Half Yearly Report

RNS Number : 5152A
SchroderJapan Growth Fund PLC
30 March 2012


Half Yearly Report


Schroder Japan Growth Fund plc (the "Company") hereby submits its Half Yearly Report for the period ended 31 January 2012 as required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2. 


The Half Yearly Report is also being published in hard copy format and an electronic copy of that document will shortly be available to download from the Company's website http://www.schroderjapangrowthfund.com. Please click on the following link to view the document:




The Company has submitted the hard copy format of its Half Yearly Report to the National Storage Mechanism and it will shortly be available for inspection at www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do.




John Spedding

Schroder Investment Management Limited                                        Tel: 020 7658 3206



30 March 2012





Schroder Japan Growth Fund plc


Financial Highlights


                                                                                       31 January 2012    31 July 2011       % Change


Total assets (£'000)*                                                                   153,252           154,331                (0.7)

Borrowings (£'000)                                                                      (24,932)          (23,677)                   5.3

Shareholders' funds (£'000)                                                         128,320           130,654                (1.8)

Shares in issue ('000)                                                                  125,008           125,008                      -

Net Asset Value per share                                                           102.65p           104.52p                (1.8)

Share price                                                                                     86.00p             92.88p                (7.4)

Share price discount                                                                     16.22%           11.14%                      -

TSE First Section Total Return Index Level (in sterling terms)**        8.06                 8.43                (4.4)

Yen rate to Sterling                                                                        120.33             126.71                (5.0)

Market capitalisation (£'000)                                                        107,507           116,108                (7.4)


* Calculated in accordance with AIC guidance and comprises shareholders' funds plus gearing used for investment purposes.


** Source: Thomson Financial Datastream.


Ten Largest Investments


As at 31 January 2012                                                                                           Market

                                                                                                                            Value of                 % of

                                                                                                                             Holding  Shareholders'

Company and Activities                                                                                            £'000              Funds


Toyota Motor                                                                                                           6,866                 5.35

Automobile manufacturer

Mitsui                                                                                                                       6,205                 4.84

General trading company

SK Kaken                                                                                                                 5,037                 3.93

Paint manufacturer for construction

East Japan Railway                                                                                                  4,429                 3.45

Railway company

Hi-Lex                                                                                                                      4,261                 3.32

Automobile cables manufacturer

Bridgestone                                                                                                             4,145                 3.23

Automobile tyre manufacturer

Sankei Building                                                                                                        3,736                 2.91

Real estate investment

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial                                                                                        3,426                 2.67

Banking and other financial services

Seven & I Holdings                                                                                                  3,264                 2.54

Retail store operator

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone                                                                                3,166                 2.47

Telecommunication services


Total                                                                                                                      44,535               34.71



At 31 July 2011, the ten largest investments represented 35.18% of Shareholders' Funds.


Analysis of the Portfolio Sector Distribution with the TSE First Section Index (%) as at 31 January 2012


                                                                                                   Valuation                % of                 % of

                                                                                                         £'000           Portfolio               Index


Chemicals                                                                                       15,824               11.04                   6.0

Transportation Equipment                                                              13,885                 9.69                 10.0

Wholesale Trade                                                                            11,934                 8.33                   5.8

Electrical Appliances                                                                       11,847                 8.26                 13.5

Retail Trade                                                                                    11,777                 8.22                   4.2

Banks                                                                                             11,418                 7.97                   9.5

Land Transportation                                                                         8,339                 5.82                   4.1

Pharmaceutical                                                                                 6,461                 4.51                   4.9

Real Estate                                                                                       6,329                 4.42                   2.3

Machinery                                                                                         6,232                 4.35                   5.3

Information & Communication                                                          6,217                 4.34                   6.3

Insurance                                                                                         5,638                 3.93                   2.3

Services                                                                                            4,688                 3.27                   1.9

Construction                                                                                     4,293                 2.99                   2.5

Rubber Products                                                                               4,145                 2.89                   0.8

