As of 29 February, 2024, 20:00 p.m. (Romanian time), Electrica Group will make public the Annual Preliminary Results for the year 2023 that can be also accessed, both in Romanian and English, in electronic format, on the company's website, at, section "Investors > Results and Reporting > Financial Results",
On 6 March 2024, starting with 20:00 (Romanian time), the separate and consolidated financial statements as at and for the year 2023, prepared in accordance with Order of Ministry of Public Finance 2844/2016, with subsequent amendments for the approval of the accounting regulations conforming with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and the Board of Directors' report for FY 2023 related to the individual and consolidated Financial Statements prepared in accordance with OMFP no. 2844/2016, together with the Auditor Report will be available, both in Romanian and English, in electronic format, on the company's website, section "Investors > Results and Reports > Financial Results", at:
The consolidated financial statements for the year 2023 prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union ("IFRS-EU") together with the Board of Directors Report IRFS and the Auditor Report, will be published at latest on 25 March 2024 and could be accessed at the link mentioned above.
The above-mentioned documents could be also available, in hardcopy, at the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 9 Grigore Alexandrescu Street, District 1, which is open from Monday to Thursday between 08:00-17:00 (Romanian time), and on Fridays between 08:00-14:30 (Romanian time), excepting the legal holidays.
It has been also changed, in the Financial Calendar 2024, the date of the web conference for analysts and investors: Presentation of the Financial Results of Electrica Group for 2023, from 8 March 2024, 16.00 o'clock (Romanian time) to 11 March 2024, 16.00 o'clock (Romanian time). The web conference can be accessed online under the following link:
Further information regarding the online and/or telephone login details will be available on the company's website, in the Investors section:
Contact details:
Phone: +40 21 208 5035 ; +40 731 796 111
Stefan - Alexandru Frangulea