November fleet update

Songa Venus has achieved operating efficiency of 100% during the month. The rig is currently operating for the ADA consortium and Stuart/PTTEP Australia offshore North West Australia. Songa Mercur has achieved operating efficiency of 96% during the month. The rig completed its contract with Woodside Energy in Australia and has now commenced the announced 2 + 1 well program with Oilex in Australian/Timor JPDA area. Songa Saturn has achieved operating efficiency of 87% during the operational part of the month. The rig completed the Nippon led consortium contract in Libya during the month and arrived Malta on 10 November, where it is currently for regulatory Class UWILD inspections and deep-water upgrade works preparing for upcoming contract with CNOOC in Equatorial Guinea. The rig is anticipated to complete yard stay and commence rig move to EG mid December 2009. Songa Dee has achieved operating efficiency of 98% during the month; the rig continues to operate for Marathon / Lundin in Norway. Songa Delta has achieved operating efficiency of 98% during the month; the rig is currently working for Petro Canada on a farm out agreement from Wintershall / Det Norske Oljeselskap in Norway. Songa Trym has achieved operating efficiency of 100% during the operational part of the month. The rig arrived Hanøytangen outside Bergen Norway 10 November and has since completed its planned UWILD and rig repair program and the rig continues to operate for Statoil in Norway. As per earlier announcement a revised drilling contract was concluded with Statoil and this revised contract continues under new terms from 1 Dec 2009 until 1 July 2012. Limassol, 2009-12-4 This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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