Steinhausen, April 8, 2020 – At today’s Annual General Meeting of Schweiter Technologies AG in Steinhausen, the shareholders approved all proposals of the Board of Directors
In particular, the shareholders approved the distribution of a dividend of CHF 40 per bearer share. The dividend will be paid out as of April 17, 2020.
Beat Siegrist, Lukas Braunschweiler, Vanessa Frey and Jacques Sanche were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors and, additionally, Beat Siegrist was confirmed as Chairman. Lars van der Haegen and Heinz Baumgartner were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, Jacques Sanche, Vanessa Frey and Beat Siegrist were re-elected to the Compensation Committee. In the constitutive meeting following the Annual General Meeting, Jacques Sanche was elected Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
The shareholders approved the maximum aggregate amount of compensation to the Board of Directors for their term of office up to the 2021 Annual General Meeting and the maximum aggregate amount of compensation to the Management for the 2021 financial year.
Operational business developed well at the beginning of the year. However, business has been affected since mid-March by the global health and economic crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19. The potential impact on the business performance is currently not predictable.
For further information please contact:
Martin Klöti, CFO
Tel. +41 41 757 77 00, Fax +41 41 757 70 01,
Please find the Media release in the PDF attached: