Songa Equinox achieved an operational efficiency of 100% and an earnings efficiency of 99%, working for Statoil in Norway.
Songa Endurance achieved an operational efficiency of 100% and an earnings efficiency of 100% for the month, working for Statoil in Norway.
Songa Encourage achieved an operational efficiency of 100% and an earnings efficiency of 99% for the month, working for Statoil in Norway.
Songa Enabler achieved an operational efficiency of 92% and an earnings efficiency of 92% for the month, working for Statoil in Norway. The lower efficiency relates to the completion of the Offshore Deployment Test.
Songa Dee achieved an operational efficiency of 100% and an earnings efficiency of 100% for the month, working for Statoil in Norway.
Songa Delta achieved an operational efficiency of 100% and an earnings efficiency of 89% for the month, working for Statoil in Norway. The rig was on a 75% suspension rate until 14 August 2016.
Songa Trym is currently stacked, while marketed for new employment.
6 September 2016
Limassol, Cyprus