Interim Results

Safeland PLC 20 December 2004 SAFELAND PLC Interim Results CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT SIX MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2004 The sentiments I have expressed in my recent chairman's statements remain the same for the period under review and are likely to persist for the foreseeable future. The loss for the six months under review, before taxation, is £18,000 compared to a profit of £115,000 as at September 2003. Turnover for the period is £15.8m (2003: £14.7m). The loss for the period includes £374,000 (2003: £131,000) of losses in respect of Espazio, the Company's Italian self storage business. The UK trading activities have produced a profit of £356,000 (2003: £246,000). As a result of the loss the Company will not be declaring a dividend (2003: £nil). Net asset value per share at September 2004 is 94p compared with 91p as at September 2003 and earnings per share are 53p loss (2003 - 38p). Shareholders may be aware that post this period end there were two significant transactions. Continuing its buy-back policy, the Company bought 1,260,000 shares from two shareholders at 60p which will increase the relevant net asset value for shareholders as was explained in the circular that was distributed at the time. In addition, Hercules Property Services Plc, in which your Company had a significant investment was acquired by Erinaceous Plc. Shortly thereafter, the Company took the decision to dispose of its shares that were received as part of this transaction which resulted in a profit to the group of in excess of £1.2m. This will be reflected in the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005. We continue to monitor the market carefully and are extremely well poised to act as soon as there is any significant shift in conditions. Raymond Lipman Chairman 20 December 2004 SAFELAND PLC UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2004 Neither Neither audited audited nor nor reviewed reviewed Six months Six months ended Audited ended 30 September Year ended 30 September 2003 31 March 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER Group and share of joint venture 15,865 15,881 20,764 Less: share of joint venture (98) (1,182) (1,316) Group turnover 15,767 14,699 19,448 Cost of sales (14,057) (13,407) (16,893) Gross profit 1,710 1,292 2,555 Sales and distribution costs (455) (360) (546) Administrative expenses (1,416) (1,511) (3,821) Other operating income 91 136 209 (Group operating loss) (70) (443) (1,603) Share of operating profit of joint ventures 14 738 771 Share of operating loss of associate (2) (15) (98) Group operating (loss)/ profit (58) 280 (930) Profit on disposal of fixed assets - investment properties 299 31 171 Profit on disposal of investments - - 109 Profit on disposals of subsidiaries and investment in joint venture - - 255 Profit /(loss) on ordinary activities before interest and 241 311 (395) taxation Interest receivable and similar income - group 105 80 160 - joint venture 1 5 11 - associate 13 6 39 - dividends 49 18 94 Share of amounts written off investments of associate - - (261) Interest payable and similar charges (427) (305) (685) (Loss)/ profit on ordinary activities before taxation (18) 115 (1,037) Tax charge on (loss)/ profit on ordinary activities (86) (36) (77) (Loss)/ profit on ordinary activities after taxation and (loss)/ profit for the financial period/year (104) 79 (1,114) Equity dividends paid and proposed 3 - - - Retained/ (loss) profit for the financial period/year (104) 79 (1,114) Basic (loss)/ earnings per share (pence) 2 (0.53p) 0.38p (5.37p) Diluted (loss)/ earnings per share (pence) 2 (0.53p) 0.38p (5.37p) All results derive from continuing operations. SAFELAND PLC UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2004 Neither audited Neither audited nor reviewed nor reviewed 30 September 30 September Audited 2004 2003 31 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 5,927 5,566 5,748 Investment properties 3,048 3,348 3,981 Investment in joint venture Share of gross assets 4,554 5,191 4,649 Share of gross liabilities (557) (1,088) (627) 3,997 4,103 4,022 Investment in associated undertaking 672 972 661 Investments 3,926 4,281 3,926 17,570 18,270 18,338 Current assets Stocks 15,811 12,077 13,409 Debtors: Amounts falling due within one year 1,349 2,391 2,649 Cash at bank and in hand 2,062 3,020 2,212 19,222 17,488 18,270 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (5,040) (5,153) (4,385) Net current assets 14,182 12,335 13,885 Total assets less current liabilities 31,752 30,605 32,223 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year (13,277) (11,495) (13,624) Net assets 18,475 19,110 18,599 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 4 985 1,045 985 Share premium account 5,304 5,304 5,304 Capital redemption reserve 702 642 702 Investment property revaluation reserve 1,410 547 1,497 Profit and loss account 10,074 11,572 10,111 Equity shareholders' funds 5 18,475 19,110 18,599 SAFELAND PLC UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2004 Neither audited Neither audited nor reviewed nor reviewed Six months Six months ended ended 30 September 30 September Audited 2004 2003 Year ended £'000 £'000 31 March 2004 £'000 Note Net cash outflow from operating activities 6 (418) (4,427) (8,452) Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 105 80 160 Interest paid (387) (245) (572) Dividend received 49 18 94 Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (233) (147) (318) Taxation Tax received /(paid) 317 (301) (843) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (444) (810) (1,463) Purchase of investment properties (323) (720) (742) Disposal of tangible fixed assets 115 176 344 Disposal of investment properties 1,555 211 1,004 Disposal of investments - - 464 Net cash inflow /(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investment 