Exploration Update
SERABI MINING plc ("Serabi" or "the Company")
* Palito Main Zone continues to produce good results, which has
recently included the discovery of a new mineralisation between
the G2S and G3S lodes and a high-grade zone intersected
south-west of the G1S lode.
* Chico do Santo prospect demonstrates significant strike and dip
extension, with three parallel zones intersected over a 200m
strike length and 200m dip extent.
* Further drilling at the Ruari's Ridge prospect returns
encouraging results from two sub-parallel mineralised zones
intersected over a 600m strike and 200m dip extent.
* Drilling at Palito West intersects a potential new zone of
high-grade mineralisation to the east of the previous exploration
focus, which will become the first satellite ore source developed
for Palito.
* The Tatu prospect emerges as an attractive drill target following
delineation of linear magnetic anomalies, juxtaposed to
high-grade gold values in rock chips and soil anomalism.
* Regional Tapajos exploration continues with green field
exploration at Pizon and Sucuba projects.
Palito and Jardim do Ouro
Palito Main Zone
Following commencement of underground drilling earlier in the year,
results continue to identify areas of new mineralisation, as well as
assisting in mine planning. Noteworthy is the intersection of a new
high-grade mineralised zone between the G2S and G3S lodes, in the
southern areas of the Palito Main Zone. At this location underground
drill hole PUD-185* intersected 1.29m @ 250.2g/t Au and PUD-177*
intersecting 1.57m @ 43.32g/t Au, approximately 15m apart.
Underground exploration drilling seeking additional zones to the
south-west of the G1S lode and south-east of the Compressor Lode,
also returned very good results; PUD-182 intersecting two adjacent
high grade zones including 0.94m @ 22.86g/t Au and 0.51g/t @ 17.10g/t
Meanwhile limited surface exploration drilling has continued along
the Palito Main Zone, including preliminary drilling along the north
and south strike extensions of the mineralisation. Some encouraging
results were obtained in this area where weak mineralised
intersections were encountered within massive sulfide veins and
breccias. A more detailed drill programme will be carried out in the
areas during 2007.
Results to-date included:
| Palito North | Drill hole | Intersections |
| | PDD-276 | 1.50m @ 1.31g/t Au from 72.40m |
| | PDD-277 | 1.71m @ 1.32g/t Au from 71.79m |
| | | 0.89m @ 1.63g/t Au from 76.50m |
| | PDD-283 | 0.53m @ 3.87g/t Au from 169.86m |
| | | |
| Palito South | PDD-272 | 1.00m @ 1.17g/t Au from 66.57m |
| | PDD-269 | 0.69m @ 5.42g/t Au from 133.18m |
Positive drill results along the Palito Main Zone have shown a strong
correlation with surface geophysical surveys previously carried out
to identify the massive sulphide mineralisation, characteristic of
the gold-copper ore deposits found at Palito. Considering the higher
costs associated with deep drilling now required to assess the depth
potential of mineralisation, it is essential that such holes are
located with the greatest precision possible in order to maximise the
value of each hole. Therefore in the latter part of 2006 we deferred
further deep drilling in order to expand the geophysical programme on
surface. We expect a resumption of deep drilling following an
assessment of these results during the second quarter 2007.
Meanwhile, exploration and resource drilling will be confined to
shallower targets as part of the ongoing drill programme for mine
planning and scheduling.
Chico do Santo
This prospect, 300m north-east of the Palito Main Zone, has
demonstrated some significant early potential from earlier work.
Recent results from a new drill programme have outlined at least
three parallel mineralised bodies, broadly dipping 70° to the NE and
demonstrating robust continuity along 200m of strike.
