Proposed Acquisition & 1:6 Rights Issue at 355p

Fairey Group PLC 3 May 2000 NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND OR JAPAN. FAIREY GROUP PLC Proposed Acquisition of Spectris AG Sensoren und Systeme and a 1 for 6 Rights Issue at 355p per share - Fairey announces the conditional acquisition of Spectris, a leading manufacturer of instruments, systems and controls having four main operating businesses headquartered in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. - The purchase price is to be DM 424 million (equivalent to approximately £ 126.0 million) and Fairey will assume the net debt of Spectris at completion. The net debt in Spectris at 31 December 1999 amounted to DM 136.0 million (equivalent to approximately £ 40.4 million). The purchase price is also subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms of the Acquisition Agreement. - The approval of the shareholders of Fairey and of AGIV, Spectris' parent, will be required. The two major shareholders of AGIV, who together hold approximately 60 per cent of the voting rights, have undertaken irrevocably to vote in favour of such disposal. - To part-fund the acquisition, Fairey is raising approximately £ 54.4 million (net of expenses) by way of a fully underwritten 1 for 6 Rights Issue of up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares at 355p per share. - Spectris had turnover in 1999 of DM 673.4 million (equivalent to approximately £ 200.1 million) on which an operating profit DM 50.8 million (£ 15.1 million) was earned before restructuring and similar charges of DM 11.6 million (£ 3.4 million) and after charging DM 14.6 million (£ 4.3 million) of head office and parent company costs. - The Directors believe that the Acquisition will enhance Fairey's earnings per share (before reorganisation costs and goodwill amortisation) in the first full year of ownership. - Fairey's sales and profits in the first 3 months of the current financial year were significantly ahead of the comparable period in 1999. John Poulter, Chief Executive, commenting on the transaction said: 'Spectris is the largest acquisition made by Fairey and marks an important strategic addition to the Group's instrumentation and controls business. It brings us several high quality operations characterised by leading market positions, high gross margins, strong cash generation and sound growth prospects - whilst being earnings enhancing. We believe that Fairey provides an ideal environment for these businesses to flourish.' This summary should be read in conjunction with the text of the full press announcement. Press Enquiries:Fairey Group plc John Poulter T: +44 1784 470 470 Fairey Group F: +44 1784 439 519 Chief Executive Charlotte Moore T: +44 20 7220 8414 Jane Evans T: +44 20 7860 1393 WestLB Panmure F: +44 20 7860 1376 Arthur Drysdale T: +44 20 7457 3345 Chris Byrne T: +44 20 7825 9287 Cazenove F: +44 20 7825 9436 Michael Findlay T: +44 20 7772 2285 Merrill Lynch F: +44 20 7772 2919 Richard Mountain T: +44 20 7269 7249 Charles Watson F: +44 20 7831 6341 Financial Dynamics A presentation to analysts will be held today at 10.00 am at the offices of Financial Dynamics, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Building, London WC2A 1PB. Notes to Editors: Throughout the press release, except as otherwise stated, the approximate sterling equivalent of amounts stated in Deutsche Mark (DM) have been calculated using an exchange rate of £ 1 to DM 3.3645, being the rate ruling at 4.00pm on 2 May 2000. This announcement has been issued by, and is the sole responsibility of, Fairey and its Directors and has been approved solely for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986 by WestLB Panmure, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited. WestLB Panmure is acting exclusively for Fairey in connection with the Rights Issue and the Acquisition and not for any other person and will not be responsible to any other person for providing the protections afforded to customers of WestLB Panmure, nor for providing advice in relation to the Rights Issue and/or the Acquisition or any matter referred to herein. No offer or invitation to acquire securities of Fairey is being made now nor are offers being solicited. Any such offer or invitation will only be made in a document to be published in due course and any such acquisitions should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in such document. The value of shares can go down as well as up. Persons needing advice should consult a professional adviser. Not for release, publication or distribution in or into the United States, Canada, Australia, the Republic of Ireland or Japan. FAIREY GROUP plc Proposed acquisition of Spectris AG Sensoren und Systeme and 1 for 6 Rights Issue of up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares at 355p per share Introduction Your Board announces today that Fairey has conditionally agreed to acquire Spectris AG from AGIV AG. The purchase