Preliminary Results

Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC 12 March 2007 Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc Monday 12th March 2007 2006 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Year to 31st December Statutory 2006 2005 Change Revenue £384.2m £349.1m +10% Operating profit £61.9m £55.2m +12% Profit before taxation £65.3m £57.0m +15% Earnings per share 57.7p 50.0p +15% Dividends per share 26.5p 23.8p +11% Year to 31st December Adjusted* 2006 2005 Change Revenue £384.2m £349.1m +10% Operating profit £62.3m £55.3m +13% Operating profit margin 16.2% 15.9% Profit before taxation £65.7m £57.1m +15% Earnings per share 58.1p 50.2p +16% Dividends per share 26.5p 23.8p +11% * Excludes £0.4m amortisation of acquired intangible assets (2005: £0.2m) • Good sales growth - particularly Asia and Continental Europe. • Increasing investments for growth. • Improved operating margin of 16.2%. • Pre-tax profit up 15% and EPS up 16%. • Good underlying cash flow. • Final dividend up 12%. Mike Townsend, Chairman, commenting on prospects said: 'We are currently faced with the continuing strength of sterling and, therefore, a likely adverse effect on the 2007 results, particularly in comparison with the first half of 2006. However, in most markets trading conditions remain firm and the year has started well, which, with the Group's fundamental strengths, should enable us to make further progress in 2007.' Enquiries: Mike Townsend - Chairman Marcus Steel - Chief Executive David Meredith - Director Finance Tel: 020 7638 9571 at Citigate Dewe Rogerson until 6.00 p.m. SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS (Unless otherwise stated, the figures quoted in the text below exclude the amortisation of acquired intangible assets). SUMMARY The Chairman, Mike Townsend, says: 'I am pleased to report a good performance in 2006 which continues the Group's long record of consistent growth and strong profitability. We grew sales by over 10% and pre-tax profits were 15% ahead of 2005 at a record £65.7 million. This is a consequence of the Board's long-standing determination to focus on the development of the Spirax Sarco steam specialty business and the Watson-Marlow Bredel peristaltic pumping business through investment in new products, expansion of sales coverage, development of new markets and management of costs. Sales reached £384.2 million (2005: £349.1 million). Sterling was largely unchanged on average versus other currencies in 2006 as against 2005, the weakness in the first half having been virtually eliminated by a strengthening in the second half of the year, particularly against the US dollar. The sales growth came in all regions. Growth in sales in Asia continued strongly. In Continental Europe, the good growth which started in 2005 and accelerated through the first half of 2006, continued for the full year. Sales growth in North America and the Rest of the World was good and in the UK was positive, though this market remains difficult. Operating profit increased to £62.3 million from £55.3 million in 2005, an increase of 13%, with a small positive effect of less than £1/2 million from currency movements. The operating margin improved to 16.2% compared with 15.9% in 2005.' TRADING Sales grew to £384.2 million from £349.1 million in 2005, an increase of 10%. In all parts of the world our companies have successfully concentrated on the agreed sales development plans to increase our market share and widen the product offering to our customers. Organic growth was achieved in all regions with a strong advance in Asia, good progress in Continental Europe and North America, and lower levels of organic growth in the Rest of the World and the UK. The decision has been taken to build a new larger plant in China both to accommodate the growing sales team and to expand local production capacity. The Spirax Sarco business expanded sales of steam system services, heat exchange packaged units, controls and clean steam products, and sales to the oil and petrochemicals industry. The Watson-Marlow Bredel business increased sales of the recently upgraded pump ranges and tubing, and the business with OEMs. The Group's operating profit grew to £62.3 million (2005: £55.3 million); an increase of 13% and a new record for the Group. Excluding the small exchange gains, the increase was 12% - a good performance. Profit growth was driven mainly by the organic sales growth and by improved productivity, and was offset by higher overheads particularly in sales coverage in the developing markets. The operating profit margin rose to 16.2% from 15.9% in 2005. As expected, the margin improvement was restricted by increased charges for pensions and share-based payments, the slow-down in Brazil and the costs associated with integrating acquisitions into the Group. Current environment The business environment remained generally positive