Update on developments at Shanta's Mgusu Project

SHANTA GOLD LIMITED ("Shanta" or "the Company") Update on developments at Shanta's Mgusu Project 25 JULY 2008 Shanta has previously advised that there have been delays in gaining access to the Mgusu project in order to progress exploration activities. This announcement serves to update shareholders on current developments. The Mgusu Project lies in the Victoria Lake Gold Field in the vicinity of AngloGold Ashanti's Geita Gold Mine. At the time of admission to the AIM market, shareholders were advised that Mgusu was the key project in the Shanta portfolio based, as it was, on a mineral resource estimated by SRK Consulting, the consulting technical advisers to the placing and admission, to contain 740,000 ounces of gold. Further geological work was recommended to establish the full extent of the ore body to focus on the potential for mineralization to continue at depth. Such work would entail further drilling on the property. Shanta acquired the Primary Mining Licences (PMLs) and Prospecting Licences (PLs) from various parties (the Vendors) and, acquisition was subject to the licences being delivered free of artisanal activity. With the subsequent discovery by the Company's geologists of a greenstone belt known as Singida, Shanta initially focused exploration attention and financial resources on this project on the basis of adding the best value for shareholders. Once the initial work at Singida was completed, the Company found it difficult to access its Mgusu project as the illegal artisanal miners, active on the property and in particular on the PMLs within the area, had become militant. These miners had also initiated a court case for compensation against the Vendors of the PLs and PMLs which was settled in the favour of the Vendors. Subsequently the Vendors commenced an eviction case against the illegal artisanal miners in order to comply with their obligation to provide the company with free access. It is clear that the validity of legal rights granted under the mining laws, whether to the Vendors or to the Company, was not subject to question. Our legal advisors have been firm in their view that the Company's rights have been properly awarded and maintained. In order to obtain access to the property in the face of militancy, the Company requires the support of the authorities and in particular the District Commissioner who has advised Shanta that once the eviction order is granted it will be enforced. The Company has therefore acceded to a request from the District Commissioner to await the outcome of the eviction court case. This has been in process since February 2008 and a number of postponements have occurred. At recent meetings with the District Commissioner he reiterated his assurance that the rule of law would be upheld. Without being able to access the property, we are prejudiced by not being able to carry out the geological evaluation as required. The law prescribes that 50% of one of the licences (.416 square kilometers) needs to be relinquished by mid September 2008. Without being able to access the property to carry out geological evaluation it is not possible to determine which portion of the area should be relinquished. Management, on legal advice, is pursuing various options open to the company in an effort to protect this asset and gain access to the property. The Board of Directors awaits the outcome of the various legal processes underway, at which stage impairment in asset value will be considered in the event the outcome is such that the Company is unable to carry out exploration activities. The legal framework for exploration and mining rights in Tanzania is clearly defined and the legal rights of mineral rights are upheld. Shareholders will be kept apprised of further developments. Shanta continues exploration activities at the Singida Project and particularly at the Chunya project where assay results from the second phase of a drilling programme are awaited. These results are due for release in the near future. Readers are referred to our announcements during 2006 and 2007 where these encouraging results were highlighted. Contacts Shanta Walton Imrie +27 (0) 71 608 0875 Walter Vorwerk +27 (0) 83 308 0080 Panmure Gordon Edward Farmer +44 (0) 20 7614 8384 ---END OF MESSAGE---
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