Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999

Pathfinder Properties PLC 29 March 2000 Pathfinder Properties PLC Preliminary Announcement of Results for the year ended 31 December 1999 Highlights Pre-tax profit increases to £2,729,000 (1998: up 74% £1,174,000) Earnings per share up to 2.77p (1998: 1.65p) up 26% Final dividend of 0.375p per share making 0.5p in up 23% total (1998: 0.306p) Net assets increase to £14.30m (1998: £11.72m) up 22% Wimbledon and Bedford Row developments in London completed and sold 40 out of 57 remaining investment properties sold generating profits of £1,444,000 before tax Church Street, Manchester, development nearing completion with 60 apartments out of 78 now sold or under offer Interest acquired in new Manchester developments Design and planning proceeding at 'The Merchant Village' development in Glasgow which has been joint ventured with other Pathfinder companies Results are for the year to 31 December 1999. Comparative figures are for the nine months ended 31 December 1998. Comparative figures have been amended for the purposes of calculating percentage increases. PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC Chairman's Statement The year under review The third and final phase of our development in Wimbledon, London SW19, was completed during the year. The remaining 44 apartments were sold in the period together with the long leasehold interest in the bar/restaurant unit. The sales in this development amounted to £8,341,000 and contributed a further £1,449,200 to gross profits during the year. The Group has also sold its commercial development at Bedford Row, London WC1, for £2,625,000 and half of its ten acre land site in Perth, Scotland, for £250,000 at a profit. Overall development turnover amounted to £11,356,000 compared with £10,228,000 for the nine months ended 31 December 1998 whilst development profits were £1,802,000 compared with £1,483,000 for the previous nine months. Construction is nearing completion of the Group's joint venture at Church Street, Manchester. Since the year end, 60 of the 78 apartments have been sold or are under offer and a lease signed with a health club operator for occupation of the ground and lower ground floors. In accordance with Group accounting policies, no turnover or profit has been recorded in the financial statements for the year in respect of this development. The Group continues to dispose of the residential investment portfolio taken over in 1998 as a result of the acquisition of Pathfinder Repossessions II Limited. The market for this property has been strong during the second half of the year and 40 out of the 57 units held at the start of the year have been sold. Profits from these sales amounted to £1,444,000 compared to £35,000 for the previous period. A further 17 units remained to be sold at the year end. The Group has acquired interests in developments being undertaken jointly with other Pathfinder companies and has joint ventured its Merchant Village development in central Glasgow with those companies. The Group has an interest in a number of Manchester and Glasgow based developments which, when developed, will provide new luxury residential, leisure and retail accommodation. During the year the Group also acquired an interest in a further property, Pall Mall House, in Manchester's Northern Quarter. Financial review Operating profits for the year were £1,333,000 (1998 9 months -- £1,251,000). After taking into account income from investment property sales and net interest payable, profits before taxation amounted to £2,729,000 compared with £1,174,000 for the previous period. Earnings per share have accordingly risen to 2.77p per share compared with 1.65p per share for the prior period. The Board is proposing that a final dividend of 0.375p per share is paid to shareholders on the register at 14 April 2000, which, taken in conjunction with the interim dividend of 0.125p per share paid in October 1999, will make a full dividend for the year of 0.5p per share. After dividends, the Group will retain profits of £1,594,000 to fund future developments. Sales have generated a significant cash surplus during the period which has enabled the Group to repay the loans outstanding on the Wimbledon development and reduce borrowings secured on the investment properties. Accordingly borrowings have reduced from £6,646,000 to £1,400,000 whilst cash balances have risen from £1,692,000 to £3,563,000. £7,600,000 has been invested in the joint ventures described above which now account for the majority of the Group's development operations. Further investments are intended over the next few months. Profits for the year, together with a revaluation surplus of £985,000 arising on the remaining investment property portfolio at 31 December 1999, have resulted in an increase in net assets to 20.32p per share from 16.66p per share at 31 December 1998. Dividends As stated above, it is proposed, subject to the approval of shareholders, to pay a final dividend of 0.375p per share on 17 May 2000 to shareholders on the register at 14 April 2000. Current trading and outlook Sales at Church Street, Manchester, and from the investment portfolio continue well. However, as stated in the interim results for 30 June 1999, the development cycle for larger schemes, such as the Merchant Village, is longer than for most projects and the benefits from these are likely to be realised over a number of years. Your Board is confident that its policy of focussing on larger schemes outside London, in conjunction with joint venture funding and development partners, should achieve good results for shareholders over the medium term. Sir