through the second half of 2006 as it had been during the first half. The oil price, despite declining from its peak, remains high and has stimulated investment projects in the oil and petrochemical sectors. The widespread pick-up in business confidence and activity in Continental Europe, which was evident in the first half of the year, continued through the second half. However in the UK market, the industrial sectors remain subdued and the strength of sterling is putting pressure on customers who export. In North American markets, the economic background has been steady through 2006, although the pharmaceutical sector has been quiet in the USA. In South America, political and economic uncertainties have restrained growth and demand in some of our manufacturing markets. The Asian economies have generally remained strong and we have seen good activity levels in most markets. As expected at the half year, exchange rates moved against us in the second half of 2006. The US dollar, which was stronger versus sterling in the first half of the year, weakened significantly in the second half. Some Asian currencies have declined with the dollar but on average in 2006 our Asian currencies, particularly the Korean Won, were firmer against sterling. The overall result is that the 4% exchange gain on sales in the first half of 2006 has been virtually eliminated during the last six months of the year. United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Sales into the domestic market increased only 2% to £40.7 million reflecting the subdued state of the manufacturing base in the UK. In the Republic of Ireland, there continues to be investment in new or expanding plants, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. We focussed on the application of our technical expertise to improve customers' plant performance, particularly energy conservation, and through expansion of the steam system management offering. Watson-Marlow Bredel increased business with the water treatment sector and with OEMs. Our UK factories felt the effects of higher energy and material costs but remained busy with increased demand from overseas. Operating profits of £11.0 million were flat after including higher charges for pensions and share-based payments. Continental Europe Our operations in Continental Europe produced good results with sales advancing by 10% to £138.3 million from £125.3 million in 2005; at constant exchange rates the increase was 11%. The economic backdrop in Europe has generally been positive, the main exceptions being France and Italy where the markets have remained subdued, although our businesses performed well. The increase in turnover included growth in heat exchange packages, steam system services, clean steam applications and tubing by Watson-Marlow Bredel. There was also success in increasing sales to oil and petrochemicals, pulp and paper, and OEM sectors. The increase in sales and profits was widespread across Europe with good gains in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain and the Hygromatik business. Sales and profits were also ahead in France and the new company in Russia grew strongly both in sales and profits. The factories in France, the Netherlands and Alitea in Sweden were also busy with higher demand not only from Europe but also from Asia and the Americas. High energy and raw material costs persisted through 2006, and the well-established programme of resourcing raw material purchases in lower cost economies continued and contributed to the profit growth. Operating profits in Continental Europe increased by 20% from £18.7 million in 2005 to £22.4 million in 2006, driven by the sales increase. North America Group turnover in the North American markets rose to £80.0 million from £73.1 million in 2005; an increase of 9% and at constant exchange rates a rise of 10%, coming equally from organic growth and acquisitions. In April 2006, the acquisition of the business and assets of AFTCO LLC of Florida was announced for $2.75 million (£1.5 million). The AFTCO range of electromagnetic flow meters complements the EMCO range of meters; the two businesses are being combined and will strengthen the Group's position in metering. In July 2006, the acquisition was announced of 80% of the business and assets of UltraPure Group Inc. of Florida for $4.9 million (£2.6 million). UltraPure's pure steam generators and water stills are used in hygienic processes mainly in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. As anticipated at the half year, the US economy grew more slowly in the second half of 2006 but sales and profits increased in spite of subdued demand from the pharmaceutical industry. In the Spirax Sarco business there was good growth in steam system services and in sales of heat exchange packages. In Watson-Marlow Bredel sales into sanitary and industrial markets were ahead; sales to the water treatment sector