Interim Results

Shires Income PLC 13 December 2002 News Release 13 December 2002 Shires Income plc Interim Results for the six months to 30 September 2002 Shires Income plc, with total assets of £103.2 million, aims to provide shareholders with a high level of income together with growth of both income and capital from a portfolio substantially invested in UK equities. 30 September 31 March 2002 2002 Total assets less current liabilities £103.2m £148.1m Ordinary shareholders' funds £63.9m £108.9m Net asset value per ordinary share 215.2p 366.9p Ordinary share price 233.5p 332.5p Premium/(Discount) 8.5% (9.4)% Revenue return per ordinary share 8.17p 8.11p* Dividends per ordinary share 8.80p 8.80p* *Half year to 30 September 2001 • Total return on net assets over the period under review was -38.9%, well below the return of -28.4% on the FTSE All-Share Index. • The level of equity gearing had an adverse impact in a weak stockmarket. At 30 September 2002 exposure to equities was 129.2% of net assets, investments in fixed income securities 26.5% and total gearing 55.7%. Net sales of equities of £13.2 million were made to restrict the rise in gearing. • The return on investments in ordinary shares, at -26.3%, was better than benchmark, largely due to the performance of the holding in Shires Smaller Companies. • The Revenue Return per ordinary share was 8.17p, marginally higher than last year. A second interim dividend of 4.4p has been declared for payment on 31 January 2003. Dividends paid and declared to date total 8.8p, the same level as last year. • In the period of stockmarket weakness in September 2002, the value of invested assets fell to slightly below the joint asset cover required by the trust deed of the RPI-linked debentures. The Board believes it is appropriate to reduce gearing, using existing cash resources, to ensure that adequate headroom exists under the current borrowing facilities and is in contact with the lenders. • Martin Haldane will succeed John Izat as Chairman on 1 January 2003. • In the current environment, with investors cautious, it is possible to invest in well-financed companies on undemanding ratings and offering attractive yields. For further information please contact: David Williams, Managing Director Glasgow Investment Managers 0141 572 2700 Shires Income plc Interim Report 30 September 2002 Chairman's Statement Background Investor sentiment in the six months to 30 September 2002 appeared to be influenced more by the misdemeanours of corporate leaders in the USA and fears of military action in the Middle East than by the gradual economic recovery developing in the course of the year. While consensus forecasts suggest that the UK economy will grow by 1.5% in 2002 and 2.5% in 2003, the FTSE All-Share Index had on 30 September 2002 fallen by 44.8% from its peak two years earlier. Investment Returns The total return on net assets over the period under review was -38.9%, well below the return of -28.4% on the FTSE All-Share Index. While the return on investments in ordinary shares, at -26.3%, was better than benchmark largely due to the good performance of the holding in Shires Smaller Companies, the return at the net asset level was depressed by a number of other factors. The geared exposure to equities, which averaged 125% of net assets, made the largest adverse impact, -7.8%, on total return over the six month period. Other negative contributions came from falls in the prices of some convertible securities, the effect on the value of the residual liability of the hedging structure of the unusually high volatility in the UK equity market and the reduction in the valuation of the Company's shareholding in Glasgow Investment Managers, reflecting lower ratings of comparable listed companies and the impact on investment management fee earnings of the falls in share prices. The UK stockmarket has begun to recover since the end of the third quarter and the total return on the Company's net assets was 9.3% over the two months to 30 November 2002. Returns to Shareholders The total return to shareholders over the half year under review was -27.1%, better than the return on net assets because the relationship of the ordinary share price to underlying net asset value per ordinary share moved from a discount of 9.4% at 31 March 2002 to a premium of 8.5% at 30 September 2002. Since 30 September, however, the share price has moved to a discount to net asset value per share, which stood at 9.8% at 30 November 2002. At the share price of 208.5p at that date, the yield on the Company's ordinary shares was 9.2%, compared with a yield of 3.4% on the FTSE All-Share Index. Earnings and Dividends The Revenue Return per