price is to be DM 424 million (equivalent to approximately £ 126.0 million) and Fairey will assume the net debt of Spectris at completion. The net debt in Spectris at 31 December 1999 amounted to DM 136 million (equivalent to approximately £ 40.4 million). The purchase price is also subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms of the Acquisition Agreement. The purchase price is payable in cash on completion. Due to the size of the acquisition, Fairey shareholder approval will be required. Spectris is a leading European manufacturer of sophisticated process measurement instruments, systems, controls and components serving a wide range of customers in the manufacturing and process industries. Fairey also announces that it is proposing to raise approximately £ 54.4 million (net of expenses) by way of a 1 for 6 Rights Issue of up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares at 355p per share. The proceeds of the Rights Issue will be used to part fund the Acquisition. The Rights Issue has been fully underwritten by WestLB Panmure and the brokers to the Rights Issue are Cazenove and Merrill Lynch. The balance of the consideration will be financed from existing loan facilities. The Rights Issue is not conditional on the Acquisition completing. Information on Spectris Spectris is an international group of companies designing, manufacturing and selling advanced measurement and monitoring instruments, systems and components for use in enhancing productivity in a wide range of industries. The head office is in Langen, Germany, but the operating language is English, reflecting the international nature of the businesses. The four main areas of activity and their manufacturing locations are: Bruel & Kjaer (Denmark) (1999 Sales DM 222 million) producing acoustic measurement and testing instrumentation and software for analysis and simulation of sound and vibration in the design and manufacturing of devices for many industries including automotive components and systems and telecommunications devices. HBM (Germany, United States and China) (1999 Sales DM 198 million) has two divisions which make transducers, measuring systems and software for electronic measurement of mechanical parameters in production and testing processes. Their products are used in a wide range of industrial applications for machine performance and weighing operations. BTG (Sweden and Switzerland) (1999 Sales DM 140 million) manufactures proprietary components, sensors and instrumentation for process optimisation in the pulp and paper industry. Bruel & Kjaer Condition Monitoring (Denmark and Germany) (1999 Sales DM 63 million) assembles and installs systems for monitoring performance and for predictive maintenance and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery with particular strength in the petrochemical and power generation industries. For the year ended 31 December, 1999, Spectris' turnover was DM 673.4 million (equivalent to approximately £ 200.1 million) on which an operating profit of DM 50.8 million (£ 15.1 million) was earned before restructuring and similar charges of DM 11.6 million (£ 3.4 million) and after charging DM 14.6 million (£ 4.3 million) of head office and parent company costs. Spectris had net assets of DM 194.5 million (£ 57.8 million) at 31 December, 1999. Reasons for the Acquisition Fairey is a specialist process technology group focused on industrial electronic controls, process instrumentation and filtration systems. The acquisition of Spectris is in line with Fairey's strategy of both building and growing its portfolio of process technology interests. In particular: - In common with other equipment manufactured by Fairey, Spectris' instrumentation and components are designed to enhance manufacturing and product performance. These businesses are therefore logical additions to Fairey's interests, particularly as they share with many Fairey companies key characteristics in terms of product design, manufacture and sales channels and in the close application engineering relationship between the businesses and their customers. - The international spread of Spectris' activities will enhance the global nature of Fairey's businesses. - Spectris' strong presence in measurement and testing instrumentation for markets such as consumer electronics, transportation, and pulp and paper and in industrial machine monitoring complements Fairey's existing strengths. - The strategy of both Fairey and Spectris has been to maintain and build market positions through technological innovation founded on product development. Benefits of the Acquisition The Directors believe that the Acquisition will enhance earnings per share (before reorganisation costs and goodwill amortisation) of the Company in the first full year of ownership. Current Trading and Prospects for the Enlarged Group When the preliminary results of Fairey were announced in March of this year, the Chairman reported that: 'The recovery in the