 2000. The overall underground mine project schedule for the achievement of a sustainable production rate of 30 000 tons per day by November 2002 is on target. A total of 39 262 square meters have been undercut to date. Hand over of draw points has been consistent at a rate of one per week, since the end of April. This will enable the target of 100 draw points/draw bells to be achieved by November 2002. A total of ten draw bells are now available for production. Civil work to the first crusher is almost complete. The civil contractor has taken over the second crusher chamber and has commenced concrete placement. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Lisa Cullimore Ian Head + 44 (0) 20 7753 2305 +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Investor Relations Investor Relations Peter Cunningham Dave Skinner + 44 (0) 20 7753 2401 +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Jonathan Murrin Daphne Morros + 44 (0) 20 7753 2326 +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Website:


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