A programme of shallow reverse circulation (RC) drilling and
trenching, and deeper diamond drilling is now in progress. Twelve
(12) holes of an initial twenty (20) hole drill programme have been
completed with significant results including:
| Drill Hole | Intersections |
| RC-CS-02* | 1m @ 3.17g/t Au from 6m |
| RC-CS-04* | 1m @ 4.30g/t Au from 80m |
| | 1m @ 2.59g/t Au from 93m |
| RC-CS-06* | 1m @ 1.02g/t Au from 29m |
| RC-CS-07* | 3m @ 7.56g/t Au from 31m |
| | including 2m @ 10.68g/t from 31m |
*Sample analysis completed at Serabi's laboratory at Palito Mine
In addition diamond drilling; targeting the down dip extension of
these lodes demonstrates the depth continuity of these lodes. Results
| Drill Hole | Intersections |
| PDD-275 | 2.65m @ 2.65g/t Au from 161.4m |
| | 1.50m @ 1.18g/t Au from 189.29m |
| PDD-278 | 1.81m @ 1.73g/t Au from 183.56m |
| PDD-280 | 0.95m @ 1.18g/t Au from 197.68m |
| | 0.87m @ 8.10g/t Au from 188.70m |
| PDD-285 | 0.50m @ 2.05g/t Au from 295.73m |
| | 0.50m @ 12.34g/t Au from 323.10m |
Results of 6.5m @ 2.62g/t Au from a channel sample at the collar of
RC-CS-08, (including 1.1m@ 6.1g/t and 0.5m @ 7.98g/t) and rock chip
results including 7g/t, some 60m to the NW, demonstrate the potential
for shallow oxide mineralisation at surface along these narrow high
grade zones.
The ongoing exploration programme at Chico do Santo, will continue to
evaluate the potential of this prospect as a production satellite for
the Palito operation. Drilling and trenching is aimed at further
defining the known mineralised zones and exploring for the potential
of additional parallel zones to the north-east and south-west.
Ruari's Ridge
Located some 500m south-west of the Palito Main Zone, this area of
strong gold geochemical anomalism, on the flank of a magnetic high is
currently subject to an ongoing diamond drilling programme.
Preliminary wide-spaced drilling along this anomaly has intercepted
two (2) sub-parallel, continuous zones of mineralisation, which are
interpreted as dipping steeply to the north-east and extending over
600m in strike and 200m down dip. The north-west strike continuity
has been closed, however, the zones remain open to the south-east,
where soil geochemical anomalism continues along the strike
projection. This south-east continuation is focus of current diamond
drilling. Drilling will additionally explore for other possible areas
of nearby mineralization, including parallel zones to the north-east
and south-west. Untested soil geochemical anomalism in the area lies
to the south-east and south-west of the current drilled areas.
Significant gold results returned to date from this drilling include:
| Drill Holes | Intersections |
| | 1.00m @ 4.63g/t Au from 120.23m |
| PDD-255 | 0.62m @ 3.21g/t Au from 302.26m |
| | 0.50m @ 1.85g/t Au from 346.63m |
| | 0.61m @ 2.19g/t Au from 357.63m |
| PDD-258 | 1.07m @ 3.32g/t Au from 207.42m |
| PDD-261 | 0.60m @ 3.69g/t Au from 25.3m |
| | 0.27m @ 7.19g/t Au from 83.00m |
| PDD-271 | 0.49m @ 4.28g/t Au from 344.73m |
| | 1.55m @ 6.49g/t Au from 365.09m |
| PDD-289 | 1.07m @ 1.18g/t Au from 42.50m |
Palito West
This prospect some 200m south-west of Palito, has been the subject of
ongoing exploration drilling. Intersections in drill holes PDD-270,
273 and 281 have defined a new higher grade zone to the east of the
previously defined zones of mineralisation at Palito West. This zone
will now be the subject of a follow-up programme.
| Drill Hole | Intersections |
| | 0.62m @ 2.28g/t Au from 122.88m |
| PDD-270 | 0.71m @ 1.55g/t Au from 196.79m |
| | 0.66m @ 13.62g/t Au from 207.51m |
| PDD-273 | 0.43m @ 5.47g/t Au from 97.84m |
| | 0.62m @ 2.53g/t Au from 154.24m |
| PDD-281 | 1.00m @ 13.94g/t Au from 23.54m |
| PDD-284 | 0.62m @ 2.04g/t Au from 44.00m |
| | 0.94m @ 10.76g/t Au from 83.50m |
A preliminary assessment of the sampling results has demonstrated
that Palito West will become Serabi's first satellite ore production.
An 'on-lode' shaft sinking operation has commenced and will be
followed by orebody development. Although this is situated close to
the current underground mining operation, it represents a first step
to realising the wider potential of the Jardim do Ouro district.
The Tatu prospect, an area of historical artisinal mining activity,
occurs approximately 2.5 kilometres north north-east of the Palito
Main Zone. The area contains numerous abandoned pits and shafts,
which are thought to have exploited a gold-rich, magnetite-quartz
vein alteration zone. Sampling of surface float material in the area
has returned results including 191g/t, 30g/t, 26.5g/t and 11.25g/t
Serabi recently completed a detailed ground magnetometer survey of
the area, totalling some 16.5 line-kilometres. The result of this
magnetic survey demonstrates a significant magnetic anomaly occurs
parallel with soil geochemistry anomalism and with areas of past
mining activity.