Precision Instruments                                                                      3,331                 2.32                   1.4

Other Products                                                                                 2,651                 1.85                   1.6

Oil & Coal Products                                                                           2,198                 1.53                   1.0

Securities & Commodity Futures                                                       2,191                 1.53                   1.0

Glass & Ceramic Products                                                                 1,652                 1.15                   1.2

Marine Transportation                                                                         862                 0.60                   0.4

Mining                                                                                                  769                 0.54                   0.8

Non-Ferrous Metals                                                                             649                 0.45                   1.2

Foods                                                                                                      -                      -                   3.6

Electric Power & Gas                                                                               -                      -                   3.1

Iron & Steel                                                                                             -                      -                   1.8

Textiles & Apparels                                                                                  -                      -                   1.0

Other Financing Business                                                                        -                      -                   0.8

Metal Products                                                                                        -                      -                   0.7

Pulp & Paper                                                                                           -                      -                   0.4

Air Transportation                                                                                   -                      -                   0.3

Warehousing & Harbour Transport                                                         -                      -                   0.2

Fishery, Agriculture & Forestry                                                                -                      -                   0.1


Total                                                                                             143,330             100.00             100.00



Interim Management Statement


Chairman's Statement




The six-month period to 31 January 2012 was a disappointing one for the Japanese market which declined by 9.2% in local currency terms. At the same time, the yen again strengthened against sterling over the period so that the net effect was that, measured in sterling terms, the TSE First Section Total Return Index produced a negative total return of 4.4% over the period. The Company's net asset value again out-performed the Index, decreasing by 1.8% (from 104.52p per share to 102.65p per share).


The Company's share price decreased by 7.4% and the discount widened from 11.1% to 16.2% as sentiment declined.


Dividend Policy


In recent years, the yield on the Japanese stock market has increased significantly. Whilst the increase has not been uniform each year and dividends received by portfolio companies have been volatile, our current allocation arrangements whereby all management fees and finance costs are charged to the Company's revenue account, have resulted in an accumulated loss on the revenue account. This has meant that whilst the portfolio's income has increased, the Directors have been prevented from paying out this income to shareholders as dividends.


The Directors feel that this situation should be rectified and future net revenue earned by the portfolio paid out to investors in the form of dividends. Therefore, we are seeking shareholder approval to proposals to extinguish the accumulated brought forward loss on revenue reserve so that this will not inhibit the Company from paying dividends in the future.


In order better to reflect the increasing significance of income as part of total return, the Directors will, with effect from 1 August 2012, also adopt a revised allocation policy whereby management fees and finance costs will be charged 70% to the capital account and 30% to the revenue account.


Shareholders should not expect future dividends to increase year on year as dividend income received from Japanese companies is expected to continue to be volatile.


There will be no change in investment policy or strategy to generate additional income.


A circular will be sent to shareholders in due course.


Gearing Policy


During the period the Company maintained its borrowings at ¥3 billion. All of the borrowings were obtained via a revolving credit facility to provide flexibility. The gearing continues to be operated within the limits agreed by the Board. At the beginning of the period, the effective gearing ratio (borrowings less cash and short-term deposits as a percentage of net assets) was 10.3% and the level had slightly increased to 11.4% at 31 January 2012.




Since the end of January the stock market has regained all the ground lost in the Company's first half. The improvement in sentiment globally is partially responsible, but there has also been a positive reaction to the Bank of Japan's new policy of targeting a return of inflation. How successful this policy can be, after a decade of deflation, remains to be seen, but at the least the market response has highlighted that Japanese share valuations are not demanding.


At a more direct level, this point was also illustrated by buyouts of two of the portfolio's holdings at prices well above the market price. MBOs are sufficiently rare in Japan that it would be optimistic to expect to find these opportunities regularly, but our Investment Manager continues to believe that large parts of the portfolio still sell at levels well below their true worth. Finding that value remains the Company's main challenge.


