Preliminary Results

RM PLC 20 November 2000 Results for the Twelve Months Ended 30 September 2000 RM plc ('RM'), the leading supplier of IT software, services and systems to UK education, announces results for the twelve months ended 30 September 2000. Financial Highlights * Turnover up 28% to £207.6 million (1999: £162.2 million) * Profit before tax (before goodwill amortisation and exceptional provision*) increased 26% to £15.5 million (1999: £12.3 million) * Diluted earnings per share (before goodwill amortisation and exceptional provision*) up 33% to 13.0p (1999: 9.8p) * Final dividend for year of 2.7 p per share (1999: 2.2p). Total dividend for year up 22% at 3.5p (1999: 2.86p) * As announced in September 2000, an exceptional provision finalised at £5.4 million was incurred against pre-contract expenditure for Northern Ireland Classroom 2000 project Operating Highlights 100,000 teachers signed up for RM's joint venture Learning Schools Programme Growth in managed services and learning software £5.5 million acquisition of 3T Productions in March 2000 and strategic alliance with Riverdeep signed in June 2000 Launch of new Group organisational structure with individual operating businesses for specific customer groups and online content Commenting today, Richard Girling, Chief Executive, said: 'The year 2000 has seen excellent growth for RM. The innovative technology products that we supply are now seen as a fundamental part of the fabric of education establishments and RM is well placed to benefit from further market growth.' 'The next stage of RM's development will see further growth in the UK education market and significant expansion of our content activities. The new Group organisation will facilitate this growth by creating separate operating businesses each with much sharper customer focus.' 'Against such a positive backdrop, it is disappointing that acceptable commercial terms have still not been agreed for the Classroom 2000 project. No contribution from the project is built into the plan for the current year.' 'As usual, it is too early in the year to comment on the likely outcome for 2001, particularly given the seasonal nature of our business. Nonetheless, the Board is confident that RM will continue to be the ICT partner of choice for the UK's educational establishments and, as a consequence, results for the full year will show good progress.' Enquiries to: Richard Girling, Chief Executive RM plc 020 7404 5959 on 20/11/00 Mike Greig, Finance Director and thereafter on 01235 826 000 Andrew Fenwick Brunswick 020 7404 5959 Deborah Done RM plc Results for the twelve months ended 30th September 2000 Results RM's results for the year ended 30 September 2000 were in line with market expectations. Turnover increased by 28% to £207.6 million (1999: £162.2 million). Order intake grew more rapidly than turnover and the value of the Group's order book (in the form of deferred income and order backlog at the close of the period) was £111 million (1999: £79 million), with approximately £75 million of this representing contracted services to be delivered in future years. As reported at the half-year, increased funding for the National Grid for Learning became available in the government year starting April 2000. This had a significant impact on RM's second half, which saw turnover growth of 42%. The Group announced in September 2000 that it expected to establish a provision against expenditure incurred during the year in connection with Classroom 2000 (a ten-year project to provide managed ICT services to all schools in Northern Ireland). This provision has now been finalised as an exceptional cost of sales of £5.4 million. Negotiations over Classroom 2000 have been more difficult than expected and Trilith (the RM - ICL joint venture company that has been sole bidder for the project since June 1999) has still not been appointed preferred bidder, despite the investment of considerable time and resources. Profit before tax (before goodwill amortisation and before the exceptional provision) was £15.5 million (1999: £12.3 million) and diluted earnings per share (stated on the same basis) were 13.0p (1999: 9.8p). After goodwill amortisation of £0.6 million (relating to the acquisition of 3T Productions) and the exceptional provision, profit-before-tax was £9.5 million and diluted earnings-per-share were 7.9p. At year-end the Group's cash balance was £19.2 million (1999: £17.8 million). Loan notes to the value of £2.3 million were issued as part of the £5.5 million acquisition of 3T Productions. The normal seasonal nature of RM's business leads to a peak in working capital requirement over the summer and results in minimum cash balances being significantly less than at year end. This year the seasonal pattern was more marked than usual resulting in the working capital peak being larger and continuing for longer, leading to unusually high levels of working capital at the year end. Gross margin - excluding the exceptional cost of sales - was 25.1% (1999: 27.0%). This reflects lower margins from the Group's PC operations and an increased contribution from the Learning Schools Programme (RM's joint venture with the Open University to provide training for teachers.) PC margins were affected by unusual cost increases, including adverse currency fluctuations, over the summer. In addition, the Group took an aggressive pricing stance on certain key products in order to enhance its competitive position. Operating profit margin - excluding the exceptional cost of sales and amortisation of goodwill - was 7.2% (1999: 7.2%). The Board is recommending a final dividend of 2.7p per share (1999: 2.2p) payable on 31 January 2001 to shareholders on the register at 8 January 2001. This makes a full year dividend of 3.5p (1999: 2.86p). Markets Demand for ICT amongst educationalists continues to grow and ICT is now seen as a fundamental