ordinary share was 8.17p, marginally higher than last year. The Board has declared a second interim dividend of 4.4p per ordinary share, to be paid on 31 January 2003 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 10 January 2003. A first interim dividend of 4.4p was paid on 31 October 2002. Dividends paid and declared to date for the current year total 8.8p, the same level as paid last year. Chairman's Statement (Continued) Portfolio Profile The exposure to equities rose from 125.2% to 129.2% of net assets over the six months to 30 September 2002. At that date, a further 26.5% of net assets represented investments in corporate fixed interest and convertible securities which contribute a large proportion of the income which the Company distributes, bringing net total gearing to 55.7% of net assets. During the period under review, net sales of £13.2 million of ordinary shares were made to restrict the rise of equity gearing. This programme of equity disinvestment was completed in October and at 30 November net total gearing had been reduced to 43.7% of net assets. Index-Linked Debenture Stocks At 30 September 2002, the Company's total secured indebtedness was represented by two index-linked debenture stocks, the 5% 2008/2010 and the 3.4375% 2017/ 2019. The joint covenants in respect of these stocks include the requirement that the Company maintain total assets to a value greater than three times the aggregate current value of the two debenture stocks. In the period of stockmarket weakness in September this year, the value of the Company's invested assets fell to slightly below the joint asset cover covenant. In the light of this, the Board believes it would be appropriate to reduce gearing, using existing cash resources, to ensure that adequate headroom exists under the current borrowing facilities. Accordingly, the Company is in contact with the lenders. Outlook It appears that the progress of UK ordinary share prices is being restrained by concern that the current gradual recovery in aggregate output, which consensus forecasts indicate will persist through 2003, may not be accompanied by a significant improvement in corporate profitability because of excess capacity and price competition. Investors' caution is reflected in the yields on UK equities, which have risen by more than half over the last two years. In the current environment, therefore, it is possible to invest in the shares of well-financed companies on undemanding ratings and offering attractive yields. Board This year I have attained the age of seventy and, in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, shall retire from the Board after the next Annual General Meeting. The Board has asked Martin Haldane to succeed me as Chairman and he will take over on 1 January 2003. I congratulate Martin on his appointment and extend my best wishes to him for a successful tenure. Annual Report The Interim Report will be mailed to shareholders on 13 December 2002. Copies may be obtained from the managers, Glasgow Investment Managers Limited, Sutherland House, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5DR after that date. A J R Izat Chairman Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account) for the half year ended 30 September 2002 Half year to 30 September 2002 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Net losses on investments - (44,595) (44,595) Income 3,632 - 3,632 Investment management fee (138) (138) (276) Other administrative expenses (185) - (185) Net return before finance costs and taxation 3,309 (44,733) (41,424) Finance costs of borrowings (902) (112) (1,014) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,407 (44,845) (42,438) Taxation 20 - 20 Return on ordinary activities after taxation for the period 2,427 (44,845) (42,418) Preference dividend (1) - (1) Return attributable to equity shareholders 2,426 (44,845) (42,419) Dividends on equity shares (2,612) - (2,612) Transfer (from)/to reserves (186) (44,845) (45,031) Returns per ordinary share 8.17p (151.11)p (142.94)p Dividends per ordinary share 8.80p Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account) for the half year ended 30 September 2002 Half year to 30 September 2001 Year to 31 March 2002 (unaudited) (audited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net losses on investments - (30,495) (30,495) - (16,046) (16,046) Income 3,679 - 3,679 8,246 - 8,246 Investment management fee (157) (157) (314) (309) (309) (618) Other administrative expenses (156) - (156) (309) - (309) Net return before finance costs and taxation 3,366 (30,652) (27,286) 7,628 (16,355) (8,727) Finance costs of borrowings (988) (328) (1,316) (1,975) (937) (2,912) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,378 (30,980) (28,602) 5,653 (17,292) (11,639) Taxation 27 - 27 88 - 88 Return on ordinary activities after taxation for the period 2,405 (30,980) (28,575) 5,741 (17,292) (11,551) Preference dividend (1) - (1) (2) - (2) Return attributable to equity shareholders 2,404 (30,980) (28,576) 5,739 (17,292) (11,553) Dividends on equity shares (2,612) - (2,612) (5,713) - (5,713) Transfer (from)/to reserves (208) (30,980) (31,188) 26 (17,292) (17,266) Returns per ordinary share 8.11p (113.44)p (105.33)p 19.35p (58.29)p (38.94)p Dividends per ordinary share 8.80p 19.25p Group Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2002 30 September 2002 30 September 2001 31 March 2002 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Listed investments Ordinary shares 86,209 120,854 133,062 Convertibles 9,746 9,335 12,162 Other fixed interest 7,164 7,465 8,019 103,119 137,654 153,243 Unlisted investments 4,557 5,940 6,770 107,676 143,594 160,013 Hedge instruments (8,140) 70 (3,448) 99,536 143,664 156,565 Net current assets/(liabilities) 3,655 (9,939) (8,423) Total assets (less current liabilities) 103,191 133,725 148,142 Index-Linked Debenture Stocks (39,290) (38,715) (39,210) Net assets 63,901 95,010 108,932 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 14,888 14,888 14,888 Share premium account 20,285 20,348 20,317 Other capital reserves Realised 70,419 73,644 71,895 Unrealised (45,363) (17,494) (2,026) Revenue reserves Realised 3,396 3,348 3,582 Unrealised 276 276 276 63,901 95,010 108,932 Net asset value per ordinary share 215.2p 320.0p 366.9p Note: These are not statutory accounts under section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 ('the Act') and are unaudited. The information relating to the year ended 31 March 2002 is extracted from the latest audited accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditors on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Act. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended 30 September 2002 Half year to Half year to Year to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2002 2001 2002 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,119 4,202 7,360 Servicing of finance (967) (1,289) (2,385) Taxation 97 - 129 Investing activities Purchases of investments (19,201) (24,131) (58,289) Sales of investments 33,313 21,587 56,023 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from hedge instruments (443) 11,340 (223) 13,669 8,796 (2,489) Equity dividends paid (3,101) (3,054) (5,666) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 13,817 8,655 (3,051) Financing Issues of ordinary shares - 117 117 Debt due within one year - (decrease)/increase in short-term borrowings (10,000) 4,000 5,500 - decrease in bank overdrafts - (1,677) (1,679) Increase in cash 3,817 11,095 887 Reconciliation of net revenue before finance costs and taxation to net cash inflow from operating activities Net revenue before finance costs and taxation 3,309 3,366 7,628 Investment management fee charged to capital (138) (157) (309) Repayment of UK income tax - 50 50 Changes in working capital items 948 943 (9) Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,119 4,202 7,360 Analysis of Changes in Net Debt At At 31 March Cash Non-cash 30 September 2002 flows changes 2002 (audited (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 1,038 3,817 - 4,855 Short-term borrowings (10,000) 10,000 - - 5% Index-Linked Debenture 2008/10 (23,651) - (74) (23,725) 3.4375% Index-Linked Debenture 2017/19 (15,559) - (6) (15,565) (48,172) 13,817 (80) (34,435) Distribution of Assets Valuation at Movements during the period Valuation at 31 March Apprecia- 30 September 2002 Purchases Sales tion 2002 £m % £m £m £m £m % LISTED INVESTMENTS Ordinary shares 133.1 122.2 8.6 (21.8) (33.7) 86.2 134.9 Convertibles 12.2 11.2 - - (2.5) 9.7 15.2 Other fixed interest 8.0 7.3 10.6 (10.3) (1.1) 7.2 11.3 Hedge instruments (3.5) (3.2) 5.6 (5.1) (5.1) (8.1) (12.7) _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____ 149.8 137.5 24.8 (37.2) (42.4) 95.0 148.7 UNLISTED INVESTMENTS 6.7 6.2 - - (2.2) 4.5 7.0 _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ 156.5 143.7 24.8 (37.2) (44.6) 99.5 155.7 ____ ___ ___ Net current (8.4) (7.7) 3.7 5.8 (liabilities)/assets _____ _____ ____ ____ TOTAL ASSETS (less current 148.1 136.0 103.2 161.5 liabilities) Index-Linked (39.2) (36.0) (39.3) (61.5) Debenture Stocks _____ _____ ____ ____ NET ASSETS 108.9 100.0 63.9 100.0 _____ _____ ____ ____ NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 366.9p 215.2p This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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