semiconductor and optical fibre industries, improving economic activity in Asia Pacific, and strengthening manufacturing investment in the United States, are all positive signals for the group's performance. Late cycle industries such as steel where there remains over capacity, or oil and gas, where the benefits of a higher oil price are not yet reflected in sales, remain soft. However, taken overall, Fairey is well positioned with products, resources and the organisation to exploit a more positive situation than has prevailed during the past two years.'' The Chairman is pleased to confirm that these positive signals for performance are continuing across the Group. This is particularly the case in the growth companies involved in semi-conductors and at Fusion and Arcom. Sales and profits in the first 3 months of the current financial year were significantly ahead of the comparable period in 1999. Barring an adverse change in overall economic conditions, the Directors have confidence in the prospects for the Enlarged Group. Terms of the Acquisition The purchase price is to be DM 424 million (equivalent to approximately £ 126.0 million) and Fairey will assume the net debt of Spectris at completion. The net debt of Spectris at 31 December 1999 amounted to DM 136 million (equivalent to approximately £ 40.4 million). The purchase price is also subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms of the Acquisition Agreement. The purchase price is to be paid in cash on completion. Due to the size of the acquisition, Fairey shareholder approval will be required. The Acquisition is conditional upon, inter alia, the approval of the shareholders of Fairey and AGIV and receipt of the relevant regulatory consents. AGIV's shareholder approval is expected to be given at AGIV's shareholder meeting, which is expected to be held on 27 June, 2000. The two major shareholders of AGIV, being BHF-Bank AG and ENBW Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG who together hold approximately 60 per cent of the voting rights in AGIV, have undertaken irrevocably to vote in favour of a resolution approving the Acquisition at AGIV's shareholder meeting to be held on 27 June, 2000. Completion of the Acquisition will take place on the later of 4 August, 2000 and five business days after the Acquisition Agreement has become unconditional or earlier by mutual agreement of the parties. Summary of the Rights Issue Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions set out below, the Company proposes to raise approximately £ 54.4 million, net of expenses, by way of a Rights Issue to Qualifying Shareholders. It intends to use the proceeds of the Rights Issue to part fund the Acquisition. Prior to completion of the Acquisition the proceeds of the Rights Issue will be placed on deposit. The Rights Issue is not, however, conditional on completion of the Acquisition. In the event that the Acquisition is not completed, the proceeds of the Rights Issue will be used to reduce the Group's net borrowings. The Company proposes to issue to Qualifying Shareholders, by way of rights, up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares at a price of 355p per new Ordinary Share, payable in full on acceptance, on the following basis: 1 new Ordinary Share for every 6 Existing Shares and so in proportion for any other number of Ordinary Shares held on the Record Date. The new Ordinary Shares will, when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in all respects with the Existing Shares, including the right to receive in full all dividends and other distributions thereafter declared, paid or made on the Ordinary Shares. It should be noted that the new Ordinary Shares will not carry the right to the final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December, 1999. The Rights Issue is conditional, inter alia, upon: (i) the Underwriting Agreement not being terminated prior to Admission and becoming otherwise unconditional in all respects; and (ii) Admission occurring by 9.00 a.m. on 4 May, 2000 (or such later time and/or date as WestLB Panmure and the Company may agree). Application has been made to the UK Listing Authority for the new Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange for the new Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. It is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealings will commence in the new Ordinary Shares, nil paid, on 4 May, 2000. The latest time and date for acceptance and payment in full under the Rights Issue is expected to be midnight on 25 May, 2000. Directors Intentions The Directors, who hold in aggregate 384,696 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 0.4 per cent of the Existing Shares, have irrevocably undertaken to vote in favour of the Resolutions and intend as a minimum to take up such rights as can be paid for by selling nil paid rights. Extraordinary General Meeting A notice convening an Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held