Buy-Back Authority, etc

SAFELAND PLC 26 July 1999 AUTHORITY TO MAKE MARKET PURCHASES OF SHARES AND APPROVAL OF THE WAIVER GRANTED BY THE PANEL ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS ('the Panel') In common with a number of other listed property companies, Safeland's shares continue to trade at a discount to their underlying net asset value. The Directors already have limited authority to make market purchases by virtue of the authority which was given to the Company at the extraordinary general meeting held on 18 November 1998. The Directors consider that it would be in the interests of all shareholders for the Company to be able to purchase up to 14.9 per cent of its own shares in the market, which should improve attributable net asset value per share. Approval at the Annual General Meeting is now being sought from shareholders for that authority and to avoid the Directors and persons connected with them and/or Messrs R Lipman, L G Lipman, S R Lipman, E A Lipman ('the Lipman Directors') and Safeland Holdings Corporation (together 'the Lipman Concert Party') being required to make a general offer for the Company's shares under Rule 9 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the 'Code') as a result of the implementation of that authority. Buy-Back Authority The Board obtained authority from shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting held on 18 November 1998 to purchase up to 5,028,054 ordinary shares of the Company in the market of which 5,025,000 ordinary shares (representing 14.89 per cent of the Company's shares then in issue) were purchased. The Board is now seeking general authority for the Company to have the ability to purchase up to a further 4,308,049 ordinary shares in the market (representing 14.9 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company now in issue). The terms of the authority will provide that the Company will be required to pay not less than 5p for each share (being the nominal value of the Company's shares) nor more than 105 per cent of the average middle market price for the five days immediately preceding such purchase. The Directors will only exercise the power to make market purchases of the Company's shares if they believe that it is in the best interests of the shareholders generally. In exercising this authority, the Directors will neither be encouraging nor recommending shareholders to buy or sell shares in the Company nor in any way suggesting that it is an appropriate time to deal in such shares. Furthermore, the power will only be exercised if the Directors are satisfied that the Company has sufficient financial resources to enable it to carry out the intended purchases. Purchases would be made out of the Company's retained reserves and accordingly the purchase and cancellation of shares will result in a reduction of the Company's retained reserves which might otherwise be available for distribution to shareholders of the Company. As at 31 March 1999 those reserves amounted to £9,950,000. The Board does not foresee that the exercise, either partially or fully, of the authority to buy back shares will restrict to any practical extent, its future ability to recommend dividends. Rule 9 of the Code Under Rule 9 of the Code, any person or group of persons acting in concert who acquires shares which, when taken together with shares already held, carry 30 per cent or more of the voting rights of a company, or who holds not less than 30 per cent but not more than 50 per cent of the voting rights of a company and acquires any additional shares carrying voting rights of that company is normally required by the Panel to make a general offer to all shareholders of that company. Under Rule 37.1 of the Code, when a company redeems or purchases it's own voting shares, a resulting increase in the percentage of voting rights carried by shareholdings of the directors and persons acting in concert with them will be treated as an acquisition for the purpose of Rule 9. The Directors and persons connected with them (which includes Safeland Holdings Corporation) beneficially hold a total of 12,997,355 ordinary shares in the Company representing 45.25 per cent of the current issued share capital. The Lipman Directors and Safeland Holdings Corporation, who the Panel have deemed to be acting in concert, beneficially hold a total of 12,821,637 ordinary shares in the Company representing 44.64 per cent of the current issued share capital. The Lipman Directors have equal beneficial interests in the entire share capital of Safeland Holdings Corporation. Accordingly, any increase in the aggregate percentage shareholding of such persons, whether as a result of the purchase of shares by any such person or as a result of the implementation of the buy- back authority would, prima facie, have the effect of triggering Rule 9. The Panel has, however, agreed to waive the requirement for the Directors and persons connected with them and/or the members of the Lipman Concert Party, both individually and collectively, to make a general offer to all shareholders in circumstances where, following purchases by the Company in the market of ordinary shares, the aggregate percentage holding of the Directors and/or the members of the Lipman Concert Party increases provided this is approved by a vote of independent shareholders of the Company on a poll in general meeting. If the Company was to repurchase (and thereby cancel) the full amount of ordinary shares for which it is now seeking authority, namely, 4,308,049 shares, then assuming no further change in the issued share capital of the Company and no change in the number of ordinary shares held by the Directors and persons connected with them, the voting rights attributable to the ordinary shares held by the Directors and persons connected with them would increase from 45.25 per cent to 53.24 per cent and the voting rights attributable to the ordinary shares held by the Lipman Concert Party would increase from 44.64 per cent to 52.52 per cent. Controlling shareholding Shareholders should be aware that, as stated above, the aggregate holdings of both the Directors and persons connected with them and the members of the Lipman Concert Party, following implementation of the buy-back authority, could exceed 50 per cent of the voting rights in the Company. In the circumstance both the Directors and members of the Lipman Concert Party would then be entitled to purchase shares in the Company without incurring any further obligation under Rule 9 of the Code to make a general offer, provided no such person individually comes to hold 30 per cent or more of the issued share capital of the Company. Annual General Meeting An Annual General Meeting of the Company has been convened for 11.00am on 24 August 1999 at 144 Great North Way, Hendon, London NW4 1EG. At the meeting the following resolutions, inter alia, will be proposed: -a special resolution seeking general authority for the Company to purchase up to 4,308,049 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company in the market; and -an ordinary resolution to approve the waiver by the Panel of any Rule 9 obligation which may otherwise arise on the Directors and/or members of the Lipman Concert Party, both individually or collectively, as a result of any increase in their aggregate holding of voting rights as a result of the implementation of the buy-back authority referred to above. As the Directors and Safeland Holdings Corporation are interested in the outcome of the ordinary resolution, they have undertaken that they will not vote on that resolution. The ordinary resolution will be taken on a poll. A circular containing a recommendation and independent advice to shareholders to vote in favour of the resolutions and further information will today be posted to shareholders together with the 1999 Annual Report & Accounts.
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