Interim Results

Shires Income PLC 21 November 2007 News Release 21 November 2007 Shires Income plc Half Yearly Financial Results for the Six months to 30 September 2007 Shires Income plc aims to provide a high level of income together with growth of both income and capital from a portfolio substantially invested in UK Equities. 30 September 2007 31 March 2007 Total investments £118.1m £138.6m Ordinary Shareholders' funds £92.4m £99.8m Net asset value per share 311.1p 336.0p Share price 304.25p 310.75p Premium/(Discount) (share price to adjusted 1.2% (4.5%) net asset value)^ Revenue return per ordinary share 9.1p 10.3p* Dividends per ordinary share 10.45p 10.45p* ^ Excluding IFRS Dividend adjustment of 10.45p * Half year to 30 September 2006 • The yield on the company's ordinary shares was 6.3% at the closing price of 304.25p on 30 September 2007. This compared to a yield on the FTSE All-Share Index of 2.9%. • The rating of the Company's shares improved in the six month period, moving from a discount of 4.5% to a premium of 1.2% at 30 September 2007. • The Total return on net assets for the period was -4.6%. The total return to shareholders was higher at 1.3%. The total return on the FTSE All-Share Index, the Company's benchmark, was 2.7%. • A second interim dividend of 4.4p has been declared for payment on 31 January 2008 to shareholders on the Register at close on 4 January 2008. Dividends paid and declared to date total 8.8p, the same level as last year. • While volatility in financial markets has risen sharply due to concerns in credit markets, confidence within the corporate sector remains at a relatively high level. With healthy dividend growth forecast in the UK, equities should offer good value in the second half of the financial year. For further information, please contact:- Graeme McDonald Chief Accountant, Glasgow Investment Managers, 0141 572 2700 Chairman's Statement Background In the six months to 30 September 2007 the FTSE All-Share Index, the Company's benchmark, returned 2.2% on a total return basis, as the fear of higher interest rates and continued uncertainty over the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the United States were outweighed by continued growth in corporate earnings and dividends. Investment Returns The total return on net assets of your Company over the six months was -4.6%. The underperformance was due to a number of factors. Around 33% of total assets are invested in preference shares which provide an above average yield compared with government securities and are more tax efficient for revenue purposes. The majority of these preference shares is in financial sector holdings. During the recent period of uncertainty within credit markets following the concerns over the financial stability of Northern Rock, the performance of preference shares relative to more conventional fixed interest securities was weak which, in the short term, had a negative impact on performance. Secondly, the performance of small cap stocks relative to larger cap stocks in the period was poor. The Company's exposure to smaller companies is held principally through the holding in Shires Smaller Companies plc whose share price, including a widening of its discount, fell in the six months. The increasing cost of the Index-Linked Debenture Stock and short term borrowings also contributed to the underperformance. The share price performed better than the net asset value over the six months. The total return to shareholders, or share price total return was 1.3%, reflecting the fact that the discount of 4.5%, at which the share price stood to the net asset value per share at 31 March 2007, moved to a premium of 1.2% at 30 September 2007. Earnings and Dividends The revenue return per share was 9.1p for the six months to 30 September 2007. Actual dividends paid to date for the 2007/08 financial year amounted to 4.4p, being the first interim dividend paid on 31 October 2007. A second interim dividend of 4.4p has been declared for payment on 31 January 2008 to shareholders on the Register at close of business on 4 January 2008. As explained in previous reports, under IFRS only dividends paid in the period are included in the financial statements. As a result, the total dividend reflected in these accounts and shown in the financial highlights is 10.45p, comprising the third interim dividend from the 2006/2007 financial year of 4.4p paid on 30 April 2007 and the final dividend in respect of 2006/2007 of 6.05p paid on 31 July 2007. The Company continues to maintain a relatively high dividend yield in comparison to the benchmark. The yield on the Company's shares as at 30 September 2007 was 6.3% compared to 2.9% on the Company's benchmark. Portfolio Profile The distribution of assets shows that total gearing fell in the six months to September 2007 from 38.8% to 27.7%. Equity gearing also fell with equities and convertibles totalling 97% as a proportion of the net assets compared to 108% at 31 March 2007. This fall was due to a net disinvestment of £15.2 million from equities in the six month period. All of the gearing is invested in fixed interest investments, mainly preference shares, which helps maintain the high level of income distributed to