3 September 2008
ROC is pleased to announce that the shareholders of AEL today voted overwhelmingly in favour of the scheme of arrangement ('Scheme') to implement the merger of ROC with AEL.
The Scheme is now subject to the further approval of the Court with a Court hearing scheduled for Friday 5 September 2008. Assuming Court approval is obtained, AEL is expected to lodge a copy of the Court order with ASIC on 8 September 2008, upon which the Scheme will become effective. It is expected the Scheme will be implemented on 22 September 2008, and AEL will become a wholly owned subsidiary of ROC.
Upon the Scheme becoming effective, ROC will acquire AEL's 53.1% controlling interest in Anzon Australia Limited ('AZA') and the off-market Takeover Offer for AZA will be declared unconditional. The Takeover Offer is currently scheduled to close at 7.00pm (AEST) on 6 October 2008 (unless extended).
ROC's Acting Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Clement, stated:
'I welcome AEL shareholder support for the merger with ROC. This merger is a positive step in ROC's off-market Takeover Offer for AZA by providing ROC with a controlling 53.1% interest in AZA.
ROC believes the AZA Takeover Offer, if successful, will deliver a number of advantages to both AZA and ROC shareholders. It will remove the single asset risk and a corporate structure which has restricted growth for AZA shareholders and it has the potential to transform ROC by creating a significant Australian upstream oil and gas company with a strong diversified asset base, 2P Reserves of 47MMBOE, increased financial capacity and expose ROC to significant upside reserves potential from the development of Basker Manta Gummy Project in Bass Strait over the next 18 months.
ROC encourages AZA shareholders to accept the Takeover Offer as soon as possible.'
Bruce Clement
Acting Chief Executive Officer
For further information please contact:
Mr Bruce Clement
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +61 2 8356 2000
Fax: +61 2 9380 2066
Email: bclement@rocoil.com.au
Mr Matthew Gerber
Manager, Investor Relations & External Affairs
Tel: +61 2 8356 2000
Fax: +61 2 9380 2066
Email: mgerber@rocoil.com.au
Or visit ROC's website: www.rocoil.com.au
Dr Kevin Hird
General Manager - Business Development
Tel: +44 (0)20 7495 5707/+61 (0)2 8356 2000
Mob: +44 (0)7751 3671 49/+61 (0)417 261 727
Email: khird@rocoil.com.au
Michael Shaw
Oriel Securities Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Tel: +44 (0)20 7710 7600
Bobby Morse
Buchanan Communications
Tel: + 44 (0)20 7466 5000
Fax: + 44 (0)20 7466 5001
E-Mail: bobbym@buchanan.uk.com
Mob: +44 (0)7802 875 227