7 April 2015
The Directors of Hygea vct plc ('Hygea') note the recent reduction in the share price of Scancell Holdings Plc ('Scancell'). Hygea holds 13,249,730 shares of Scancell which were valued at 31 December 2014 at the then current bid price of 32p, at which time the Net Asset Value ('NAV') of Hygea was 90.4p per share
The current bid price of Scancell shares at 2 April 2015 is 23p, which represents a reduction in Hygea's Net Asset Value per share of 11.8p per share after accounting for the reduction in the Performance Fee.
The purpose of this RIS is to provide investors with the data to assess the impact on NAV of changes in the Scancell share price, since the investment in Scancell is a material part of Hygea's portfolio.
Charles Breese, Hygea VCT plc on 01280 703482 or larpentnewton@btinternet.com
Roland Cornish, Beaumont Cornish Limited on 020 7628 3396