shareholders. Outlook Volatility in financial markets has risen sharply due to concerns in credit markets arising from US sub-prime lending. The crisis at Northern Rock currently appears to have had a limited effect on the UK housing market, which is vitally important to the UK economy, although the banking sector is only now beginning to quantify the losses from recent events. Economic growth forecasts have been revised down reflecting the tighter monetary backcloth; however inflation is forecast to continue to stay within government guidelines. This may allow the Bank of England scope to reduce short-term interest rates over the next six months. Confidence within the corporate sector remains at a relatively high level. Takeover activity by corporate buyers has recently picked up, which reflects the healthy financial position currently experienced by corporates. Consensus forecasts indicate dividends are expected to grow in the order of 8.3% in 2008. Set against this background, UK equities appear to offer good value and the prospect of further capital appreciation in the second half of the financial year. AIC/JP Morgan Claverhouse VAT Test Case On 28 June 2007 the European Court of Justice ('ECJ') opined on the case brought by the AIC and JP Morgan Claverhouse against Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs ('HMRC') on whether Value Added Tax ('VAT') should be applied to the management fees of investment trusts. The ECJ decided that management fees should be VAT exempt. HMRC have now decided not to appeal this case to the UK VAT Tribunal and therefore protective claims which have been made in relation to the Company should begin to be processed in due course. The Board is currently quantifying the potential repayment that should be due. No provision has been made in these financial statements for any such repayment. Glasgow Investment Managers Limited ('GIM') On 24th August 2007 Glasgow Investment Managers Limited, the Company's Managers, was acquired by Aberdeen Asset Managers plc ('Aberdeen'). As part of this transaction the Company sold its holding in GIM for £3,118,750 in cash plus an additional amount in cash equal to 49.9% of the net asset value of GIM Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, realising £4,196,500 in total. This compares with a carrying value at 31st March 2007 of £3,239,000, and represents a profit of approximately £4.1million on the Company's original investment. Your Board was very encouraged by the progress being made by GIM under the leadership of Michael Balfour, and was not seeking a sale at the time. The majority shareholders, however, wished to dispose of their holding, and your Board, having reviewed the sale process, considered that the offer made by Aberdeen was in the circumstances attractive to Shires, both as to price and to the arrangements for the ongoing management of the business. Aberdeen is a global investment manager with wide experience of the investment trust sector, and the resource which Aberdeen can bring, combined with the expertise of the Glasgow investment team, who are joining the Aberdeen Group, makes your Board confident that management is in place to take your Company forward on a sound basis. The Interim Report will be mailed to shareholders on 23 November 2007. Copies may be obtained from the Managers, Glasgow Investment Managers Limited, Sutherland House, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5DR or Aberdeen Asset Managers plc, Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, EH12 5HD after that date. J Martin Haldane Chairman 21 November 2007 Consolidated Income Statement for the half year ended 30 September 2007 Half year to 30 September 2007 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Gains (Loss)/Gains on investments at fair value - (5,871) (5,871) Revenue Dividend income 3,140 - 3,140 Interest income 392 (195) 197 Traded Option premiums 599 - 599 Deposit interest 20 - 20 Other revenue - - - Net loss/ (gain) of dealing subsidiary (342) - (342) 3,809 (6,066) (2,257) Expenses Investment management fee (141) (141) (282) Other administrative expenses (195) - (195) Finance cost of borrowings (760) (786) (1,546) (1,096) (927) (2,023) Profit before tax 2,713 (6,993) (4,280) Tax expense - - - Profit for the period 2,713 (6,993) (4,280) Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company 2,713 (6,993) (4,280) Minority Interest - - - 2,713 (6,993) (4,280) Earnings per ordinary share excluding Minority Interest (pence) (14.4p) Including Minority Interest - The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary to this and are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items shown in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Consolidated Income Statement (Continued) Half year to 30 September 2006 Year to 31 March 2007 (unaudited) (audited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains Gains on investments at fair value - (414) (414) - 3,843 3,843 Revenue Dividend income 3,502 - 3,502 6,962 - 6,962 Interest income 140 (51) 89 115 (96) 19 Traded Option premiums 434 - 434 715 - 715 Deposit interest 19 - 19 16 - 16 Other revenue 2 - 2 4 - 4 Net loss of dealing subsidiary (43) - (43) 250 - 250 4,054 (465) 3,589 8,062 3,747 11,809 