16 January 2013
The Sage Group plc
Treasury Shares - Transfer and Cancellation
In accordance with Listing Rule 12.6.4 and Rule 5.5 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, The Sage Group plc ("Sage") announces that on 16 January 2013 it:
(i) transferred 5,000,000 ordinary shares from treasury to the trustee of the Sage Group plc Employee Benefit Trust for the purpose of satisfying awards under the company's Performance Share Plan. No price was paid by the trustee for the treasury shares; and
(ii) cancelled the remaining 124,525,800 ordinary shares held in treasury.
Following the above transactions, Sage holds no ordinary shares as treasury shares and the total number of ordinary shares in issue is 1,205,847,419. Therefore, 0% of the voting rights in Sage are attributable to treasury shares.