903 (1,143) (393) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertaking (net of £12,000 cash acquired) - - (88) Purchase of investment in associate - (981) (981) Sale of subsidiary undertaking - - 1,700 Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from acquisitions and disposals - (981) 631 Equity dividends paid Dividends paid - - - Cash inflow /(outflow) before financing 569 (6,999) (9,375) Financing Purchase of own shares - (18) (675) Net loans (repaid)/ taken out (249) 5,254 6,915 Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from financing (249) 5,236 6,240 Increase/ (decrease) in cash 7 320 (1,763) (3,135) SAFELAND PLC Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2004 Neither Neither audited audited nor nor reviewed reviewed Six months ended Six months 30 September Audited ended 2003 Year ended 30 September £'000 31 March 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/ profit for the financial period/year (104) 79 (1,114) Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investment properties - - 1,323 Taxation on valuation surplus realised on sale of investment properties - - (110) Currency translation differences of foreign currency net investments (20) - 31 Total recognised losses and gains relating to the period/year (124) 79 130 SAFELAND PLC NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (UNAUDITED) 1. Basis of preparation and accounting policies This interim financial information was approved by the Board of Directors on (XX) December 2004. The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2003 and the six months ended 30 September 2004 are neither audited nor reviewed by the auditors. The unaudited interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with accounting policies set out in the audited statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004. The financial information in this report for the six months ended 30 September 2004 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and should be read in conjunction with the 31 March 2004 audited financial statements. The figures for the year ended 31 March 2004 are an abridged statement from the group's statutory financial statements at that date, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. (Loss)/ earnings per share Basic (loss)/ earnings per share is calculated on loss on ordinary activities of £104,000 (30 September 2003 - profit of £79,000; 31 March 2004 - loss of £1,114,000) and on 19,689,102 ordinary shares (30 September 2003 - 20,889,770; 31 March 2004 - 20,754,333), being the weighted average number of shares in issue throughout the period. Diluted/ (loss) earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue on the assumption of conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The group does not have any dilutive potential ordinary shares because the exercise price of all share options granted is above the average price of the company's ordinary shares during the periods. For a loss-making company with outstanding share options, net loss per share would only be increased by the exercise of out-of-the-money options, therefore no adjustment has been made to diluted EPS for out-of-the-money share options. 3. Dividend per share No interim dividend has been declared (six months ended 30 September 2003 - no interim dividend declared; year ended 31 March 2004 - no interim or final dividend declared). 4. Repurchased shares Safeland plc purchased none of its own shares during the period. 5. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds Neither audited Neither audited nor reviewed nor reviewed Six months Six months ended ended 30 September 30 September Audited 2004 2003 Year ended £'000 £'000 31 March 2004 £'000 (Loss)/ profit for the financial period/year (104) 79 (1,114) Dividends - - - (104) 79 (1,114) Other recognised losses and gains (20) - 1,244 Goodwill previously written off to reserves - - 95 Repurchase of shares - (18) (675) Net reduction/ addition to equity shareholders' funds (124) 61 (450) Opening equity shareholders' funds 18,599 19,049 19,049 Closing equity shareholders' funds 18,475 19,110 18,599 6. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities Neither audited Neither audited nor reviewed nor reviewed Six months Six months ended ended 30 September 30 September Audited 2004 2003 Year ended £'000 £'000 31 March 2004 £'000 Operating loss (70) (443) (1,603) Amortisation of goodwill - - 100 Depreciation 157 90 322 Amounts written off investment properties - - 59 Profit/ loss on sale of fixed assets (7) (29) 42 Increase in stocks (2,402) (6,112) (8,850) Decrease in debtors 983 1,436 1,451 Increase in creditors 921 631 27 Net cash outflow from operating activities (418) (4,427) (8,452) 7. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Neither audited Neither audited nor reviewed nor reviewed Six months Six months ended ended 30 September 30 September Audited 2004 2003 Year ended £'000 £'000 31 March 2004 £'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period/year 320 (1,763) (3,135) Cash outflow/(inflow) from decrease/(increase) in debt 249 (5,254) (6,915) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 569 (7,017) (10,050) Net debt brought forward (11,834) (1,784) (1,784) Net debt carried forward (11,265) (8,801) (11,834) 8. Analysis of net debt At At 1 April Cash 30 September 2004 flows 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash 2,212 (150) 2,062 Bank overdrafts (564) 470 (94) 1,648 320 1,968 Debt due within one year (660) (120) (780) Debt due after one year (12,822) 369 (12,453) Total (11,834) 569 (11,265) 9. Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and are available to the public for collection at the company's Registered Office at 94-96 Great North Road, London N2 0NL. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange MZDNDGDZM
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