Jonathan Taylor




29 March 2012


Investment Manager's Review


Market Background


The Japanese stock market fell 9.2% in yen terms during the six months ended 31 January 2012. The decline was less in sterling terms at 4.4%.


The period under review captured the bulk of the sell-off caused by the market succumbing from August onwards to the problems caused by the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Sentiment towards the Japanese market also suffered from the Olympus scandal and the subsequent lack of support from Japanese institutional shareholders for the dismissed CEO Michael Woodford. The ECB's measures to ward off the worst of the liquidity problems in November, together with improving data in the US economy, was a trigger for a partial recovery globally that included Japan. This improved sentiment has continued after the end of the Company's half year, encouraged by further monetary easing, although this has also been associated with a weaker yen.


With the market being buffeted by global economic forces it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Japan's own recovery from the tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami has exceeded most initial expectations. However, some industries received a further jolt from nature in the form of the floods in Thailand in areas where several Japanese car and electronics companies have factories.


Most sectors of the market declined over the six months, with the falls less in defensive areas such as transportation and pharmaceuticals. Construction companies also did well due to perceived benefits from reconstruction of the area affected by the earthquake. By contrast more cyclical or higher-beta parts of the market performed worst.


The Company's NAV fell 1.8%. This represented 2.6% outperformance of the benchmark. Stock selection in the real estate sector made the largest positive contribution, with the portfolio benefitting from two companies held in this sector - Tachihi Enterprise and Sankei Building - being bought out at large premia to the share prices. This more than offset the negative impact from stock selection in machinery and from being under-exposed to construction companies.




The stock market remains attractively valued and a laggard relative to global markets. This makes it well positioned if global economic conditions sustain their early signs of improvement. The domestic economy should also benefit from a more "normal" year after the one-off shocks of 2011. The hopefully temporary shutdown of most of the nuclear power industry (but with poor visibility surrounding its restart) is a risk, as is the prospect of more domestic political instability. However, there are encouraging signs of relief for the corporate sector from the headwind of a strong yen. Recent Bank of Japan monetary easing surprised markets and has seen the yen depreciate back to where it was last summer. If it stabilises around current levels this would improve the outlook for company profits next fiscal year.


Investment Policy


The portfolio's cyclical exposure was increased moderately at the end of 2011 with new positions in shipping and technology companies. This exposure is being maintained although not added to given the bounce in this part of the market in early 2012. Additions have been made to existing holdings in retail as this area has lagged and should benefit if expectations of a return of inflation slowly improve following a subtle change in the Bank of Japan's stated price objectives. Exposure to overseas earners is broadly neutral but skewed towards autos at the expense of consumer electronics.


Net gearing at 11.4% was slightly ahead of the level at end July 2011, and reflects our belief that the market will rise from these levels.


Schroder Investment Management Limited


29 March 2012


Principal Risks and Uncertainties


The principal risks and uncertainties with the Company's business fall into the following categories: financial risk; gearing; strategic risk and accounting, legal and regulatory risk. A detailed explanation of the risks and uncertainties in each of these categories can be found on page 11 of the Company's published Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2011. These risks and uncertainties have not materially changed during the six months ended 31 January 2012.


Going Concern


The Directors believe, having considered the Company's investment objectives, risk management policies, capital management policies and procedures, nature of the portfolio and expenditure projections; that the Company has adequate resources, an appropriate financial structure and suitable management arrangements in place to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For these reasons, they consider there is reasonable evidence to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the accounts.


Related Party Transactions


Details of related party transactions can be found on page 33 of the Company's published Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2011. There have been no material transactions with the Company's related parties during the six months ended 31 January 2012.


Directors' Responsibility Statement


The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, this condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) and with the Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Statements of Investment Companies and Venture Capital Trusts (SORP) issued in January 2009. The Interim Management Report as set out above in the form of the Chairman's Statement and Investment Manager's Review include a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.