were down. Sales and profits in Canada were ahead. Our Mexican operation, which is accounted for as an Associate, produced another strong result with sales and profits well ahead. The operating profit for North America at £8.9 million was up 11% from £8.0 million in 2005. The growth in the operating profit margin in North America was, as expected, held back by the costs of reorganising and integrating the acquisitions into the Group. Asia Sales and profits in Asia continued to grow strongly in 2006 with sales up 17% from £65.8 million to £77.1 million; an increase of 14% at constant exchange rates. There were some good projects particularly in the oil and petrochemical sector. Sales coverage was increased in most markets and sales grew across the product range. Business levels in China and Korea advanced strongly and in both countries we have outgrown our existing premises and will be investing in new facilities. The new, larger factory planned for China in 2007 will enable an increase in locally made products from 2008. Our Indian operation, which is treated as an Associate, grew strongly and produced an excellent overall performance. Sales in Japan were ahead of 2005 with particular emphasis on steam traps and meters. Watson-Marlow Bredel's new operations in Korea and China also grew well and both made good profits. The Korean Won and Chinese RMB, in particular, strengthened against sterling in 2006 as against 2005 and boosted the overall profitability of the Asian operations. The operating profit increased from £11.4 million in 2005 to £15.1 million; an increase of 32%. The operating profit margin increased to 20.9%. Rest of the World (South America, Africa, Australasia) Sales in the Rest of the World increased by 8% to £48.2 million from £44.8 million in 2005. The effect of exchange rate movements overall was minimal. The economies in Brazil and Argentina were volatile with inflation risks in Argentina and Presidential elections in Brazil undermining market confidence. Sales in Argentina were ahead but profits were lower as inflationary pressures reduced the gross margin. In Brazil, sales and profits were much improved in the second half of the year but the full year figures were well below 2005 as the continuing strength of the Real reduced the competitiveness of some customers; costs have been reduced to protect future performance. In South Africa, one-off costs were incurred in absorbing the Mitech acquisition and consolidating both companies into a new facility, which was completed at the end of the year. The companies in Australasia produced good results for the year. Operating profits in the Rest of the World declined to £4.8 million (2005: £6.3 million) due to the tighter conditions in South America and the investments in South Africa. The margin, therefore, reduced to 10.0% (2005: 13.6%) for the region. Interest Net finance income was £2.0 million which compares with £0.9 million in 2005. The increase was due to improved net finance income in respect of defined benefit pension funds. This arose because the increased value of the assets of the funds, together with the £16 million special pension contributions during the year, improved the return on assets by more than the increased interest on the schemes' higher liabilities. The net cash outflow in the year (including the special pension payments) has eliminated the net bank interest income (2005: £0.2m). Associates We have minority shareholdings in our operations in India and Mexico, which are reported as Associates outside the operating profit. They are nevertheless an integral part of the Group and both produced good performances in 2006. The Group's share of after tax profits of Associates increased to £1.4 million (2005: £0.9 million). Profit before taxation* The Group's pre-tax profit increased by 15% to £65.7 million (2005: £57.1 million). Taxation The tax charge at 32.4% was consistent with the rate in 2005. More than 80% of the Group's profits are earned outside the UK and the majority of the overseas tax rates are effectively higher than UK rates. We expect that the tax rate for 2007 will be broadly in line with 2006. Earnings per share* The Group's prime financial objective is to provide enhanced value to shareholders through consistent growth in earnings per share and dividends per share. Earnings per share rose to 58.1p from 50.2p; an increase of 16%. Dividend The Board is recommending a final dividend of 19.0p per share which, together with the interim dividend of 7.5p per share paid in November, makes a total dividend for the year of 26.5p per share. This compares with a total dividend of 23.8p per share last year, an increase of 11%. The cost of the interim and final dividends is £20.0 million, which is covered 2.2 times by earnings. No scrip alternative to the cash dividend is being offered. Capital employed The good growth in the business is reflected