Statement re Possible Offer

Walker Greenbank PLC 29 March 2000 WALKER GREENBANK PLC ('WALKER GREENBANK' OR 'THE COMPANY') Charles Wightman, former Chief Executive of Walker Greenbank and a shareholder in the Company, believes that the proposed purchase by Walker Greenbank of the Standfast/Barracks and Weavestyle businesses from Courthaulds Textiles plc ('the Proposed Acquisitions') is not in the best interests of the Company. Based on discussions with a number of the Company's other shareholders and subject to the pre-condition that the Ordinary Resolution to approve the Proposed Acquisitions is rejected at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held on Thursday 30 March 2000, he is considering an approach to the Board of Walker Greenbank to seek their recommendation to a cash offer for the ordinary shares of the Company of not less than 50 pence per ordinary share. The pre-conditions, that the Ordinary Resolution to approve the Proposed Acquisitions be rejected and that the Board of Walker Greenbank recommend a cash offer, may be waived but this would have a material impact on the price at which any subsequent offer is made. For further information, please call: Charles Wightman, 01923 261663 Chris Ward, Deloitte & Touche Corporate Finance, 0207 303 6472
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