part of the fabric of schools and colleges. The Summer 2000 Comprehensive Spending Review indicated that further funding for education would be made available in the three government years from 2001 to 2004. In September the DfEE (Department for Education and Employment) confirmed that £245 million would be available in 2001/2002 and announced a further £710 million across the two years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. The £710 million in government years 2002/2003 represents a 58% increase over the two years 2000/2002. The DfEE has also reinforced its view that schools should have autonomous control over their spending and has increased its target for delegation of funds from 85% to 90%. This year has seen the focus of the DfEE's National Grid for Learning (NGfL) investment move to secondary schools. This has driven growth in the secondary school market and had a particularly significant impact in the second half. The introduction of RM Community Connect - an enhancement of the Group's whole-school network solution - further differentiated RM from the competition and allowed it to take advantage of this market growth. The Group has maintained its share of this sector and turnover grew by 20%. Turnover from the primary school market increased by 18%. The increased competitiveness of the Group's products, combined with significant revenues resulting from the Group's participation in the Tesco Computers for Schools scheme, allowed the Group to retain its position in an enlarged market. Improved Internet support and software enhancements to address changes in UK curricula have made RM Window Box(R) more popular than ever. Learning Schools Programme The government's £230 million, lottery funded initiative to provide ICT training for teachers is progressing well. This initiative is enormously important to RM's marketplace. It will significantly enhance teachers' familiarity with and understanding of ICT allowing them to become more confident users and purchasers of technology. It also represents a significant business opportunity both in terms of revenue and by offering a chance to build strong relationships with individual teachers. The Learning Schools Programme - the Group's joint venture with the Open University in response to the lottery funded initiative - is making a significant contribution to the initiative. 100,000 teachers have already signed up for the Learning Schools Programme, which represents approximately one third of all teachers who have registered for training so far. 50,000 of these had commenced training by the end of the year. Managed Services RM is the leading provider of managed services to UK education establishments. The Group now manages 20,000 desktops (an increase of 67% over last year) in over 300 establishments ranging from single primary schools, through large colleges, to whole LEAs. The majority of this growth has come from individual education establishments, reflecting the continuing trend of delegation of decision making responsibility to individual schools. Significant managed service contracts won during the year include Scottish Borders Council and Rotherham LEA (a managed broadband learning network). The Group has always seen its customers as partners, offering the potential of long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. Managed service contracts formalise these relationships and offer predictable multi-year revenue streams. The majority of the Group's managed service business is in the form of multi-year contracts. Managed services are seen by education establishments as a highly effective mechanism for procuring ICT services because they simplify initial decision making and guarantee a high quality of service. The managed service approach has also been strongly endorsed by government through the introduction of the NGfL Managed Services accreditation scheme - RM is an accredited supplier under this scheme. Learning Software and Online Content Improving standards of literacy and numeracy are key objectives for education and the Group's portfolio of learning software products makes a significant contribution in this area. Turnover from these products increased by over 50% on the previous year. The installed base for SuccessMaker(R)continues to grow and the long-term distribution agreement RM entered into with its owners - Computer Curriculum Corporation - has proved to be very beneficial. RM Maths Learning System is now becoming established as an important numeracy tool for primary schools with the number of schools using the product increasing by approximately one half during the year. RM's learning software portfolio has been enhanced with the launch of CCC Destinations (TM) (a numeracy product aimed at post-16 learners), the launch of Easiteach(TM) Maths (an online whole-class teaching tool) and through a strategic alliance with Riverdeep (which brings a Key Stage 4 mathematics product.) RM now has a complete range of maths learning software covering all ages. RM's strategic alliance with Riverdeep, which was signed in June, gives RM exclusive UK distribution rights to Riverdeep's highly regarded maths learning product and provides a non-exclusive channel to market for RM's Living Library Internet content service in the USA. The Riverdeep maths software is being localised for the UK market and is expected to launch at BETT 2001 in January 2001. In turn, Living Library is being localised for the US market and will be delivered through the learning portal. 3T Productions, which the Group acquired in March, is a web design company that specialises in producing educational content. 