Interim Results
Scottish American Investment Co PLC
18 July 2001
Preliminary Results (Unaudited) for the six months to 30th June 2001
The Scottish American Investment Company PLC (SAINTS) is an international
general investment trust. The Trust's investment objective is to offer private
investors a balance between growth of capital and a reasonable level of income
by investing in successful companies in the UK and internationally. SAINTS,
which has total assets of £480 million, is managed by Stewart Ivory & Company
Limited, part of Colonial First State Investments, an active investment
management company that manages over £25 billion for retail, institutional and
private client investors worldwide.
* Second quarter dividend of 1.39p payable on 1st October 2001.
* Net asset value total return was minus 13.1% in the first half of the
year. This compares with a total return for SAINTS' benchmark (65% FTSE
All-Share Index:35% FTSE WI World ex UK Index) of minus 6.3% and for the
FTSE All-Share Index of minus 7.3%.
* In January 2001 a third tranche of the 2022 Debenture Stock was issued.
The bulk of the £35m raised has not yet been invested in equities, but is
held temporarily in a short term UK gilt.
* Since 1997, SAINTS has been buying in the Equities Index Unsecured Loan
Stock 2004. The remaining Loan Stock was redeemed in June.
Attached is a copy of the preliminary results. These are presented in a format
which summarises the information which will be given in the forthcoming Interim
For further information, please contact:
Christine Wood Consolidated Communications 0207 208 2382
Preliminary Results (Unaudited) for the six months to 30th June 2001
30th June 2001 31st December 2000 % change
Asset Value per Share 255.2p 296.8p -14.0
Dividend per Share 2.78p* 5.53p +0.7+
Share Price 218.75p 254.5p -14.0
* For half year + Change from same period last year
Global equity markets have been weak in 2001 with most of the major indices
showing negative returns in sterling terms. For the half year the total return
on net assets per share was minus 13.1%. The total return for our benchmark
(65% FTSE All Share Index:35% FTSE WI World ex UK Index) was minus 6.3%, while
the comparable figure for the FTSE All-Share Index was minus 7.3%.
The poor returns from equity markets this year have been caused primarily by
the sharp slowdown in the US economy. This led to a deteriorating outlook for
corporate profits as companies struggled to adjust stock and capacity levels
to cope with the less buoyant economic environment. The problem has been most
acute in the information technology industry where rapid technological change
and the necessity for corporations to invest to cope with growth in use of the
Internet and possible problems over the millennium in 1999 and 2000 led to
buoyant conditions in technology markets. Many technology companies
erroneously believed such investment levels were sustainable and were
unprepared as budgets were cut when economic growth slowed. In
telecommunications significant investment in capacity has also led to falling
margins and decreases in profits. However, the difficulties problemshave not
been confined to these areas alone and the slowdown in growth has affected
companies across many sectors. Changing economic conditions in the US have
also begun to impact other Western economies and, with many quoted companies
outside the US having at least some exposure to the US economy, corporate
results and outlook statements have tended to be gloomy. Negative corporate
news was exacerbated, at least in the early part of the year, by the continued
economic and financial problems in Japan. The Japanese economy has slipped
back into recession and it will take time for the new Prime Minister to
implement the necessary radical reforms of the financial system and the
By far the most significant reason for the negative total return was the
failure of Independent Insurance, which has cost the portfolio £9.5m over the
last six months. However, to put this in context, since Independent Insurance
floated in 1993, SAINTS has realised over £25m from the sale of shares in the
company compared to a purchase cost of under £2m. Over the long term the
investment has been very profitable for SAINTS.
Apart from Independent Insurance the SAINTS portfolio has been adversely
affected by its relatively high level of exposure to the telecommunications
and technology sectors, notably in the UK and Europe. A number of our
companies in various sectors have underperformed even when forecasts for
profits and earnings growth have remained unchanged. However Wwe believe,
however, that sustainable profits and earnings growth will continue to drive
share prices over the long term and we are confident that these companies we
are invested in will start to outperform again.
30th June 2001 31st December 2000
% %
United Kingdom 67 66*
North America 21 18
Continental Europe 9 10
Japan 4 4
Pacific Asia/Emerging Markets 6 4
Unquoted 2 2
109+ 104+
* Net of Equities Index Unsecured Loan Stock
+ The amount by which equity investments exceed 100 per cent of
shareholders' funds is the level by which the Trust is geared to equity
markets. The gearing is financed by long term borrowing.
SAINTS will pay a second interim of 1.39p per share on 1st October 2001 making
a total for the year to date of 2.78p compared with 2.76p last year.
SAINTS has been buying in the Equities Index Unsecured Loan Stock since 1997
and replacing it with conventional fixed rate borrowings which have become
more attractive as a result in the decline of interest rates. This process was
completed in June with the redemption of the remaining Loan Stock. An
equivalent value of UK shares were sold, so as to leave unchanged the
effective level of investment in UK shares. A third tranche of the 2022
Debenture Stock had been issued in January as was reported in the annual
report. The bulk of the £35m raised has not yet been invested in equities but
is held temporarily in a short term gilt.
After a weak 2000 and further falls during the first quarter we became more
positive on equity markets and started to gear the portfolio to reflect this.
Equities were weak in 2000 and have fallen again in 2001. However, we are
positive on the outlook and have started to gear the portfolio to equity
markets to reflect this. Equities have recovered to a small degree over the
last few months and we remain optimistic that they will make up further ground
over the course of the rest of the year.
