New contract wins

Sabien Technology Group PLC 13 November 2007 13 November 2007 Sabien Technology Group Plc New orders signed with Deutsche Bank and O2 Sabien Technology Group (AIM: SNT) is focused on helping private and public sector organisations manage their carbon emissions through the use of proven technology which reduces energy consumption by up to 35%. Sabien has recently won new orders from Deutsche Bank and O2 to install its M2G energy saving technology at a number of office locations for both companies for a total value of approximately £70,000. The order with O2 is the result of a pilot at two locations which demonstrated average energy savings of 27% and 16%, a total of 982 tonnes of carbon saved during that pilot period, and a positive return on investment at each site of under 14 months and 7 months respectively. Paul Eggleton, Energy Manager at O2, said: 'We have been very impressed with the performance of the M2G units. They have lived up to all expectations and because they are so easy to fit there was no interruption in service to the two trial buildings. 'We are now rolling out M2G to other corporate offices in our portfolio and look forward to seeing significantly reduced gas bills. The payback period is very good and we would recommend these to anyone with gas consuming sites.' About Sabien Technology Sabien was set up in 2004 to commercialise M2G an energy saving technology which reduces gas consumption used in commercial boilers. In September 2007, Sabien launched M3G which reduces electricity consumption in commercial air-conditioning units. Both M2G and M3G are proven to reduce carbon and energy consumption by up to 35% with typical pay back in under 2 years. With interest in 'green issues' being at an all time high for private and public organisations, the need to achieve both financial savings as well as an improved environmental profile is becoming increasingly important in the Boardrooms of UK PLC. Rising energy prices also create a more immediate imperative to reduce energy consumption and cut energy costs. The urgency to seek new solutions is most definitely a growing feature of the market and consequently companies are beginning to implement energy strategies to meet challenging energy reduction targets. A number of customers are already using M2G including the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Ford Motor Company, Bank of England, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Investec Bank and an NHS Trust. The M2G is Carbon Trust approved and qualifies for the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme. For further information: Sabien Technology Group plc Tel: 020 7993 3700 Alan O'Brien - Chief Executive Officer Gus Orchard - Finance Director Brewin Dolphin (NOMAD) Tel: 0845 270 8600 Neil Baldwin/Alison Barrow Madano Partnership (Financial PR Advisers) Tel: 020 7593 4000 Matthew Moth/Caroline Sturdy This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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