Interim Corporate Announcement on theCourtActionbroughtbyNNPCinrelation tothe acquisition of the shares of MobilProducingNigeria Unlimited
Lagos and London - 11 July2022: Seplat Energy PLC recentlybecameawarethat, on 5 July 2022, theNigerianNationalPetroleumCompanyLimited("NNPC")commenced an action at theState High Court of theFederalCapitalTerritory in Abuja,Nigeria ("State HighCourt") in relationtotheacquisition of theentireshares of MobilProducingNigeriaUnlimited("MPNU").MPNU,itsshareholders(MobilDevelopmentNigeria,Inc. and Mobil ExplorationNigeria,Inc.), and theNigerianUpstreamPetroleumRegulatoryCommissionarenamed as defendants in thesuit.NNPC has requestedtheStateHighCourtto declare that a dispute has occurredbetweenitself and MPNU in relationtotheinterpretation of pre-emptionrightsundertheir Joint OperatingAgreement("JOA") and orderNNPC and MPNUtoarbitration as required by theJOA.
On 6 July2022,theStateHighCourtmadeanex-parteorder of interiminjunctionrestrainingtheDefendantsfromcompletinganydivestmentinMPNU,includingtheShareSale and PurchaseAgreementsigned with SeplatEnergy OffshoreLimited(the "SPA").
Neither Seplat Energy PLC nor SeplatEnergyOffshoreLimited is a partyinthesuit.TheCompanycannotprovidefurthercomments, as thematter is awaitingresolution by theStateHighCourt and is thereforesub judice.SeplatEnergyPLCreiteratesthattheSPA is stillvalid and subsisting, and theCompanyremainsconfidentthatthematterwillbe brought to a properconclusion in accordancewiththe law. Any furtherinformationwillbeprovided if available to the Company and permittedbylaw.
This announcement is madepursuantto Rule 17.11,Rulebook of The NigerianExchangeLimited,2015(Issuers'Rule).
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Director Legal/Company Secretary
Seplat Energy Plc |
Emeka Onwuka, |
Chief Financial Officer |
Chioma Nwachuku, |
Director External Affairs and Sustainability |
Edith Onwuchekwa, |
Director Legal/Company Secretary |
Carl Franklin, |
Head of InvestorRelations |
FTI Consulting |
Ben Brewerton / Chris Laing +44 (0) 203 727 1000 |