in the balance sheet and in particular in the higher level of capital employed, although exchange rate movements have clouded the comparisons with 2005. Working capital increased with trade receivables and inventories rising in response to rising sales, particularly in the second half. We continue closely to manage working capital and in 2006 trade receivable and inventory measures showed a small improvement. Return on capital employed (ROCE)* ROCE improved in 2006 to 32.2% from 30.4% in 2005. The capital employed was carefully controlled and increased by 6% in 2006, whereas the operating profit, excluding amortisation of acquired intangible assets, increased by 13%. Capital expenditure The value of tangible fixed assets was little changed in sterling at £88.8 million but increased by 8% at constant exchange rates as we continue investing in our businesses. There were investments in new premises in South Africa and in land for new premises in Korea, together with on-going plant and machinery expenditure in our manufacturing plants to increase efficiency and expand capacity. The additions in 2006 exceeded the depreciation charge by 58%. 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Capital expenditure** 19,153 12,885 Depreciation and amortisation** 12,151 12,617 Capital expenditure as a % of depreciation 158% 102% ** The numbers above exclude acquired intangible assets and capitalised development costs. During 2007 and 2008, there will be an investment of around £9 million in a new factory and offices in China to increase the volume of production in Shanghai and to accommodate the growth of the sales organisation of this successful company. Intangible assets and investments in Associates Intangible assets include goodwill capitalised prior to 2004 under UK GAAP and goodwill and other intangible assets capitalised on acquisitions since the transition to IFRS. Goodwill is the subject of annual impairment testing and intangible assets are amortised over their expected useful lives. There was no impairment of goodwill during 2006, or 2005. Amortisation of acquired intangible assets was £0.4 million for the year (2005: £0.2 million). Product development costs capitalised and computer software are also included in intangible assets in accordance with IFRS. The Group balance sheet also includes the cost of investment in our Associate companies in India and Mexico and our share of post-acquisition profit, net of dividends received. Post-retirement benefits The post-retirement benefit liability recognised in the balance sheet declined to £20.2 million (net of deferred tax) at the end of 2006 compared with £31.4 million a year earlier. The improvement was due to the special pension contributions (net of deferred tax) made during the year and good investment returns on pension scheme assets. Pension liabilities rose following a review of mortality assumptions but the increase was mitigated by a rise in bond yields which reduced pension liability values. Cash flow Free cash flow for the year was £10.0 million (2005: £30.5 million) after making special payments to defined benefit pension schemes of £15.9 million. The cash flow arising from the good growth in operating profit was also reduced by an increase in working capital of £13.7 million as a result of the sales growth and above average capital expenditure (net of disposals) of £19.9 million. The share buy-back programme announced in March was completed in October; we bought 1.98 million shares at a cost of £18.1 million and an average share price of 913p. The shares are being held in Treasury to meet the future requirements of the Group's share schemes. There was also an outflow of £4.0 million for acquisitions. The underlying cash flow remains good but, after the special pension payments, the share buy-back and the acquisitions mentioned above, and after a small favourable exchange effect, the year finished with net debt of £6.6 million as compared with net cash of £19.0 million at the start of the year. In January 2007, we have made the £5 million final instalment of the special payment into the Group's major defined benefit pension schemes. Capital expenditure, in 2007, will also be higher than usual reflecting the investments in new facilities in China and Korea. The Chairman comments as follows: 'As we announced earlier in the year, Graham Marchand retired from the Board on 30th June 2006, having joined the Group in 1987 and the Board in 1992. I would like to restate the Board's thanks to Graham for his excellent contribution to the Board's deliberations and to the progress of the Group over those years. We welcomed Mark Vernon onto the Board on 1st July 2006 as an Executive Director with responsibility for the Americas and the Group Marketing function. Mark joined the Group in 2003 as President and General Manager of Spirax Sarco Inc. in South Carolina. I am confident that Mark