Final Results

Pathfinder Properties PLC 21 June 2002 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The Year under Review 2001 has been an unusual, indeed difficult, year caused partly by the corporate consolidation and partly as a result of the cyclical nature of our business, where we are developing properties which take a number of years to reach maturity. What the financial statements do not, and cannot, reflect however are the intrinsic gains in asset values achieved through the work we have carried out on our projects throughout the year. Therefore the results for the year should be viewed in this context. The Group suffered a loss before taxation for the year of £1,271,000 compared with a profit of £1,366,000 for the previous year. This loss has arisen as a result of a number of factors: • the Company's offer last year to acquire the whole of the issued share capital of Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC lapsed, and this resulted in a significant level of abortive costs; • costs have been incurred relating to proceedings issued against the Company's subsidiary, Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC, by Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC, which have now been settled, and the consequent unwinding of joint venture interests; • administrative expenses now include full management costs, a significant element of which were previously treated as cost of sales or capitalised into the value of stock or fixed assets; and • the Group's major developments are in their early stages and holding costs such as interest are being expensed to the profit and loss account. Corporate Acquisitions In April 2001, in order to gain control of our major joint venture developments, we made offers for Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC and Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC on the basis of a like-for-like share exchange, with a limited cash alternative. In the light of surveys carried out by the Boards of those companies which showed a strong interest by their shareholders in continuing with their involvement in our joint schemes, and the clear synergies that would have arisen from the pooling of our interests, we had every reason to believe that the offers would be successful. In the event, they proved to be much more difficult and expensive than anticipated. Our increased cash offer for Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC ultimately received acceptances from 95% of its shareholders but we were not able to increase our cash offer to the shareholders in Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC and that offer lapsed. The acquisition of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC achieved our aim of obtaining a majority stake in the Merchant Village, Glasgow, and River Quarter, Manchester. This will make it very much easier for us to negotiate with funding, construction and joint venture partners in the future. Reorganisation of Joint Ventures and Settlement of Litigation Your Group obtained, as a result of the Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC acquisition, a 50% interest in the joint ventures between Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC and Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC. Our hope and expectation was that the Board of Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC would join with us to dispose of those assets over time as the various ventures came to fruition. They chose instead to issue legal proceedings to force an early conclusion to certain of those joint venture operations which we had to defend. After an arduous and difficult process of negotiation, I was pleased that, in May 2002, we reached both a successful settlement of the litigation and an agreement to provide a clean break between the two companies' joint ventures. Dividend In view of the losses for the year, the Board believes that it is prudent not to recommend a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2001. An interim dividend of 0.15p per share was paid in October 2001. The Team and the Future This is my first annual report as Chairman of the Group, having been appointed to the Board on the retirement of Sir Christopher Leaver on 25 March 2002. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Sir Christopher for all his hard work on behalf of the Company during his Chairmanship and to wish him well for the future. Since the year end we have also bid farewell to Simon Dawkins, welcomed Claire O'Connor on the Board and appointed Alastair Cunningham as head of property. Both the Board of Directors and the Group's staff have put in a considerable amount of hard work during an exceptionally difficult year and I thank them all for their efforts. I believe that this year will, in the future, be seen to have been a step change in the Group. I look forward to the opportunities and challenges which await us in the coming year. John Parry 21 June 2002 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31 December 2001 Notes Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER Group and share of joint ventures 4 4,612 8,709 less share of joint ventures (4,085) (4,115) Group turnover 527 4,594 Cost of sales (422) (3,567) Gross profit 105 1,027 Administrative expenses 5 (1,803) (518) (1,698) 509 Other operating income 146 227 Share of profits in joint ventures and associates 718 704 OPERATING (LOSS)/ PROFIT 4 (834) 1,440 Loss on sale of investment properties (128) (10) (962) 1,430 Interest receivable 290 138 Interest payable (599) (202) (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION (1,271) 1,366 Taxation Group 222 (218) Associates (21) (175) (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION (1,070) 973 Minority interests 97 (221) (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS (973) 752 Ordinary dividends 6 (119) (457) Retained for the year 10 (1,092) 295 (Loss)/Earnings per share 15 (1.30p) 1.07p The operating loss/profit arises from the Group's continuing operations. A note of profits and losses on a historical cost basis is given in note 7. A statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year is given in note 12. BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2001 Notes 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Intangible fixed assets 136 - Investment properties 47 1,575 Investment in joint ventures 8 Share of gross assets 10,560 10,545 Share of gross (4,893) (1,567) liabilities 5,667 8,978 Other Investments 152 - 6,002 10,553 CURRENT ASSETS Work-in-progress 21,824 595 Debtors 866 924 Cash at bank 2,519 6,142 25,209 7,661 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year 9 (12,452) (3,347) NET CURRENT ASSETS 12,757 4,314 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 18,759 14,867 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank and other loans (2,084) - PROVISIONS (108) (140) 16,567 14,727 MINORITY INTERESTS (1,764) (102) 14,803 14,625 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 7,975 7,034 Share premium account 1,946 1,617 Merger reserve 2,494 2,494 Revaluation reserve - 501 Profit and loss account 10 2,388 2,979 14,803 14,625 Net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders 18.56p 20.79p CASHFLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 2001 Notes Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH (OUTFLOW) / INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 13 (2,022) 4,376 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 242 168 Interest paid (227) (88) Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 15 80 TAXATION Corporation tax paid (283) (1,136) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Receipts from sales of investment properties 1,859 1,460 Receipt from sale of shares - 107 Purchase of investment properties - (200) Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 1,859 1,367 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Purchase of subsidiary undertaking (6,142) - Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking (140) - Investments in joint ventures (502) (839) (6,784) (839) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (471) (369) FINANCING Debt due within a year: Loans drawn down 5,982 - Loans repaid (4,003) - Debt due in more than one year: Loans drawn down 2,084 - Loans repaid - (900) 4,063 (900) (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH 14 (3,623) 2,579 NOTES 1 BASIS The figures shown for the year ended 31 December 2001 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s.237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those applied inprevious years. 3 ACQUISITION OF PATHFINDER RECOVERY 1 PLC On 6 June 2001 Pathfinder Properties PLC acquired Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC pursuant to an Offer dated 9 April 2001. On the expiry of the Offer 95.4% of the ordinary share capital of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC had been so acquired. The consideration comprised the issue of 9,405,712 ordinary shares in Pathfinder Properties PLC shares and £6,142,000 in cash and related costs. Assets and liabilities acquired were revalued on acquisition. 4 SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Turnover: Development 4,585 8,613 Investment 27 96 4,612 8,709 Operating profit/(loss) Development 979 1,992 Investment (104) (95) 875 1,897 Common costs (1,709) (457) (834) 1,440 5 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION Administrative costs include, and profit before tax is after deducting, costs of £223,000 relating to the lapsed offer for Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC in the year and £564,000 in connection with the settlement of the legal action brought by Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC and the unwinding of the joint ventures between the two companies. 6 DIVIDENDS ON ORDINARY SHARES Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend - 0.15p (2000 - 119 106 0.15p) per share Final dividend - Nil (2000 - 0.5p) per - 351 share 119 457 7 NOTE OF HISTORICAL COST PROFIT AND LOSSES Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (1,271) 1,366 Realisation of revaluation gains of previous years 647 724 (624) 2,090 8 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES The Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures at 31 December 2001 comprises the Group's 50% interests in Excelmode Limited and Pathfinder Recovery Ventures which are developing properties at 25 Church Street, Manchester, and Tib Street, Manchester. Pathfinder (River Quay) Limited and Pathfinder (Scotland) Limited, which were previously shown as associates and joint ventures, became subsidiary companies during the period as a result of the acquisition of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. The interest in Pathfinder Recovery Ventures Limited was acquired as a result of the same acquisition. 9 CREDITORS DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Bank loans and overdrafts 4,245 500 Other development loans 5,212 - Other creditors and accruals 2,995 2,847 12,452 3,347 Other development loans comprise loans from third parties for property development. These loans are repayable on or after the sale or refinancing of the property developments to which they relate. 