24 May 2010
RM plc
Notification of Director/PDMR Interests
RM plc has received notification that on 21 May 2010 the trustee of the RM plc Employee Share Trust acquired 421,428 2p ordinary shares at an average price of 177.5036p per share.
The RM plc Employee Share Trust is a trust for the benefit of RM employees. In conjunction with the RM plc Performance Share Plan January 2010, RM Co-Investment Plan and the RM Deferred Bonus Plan, it acquires and holds ordinary shares required for providing award shares under these plans.
The following Executive Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMR) are potential beneficiaries of the RM plc Employee Share Trust and, as such, are technically interested in shares held by it.
Terry Sweeney |
Chief Executive Officer |
Iain McIntosh |
Chief Financial Officer |
Rob Sirs |
Chief Operating Officer |
Andy Robson |
Ian Todd |
Graeme Dewart |
Russell Govan |
Kevin Pawsey |
Following this transaction the total holding of the RM plc Employee Share Trust is 1,232,778 ordinary shares.
For further information, please contact:
Phil Hemmings/Eric Hollinrake, RM plc |
08450 700300 |