Christopher Leaver Chairman 28 March 2000 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31 December 1999 Notes Year to 9 months to 31 December 31 December 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER Group and share of joint ventures 11,544 10,400 less share of joint ventures - - Group Turnover 3 11,544 10,400 Ongoing operations 11,544 10,258 Acquired in period - 142 Cost of sales (9,920) (8,843) Gross profit 1,624 1,557 Administrative expenses (444) (306) 1,180 1,251 Other operating income 153 - Share of profits in joint ventures - - OPERATING PROFIT 3 1,333 1,251 Ongoing operations 1,333 1,209 Acquired in period - 42 Profit on sale of investment properties 1,444 35 2,777 1,286 Interest receivable 236 44 Interest payable (284) (156) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 2,729 1,174 Taxation Group (783) (282) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 1,946 892 Minority interests - (2) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS 1,946 890 Ordinary Dividends 4 (352) (215) Retained profit for the period 5 1,594 675 Earnings per share 2.77p 1.65p The operating profit arises from the Group's continuing operations. A statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year is given in note 7. PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC BALANCE SHEET 31 December 1999 Notes 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investment properties 3,094 6,932 Investment in joint ventures Share of gross assets 10,567 1,153 Share of gross liabilities (2,836) (1,022) 7,731 131 10,825 7,063 CURRENT ASSETS Work-in-progress 2,779 2,263 Debtors 1,145 9,647 Cash at bank 3,563 1,692 7,487 13,602 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (2,237) (7,089) NET CURRENT ASSETS 5,250 6,513 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 16,075 13,576 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank and other loans (1,400) (1,600) PROVISIONS: Deferred taxation (380) (260) Net assets 14,295 11,716 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 7,034 7,034 Share premium account 1,617 1,617 Capital reserve 2,494 2,494 Revaluation reserve 985 - Profit and loss account 5 2,165 571 Shareholders' funds 6 14,295 11,716 Net assets per share 20.32p 16.66p PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC CASHFLOW STATEMENT for year ended 31 December 1999 Notes Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 8 9,869 2,188 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 210 40 Interest paid (421) (460) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (211) (420) TAXATION Corporation tax paid (673) (275) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Receipts from sales of investment properties 6,285 1,330 Purchase of investment properties (250) (515) Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 6,035 815 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Investments in joint ventures (7,600) (131) Purchase of subsidiary undertaking - (2,752) Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking - 1,155 (7,600) (1,728) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (303) - FINANCING Issue of ordinary shares - 777 Debt due within a year: Bank loan drawn down 254 5,802 Bank loans repaid (5,300) (6,025) Debt due in more than one year: Loan drawn down 2,750 300 Loans repaid (2,950) (600) (5,246) 254 INCREASE IN CASH 1,871 834 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC NOTES 1 BASIS The figures shown for the year to 31 December 1999 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements for the nine months ended 31 December 1998 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s.237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those applied in previous periods. 3 SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS Year to 9months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 Turnover: Development 11,356 10,228 Investment 188 172 11,544 10,400 Operating profit Development 1,802 1,483 Investment (96) 50 1,706 1,533 Common costs (373) (282) 1,333 1,251 4 DIVIDENDS ON ORDINARY SHARES Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend - 0.125p per share 88 - Final dividend - 0.375p per share 264 215 352 215 5 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 571 (104) Profit in period 1,594 675 Carried forward at end of period 2,165 571 6 SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 11,716 6,071 Shares issued in year/period - 3,425 Capital reserve arising on consolidation - 1,545 Profit in year/period 1,594 675 Increase in revaluation reserve, net of deferred tax 985 - Carried forward at end of period 14,295 11,716 7 STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £ £ Profit for the financial year/period attributable to members 1,946 890 Surplus on revaluation of investment properties 985 - Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year/period 2,931 890 8 RECONCILATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO OPERATING CASH FLOWS Year to 9 months to 31 December 1999 31 December 1998 £ £ Operating profit 1,333 1,251 Depreciation 73 27 (Increase)/decrease in work-in-progress (447) 397 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 8,981 (267) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (71) 780 9,869 2,188 A copy of this statement is being sent to all shareholders and further copies may be obtained from the company by writing to Pathfinder Properties PLC, Capital House, Michael Road, London SW6 2YH. For further information, contact: Andrew de Candole, Managing Director Tel: (020) 7736 9669 Issued by: Richard Robinson, Marshall Robinson Roe Tel: (020) 7489 2033
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