10 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 2,979 2,165 Transfer from revaluation reserve 501 519 Retained (loss)/profit for the year (1,092) 295 Carried forward at end of year 2,388 2,979 11 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 14,625 14,295 Shares issued in the year 1,270 - Retained (loss)/profit for the year (1,092) 295 Other recognised gains relating to the year - 35 Carried forward at end of year 14,803 14,625 12 STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/ profit for the year attributable to members (973) 752 Deferred taxation on revaluation of investment properties - 35 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year (973) 787 13 RECONCILATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO OPERATING CASH FLOWS Year ended Year ended 31 Dec 2001 31 Dec 2000 £'000 £'000 Operating (loss)/profit (834) 1,440 Depreciation and amortisation - 29 Share of profits in joint ventures and associates (718) (704) Other income - (79) (Increase)/decrease in work-in-progress (1,188) 2,184 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 1,824 411 (Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,200) 1,095 Increase in general provisions 94 - (2,022) 4,376 14 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Year ended 31 Dec 2001 £'000 Decrease in cash in the year (3,623) Debt acquired with subsidiary undertakings (338) Debt included on reclassification of associated undertakings to subsidiary undertakings (12,292) Net debt drawn down (61) Movement in net debt in year (16,314) Net cash at 1 January 2001 5,642 (10,672) 15 EARNINGS PER SHARE The loss/earning per ordinary share are based on the loss after taxation and minority interests and on 74,654,876 (31 December 2000: 70,339,716) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. There is no difference between earnings per share and earnings per share calculated on a fully diluted basis. A copy of this statement is being sent to allshareholders and further copies may be obtained from the company by writing to Pathfinder Properties PLC, Capital House, Michael Road, London SW6 2YH or from the FT Free AnnualReports Service, details of which can be found in the Financial Times. For further information, contact: Malcolm Bacchus, Director Tel: (020) 7736 9669 Andrew Marshall, Marshall Robinson Roe Tel: (020) 7489 2033 OPERATING AND FINANCIAL REVIEW Operations The Group has moved steadily ahead during the current year with its major development projects. Planning permission was granted during the year for the whole of the 770,000 sq. ft. scheme at the Merchant Village development in Glasgow and for the first of four phases of the River Quarter development in Manchester - both projects in which the Group had a 65% interest at the year end. This means that we now have planning consent to develop some 552 apartments and 256,000 sq. ft. of commercial space within the Group. A planning application was also submitted in July 2001 in respect of a 111,000 sq. ft. commercial scheme at Tib Street, Manchester, through a 50% joint venture interest acquired with Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. This scheme received planning consent in February 2002. These achievements added considerably to the value of the Group. However since all indirect and holding costs on developments are expensed to the profit and loss account until development commences on site, and we do not account for value increases until the underlying projects are sold, the results for the year show a marked downturn in reported profitability without showing any increase in Group net asset value attributable to the work done during the year. This cyclical profitability is an inevitable result of the time it takes for large schemes to come to fruition. Results Turnover for the year arises principally from sales at 25 Church Street, Manchester, and its adjoining site at 35 High Street, where all remaining units were sold during the year. These sales arose in our joint venture company, Excelmode Limited, and the profit arising is therefore reported as 'share of profits in joint venture companies' rather than in 'gross profit'. Turnover also includes the sale of a 50% interest in a property in Clyde Street, Glasgow, which was sold soon after its acquisition as part of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. Group turnover also includes fees received for management services provided to certain joint ventures amounting to £500,000 (2000 - £110,000). Total turnover for the year amounted to £4,612,000 compared to £8,709,000 for 2000, reflecting the early stages of most of our existing developments. Profits from trading, development and sales of properties, including our share of our joint ventures' profits, amounted to £979,000 (2000 - £1,992,000). The Board took the opportunity during the year to dispose of the majority of the Group's residential investment properties which remained from earlier years. These were management intensive and could not be easily redeveloped. A loss of £128,000, comparing sales price with previous carrying value, arose on these disposals. Had these sales been recorded at historical cost the Group would have recorded a profit on disposal of £519,000. The Board has reviewed the recoverability of the Group's outstanding debts on its residential portfolio and its exposure to any residual liabilities following these sales. As a result of the above review and as a result of the reduction in rental income as the portfolio was sold, operating losses have been incurred on investment property activities amounting to £104,000 (2000 - £95,000). Administrative expenses during the year were £1,803,000 compared with £518,000 for 2000. The increase includes two significant one off costs: • £223,000 relating to the unsuccessful offer to acquire Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC and • £564,000 relating to , and associated with, Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC's actions against the Group and certain of its Directors following that offer, including a provision for the costs of the settlement which has taken place since the year end, and the restructuring with regard to joint ventures. Administrative expenses for the year also include: • seven months' costs relating to Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC since its acquisition and • a full year of operational cost overheads compared with only five months in the previous year: prior to August 2000, certain administrative costs paid as fees to third party managers were capitalised and not treated as overheads . After other operating income of £146,000 (2000 - £227,000), comprising principally rents from development sites, the operating loss for the year amounted to £834,000 (2000 - profit £1,440,000). Net interest costs have risen principally as a result of the consolidation of Pathfinder (Scotland) Limited, which owns the Merchant Village development, and its borrowings following the acquisition of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. Taking all these matters into account, there was a loss before tax of £1,271,000 compared with a profit of £1,366,000 for the preceding year and a loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the year of £1,070,000 (2000 - profit £973,000). Dividend An interim dividend of 0.15p per share was paid on 31 October 2001. No final dividend has been proposed. Net Assets The Group's reported assets and liabilities both increased significantly during the year: gross assets increasing from £18,214,000 to £31,211,000 and gross liabilities increasing from £3,487,000 to £14,644,000. Both effects arise principally as a result of the inclusion into the Group's balance sheet of the Merchant Village and River Quarter projects following the acquisition of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC which has a 15% interest in those projects. As a result, Pathfinder Properties PLC, which directly holds 50% interests, gained control of the relevant operating companies concerned and 100% of their assets and liabilities, as well of those of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC, have been incorporated into the Group balance sheet at 31 December 2001. Net assets per share, as reported in the financial statements, have fallen from 20.79p at 31 December 2000 to 18.56p per share at 31 December 2001. As discussed above, net assets per share, whilst reflecting losses for the year, do not reflect any increase in value attributable to work done on our existing projects during the course of the year. Borrowings and Cash Flow The Group's financing requirements relate mainly to the funding of property development. Loan and overdraft facilities are arranged as necessary with a number of banks aimed at meeting development finance requirements on a cost effective basis. The Board regards the main financial risks facing the Group as liquidity risk and interest rate risk. Liquidity risk is managed by balancing bank financing with internally generated funds and joint venture finance and seeking to match loan periods with the expected planning and development cycle of the properties being developed. Interest rate risk is monitored by the Board and considered in relation to the length and level of borrowing required. At 31 December 2001 all development finance from banks was at variable rates. £2,524,000 was spent during the year on operating activities and joint venture operations and a net £6,142,000 on the acquisition of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. This expenditure was sourced through the receipts of £1,859,000 from the sale of investment property, from additional loan draw downs of £4,063,000 and from cash and bank deposits which accordingly reduced from £6,142,000 to £2,519,000 at 31 December 2001. Balance sheet borrowings have risen from £500,000 to £13,191,000 in the year, the majority of this increase arising from the major developments coming 'on- balance sheet' as described above. Of those borrowings, £5,212,000 (2000: £Nil) relates to loans from our joint venture partners which are repayable at the earliest on the sale or refinancing of the underlying developments, are interest free, and should be regarded as 'quasi-equity' in those projects. The net debt/equity ratio at 31 December 2001 was 0.72 : 1 (2000 - Nil). Events since the Year End On 30 May 2002, the Group announced the successful conclusion to talks between Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC, a group company, and Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC in respect of certain joint ventures between those companies and in respect of certain claims made by Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC against Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC. The principal terms of the agreement reached were as follows: • Pathfinder Recovery Ventures Limited, previously 50% owned by each of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC and Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC, becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC; • the Group increases its interest in its major development sites at Merchant Village and River Quarter from 65% to 80% for deferred consideration, in each case of £475,000; • Pathfinder Recovery Ventures Limited disposes of its interest in its site at Tib Street, Manchester. • all outstanding indebtedness due to Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC from the Group following the agreement, amounting to £2,605,000, and the deferred consideration, referred to above, becomes repayable by May 2004; and • All litigation ceases. Costs relating to the claim and its settlement have