Final Results

St. Ives PLC 9 October 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9th OCTOBER 2001 ST IVES plc - PRELIMINARY RESULTS St Ives, the leading UK-based printing group, today announces Preliminary Results for the 53 weeks ended 3 August 2001, salient features of which include: 2001 2000 Change * Turnover £498m £473m + 5.3% * Profit before tax and goodwill £62.0m £68.9m -10.1% amortisation * Earnings per share before 41.42p 45.87p - 9.7% goodwill amortisation * Total dividends per share 17.15p 16.90p + 1.5% Commenting on the results, Miles Emley, Chairman, St Ives plc said: 'Conditions in many of our markets were tougher than for a decade, particularly during the second half of our financial year. However, the resilient performance of St Ives in these conditions is attributable to the range of markets which we serve, to consistent investment to reduce the cost of production and to our strategic concentration on market sectors where customers place value on reliable, just-in-time service. 'Additionally, the strength of our Company's financial position and the closeness of our relationships with customers, both of which have been built up over many years, remain undiminished and unequalled. However, the short term outlook is extremely uncertain and progress is therefore likely only to be longer term.' Enquiries to: Miles Emley, Chairman St Ives plc Brian Edwards, Managing Director 020 7928 8844 Julian Walker Citigate Dewe Rogerson Georgina Peiser 020 7638 9571 Results The results for the 53 weeks ended 3 August 2001 show turnover of £498.2 million (2000 - £473.2 million) and profit before taxation and amortisation of goodwill of £62.0 million (2000 - £68.9 million). Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation were 41.42p as compared with 45.87p in the previous year. Dividend A final dividend of 12.15p per share is proposed which would make total dividends of 17.15p per share for the year, an increase of 1.5 per cent over the previous year's dividends of 16.9p per share. Trading Conditions Conditions in many of our markets were tougher than for a decade, particularly during the second half of our financial year. Demand for corporate financial print was subdued. Web offset markets in the UK, USA and continental Europe have all experienced fierce price competition caused by a combination of static or falling demand and recent investment in additional capacity by competitors. The continued strength of sterling makes it easier for continental European printers to compete for less time-sensitive products in the UK market. The resilient performance of our Company in these conditions is attributable to the range of markets which we serve, to consistent investment to reduce the cost of production and to our strategic concentration on market sectors where customers place value on reliable, just-in-time service. Books Clays had another highly successful year in which it maintained growth in sales and market share. We produced a high proportion of best-selling titles in both cased and paperback editions for the UK trade and general market. Our continued growth is attributable to our ability to offer a faster, more flexible and reliable service than our competitors. Towards the end of the year we installed new pre-press, press (for printing both text and covers and jackets) and finishing (for both hard-back and paperback books) equipment. This investment is now fully commissioned and will help us to enhance the speed and flexibility of our service. Direct Response and Commercial UK The performance of our businesses serving the direct response and commercial markets in the UK has improved overall, despite the extremely competitive conditions encountered for longer-run, less time-sensitive products. We continue to refine our work mix by further concentration on customers with specialist requirements for point-of-sale materials, personalisation, mailing or fulfilment as well as print. Germany In a difficult economic environment, our German subsidiary, Johler Druck, experienced low volumes and competitive pricing, especially for less specialist products, which resulted in decreasing returns towards the end of the financial year. USA St Ives Inc in Cleveland, Ohio delivered a significantly improved result despite market conditions which became increasingly volatile towards the end of the financial year. We achieved a more suitable balance of work, which we were able to produce more efficiently as a result of our recent capital investment. Progress has been made in integrating the operations of the Avanti /Case-Hoyt companies, which we acquired on 1 February 2001, with those of our existing US businesses. However, the initial contribution from Avanti and Case-Hoyt was affected by deteriorating market conditions. Financial The market for corporate financial print was quiet throughout the year, especially in comparison with the very busy conditions experienced in the previous financial year. As a result, it was regrettably necessary to make a number of redundancies in both the UK and USA. Market share in the UK has been maintained. In the USA, we completed the integration of Packard Press and Global Financial Press, acquired in June and September 2000 respectively. Low levels of activity in the market have not enabled us to exploit the full potential of the combined businesses, although we achieved an improved performance during the second half year by winning new business. In both the UK