will, as a member of the executive team, bring an imaginative and constructive approach to the future development of the Group. The good performance in 2006 is the result of maintaining focus on our core businesses where we place particular emphasis on serving the needs of our customers, on broadening our presence across the globe and on continuously improving efficiency in all aspects of our activities, including the use of latest technology. We are fortunate to have a strong team of talented and hardworking people in the Group who have delivered the successful performance in 2006, and I thank them all on behalf of the Board and the shareholders. PROSPECTS We are currently faced with the continuing strength of sterling and, therefore, a likely adverse effect on the 2007 results, particularly in comparison with the first half of 2006. However, in most markets trading conditions remain firm and the year has started well, which, with the Group's fundamental strengths, should enable us to make further progress in 2007.' * Operating profit, pre-tax profit and EPS figures exclude the amortisation of acquired intangible assets of £0.4 million in 2006 (2005: £0.2 million). SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING PLC Group Income Statement for the year ended 31st December 2006 Note 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Revenue 2 384,249 349,100 Operating costs (322,308) (293,930) Operating profit 3 61,941 55,170 Financial expenses 4 (11,722) (11,450) Financial income 4 13,757 12,378 Net financing income 4 2,035 928 Share of profit of associates 1,368 861 Profit before taxation 65,344 56,959 Taxation - UK (3,257) (2,698) Taxation - Foreign (18,021) (16,074) Total taxation 5 (21,278) (18,772) Profit for the period 44,066 38,187 Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent 43,919 38,036 Minority interest 147 151 Profit for the period 44,066 38,187 Earnings per share Basic earnings per share 6 57.7p 50.0p Diluted earnings per share 6 57.1p 49.6p Dividends 7 Dividends per share 26.5p 23.8p Dividends paid during the year (per share) 7 24.5p 21.9p SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING plc Group Balance Sheet at 31st December 2006 Note 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 88,802 85,752 Goodwill 17,541 15,033 Other intangible assets 8,866 8,357 Prepayments 352 396 Investment in associates 3,790 3,371 Deferred tax 13,738 18,536 133,089 131,445 Current assets Inventories 67,707 64,216 Trade receivables 90,023 83,303 Other current assets 8,382 7,161 Tax recoverable 1,746 1,527 Cash and cash equivalents 9 22,085 56,929 189,943 213,136 Total assets 323,032 344,581 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payables 50,372 46,843 Bank overdrafts 9 3,986 3,836 Short term borrowing 9 5,934 1,498 Current portion of long term borrowings 9 4,669 25,010 Current tax payable 7,445 7,326 72,406 84,513 Net current assets 117,537 128,623 Non-current liabilities Long term borrowings 9 14,050 7,540 Deferred tax 6,386 7,728 Post retirement benefits 11 29,592 45,807 Provisions 876 747 50,904 61,822 Total liabilities 123,310 146,335 Net assets 8 199,722 198,246 Equity Share capital 19,296 19,238 Share premium account 47,228 46,154 Other reserves (1,850) 7,554 Retained earnings 133,835 124,672 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 198,509 197,618 Minority interest 1,213 628 Total equity 199,722 198,246 Total equity and liabilities 323,032 344,581 SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING plc Group Statement of Total Recognised Income and Expense for the year ended 31st December 2006 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Actuarial loss on post retirement benefits (2,939) (8,974) Deferred tax on actuarial loss on post retirement benefits 1,142 2,942 Foreign exchange translation differences (9,574) 6,907 Gains on cash flow hedges 170 6 Income and expense recognised directly in equity (11,201) 881 Profit for the period 44,066 38,187 Total recognised income and expense for the period 32,865 39,068 Attributable to Equity holders of the parent 32,718 38,917 Minority interest 147 151 Total recognised income and expense for the period 32,865 39,068 SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING plc Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 31st December 2006 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Equity attributable to equity holders of parent at beginning of period 197,618 165,422 Total recognised income and expense 32,718 38,917 Dividends paid (18,715) (16,684) Proceeds from issue of share capital 1,132 8,568 Equity settled share plans 1,142 1,395 Treasury shares purchased (18,082) - Treasury shares reissued 3,777 - Loss on the reissue of treasury shares (1,081) - 198,509 197,618 SPIRAX-SARCO ENGINEERING plc Group Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st December 2006 Note 