5 July 2011
S&U plc ("S&U" or "the Company")
S&U were advised today that Mr and Mrs Derek M Coombs have increased their shareholding in the Company following the nil cost transfer of 323,770 S&U Ordinary Shares in the Company and 95,000 31.5% Preference Shares in the Company on 28 June 2011. The 31.5% Preference Shares carry no voting rights if dividends are paid up to date.
Following this transfer, Derek M Coombs has a beneficial interest in the Company of 3,039,032 Ordinary Shares representing 25.9% of the total voting rights of the Company and 165,000 31.5% Preference Shares in the Company.
For further information, please contact:
S&U plc www.suplc.co.uk
Anthony Coombs, Chairman 0121 705 7777 / 07767 687 150
Arden Partners plc - Broker and Financial Adviser
Adrian Trimmings / Jamie Cameron 020 7614 5900
Smithfield - Media and Investor Relations
Will Swan / Rebecca Whitehead 020 7360 4900