and USA, we have maintained our share of the market for annual reports and accounts. Magazines UK In the UK, demand for magazine printing has been variable. Internet and computer related titles have shown significant reductions in pagination, whereas the high quality, specialist magazines on which we mostly concentrate have maintained both circulation and pagination. In the latter part of the year, however, we experienced increasingly volatile market conditions caused by weaker demand for longer-run, general titles, some title closures and increased competition from overseas as well as from domestic competitors seemingly desperate to fill recently installed capacity. USA St Ives Inc in Hollywood, Florida generated improved returns despite similar volumes to the previous year through greater efficiency, effective control of costs and more consistent utilisation and work mix throughout the year. Multimedia In music and multimedia markets, both in the UK and continental Europe, we experienced continued pricing pressure and wide seasonal variations in demand which made it hard to achieve proper capacity utilisation. Balance sheet At the end of the year, our shareholders' funds stood at £238 million, including £44 million of goodwill arising on acquisitions. During the year we acquired Global Financial Press and the Avanti/Case-Hoyt companies for an aggregate consideration (including debt assumed) of approximately $83 million (£56 million) and spent £37 million on capital investment in our existing businesses. Towards the end of the year, we expended some £8.4 million on purchasing for cancellation approximately 2 million of our own shares. Net cash resources at the end of the year were £1.7 million. Outlook Current market conditions are more uncertain than at any time in recent memory. In some markets, demand is currently falling far short of levels previously experienced; in others, short-term volatility is increasing. There are as yet few signs that surplus capacity, even where this is technologically outdated or uneconomic, is being retired. The strength of our Company's financial position and the closeness of our relationships with customers, both of which have been built up over many years, remain undiminished and unequalled. The short-term outlook, however, is extremely uncertain and progress is therefore likely only to be longer-term. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 53 weeks to 3 August 2001 52 weeks to 28 July 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover (note 2) Continuing activities 463,760 473,207 Acquired activities 34,394 - ---------------- ---------------- 498,154 473,207 Cost of sales (361,063) (340,101) ---------------- ---------------- Gross Profit 137,091 133,106 Sales and distribution (31,223) (24,315) costs Administrative expenses Goodwill amortisation (1,546) (108) Other administrative (46,151) (42,704) expenses ---------------- ---------------- (47,697) (42,812) Other operating income 889 542 ---------------- ---------------- Operating profit (note 2) Continuing activities 58,401 66,521 Acquired activities 659 ---------------- ---------------- Profit before interest 59,060 66,521 Interest receivable 2,563 3,561 Interest payable (1,164) (1,243) ---------------- ---------------- Profit before taxation 60,459 68,839 Taxation (18,803) (21,340) ---------------- ---------------- Profit after taxation 41,656 47,499 Dividends (note 3) (17,711) (17,559) ---------------- ---------------- Retained profit 23,945 29,940 ========== ========== Earnings per share (note 4) 40.03p 45.77p ========== ========== Diluted earnings per share 39.83p 45.28p (note 4) ========== ========== Earnings per share before goodwill 41.42p 45.87p amortisation (note 4) ========== ========== Dividend per ordinary share 17.15p 16.90p (note 3) ========== ========== CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 44,328 12,133 Tangible assets 205,580 183,182 Current assets Stocks 21,134 16,934 Debtors 87,521 75,202 Cash at bank and in hand 32,961 65,877 ------------- ------------- 141,616 158,013 Creditors - due within one year (137,827) (112,326) ------------- ------------- Net current assets 3,789 45,687 ------------- ------------- Total assets less current liabilities 253,697 241,002 Creditors - due after more than one year (3,817) (5,899) Provisions for liabilities and charges (10,260) (14,270) Accruals and deferred income (1,786) (2,312) ------------- ------------- 237,834 218,521 ========= ========= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 10,256 10,388 Share premium account 43,568 41,522 Capital redemption reserve 1,238 1,040 Profit and loss account 182,772 165,571 ------------- ------------- Equity shareholders' funds 237,834 218,521 ========= ========= SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 81,618 93,419 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 1,463 2,016 Tax paid (21,781) (21,222) Capital expenditure (35,212) (32,270) Acquisitions (35,489) (13,556) Equity dividends paid (17,866) (15,771) ------------- ------------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (27,267) 12,616 Financing Issue of shares 2,112 669 Purchase of own shares (8,370) - Increase/(decrease) in debt 1,292 (12,693) ------------- ------------- (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (32,233) 592 ======== ======== NOTES TO THE SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit 59,060 66,521 Depreciation 31,556 28,266 Other non cash movements 