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before taxation 65,344 56,959 Depreciation and amortisation 13,364 13,151 Share of profit of associates (1,368) (861) Equity settled share plans 860 576 Net finance income (2,035) (928) Operating profit before changes in working capital and provisions 76,165 68,897 Increase in trade and other receivables (12,662) (2,814) Increase in inventories (6,248) (3,224) Decrease in provisions and post retirement benefits (15,887) (4,045) Increase in trade and other payables 5,184 1,371 Cash generated from operations 46,552 60,185 Interest paid (1,137) (1,677) Income taxes paid (16,484) (16,789) Net cash from operating activities 28,931 41,719 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment (17,935) (11,692) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 660 850 Purchase of software and other intangibles (1,678) (1,139) Development expenditure capitalised (989) (1,070) Acquisition of businesses (3,969) (5,866) Interest received 983 1,860 Dividends received 477 351 Net cash used in investing activities (22,451) (16,706) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issue of share capital 3,828 8,568 Treasury shares purchased (18,082) - Repayment of borrowings (7,544) (7,728) Payment of finance lease liabilities (88) (372) Dividends paid (including minorities) (18,843) (16,796) Net cash used in financing activities (40,729) (16,328) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (34,249) 8,685 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 53,093 43,914 Exchange movement (745) 494 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 9 18,099 53,093 Borrowings and finance leases (24,653) (34,048) Net borrowings 9 (6,554) 19,045 Notes: 1. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at 31st December. Trading results of overseas subsidiary undertakings have been translated into sterling at average rates of exchange ruling during the year. 2. Revenue analysis The analysis of revenue by reference to the geographical location of customers is as follows:- 2006 2005 Change change £'000 £'000 at constant exchange rates % % UK & Republic of Ireland 40,695 40,084 +2 +2 Continental Europe 138,299 125,343 +10 +11 North America 79,956 73,056 +9 +10 Asia 77,138 65,841 +17 +14 Rest of the World 48,161 44,776 +8 +7 384,249 349,100 +10 +10 and by reference to the geographical location of the Group's operations is as follows:- 2006 2005 change change £'000 £'000 at constant exchange rates % % UK & Republic of Ireland 107,922 102,479 +5 +5 Continental Europe 172,382 156,050 +10 +11 North America 80,610 73,220 +10 +11 Asia 72,208 61,263 +18 +15 Rest of the World 48,273 45,949 +5 +5 481,395 438,961 +10 +10 Intra-group sales (97,146) (89,861) +8 +9 Sales to customers 384,249 349,100 +10 +10 Secondary segment revenue by business operation: 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Spirax Sarco 332,655 302,627 Watson-Marlow Bredel 51,594 46,473 384,249 349,100 3. Operating profit, analysed by reference to the geographical location of the Group's operations, is as follows:- 2006 2005 Change * change £'000 £'000 at constant exchange rates % % UK & Republic of Ireland 10,957 10,881 +1 +1 Continental Europe 22,435 18,733 +20 +20 North America 8,732 7,938 +10 +13 Asia 15,120 11,430 +32 +23 Rest of the World 4,697 6,188 (24) (23) 61,941 55,170 +12 +11 Amortisation of intangible assets acquired was £350,000 (2005: £175,000) and amortisation of capitalised development costs was £994,000 (2005: £834,000). *The percentage change at constant exchange rates in respect of the operating profit also includes an estimate of the transaction effect. 4. Net Financing Income 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Financial expenses Bank and other borrowing interest payable (1,137) (1,704) Interest on pension scheme liabilities (10,585) (9,746) (11,722) (11,450) Financial income Bank interest receivable 1,038 1,869 Expected return on pension scheme assets 12,719 10,509 13,757 12,378 Net financing income 2,035 928 Net pension scheme financing income 2,134 763 Net bank and other interest (99) 165 Net financing income 2,035 928 5. Taxation 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Analysis of charge in period UK corporation tax Current tax on income for the period 8,178 12,702 Adjustments in respect of prior periods (207) (268) 7,971 12,434 Double taxation relief (3,233) (9,755) 4,738 2,679 Foreign tax Current tax on income for the period 16,561 15,565 Adjustments in respect of prior periods (79) (47) 16,482 15,518 Total current tax charge 21,220 18,197 Deferred tax 58 575 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 21,278 18,772 6. Earnings per share 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Earnings 43,919 38,036 Weighted average shares in issue 76,161,612 76,119,005 Dilution 733,050 577,169 Diluted weighted average shares in issue 76,894,662 76,696,174 Basic earnings