Issue of Equity

Pathfinder Properties PLC 8 October 2001 ANNOUNCEMENT 8 October 2001 Recommended revised offer ('the Offer' or 'the Revised Offer') by Pathfinder Properties PLC ('Pathfinder Properties' or 'the Company') for Pathfinder Recovery 1 PLC ('Recovery 1') The Board of Pathfinder Properties announces that the Company has issued a further 985,680 new Ordinary shares of 10p each in connection with the acquisition of Recovery 1 Shares, acceptances for which were received prior to the close of the Offer at 11.30 a.m. on 10 September 2001. Application has been made for these new shares to be admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange and it is expected that dealings in the new shares will commence on 12 October 2001. The issued share capital of the Company following the issue of the new shares is £7,936,083.00 divided into 79,360,830 Ordinary shares of 10p each. The directors of Pathfinder Properties accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of such directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited has approved the contents of this announcement for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986.
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