3T Productions has an excellent reputation and a client base including the DfEE and the Teacher Training Agency. RM had already worked successfully in partnership with 3T Productions to produce the Explore Parliament web site. The addition of 3T's web and design expertise positions the Group well to compete for large and significant educational contracts. This has already proved successful with the award of a contract from the DfEE to pilot a Key Stage 3 mathematics learning service in English schools. RM's online content range has developed significantly during the year. RM Living Library - the UK's leading premium educational content service - continually evolves and now includes a range of archive film footage sourced from the BBC and British Pathe archive. Also during the year the Window Box Online (WBOL) service - which provides an unrivalled range of online lesson plans and teaching resources - was launched. WBOL adds significant value to the RM Window Box franchise by extending the core brand benefits of integration and ease-of-use online. In time, it is the Group's intention to build on its position as the UK's leading education Application Service Provider (ASP) by bringing all of its content activities together and presenting them through a unified online distribution channel. This channel is a natural extension of RM's position as the leading distributor of software and content to the education market in the UK. Internet Connections RM continues to lead the way in providing Internet service connections to education establishments. Internet for Learning (IfL) is now Internet Service Provider (ISP) to 11,500 (1999: 10,000) establishments, of whom 8,000 (1999: 6,000) take network connectivity using ISDN, or higher bandwidth, telecommunications. IfL also hosts web sites for over 8,000 schools. The Group's value-added Internet services have also progressed well. EasyMail, a chargeable web email service aimed at schools, now has 700,000 users and delivers 4.5 million page impressions per month. SecureNet, a secure communications system designed to allow schools to exchange public examination information with examining boards, now has 410 secondary schools users (approximately 10% of its target market). Looking Ahead The next stage of RM's development will see further growth in the UK education market and significant expansion of the Group's content activities. To facilitate this development the Board has decided to create separate businesses each headed by a managing director reporting to the Group Executive Board. RM Schools will focus on delivering managed services to UK schools, whilst RM Learning will focus on the development of innovative, online learning content. In addition, there will also be a Further and Higher Education business tasked with taking forward RM's leading position in these market sectors, which currently account for 15% of Group turnover. This new organisational structure will allow RM's senior operational managers both the focus and freedom they need to drive their businesses forward. It will also provide increased opportunities for the Board to focus on the Group's strategic development. Prospects Technology has become a key modernising force in education, with education establishments now routinely using extremely sophisticated ICT systems. Throughout RM's marketplace there is increasing acceptance that the most effective way of exploiting these systems is to work in partnership with an ICT specialist. The Group's expertise in managed service delivery positions it well to benefit from this growing market need. The market for educational ICT continues to grow. This year has seen the confirmation of three more years of government funding for the NGfL. In addition, the boundaries between technology spend and general education budgets are breaking down, which creates the opportunity for ICT solutions to address a much higher proportion of an establishment's budget. With the growing breadth and capabilities of its online content products, the Group is well placed to benefit from this. Acceptable commercial terms have still not been agreed for the Classroom 2000 project. The Board believes that terms that would currently be acceptable to the customer do not represent an acceptable balance of risk and reward for the Group. As a consequence, the level of spend on the project has been reduced to be accommodated within the normal level of sales and marketing expenditure and no revenue or contribution from Classroom 2000 has been built into the plan for the current year. It is too early in RM's annual business cycle to give an indication of the likely outcome for 2001, particularly given the seasonal nature of the Group's business. Nonetheless, the Board is confident that RM will continue to be the ICT partner of choice for the UK's educational establishments and, as a consequence, results for the full year will show good progress. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 30th September 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 TURNOVER Existing Operations 206,309 162,210 Acquisitions 1,251 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Turnover 207,560 162,210 Cost of sales before exceptional items (155,364) (118,367) Exceptional cost of sales (5,359) - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total cost of sales (160,723) (118,367) --------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS PROFIT 46,837 43,843 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating expenses Selling and distribution (23,377) (18,777) Research and development (7,365) (6,651) Administration (7,018) (6,685) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (37,760) (32,113) --------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING PROFIT 9,077 11,730 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit analysed between: Existing operations before exceptional cost of sales 14,780 11,730 Exceptional cost of sales (5,359) - ---------- ---------- Operating profit for existing operations 9,421 11,730 Acquisitions 266 - Amortisation of goodwill (610) - ---------- (344) - ---------- ---------- Total