Rolls-Royce Holdings plc (the Company) announces the purchase on 7th May 2013 of 25,606 ordinary shares in the Company by Computershare Trustees Limited (the Trustee) at a price of 1132.50 pence per share for the purpose of satisfying the purchase of ordinary shares by eligible employees (including executive directors and PDMRs) under the Rolls-Royce SharePurchase Plan (the Plan) for the current month. The Plan has been approved by the Inland Revenue as a share incentive plan under Schedule 8 to the Finance Act 2000.
The numbers of ordinary shares purchased on this date on behalf of the executive directors and PDMR were as follows:
Executive directors:
C P Smith 11
A Michaelis 11
L Haynes 11
Dated 20 May 2013
For further information please contact :
Paul Davies, Deputy Company Secretary, Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, tel. no. 01332 245878