Income Statement

                                                (Unaudited)                            (Unaudited)                         (Audited)

                                           For the six months                   For the six months                   For the year

                                       ended 31 January 2012            ended 31 January 2011          ended 31 July 2011


                                 Revenue    Capital       Total  Revenue     Capital       Total Revenue    Capital   Total

                          Note      £'000      £'000       £'000      £'000       £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000   £'000


 (Losses)/gains on

investments held at

fair value                                    -   (2,035)    (2,035)            -     16,908    16,908            -    15,588 15,588

Other currency losses                    -      (745)       (745)            -       (473)      (473)            -      (816)   (816)

Income                          2     1,591            -      1,591      1,422             -      1,422      3,343            -  3,343


management fee                   (681)            -       (681)      (697)             -      (697)   (1,385)            - (1,385)


expenses                              (199)            -       (199)      (229)             -      (229)      (468)            -   (468)


Net return/(loss)

before finance costs

and taxation                            711   (2,780)    (2,069)         496     16,435    16,931      1,490    14,772 16,262

Finance costs                         (154)            -       (154)      (183)             -      (183)      (345)            -   (345)


Net return/(loss)

on ordinary activities

before taxation                        557   (2,780)    (2,223)         313     16,435    16,748      1,145    14,772 15,917

Taxation on

ordinary activities                   (111)            -       (111)        (99)             -        (99)      (234)            -   (234)


Net return/(loss)

attributable to equity

shareholders                            446   (2,780)    (2,334)         214     16,435    16,649        911    14,772 15,683


Net return/(loss) per

ordinary share                4     0.36p   (2.22)p    (1.86)p      0.17p     13.15p    13.32p      0.73p    11.82p 12.55p



The Total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The Revenue and Capital columns are both provided in accordance with guidance issued by The Association of Investment Companies. The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. Accordingly no Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is presented.


All Revenue and Capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.



Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds


                                                         For the six months ended 31 January 2012 (Unaudited)


                                               Called-up       Share       Share    Warrant

                                                     share   premium  purchase    exercise      Capital   Revenue

                                                   capital    account     reserve     reserve     reserve     reserve         Total

                                                     £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000


Balance at 1 August 2011          12,501               7      97,205               3      26,612     (5,674)    130,654

Net (loss)/return from

ordinary activities                                -               -               -               -     (2,780)           446     (2,334)


At 31 January 2012                    12,501               7      97,205               3      23,832     (5,228)    128,320



                                                               For the six months ended 31 January 2011 (Unaudited)


                                               Called-up       Share       Share    Warrant

                                                     share   premium  purchase    exercise      Capital   Revenue

                                                   capital    account     reserve     reserve     reserve     reserve         Total

                                                     £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000


Balance at 1 August 2010          12,501               7      97,205               3      11,840     (6,585)    114,971

Net return from ordinary

activities                                              -               -               -               -      16,435           214      16,649


At 31 January 2011                    12,501               7      97,205               3      28,275     (6,371)    131,620



                                                                         For the year ended 31 July 2011 (Audited)


                                               Called-up       Share       Share    Warrant

                                                     share   premium  purchase    exercise      Capital   Revenue

                                                   capital    account     reserve     reserve     reserve     reserve         Total

                                                     £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000        £'000


Balance at 1 August 2010          12,501               7      97,205               3      11,840     (6,585)    114,971

Net return from ordinary

activities                                              -               -               -               -      14,772           911      15,683


At 31 July 2011                           12,501               7      97,205               3      26,612     (5,674)    130,654




Balance Sheet


                                                                                               (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)         (Audited)

                                                                                            At 31 January  At 31 January         At 31 July

                                                                                                          2012                2011                2011

                                                                                  Note               £'000               £'000               £'000


Fixed assets

Investments held at fair value through

profit or loss                                                                                 143,330           148,506           144,885


                                                                                                     143,330           148,506           144,885

Current assets

Debtors                                                                                               365                  473                  158

Cash at bank and short-term deposits                                          10,307               6,459             10,548


                                                                                                       10,672               6,932             10,706


Current liabilities

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year             5          (25,682)          (23,818)          (24,937)


Net current liabilities                                                                    (15,010)          (16,886)          (14,231)