A first pass drill programme will commence on this prospect in the
coming months, targeting the co-incident magnetic, geochemical and
historically mined areas.
Bill's Pipe
The Bills Pipe prospect approximately 500m north of the Palito Main
Zone has been the focus of an eleven (11) hole, shallow reverse
circulation (RC) drill programme, designed to test a major gold
geochemical anomaly and encouraging trench sampling results. This
programme produced results including:
| Drill Hole | Intersections |
| RC-BP-08* | 11m @ 1.67g/t Au from 1m |
| RC-BP-06* | 3m @ 5.81g/t Au from 27m |
*Sample analysis completed at Serabi's laboratory at Palito Mine
Based on results to-date, the mineralisation is currently difficult
to correlate between drill holes, and may be related to supergene
enrichment and dispersion within the saprolite profile surrounding
very high grade, but narrow zones of vein hosted mineralisation. It
is planned to further assess the potential of the more coherent
supergene mineralisation through a programme of trenching.
Rio Novo South
The Rio Novo project, which lies approximately five kilometres
south-east and along the interpreted strike of the Palito Main Zone,
is the subject of an ongoing exploration and drill programme.
A six-hole diamond drilling program targeting two areas of historic
artisinal mining activities and two large gold-in-soil geochemical
anomalies is nearing completion. Amongst results received to-date has
| Drill Hole | Intersections |
| FRN-002 | 0.60m @ 2.32g/t Au from 117.40m |
A review of the future exploration programme on the Rio Novo project
will be completed once the current programme is completed and all
results have been obtained.
Tapajos Regional
A campaign of broad spaced soil geochemistry, field mapping and grid
auger drilling has been completed over the immediate area of an old
artisanal mining area. A regional, first pass stream sediment
sampling programme has also been commenced on the Pizon tenement
The geochemistry and field mapping programme is aimed at extending an
area of known anomalism and better defining areas for detailed
follow-up. The auger drilling programme is focused on an historic
discovery hole drilled by Rio Tinto, which reported 32m @ 5.2g/t and
is designed to target a possible follow-up drill programme.
Results from the geochemistry and auger sampling campaign have
defined two gold soil anomalies, which correspond to intrusive acid
porphyry bodies emplaced in an acid volcanic terrain. These intrusive
bodies are intensely fractured and associated with potassic
The Pizon project will continue to be a focus for more regional
exploration being undertaken in the tenements surrounding the defined
anomalism. Stream sediment sampling will continue to project a broad
coverage screening of the area, and follow-up surface geochemistry
will be undertaken in the anomalous areas defined to better target
future drilling programmes.
A review of the Jutai project is currently in progress. Previous work
indicates the presence of gold hosted within a saprolite,
characterised by fine-grained free gold which is amenable to gravity
based separation. This review is now focusing on the historic
resource area and will include preliminary metallurgical test work
and a more detailed assessment of the nature of the mineralisation.
An extension of the soil geochemistry programme has been completed a
further 1.2 kilometres west of the existing geochemical grid and
previously reported in our September 2006 Exploration Update. Results
confirm a westward continuation of the gold-in-soil anomaly, although
of weaker tenor, for a further one kilometre, which remains open.
A drill programme will be carried out to extend and better define the
more significant exploration results from drill holes reported in the
previous update.
Technical and geological information in this report has been read and
approved by Serabi's Chief Geologist, Mr Chris Spurway. Mr Spurway
BSc (Honours) is a graduate of the University of Sydney in Geology.
He is a member of the AusIMM and has worked for over 16 years in
mineral exploration including three years in Brazil.
All preparation and analysis of samples have been completed at SGS
Laboratories, Brazil unless marked(*), which indicates results from
the Company's own laboratory, awaiting independent validation.
Serabi Numis Securities
Mining Limited
Graham Tel: 020 7220 9550 John Harrison Tel: 020
Roberts 7260 1234
Chairman Mobile: 07768 902475 James Black Tel: 020
7260 1234
Clive Tel: 020 7220 9553 Parkgreen
Line Communications
Finance Mobile: 07710 151 692 Simon Robinson Tel: 020
Director 7851 7480
E-mail: contact@serabimining.com Clare Irvine Tel: 020
7851 7480
Website: www.serabimining.com clare.irvine@parkgreenmedia.com