4 (1,148) Changes in working capital (9,122) (340) Other items 120 120 ------------- ------------- 81,618 93,419 ======== ======== NOTES TO THE SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT continued 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (32,233) 592 Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/decrease in debt and lease financing (1,292) 12,693 ---------------- ---------------- Change in net funds resulting from cash flows (33,525) 13,285 Loans acquired with subsidiary (20,815) - Exchange adjustments (670) (482) ---------------- ---------------- Movement in net funds in the year (55,010) 12,803 Opening net funds 56,750 43,947 ---------------- ---------------- Closing net funds 1,740 56,750 ========== ========== Analysis 28 July Cash Acquisitions Other Exchange 3 August of net funds 2000 flow excl cash & non cash movement 2001 overdrafts changes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at 65,877 (32,970) - - 54 32,961 bank and in hand Overdrafts (969) 737 - - - (232) --------- (32,233) Debt due (515) (12,415) (11,896) (501) (706) (26,033) within one year Debt due (2,628) 8,919 (8,919) 501 (18) (2,145) after one year Finance (5,015) 2,204 - - - (2,811) leases -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- -------- 56,750 (33,525) (20,815) - (670) 1,740 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Profit after taxation 41,656 47,499 Exchange differences 1,626 1,346 -------------- ------------ Total recognised gains and losses relating to 43,282 48,845 the year ============ ========== MOVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Opening shareholders' funds 218,521 186,566 Total recognised gains and losses 43,282 48,845 Dividends (17,711) (17,559) Issue of ordinary shares 2,112 669 Purchase of own shares (8,370) - ------------ ---------- Closing shareholders' funds 237,834 218,521 ========== ========= NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Basis of preparation The preliminary financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in, and are consistent with, the Group's Annual Report for 2001. The financial information set out in these statements does not comprise statutory accounts for the purposes of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The abridged information for the fifty-three weeks to 3 August 2001 and for the fifty-two weeks to 28 July 2000 has been extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for the respective years. The Group's statutory accounts for the fifty-two weeks to 28 July 2000 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Group's statutory accounts for the fifty-three weeks to 3 August 2001 will be sent to all shareholders before 31 October 2001. The auditors' reports on the accounts of the Group for both years were unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985 2. Geographical analysis The geographical analysis of turnover and operating profit by origin is stated below: 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 3 August 28 July 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Turnover United Kingdom 340,875 371,240 United States of America 130,878 72,314 Rest of the World 26,401 29,653 -------------- --------------- 498,154 473,207 ========= ========== Operating profit United Kingdom 53,976 60,677 United States of America 6,962 3,764 Rest of the World (332) 2,188 ---------------------- ----------------------- 60,606 66,629 Goodwill amortisation - USA (1,546) (108) ---------------------- ----------------------- 59,060 66,521 ========= ========== The directors consider that the Group has only one class of business and consequently no further analysis of turnover or profit is given. 3. Dividends The directors propose a final ordinary dividend of 12.15p (2000 - 12.15p) net per share. The payment date will be 4 December 2001 and the record date will be 2 November 2001. 4. Earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on profits after taxation as disclosed in the profit and loss account of £41,656,000 (2000 - £47,499,000). Basic earnings per share and adjusted basic earnings per share are calculated on a weighted average of 104,067,152 (2000 - 103,776,115) ordinary shares in issue during the year. The calculation of the diluted earnings per share is based on profit after taxation as disclosed in the profit and loss account and on a diluted weighted average of 104,575,248 (2000 - 104,896,559) shares during the year. The difference between the number of shares used in the basic and diluted earnings per share calculation is 508,096 (2000 - 1,120,444) representing dilutive share options held but not yet exercised. Dilution has been restricted to share options where the individual option price is less than the average market value of shares during the year, which was 435.77p (2000 - 520.72p). An adjusted basic earnings per share has been presented in order to highlight the underlying performance of the Group, and is calculated as set out in the table below: 2001 2001 2000 2000 Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings per share per share £'000 Pence £'000 Pence Earnings and 41,656 40.03 47,499 45.77 basic earnings per share Goodwill 1,447 1.39 108 0.10 amortisation net of tax Earnings and ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- basic earnings per share before goodwill 43,103 41.42 47,607 45.87 amortisation ========= ========= ========= =========


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