Interim Results

Pathfinder Properties PLC 22 September 2000 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2000 HIGHLIGHTS 'We continue to concentrate our expertise on urban regeneration sites where we can provide a mix of residential, leisure and retail development and where demand remains strong..we are looking to build a sound reputation for providing consistently good results over time.' o Turnover £8.50 million (£8.6 million) o Profit before tax £1.21 million (£0.84 million) o Earnings per share 0.87 pence (0.85 pence) o Interim dividend of 0.15 pence per share + 20 per cent 'Planning for the major sites at The Merchant Village, Glasgow, and River Quay, Castleford, Manchester, where we have 50% interests, is progressing according to timetable. The planning application for the first phase of River Quay has been submitted and detailed design for the second phase is currently under consideration. Acquisitions in the Merchant Village have been completed and an application has been submitted for 360 apartments, 126,000 sq ft of retail and 110,000 sq ft of leisure and office space. We would expect to know the outcome of both applications before the end of the year. Both sites have attracted considerable interest from potential tenants, construction partners and purchasers.' Extracts from the Chairman's Statement For further information, contact: Malcolm Bacchus, Director Tel: (020) 7736 9669 Issued by: Andrew Marshall, Marshall Robinson Roe Tel: (020) 7489 2033 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2000 Chairman's Statement The Period under review During the last six months we have been concentrating on adding value to our existing sites through the planning process and through site assembly. Profits for the period have been generated largely from the sale of Pall Mall House, in Manchester, on which we acquired planning consent for a 18 storey residential tower and recently sold for £3,800,000 and from our joint venture development at 25 Church Street, Manchester. At 30 June, we had achieved sales or reservations on 67 of the 68 apartments at 25 Church Street then being marketed. The principal building works at 25 Church Street are now close to completion and we have commenced marketing the 10 penthouse units and freehold investment which form the remainder of the development. Profits have been taken on a prudent basis taking into account the percentage of work done and the number of units sold at the end of the period. Sales have also taken place of our final interests in Perth and of one smaller property in the remainder of our Manchester Northern Quarter portfolio generating turnover of £490,000. A further three properties in our ex-BES second-hand residential portfolio have been sold at prices in line with the valuations carried out at 31 December 1999. Fourteen properties now remain in that portfolio and these will be progressively sold provided the market conditions are right. Operating profits for the period amounted to £1,250,000 compared with £752,000 for the six months to 30 June 1999. Profit on ordinary activities for the period, after accounting for the profit on sale of investment properties and interest, amounted to £1,210,000 (1999 - £842,000). After deducting tax and profit attributable to the minority shareholders in Crannon Limited, which owns Pall Mall House and our other Manchester Northern Quarter properties, the profit attributable to shareholders in the Company was £615,000 (1999 - £597,000). Dividends An interim dividend for the period of 0.15p per share will be paid to shareholders on the register at 6 October 2000, representing a 20% increase on the interim dividend paid in 1999. It is anticipated that dividend cheques will be dispatched on 27 October 2000. Management changes On 4 August 2000, Andrew de Candole left the Group to pursue his internet and internet-related businesses and the Board thanks him for his contribution to the Group over the years. Malcolm Bacchus and Simon Dawkins, who have worked with the Group for some time as consultants, have joined the Board as Executive Directors. The Future Planning for the major sites at The Merchant Village, Glasgow, and River Quay, Castleford, Manchester, where we have 50% interests, is progressing according to timetable. The planning application for the first phase of River Quay has been submitted and detailed design for the second phase is currently under consideration. Acquisitions in the Merchant Village have been completed and an application has been submitted for 360 apartments, 126,000 sq ft of retail and 110,000 sq ft of leisure and office space. We would expect to know the outcome of both applications before the end of the year. Both sites have attracted considerable interest from potential tenants, construction partners and purchasers. We continue to concentrate our expertise on urban regeneration sites where we can provide a mix of residential, leisure and retail development and where demand remains strong. If the right opportunity arises we shall take profits from trading but overall we are looking to build a sound reputation for providing consistently good results over time. Sir Christopher Leaver Chairman 21 September 2000 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the six months ended 30 June 2000 Notes 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER Group and share of joint ventures 3 8,500 8,635 11,544 less share of joint ventures (3,996) - - Group Turnover 4,504 8,635 11,544 Cost of sales (3,564) (7,639) (9,920) Gross profit 940 996 1,624 Administrative expenses (209) (244) (444) 731 752 1,180 Other operating income 152 - 153 Share of profits in joint ventures 367 - - OPERATING PROFIT 3 1,250 752 1,333 Profit on sale of investment properties 1 186 1,444 1,251 938 2,777 Interest receivable 55 84 236 Interest payable (96) (180) (284) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 1,210 842 2,729 Taxation: Group (264) (245) (783) Associates (98) - - PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 848 597 1,946 Minority interests (233) - - PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS615 597 1,946 Ordinary dividends 4 (106) (88) (352) Retained profit for the period7 509 509 1,594 Earnings per share 0.87p 0.85p 2.77p The operating profit