Total assets less current liabilities                                               128,320           131,620           130,654


Capital and reserves

Called-up share capital                                                                  12,501             12,501             12,501

Share premium account                                                                           7                      7                      7

Share purchase reserve                                                                 97,205             97,205             97,205

Warrant exercise reserve                                                                        3                      3                      3

Capital reserve                                                                               23,832             28,275             26,612

Revenue reserve                                                                           (5,228)            (6,371)            (5,674)


Total shareholders' funds                                                             128,320           131,620           130,654


Net asset value per ordinary share                                 6           102.65p           105.29p           104.52p




Cash Flow Statement


                                                                                        (Unaudited)            (Unaudited)         (Audited)

                                                                             For the six months  For the six months     For the year

                                                                              ended 31 January   ended 31 January  ended 31 July

                                                                                                  2012                       2011                2011

                                                                                                  £'000                      £'000               £'000


Net cash inflow from operating activities                                     344                         481               1,828

Net cash outflow from servicing of finance                                (152)                      (184)               (359)

Total tax paid                                                                            (110)                        (97)               (232)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investment activities                                                (833)            (2,065)       513


Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                                          (751)                   (1,865)               1,750



Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                                          (751)                   (1,865)               1,750

Net debt at 1 August                                                            (13,129)                 (14,063)          (14,063)

Exchange losses on currency, loans and cash balances            (745)                      (473)               (816)


Net debt carried forward                                                      (14,625)                 (16,401)          (13,129)




Notes to the Accounts


1. Accounting policies


The financial information for each of the six month periods ended 31 January 2012 and 31 January 2011 comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of sections 434 - 436 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 July 2011 has been extracted from published accounts that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.


The Company's accounting policies have not varied from those described in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2011.


2. Income


                                                               (Unaudited)                        (Unaudited)                (Audited)

                                               For the six months ended  For the six months ended For the year ended

                                                             31 January 2012                31 January 2011           31 July 2011


                                                                               £'000                                  £'000                      £'000


Overseas dividends                                                1,591                                  1,421                      3,342

Interest on deposits                                                     -                                         1                             1


                                                                               1,591                                  1,422                      3,343



3. Investment Management fees and interest payable


The Investment Management fee and finance costs on borrowings for investment purposes are apportioned 100% to revenue.


4. Return/(loss) per ordinary share


                                                                     (Unaudited)                        (Unaudited)                (Audited)

                                               For the six months ended  For the six months ended For the year ended

                                                             31 January 2012                31 January 2011           31 July 2011


Revenue (£'000)                                                        446                                     214                         911

Capital (£'000)                                                     (2,780)                                16,435                    14,772


Total (£'000)                                                        (2,334)                                16,649                    15,683


Weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue                                            125,008,200                       125,008,200           125,008,200

Revenue                                                                 0.36p                                  0.17p                      0.73p

Capital                                                                 (2.22)p                                13.15p                    11.82p


Total                                                                    (1.86)p                                13.32p                    12.55p



5. Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year


Included within creditors is the following loan:


                                                                     (Unaudited)                        (Unaudited)                (Audited)

                                                         At 31 January 2012            At 31 January 2011       At 31 July 2011


Yen                                                           3,000,000,000                    3,000,000,000        3,000,000,000

Equivalent to                                               £24,932,000                       £22,860,000           £23,677,000


The Company has an unsecured loan facility of Yen 3 billion with ING Bank N.V. This facility has a revolving 364 day term and is chargeable at a floating rate linked to the Yen LIBOR.


6. Net asset value per ordinary share


                                                                     (Unaudited)                        (Unaudited)                (Audited)

                                                         At 31 January 2012            At 31 January 2011       At 31 July 2011


Net assets attributable to ordinary
shareholders (£'000)                                          128,320                              131,620                  130,654

Ordinary shares in issue at end of period   125,008,200                       125,008,200           125,008,200


Net asset value per ordinary share                    102.65p                              105.29p                  104.52p



This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
UK 100

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