Expenses Investment management fee (131) (131) (262) (268) (268) (536) Other administrative expenses (150) - (150) (340) - (340) Finance cost of borrowings (602) (628) (1,230) (1,467) (1,518) (2,985) (883) (759) (1,642) (2,075) (1,786) (3,861) Profit before tax 3,171 (1,224) 1,947 5,987 1,961 7,948 Tax expense - - - - - - Profit for the period 3,171 (1,224) 1,947 5,987 1,961 7,948 Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company 3,064 (3,995) (931) 5,987 1,961 7,948 Minority Interest 107 2,771 2,878 - - - 3,171 (1,224) 1,947 5,987 1,961 7,948 Earnings per ordinary share excluding Minority Interest (pence) (3.1)p 26.77p Including Minority Interest 6.6p - Group Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2007 30 September 31 March 2007 30 September 2006 2007 (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Non current assets Ordinary shares 87,887 101,651 84,418 Convertibles 731 1,731 4,278 Other fixed interest 28,359 30,727 29,508 Hedge Instruments - - 442 Unlisted Investments 1,103 4,463 3,550 118,080 138,572 122,196 Current assets Trade and other receivables 1,087 904 959 Accrued income and prepayments 1,617 2,038 1,538 Financial assets of dealing subsidiary 704 1,047 348 Cash and cash equivalents 876 30 99 Assets Held for Sale - - 12,615 4,284 4,019 15,559 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (654) (456) (1,431) Short-term borrowings (1,335) (14,856) (8,263) Index-Linked Debenture Stock (9,328) (9,153) - Liabilities held for Sale - - (4,889) (11,317) (24,465) (14,583) Non current liabilities Index-Linked Debenture Stock (18,611) (18,306) (26,762) (18,611) (18,306) (26,762) Net assets 92,436 99,820 96,410 Issued capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent Called up share capital 14,899 14,899 14,895 Share premium account 18,911 18,937 18,944 Realised capital reserve 40,160 35,451 35,658 Unrealised capital reserve 11,167 22,843 16,655 Revenue reserve 7,299 7,690 7,380 Shareholders Equity (excl. Minority Interests) 92,436 99,820 93,532 Minority Interests - - 2,878 Total Shareholders Equity 92,436 99,820 96,410 Net asset value per ordinary share (pence) 311.1p 336.0p 324.7p Note:. The financial information contained within this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts. Those accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified Auditors' and do not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended 30 September 2007 Half year to Half year to Year to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2007 2006 2007 (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Cash flows from operating activities Investment income received 3,977 3,631 6,689 Deposit interest received 18 - 19 Investment management fee paid (282) (268) (534) Sales less purchases of current financial assets held for trading - 110 (296) Other cash receipts 746 528 884 Other cash expenses (215) (240) (392) Cash generated from operations 4,244 3,761 6,370 Interest paid (1,090) (955) (2,015) Taxation - - - Net cash inflows from operating activities 3,154 2,806 4,355 Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of investments (27,399) (15,076) (55,781) Sales of investments 41,716 16,269 51,272 Net cash inflow for hedge instruments - - 83 14,317 1,193 (4,426) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds of Share Issues - 41 63 Equity dividends paid (3,104) (3,101) (5,715) Net cash outflow from financing activities (3,104) (3,060) (5,652) Net increase /(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 14,367 939 (5,723) Cash and cash equivalents at start of period (14,826) (9,103) (9,103) Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (459) (8,164) (14,826) Cash and cash equivalents comprise: Cash and cash equivalents 876 99 30 Short-term borrowings (1,335) (8,263) (14,856) (459) (8,164) (14,826) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the half year ended 30 September 2007 Share Share Realised Unrealised Retained Total Premium Capital Capital Revenue Capital Reserve Reserve Reserve £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 As at 31 March 2007 14,899 18,937 35,451 22,843 7,690 99,820 Revenue for the period - - - - 2,713 2,713 Capital profits for the period - (26) 4,709 (11,676) - (6,993) Equity dividends (3,104) (3,104) As at 30 September 2007 14,899 18,911 40,160 11,167 7,299 92,436 Distribution of Assets Valuation at Valuation at 31 March 2007 Purchases Sales Appreciation/ 30 September 2007 (Depreciation) (unaudited) £000 % £000 £000 £000 £000 % Listed investments Ordinary shares 101,651 101.8 19,290 (29,767) (3,287) 87,887 95.1 Convertibles 1,731 1.7 - (598) (402) 731 0.8 Other fixed interest 30,727 30.8 8,707 (7,950) (3,125) 28,359 30.7 134,109 134.3 27,997 (38,315) (6,814) 116,977 126.6 Unlisted Investments 4,463 4.5 - (4,158) 798 1,103 1.1 138,572 138.8 27,997 (42,473) (6,016) 118,080 127.7 Other Current assets 4,019 4.0 4,284 4.6 Other Current liabilities (24,465) (24.5) (11,317) (12.2) Non current liabilities (18,306) (18.3) (18,611) (20.1) Net assets (excl Minority Interest) 99,820 100.0 92,436 100.0 Net asset value 336.0p 311.1p per ordinary share This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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