16 December 2010
The Board maintains an ongoing dialogue with shareholders and is aware that one of the Company's larger shareholders believes that continuation votes should be accompanied by an event such as a partial tender offer. The Board, having consulted with its advisers, therefore intends to propose a tender offer for up to 15 per cent. of the Company's issued shares at a discount of 2 per cent. to formula asset value (being net asset value less the costs of the tender offer) on the calculation date, and tender offer proposals will be put to shareholders at a General Meeting expected to be held on 31 January 2011.
The record date for the tender offer will be the close of business on 23 December 2010. A document setting out the terms of the tender offer and seeking the necessary shareholder approvals will be sent to shareholders separately.
John Spedding
Schroder Investment Management Limited
Tel: 020 7658 3496
David Benda
Numis Securities
020 7260 1275