arises from the Group's continuing operations. A note of profits and losses on a historical cost basis is given in note 5. A statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year is given in note 9. PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC BALANCE SHEET 30 June 2000 Notes 30 June 30 June 31 December 2000 1999 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investment properties 2,800 5,631 3,094 Investment in joint ventures Share of gross assets 12,708 1,395 10,567 Share of gross liabilities (4,477) (1,009) (2,836) 6 8,231 386 7,731 11,031 6,017 10,825 11,031 6,017 10,825 CURRENT ASSETS Work-in-progress 573 8,049 2,779 Debtors 5,218 1,912 1,145 Cash at bank 2,730 7,047 3,563 8,521 17,008 7,487 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (3,172) (10,286) (2,237) NET CURRENT ASSETS 5,349 6,722 5,250 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 16,380 12,739 16,075 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank and other loans (1,000) (300) (1,400) PROVISIONS: Deferred taxation (315) (214) (380) 15,065 12,225 14,295 MINORITY INTERESTS (261) - - 14,804 12,225 14,295 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 7,034 7,034 7,034 Share premium account 1,617 1,617 1,617 Capital reserve 2,494 2,494 2,494 Revaluation reserve 785 - 985 Profit and loss account 7 2,874 1,080 2,165 14,804 12,225 14,295 Net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders 21.05p 17.38p 20.32p CASHFLOW STATEMENT for the six months ended 30 June 2000 Notes 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 10 298 5,909 9,869 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 82 84 210 Interest paid (60) (168) (421) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 22 (84) (211) TAXATION Corporation tax paid (455) - (673) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Receipts from sales of investment properties 330 1,469 6,285 Receipt from sale of shares 107 - - Purchase of investment properties (200) (247) (250) Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 237 1,222 6,035 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Investments in joint ventures (271) (256) (7,600) EQUITY DIVIDENDS Dividends paid (264) (215) (303) FINANCING Debt due within a year: Bank loan drawn down - 231 254 Bank loans repaid - (1,452) (5,300) Debt due in more than one year: Loan drawn down - - 2,750 Loans repaid (400) - (2,950) (400) (1,221) (5,246) (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (833) 5,355 1,871 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC NOTES 1 BASIS The figures shown for the six months to 30 June 2000 and 30 June 1999 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s.237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those applied in previous periods. Investment properties are stated at valuation on 31 December 1999 with the addition of costs of enhancement works since that date where appropriate. Investment properties have not been revalued at 30 June 2000. 3 SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 199931 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover: Development 8,453 8,453 11,356 Investment 47 182 188 8,500 8,635 11,544 Operating profit Development 1,477 973 1,802 Investment (58) (4) (96) 1,419 969 1,706 Common costs (169) (217) (373) 1,250 752 1,333 4 DIVIDENDS ON ORDINARY SHARES 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend - 0.15p (1999 - 0.125p) per share 106 88 88 Final dividend 1999 - 0.375p per share - - 264 106 88 352 5 NOTE OF HISTORICAL COST PROFITS AND LOSSES 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,210 842 2,729 Realisation of property revaluation gains of previous periods 292 - - 1,502 842 2,729 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC 6 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES The Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures comprises the Group's 50% interests in Excelmode Limited, Holdmark Limited and Pathfinder (Scotland) Ltd which are developing properties at 25 Church Street, Manchester, River Quay, Manchester and Merchant Village, Glasgow respectively. A summary of the Group's share of their assets and liabilities at 30 June 2000 is as follows: 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Work-in-progress 8,172 1,357 10,030 Debtors 4,216 38 235 Cash 320 - 302 12,708 1,395 10,567 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year: Bank loan (4,000) (909) (1,459) Other loans (100) (100) (100) Other creditors (377) - (1,277) (4,477) (1,009) (2,836) Group's share of net assets 8,231 386 7,731 7 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 2,165 571 571 Transfer from revaluation reserve 200 - - Profit in period 509 509 1,594 Carried forward at end of period 2,874 1,080 2,165 8 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Brought forward 14,295 11,716 11,716 Profit in period 509 509 1,594 Increase in revaluation reserve, net of deferred tax - - 985 Carried forward at end of period 14,804 12,225 14,295 9 STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £ £ £ Profit for the period attributable to members 615 597 1,946 Surplus on revaluation of investment properties - - 985 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period 615 597 2,931 PATHFINDER PROPERTIES PLC 10 RECONCILATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO OPERATING CASH FLOWS 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 December 1999 £ £ £ Operating profit 1,250 752 1,333 Depreciation 29 40 73 Share of profits in joint ventures (367) - - Other income (79) - - Decrease/(Increase) in work -in-progress 2,206 (5,763) (447) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (3,967) 7,961 8,981 Increase/(decrease) in creditors 1,226 2,919 (71) 298 5,909 9,869 A copy of this statement is being sent to all shareholders and further copies may be obtained from the company by writing to Pathfinder Properties PLC, Capital House, Michael Road, London SW6 2YH or from the FT Free Annual Reports Service, details of which can be found in the Financial Times. For further information, contact: Malcolm Bacchus, Director Tel: (020) 7736 9669 Issued by: Andrew Marshall, Marshall Robinson Roe Tel: (020) 7489 2033 22 September 2000
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