Operating profit 9,077 11,730 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest receivable 451 532 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 9,528 12,262 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation analysed between: Profit on ordinary activities before taxation, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional cost of sales 15,497 12,262 Exceptional cost of sales (5,359) - Amortisation of goodwill (610) - ---------- ---------- 9,528 12,262 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities (2,019) (3,065) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 7,509 9,197 Dividends paid and proposed (3,273) (2,633) --------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 4,236 6,564 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per ordinary share Basic 8.1p 10.0p Diluted 7.9p 9.8p Diluted - before amortisation of 13.0p 9.8p goodwill and exceptional cost of sales CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30th September 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 FIXED ASSETS Intangible fixed assets 11,465 7,837 Tangible fixed assets 26,093 23,032 --------------------------------------------------------------- 37,558 30,869 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 20,817 10,171 Debtors 67,754 35,948 Cash at bank and short term deposits 19,182 17,794 --------------------------------------------------------------- 107,753 63,913 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (93,203) (53,578) --------------------------------------------------------------- NET CURRENT ASSETS 14,550 10,335 --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 52,108 41,204 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year (5,375) (3,531) PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES (1,601) (1,130) --------------------------------------------------------------- NET ASSETS 45,132 36,543 --------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 1,873 1,842 Share premium account 16,368 6,029 Other reserve 500 - Profit and loss account 26,391 28,672 --------------------------------------------------------------- EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 45,132 36,543 --------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30th September 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 13,778 22,116 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 451 532 Taxation (1,742) (3,569) Capital expenditure and financial investment (9,591) (16,693) Acquisition of subsidiary (296) - Equity dividends paid (2,770) (2,243) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING (170) 143 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Management of liquid resources (3,364) 1,314 Financing 1,558 687 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE YEAR (1,976) 2,144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS For the year ended 30th September 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE YEAR (1,976) 2,144 Cash outflow from decrease in lease financing 6 - Cash inflow/(outflow) from change in liquid resources 3,364 (1,314) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Change in net cash resulting from cash flows 1,394 830 New finance leases (58) - Issue of loan notes (2,278) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS IN THE YEAR (942) 830 Net cash brought forward 17,794 16,964 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 16,852 17,794 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. Report and Accounts 2000 The financial information set out in this preliminary results announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30th September 2000 or 30th September 1999 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 1998/1999 contained an unqualified audit report and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for 1999/2000 will be posted shortly and delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held on 24th January 2001. 2. Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities The tax charge for the year represents a rate of 20% of profit before amortisation of goodwill (1999: 25%). 3. Earnings per share Earnings per share figures for 2000 and 1999 have been calculated using FRS14 Earnings per Share. Basic earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 30th September 2000 is based on 92,941,901 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The diluted earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 30th September 2000 takes account of share options in issue and is based on a weighted average number of 95,684,362 ordinary shares issued and issuable. An adjusted earnings per share figure, which excludes the exceptional cost of sales and amortisation of goodwill has been included. 4. Dividends per share The Directors have recommended the payment of a final dividend of 2.7p (net) bringing the total dividend for the year to 3.5p (net) per share. The final dividend is payable on 31st January 2001 to shareholders on the register on 8th January 2001. 5. Net cash flow from operating activities 2000 1999 £000 £000 Operating profit 9,077 11,730 Depreciation charge 6,788 3,889 Amortisation of intangible fixed assets 1,600 951 Profit on sale of fixed assets (156) (91) Increase in stocks (10,646) (1,644) Increase in debtors (31,381) (1,574) Increase in creditors 38,496 8,855 --------- -------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 13,778 22,116 Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts may be obtained after the posting date of 15th December 2000 from the registered office of the Company at: New Mill House, 183 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4SE A copy of this announcement is available at RM's internet site: and a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts will be available at the same site from 15th December 2000.


RM (RM.)
UK 100