To: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)
London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA)
Current report in compliance with the Law 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, and the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code
Report date: 11 August 2023
Company name: Societatea Energetica Electrica S.A. (Electrica)
Headquarters: 9 Grigore Alexandrescu Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania
Phone/fax no.: 004-021-2085999/ 004-021-2085998
Fiscal Code: RO 13267221
Trade Register registration number: J40/7425/2000
Subscribed and paid in share capital: RON 3,464,435,970
Regulated market where the issued securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Significant events to be reported:
Auditor's independent limited assurance report according to art. 108 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding the transactions reported in the first semester of 2023
Societatea Energetica Electrica S.A. (Electrica) informs its shareholders, according to the provisions of Art. 108 para. (5)-(7) of Law no. 24/2017, about the financial auditor's independent report of limited assurance (attached to this current report) regarding the transactions reported by Electrica between 1 January - 30 June 2023, according to Article 108 of Law 24/2017, as well as according to FSA Regulation no. 5/2018.
Stefan Frangulea