per share 57.7p 50.0p Diluted earnings per share 57.1p 49.6p Earnings 43,919 38,036 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets 350 175 Adjusted earnings 44,269 38,211 Basic adjusted earnings per share 58.1p 50.2p The dilution is in respect of unexercised share options and the performance share plan. 7. Dividends 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Amounts paid in the year Final dividend for the year ended 31st December 2005 of 17.0p (2004: 15.1p) per share 13,047 11,459 Interim dividend for the year ended 31st December 2006 of 7.5p (2005: 6.8p) per share 5,668 5,225 18,715 16,684 Amounts arising in respect of the year Interim dividend for the year ended 31st December 2006 of 7.5p (2005: 6.8p) per share 5,668 5,225 Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31st December 2006 of 19.0p (2005: 17.0p) per share 14,370 13,093 20,038 18,318 The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in the financial statements. If approved at the annual general meeting on 17th May 2007, the final dividend will be paid on 21st May 2007 to shareholders on the register at 20th April 2007. No scrip alternative to the cash dividend is being offered. 8. The analysis of net assets by reference to the geographical location of the Group's operations is as follows:- 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 UK & Republic of Ireland 43,935 27,836 Continental Europe 61,063 58,718 North America 35,207 27,194 Asia 40,586 35,427 Rest of the World 23,832 25,017 204,623 174,192 Deferred tax 7,352 10,808 Current tax (5,699) (5,799) Net cash (6,554) 19,045 Net assets 199,722 198,246 9. Analysis of changes in (debt)/cash 1st Jan Cash Exchange 31st Dec 2006 Flow Movement 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Current portion of long term borrowings (25,010) (4,669) Non-current portion of long term borrowings (7,540) (14,050) Short term borrowings (1,498) (5,934) Total borrowings (34,048) (24,653) Comprising: Borrowings (33,600) 7,544 1,756 (24,300) Finance Leases (448) 88 7 (353) (34,048) 7,632 1,763 (24,653) Cash and cash equivalents 56,929 (33,604) (1,240) 22,085 Bank overdrafts (3,836) (645) 495 (3,986) Net cash and cash equivalents 53,093 (34,249) (745) 18,099 Net cash 19,045 (26,617) 1,018 (6,554) 10. Return on capital employed 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Capital employed Property, plant and equipment 88,802 85,752 Prepayments 352 396 Inventories 67,707 64,216 Trade receivables 90,023 83,303 Other current assets 10,128 8,688 Trade and other payables (50,372) (46,843) Current tax payable (7,445) (7,326) Capital employed 199,195 188,186 Average capital employed 193,691 182,233 Operating profit 61,941 55,170 Acquisition intangibles amortisation 350 175 62,291 55,345 ROCE 32.2% 30.4% 11. Employee benefits The Group is accounting for pension cost and share based payments in accordance with International Accounting Standard 19 - Employee benefits and International Financial Reporting Standard 2 - Share-based payments. The defined benefit plan expense is recognised in the income statement as follows:- UK Pensions Overseas pensions and Total medical 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Current service cost (6,491) (5,700) (1,699) (1,468) (8,190) (7,168) Past service cost (375) - - 117 (375) 117 Interest on schemes' liabilities (8,715) (8,000) (1,870) (1,746) (10,585) (9,746) Expected return on schemes' assets 11,216 9,300 1,503 1,209 12,719 10,509 Total expense recognised in income statement (4,365) (4,400) (2,066) (1,888) (6,431) (6,288) A summary of the deficits in the schemes is as follows:- Overseas UK Pensions Total Pensions & medical £'000 £'000 £'000 Fair value of schemes' assets 176,326 22,356 198,682 Present value of the schemes' liabilities (191,980) (36,294) (228,274) Deficit in the schemes (15,654) (13,938) (29,592) Related deferred tax asset 4,696 4,695 9,391 Net pension liability 2006 (10,958) (9,243) (20,201) Net pension liability 2005 (18,410) (12,984) (31,394) The charge to the income statement in respect of share-based payments is made up as follows:- 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Share Option Scheme 495 374 Performance Share Plan 290 139 Employees Share Ownership Plan 579 525 Total expense recognised in income statement 1,364 1,038 12. Basis of preparation The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31st December 2006 or 31st December 2005. Statutory accounts for 2005, which were prepared under accounting standards adopted by the EU have been delivered to the registrar of companies and those for 2006 will be delivered in due course. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include any references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying and (iii) did not contain statements under sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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