Central banks have been cutting interest rates around the world and this
should continue, although US and UK interest rates may now be close to the low
point in the current interest rate cycle. Monetary easing has helped to
stabilise equity markets and should give them upward momentum once it becomes
clear that economic slowdown is levelling off. Having made little progress
over the last two years, a period in which profits in general have moved
upwards, equities also look reasonable value relative to bonds. In the short
termnegative corporate surprises poor corporate results may continue to affect
sentiment but as the year progresses attention will focus increasingly on 2002
when lower interest rates should lead to an acceleration in economic growth
rates and a much brighter outlook for corporate profits.
Markets we prefer include the UK, where consumer sentiment has remained
resilient and inflation is under control. We have also been increasing the
weighting in US equities because the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates
aggressively in the face of sharply slowing economic growth and the economy
should benefit from personal tax rebates in the second half of the year. At
the same time we have been reducing exposure to Europe as the European Central
Bank has been slow to cut interest rates and may continuee to desist from
doing so this stance while inflation remains above target, despite evidence
that the main European economies are now slowing down. Within the portfolio as
a whole wWe continue to favour companies which offer above average profits and
earnings growth prospects over the long term. We have maintained exposure to
stocks in the pharmaceuticals and oil sectors, which display these
characteristics, and have increased exposure to consumer orientated companies
over the last six months as consumer spending has held up in the US and UK. We
believe their qualities will become more highly valued in what will remain a
testing economic environment.
for the six months to 30th June 2001
6 months 6 months Year to
to 30th June to 30th June 31st December
2001 2000 2000(1)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Dividends and interest 6,264 6,256 10,839
Other income 1,128 1,225 2,507
7,392 7,481 13,346
Expenses (686) (1,119) (1,910)
Interest payable (1,053) (1,682) (2,855)
Income before tax 5,653 4,680 8,581
Tax (689) (338) (787)
Income attributable to 4,964 4,342 7,794
Dividends* (4,272) (4,319) (8,662)
Surplus / (deficit) for 692 23 (868)
the period
Return attributable to shareholders:
Income 4,964 4,342 7,794
Capital (66,588) (22,376) (42,654)
Total (61,624) (18,034) (34,860)
Total return per share (39.61p) (11.11p) (21.79p)
* Total dividend per share of 2.78p for the period (2.76p for the first half of
2000 and 5.53p for the year 2000)
As at 30th June 2001
30th June 30th June 31st December
2001 2000 2000(1)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Total Investments 483,363 630,467 526,238
Net Current Assets (2,145) 19,973 17,013
Total Assets less 481,218 650,440 543,251
Current Liabilities
Creditors due after one (91,018) (159,272) (78,471)
Equity Shareholders' 390,200 491,168 464,780
Net asset value per share 255.2p 309.7p 296.8p
Share price 218.75p 256.0p 254.5p
AS AT 30TH JUNE 2001
Six months Six months to 30th Year to 31st
to 30th June June 2000 December 2000(1)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash and deposits at the 20,654 66,005 66,005
start of the year
Dividends received 4,323 4,900 8,851
Interest received 1,659 1,050 1,845
Underwriting commission and 1,222 1,210 2,778
other income
Investment management fee 29 (168) (294)
Other administrative (633) (988) (1,783)
expenses paid
Income less administrative 6,600 6,004 11,397
Interest paid on borrowings (1,874) (1,653) (3,423)
Dividends paid to (4,341) (4,602) (8,994)
Cash paid in respect of (6,215) (6,255) (12,417)
interest and dividends
Tax (paid) / received (654) 267 712
Cash (paid) / received in (269) 16 (308)
respect of income
Purchases of investments (211,525) (151,052) (271,369)
Sales of investments 188,866 147,544 352,004
(22,659) (3,508) 80,635
Repurchase of Ordinary share (6,199) (26,623) (31,586)
Issue of 8% Debenture Stock 36,085 (160) (31)
Repayment of Equities Index (20,802) (9,036) (90,203)
Unsecured Loan Stock 2004
Performance fee 322 - -
Investment management fee 249 (505) (658)
Interest paid on borrowings (1,717) (1,331) (2,826)
Currency gains/(losses) 90 90 (374)
Cash paid in respect of (14,631) (41,073) (45,043)
capital transactions
Total cash paid (14,900) (41,057) (45,351)
Cash and deposits at end of 5,754 24,948 20,654
the period
a) Reconciliation of total income as shown
in the Statement of Total Return to
income less administrative expenses in
the Cash Flow Statement
Total income per the
Statement of Total 7,392 7481 13,346
Total expenses per the
Statement of
Total Return (686) (1,119) (1,910)
6,706 6,362 11,436
(Increase)/Decrease in
dividends accounted for
but for which cash had (267) (274) 138
not been received at
the year end
Decrease/(Increase) in
other debtors 169 (55) (407)
in creditors (8) (29) 230
Income less administrative
expenses per 6,600 6,004 11,397
Cash Flow Statement
b) Analysis of changes in net debt.
At the Cash Flows Other Changes At the
start of end of
the period the period
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash 20,654 (14,900) - 5,754
Equities Index
Loan Stock 2004 (22,650) 20,802 1,848 -
8% Debenture (55,345) (35,465) 268 (90,542)
Stock 2022
4% Irredeemable (476) - - (476)
Debenture Stock
(57,817) (29,563) 2,116 (85,264)
(1) The results for the year to 31st December 2000 and the position as at
that date are an abridged version of the full accounts for that year,
(2) which received an unqualified audit report and which have been filed
(3) with the Registrar of Companies.
The accounting policies applied in preparing these accounts are
consistent with those applied in the latest published annual accounts.
The terms of the Interim Report were approved by the Board on 18th
July 2001.