at Fairey Group plc, Station Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 9NP on 19 May, 2000 at 10.00 a.m., for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the Resolutions to approve the acquisition of Spectris and to authorise the Directors to allot relevant securities, pursuant to section 80 of the Act is being sent to shareholders today. Provisional Allotment Letters Provisional Allotment Letters in respect of new Ordinary Shares are expected to be posted with a prospectus and listing particulars to Qualifying Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Shareholders) today. The expected timetable for the Rights Issue is set out in Appendix 1. Press Enquiries: Fairey Group plc John Poulter T: +44 1784 470 470 Fairey Group F: +44 1784 439 519 Chief Executive Charlotte Moore T: +44 20 7220 8414 Jane Evans T: +44 20 7860 1393 WestLB Panmure F: +44 20 7860 1376 Arthur Drysdale T: +44 20 7457 3345 Chris Byrne T: +44 20 7825 9287 Cazenove F: +44 20 7825 9436 Michael Findlay T: +44 20 7772 2285 Merrill Lynch F: +44 20 7772 2919 Richard Mountain T: +44 20 7269 7249 Charles Watson F: +44 20 7831 6341 Financial Dynamics APPENDIX 1 Expected Rights Issue Timetable 2000 Record date for the Rights Issue Close of business on 26 April Provisional Allotment Letters despatched 3 May Dealings in new Ordinary Shares expected to commence, nil paid 4 May Fairey Annual General Meeting 9 May Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy 10.00 a.m. on 17 May Extraordinary General Meeting 10.00 a.m. on 19 May Latest time and date for splitting Provisional Allotment Letters,nil paid 3.00 p.m. on 23 May Latest time for acceptance and payment in full midnight on 25 May Latest time for splitting Provisional Allotment Letters, fully paid 3.00 p.m. on 14 June Latest time for registration of renunciation 3.00 p.m. on 16 June Definitive certificates for new Ordinary Shares despatched 23 June If you have any questions on the procedure for acceptance and payment, you should contact Computershare Services PLC on 0870 702 0100 or visit the website at APPENDIX 2 Definitions The following definitions apply throughout this document, unless the context requires otherwise: Acquisition the proposed acquisition of Spectris Acquisition Agreement the conditional agreement dated 3 May, 2000 made between the Vendor and the Company Act the Companies Act 1985 Admission the admission of the new Ordinary Shares, in nil paid form, to the Official List and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange becoming effective in accordance with the Listing Rules and the Rules of the London Stock Exchange Arcom Arcom Control Systems Limited, a subsidiary of Fairey AGIV AGIV AG Board the board of Directors of Fairey Cazenove Cazenove & Co. Directors the directors of Fairey Enlarged Group the Fairey Group as enlarged by the Acquisition Existing Shares the Ordinary Shares in issue on the Record Date Extraordinary General Meeting the extraordinary general meeting of Fairey convened for 10 a.m. on 19 May, 2000 Fairey or the Company Fairey Group plc Fairey Group or Group Fairey and its subsidiary undertakings Form of Proxy the form of proxy for use by Shareholders in respect of the Extraordinary General Meeting Fusion Fusion UV Systems Inc, a subsidiary of Fairey Listing Rules the listing rules of the UK Listing Authority, made under section 142 of the Financial Services Act 1986 London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange Limited Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch International new Ordinary Shares up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Rights Issue Official List the official list of the UK Listing Authority Ordinary Shares ordinary shares of 5p each in Fairey Overseas Shareholders holders of Ordinary Shares with registered addresses outside the United Kingdom and who have not given the Company an address for service of notices within the United Kingdom Provisional Allotment Letter the renounceable provisional allotment letter sent to Qualifying Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Shareholders) in connection with the Rights Issue Qualifying Shareholders Shareholders whose names were on the register of members of the Company on the Record Date Record Date the close of business on 26 April, 2000 Resolutions the ordinary resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting Rights Issue the proposed issue of up to 15,950,872 new Ordinary Shares by way of rights Rights Issue Price the price of 355p at which the new Ordinary Shares are being offered pursuant to the Rights Issue Shareholders the holders of Ordinary Shares Spectris or Spectris AG Spectris AG Sensoren und Systeme Spectris Group Spectris and its subsidiary undertakings Underwriting Agreement the agreement between the Company and WestLB Panmure relating to the Rights Issue Vendor AGIV WestLB Panmure WestLB Panmure Limited


Spectris (SXS)
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