been accrued for in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001. The disposal of Pathfinder (Tib Street) Limited gives rise to a small profit in the Group which will be accounted for in the year ending 31 December 2002. PROPERTY REVIEW Merchant Village, Glasgow Work-in-progress 65% owned through Pathfinder (Scotland) Limited The Merchant Village comprises over 770,000 gross sq. ft. of development space in the centre of Glasgow's historic Merchant City area. Planning consent was received during the year for a mixed-use development comprising 353 apartments, 207,000 sq. ft. of net lettable retail and leisure space and 30,000 sq ft of offices. Contracts are under negotiation with both construction companies and joint venture partners to enable the development to be built and sold either in a single phase or four related phases. River Quay, Castlefield, Manchester Work-in-progress 65% owned through Pathfinder (River Quay) Limited The site comprises 3.25 acres within 15 minutes walk of the city centre adjacent to the River Medlock. Phase 1 of the site comprises 139,000 sq. ft. of net residential accommodation in 199 apartments, together with parking and 19,500 sq. ft. of commercial space. Committee approval for this phase was received from Manchester City Council in May 2001, with full approval granted in December 2001. The Masterplan, which sets the overall density of the site, was approved in principle at the same time and approval has also been received during the year for the river frontage treatment which is integral to the scheme. Planning has been submitted for Phase 2 which comprises a single glazed building around a central open space accommodating a further 191 apartments and 19,500 sq. ft. of retail space and it is hoped that a decision on this phase will be made within the near future. Design work has commenced on Phase 3 which will predominantly comprise an office development. A further phase can also be incorporated on the site. Northern Quarter, Manchester Work-in-progress 60% owned through Crannon Limited One site, in Back Turner Street, remains for development or sale from the Group's Manchester Northern Quarter portfolio. Following the rejection of our original scheme for this site, a revised planning application for 20 apartments with a 700 sq. ft. retail unit on the ground floor has been submitted. It is expected that this application will be considered by the City Council during Summer 2002. Loch Lomond Factory Outlets, Alexandria Joint ventures and associates 75% owned through Pathfinder (Loch Lomond) Limited Located close to Alexandria Town Centre, this 41,000sq ft retail site, is proposed to be expanded and redeveloped as a major factory outlet retail centre. A 50% interest in this property was acquired in February 2001; our joint venture partner being Pathfinder Recovery Ventures Limited. Following the acquisition of a 50% stake in that company in June 2001 through Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC, the Group now has a 75% interest in the development. It is anticipated that a planning application to extend significantly the amount of retail space available will be submitted shortly. Newark 50% acquired since the year end in joint venture Since the year end, our 50% owned joint venture in Newark has exchanged contracts for the acquisition of four sites which cover 6.5 acres on the edge of the town centre. The site contains a substantial Victorian Brewery building and has potential for redevelopment as approximately 120,000 sq. ft. of new and refurbished retail space or as new and converted residential accommodation. Properties sold since the year end Tib Street, Manchester Joint ventures and associates 50% owned through Pathfinder (Tib Street) Limited The Group's interest in this development was acquired with Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC as a joint venture with Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC. Planning permission was achieved since the year end for 111,000 sq. ft. of net office space and 14,000 sq. ft. of ground floor retail. The development company has since been sold to Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC as part of the settlement agreement between the joint venture parties. Properties sold during the year 25 Church Street, Manchester Joint ventures and associates 50% owned through Excelmode Limited The remaining 16 apartments and the freehold investment in this site have been sold during the year. The complete development has now been sold with property sales having exceeded £15 million. 38 High Street, Manchester Joint ventures and associates 50% owned through Excelmode Limited A planning application on this site was approved in January 2001 and the site was subsequently sold for £1,400,000 without development in order to reduce the Group's overall investment in the Manchester market. Clyde Street, Glasgow Joint ventures and associates 50% owned through Pathfinder (Clyde Street) Limited A 50% interest in this site, covering 0.2 acres on the Glasgow waterfront, was acquired with Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC in joint venture with Pathfinder Recovery 2 PLC. The site was sold by the joint venture vehicle, Pathfinder Recovery Ventures Limited, in December 2001 for £1,275,000. Investment property portfolio All eight remaining investment properties owned by Pathfinder Properties PLC, and a single unit acquired with Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC, were sold during the period. The Group has remaining residual freehold and long leasehold reversionary interests which will be sold as the opportunity arises. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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