Director/PDMR Shareholding
St. James's Place plc ("SJP")
SJP was notified on 29 July 2008 of the following changes in SJP shares held by
the executive Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility
("PDMRs") named below.
Exercise of Awards under the SJP Performance Share Plan 2005 ("PSP")
The Directors and PDMR's listed below exercised nil cost options under the PSP
on 29 July 2008 and acquired the number of SJP ordinary shares set out in column
1 of the table below. The exercise of the nil cost options is following the
satisfaction of prescribed performance targets over a three year period.
Following the exercise, the Directors and PDMR's sold on 29 July 2008 at a price
of 197.09 pence per share, the number of SJP shares set out in column 2 of the
table below to meet the cost of the income tax, national insurance and dealing
costs payable on exercise of the awards. The remaining SJP shares set out in
column 3 of the table below are to be retained by the said Directors and PDMR's.
1 2 3
Name of Director Number of Number of Number of
shares shares sold shares
exercised to meet tax retained
David Bellamy 136,518 56,114 80,404
Andrew Croft 125,596 51,624 73,972
Ian Gascoigne 136,518 56,114 80,404
David Lamb 49,146 20,201 28,945
Mike Wilson 273,036 112,226 160,810
Name of PDMR Number of Number of Number of
shares shares sold shares
exercised to meet tax retained
Adrian Batchelor 42,320 17,396 24,924
Hugh Gladman 40,955 16,835 24,120
Mike Gravestock 39,590 16,274 23,316
Sonia Gravestock 30,033 12,345 17,688
Bill Tonks 43,685 17,957 25,728
Exercise of share options under SJP Sharesave Share Option Scheme 2000 ("SAYE")
David Bellamy and Mike Wilson also notified SJP that they exercised and retained
22,812 shares each on 29 July 2008 under the SJP SAYE. Options were granted on
1 May 2003 at an option price of 0.72 pence per share.
The interests of the Directors and PDMR's in ordinary shares of SJP after the
above transactions is:
Name of Director Beneficial Non-beneficial
Interest Interest
David Bellamy 747,642 238,100
Andrew Croft 285,458 -
Ian Gascoigne 425,027 30,000
David Lamb 308,040 3,681
Mike Wilson 3,774,491 750,000
Name of PDMR Beneficial Non-beneficial
Interest Interest
Adrian Batchelor 164,714 21,497
Hugh Gladman 213,108 -
Mike Gravestock 150,940 -
Sonia Gravestock 142,973 -
Bill Tonks 107,694 -
With the exception of the changes notified in this announcement, the Directors'
interests in ordinary shares of SJP are unchanged.
This notification is made in accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule