Final Results Part 2 of 2

Standard Chartered PLC 19 February 2003 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Country Risk Country Risk is the risk that a counterparty is unable to meet its contractual obligations as a result of adverse economic conditions or actions taken by governments in the relevant country. The following table based on the Bank of England Cross Border Reporting (C1) guidelines shows the Group's cross border assets including acceptances where they exceed one per cent of the Group's total assets. Cross border assets exclude facilities provided within the Group. They comprise loans and advances interest bearing deposits with other banks trade and other bills acceptances amounts receivable under finance leases certificates of deposit and other negotiable paper and investment securities where the counterparty is resident in a country other than that where the cross border asset is recorded. Cross border assets also include exposures to local residents denominated in currencies other than the local currency. 2002 Public sector Banks Other Total $m $m $m $m USA 1 084 1 729 2 462 5 275 Germany - 2 363 234 2 597 Hong Kong 16 181 1 842 2 039 Korea 12 1 334 407 1 753 Singapore 1 190 1 361 1 552 France 4 1 202 323 1 529 Italy 488 613 374 1 475 Australia 359 988 59 1 406 2001 Public sector Banks Other Total $m $m $m $m USA 1 637 1 330 1 750 4 717 Germany - 3 546 119 3 665 Hong Kong 8 167 1 685 1 860 Singapore 25 310 1 485 1 820 Korea 5 1 214 203 1 422 France - 1 281 409 1 690 Italy 396 1 047 239 1 682 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Argentina Standard Chartered has net exposure (net of cash collateral and export credit agency guarantees) of $211 million (2001: $380 million) against which provisions of $136 million (2001: $56 million) are held. This provides a cover ratio of 64 per cent (2001: 15 per cent). The following table shows the breakdown of this exposure: 2002 2001 $m $m Banks Foreign owned banks 79 174 Government owned banks 21 34 Local banks 41 93 Corporates 63 79 Government bonds 7 - Total exposure after cash collateral and export credit agency cover 211 380 Provisions held (136) (56) Net at risk 75 324 Cover ratio 64% 15% Other Latin American exposure In addition to Argentina the Group has exposure to a number of other Latin American countries. The following table shows cross border assets based on the Bank of England Cross Border Reporting (C1) guidelines (net of specific provisions where appropriate). 2002 2001 Banks Non banks Total Banks Non banks Total $m $m $m $m $m $m Brazil 195 78 273 607 168 775 Chile 120 43 163 171 115 286 Colombia 155 45 200 178 150 328 Peru 18 218 236 48 299 347 Venezuela 6 46 52 21 112 133 Others 8 8 16 35 11 46 Local currency exposure to local residents in these countries totals $165 million (2001: $212 million). Market Risk The Group recognises Market Risk as the exposure created by the potential changes in market prices and rates. Market Risk arises on financial instruments which are either valued at current market prices (mark to market) or at cost plus any accrued interest (non-trading basis). The Group is exposed to market risk arising principally from customer driven transactions. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Market Risk is supervised by the Group Risk Committee which agrees policies and levels of risk appetite in terms of Value at Risk (VaR). A Group Market Risk Committee sits as a specialist body to provide business level management guidance and policy setting. Policies cover the trading book of the Group and also market risks within the non-trading books. Limits by location and portfolio are proposed by the business within the terms of agreed policy. Group Market Risk agrees the limits and monitors exposures against these limits. Group Market Risk augments the VaR measurement by regularly stress testing aggregate market risk exposures to highlight potential risk that may arise from extreme market events that are rare but plausible. In addition VaR models are back tested against actual results to ensure pre-determined levels of accuracy are maintained. Additional limits are placed on specific instrument and currency concentrations where appropriate. Factor sensitivity measures are used in addition to VaR as additional risk management tools. Option risks are controlled through revaluation limits on currency and volatility shifts limits on volatility risk by currency pair and other underlying variables that determine the options' value. Value at Risk The Group measures the potential impact of market prices and rates using Value at Risk (VaR) models. The total VaR for trading and non-trading books combined as at 31 December 2002 was $12.4 million. Of this total $11.3 million related to interest rate risk and $1.1 million to exchange rate risk. The corresponding figures as at 31 December 2001 were $13.9 million and $1.5 million respectively. The average total VaR for trading and non-trading books during the year was $15.2 million (2001: $13.4 million) with a maximum exposure of $21.5 million. The average level of risk was higher in 2002 than the prior year due to higher market volatility post September 11th 2001. The total VaR for market risks in the Group's trading book was $2.7 million at 31 December 2002 compared to $3.5 million a year earlier. Of this total $1.6 million related to interest rate risk and $1.1 million to exchange rate risk. The corresponding figures as at 31 December 2001 were $2.1 million and $1.5 million respectively. VaR for interest rate risk in the non-trading books of the Group totalled $10.6 million at 31 December 2002 compared to $11.6 million a year earlier. The group has no significant trading exposure to equity or commodity price risk. The average daily revenue earned from market-risk related activities including asset and liability management was $3.4 million compared with $3.3 million during 2001. An analysis of the frequency distribution of daily revenues shows that there were no days with negative revenues during 2002. The most frequent result was daily revenue of between $2.5 million and $3.0 million with 58 occurrences. The highest daily revenue was $7.1 million. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Foreign Exchange Exposure The Group's foreign exchange exposures comprise trading and structural foreign currency translation exposures. Foreign exchange trading exposures are principally derived from customer driven transactions. The average daily foreign exchange trading revenue during 2002 was $1.2 million. Interest Rate Exposure The Group's interest rate exposures comprise trading exposures and structural interest rate exposures. Interest rate risk arises on both trading positions and non-trading books. Structural interest rate risk arises from the differing re-pricing characteristics of commercial banking assets and liabilities including non-interest bearing liabilities such as shareholders' funds and some current accounts. The average daily interest rate revenue from market-risk related activities during 2002 was $2.2 million. Derivatives Derivatives are contracts whose characteristics and value derive from underlying financial instruments interest and exchange rates or indices. They include futures forwards swaps and options transactions in the foreign exchange and interest rate markets. Derivatives are an important risk management tool for banks and their customers because they can be used to manage the risk of price interest rate and exchange rate movements. The Group's derivative transactions are principally in plain vanilla instruments where the mark to market values are readily determinable by reference to independent prices and valuation quotes or by using standard industry pricing models. The total off balance sheet credit risk exposure to derivatives at 31 December 2002 was $9 783 million (2001: $7 517 million) based on net replacement cost. The Group enters into derivative contracts in the normal course of business to meet customer requirements and to manage its own exposure to fluctuations in interest and exchange rates. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Only offices with sufficient product expertise and appropriate control systems are authorised to undertake transactions in derivative products. The credit risk arising from a derivative contract is calculated by taking the cost of replacing the contract where its mark-to-market value is positive together with an estimate for the potential change in the future value of the contract reflecting the volatilities that affect it. The credit risk on contracts with a negative mark-to-market value is restricted to the potential future change in their market value. The credit risk on derivatives is therefore usually small relative to their notional principal values. The Group applies a potential future exposure methodology to manage counterparty credit exposure associated with derivative transactions. Liquidity Risk The Group defines liquidity risk as the risk that funds will not be available to meet liabilities as they fall due. At the local level in line with policy the day to day monitoring of future cash flows takes place and suitable levels of easily marketable assets are maintained by the businesses. A substantial proportion of the Group's assets are funded by customer deposits made up of current and savings accounts and other short-term deposits. These customer deposits which are widely diversified by type and maturity represent a stable source of funds. Lending is normally funded by liabilities in the same currency and if other currencies are used the foreign exchange risk is usually hedged. Operational and Other Risks Operational Risk is the risk of direct or indirect loss due to an event or action causing failure of technology processes infrastructure personnel and other risks having an operational impact. Standard Chartered seeks to minimise actual or potential losses from Operational Risk failures through a framework of policies and procedures that identify assess control manage and report risks. An independent Group Operational Risk function is responsible for establishing and maintaining the overall Operational Risk framework. The Group Operational Risk function provides reports to the Group Risk Committee. Compliance with Operational Risk policy is the responsibility of all managers. In every country a Country Operational Risk Group (CORG) has been established. It is the responsibility of the CORG to ensure appropriate risk management frameworks are in place and to monitor and manage operational risk. CORGs are chaired by Country Chief Executives. Business units are required to monitor their Operational Risks using Group and business level standards and indicators. Significant issues and exceptions must be reported to the CORG. Where appropriate issues must also be reported to Business Risk Committees and the Group Risk Committee. Other risks recognised by the Group include Business Regulatory and Reputational risks. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) CAPITAL Standard Chartered's policy is to maintain a conservative balance sheet and strong capital base. The Group Asset and Liability Committee targets Tier 1 and Total capital ratios of 7 - 9 per cent and 12 - 14 per cent respectively. The Group believes that being well capitalised is important. 2002 2001* $m $m Tier 1 capital: Shareholders' funds 7 327 7 538 Minority interests 249 73 Innovative tier 1 securities 997 929 Unconsolidated associated companies 31 22 Less: premises revaluation reserves (3) (61) goodwill capitalised (2 118) (2 269) own shares held (note 1) (57) - Total tier 1 capital 6 426 6 232 Tier 2 capital: Premises revaluation reserves 3 61 General provisions 468 468 Undated subordinated loan capital 1 853 1 804 Dated subordinated loan capital 2 605 2 677 Total tier 2 capital 4 929 5 010 Investments in other banks (558) - Other deductions (4) (19) Total capital 10 793 11 223 Risk weighted assets 55 931 53 825 Risk weighted contingents 18 623 15 517 Total risk weighted assets and contingents 74 554 69 342 Capital ratios: Tier 1 capital 8.6% 9.0% Total capital 14.5% 16.2% 2002 2001* $m $m Shareholders' funds Equity 6 695 6 279 Non Equity 632 1 259 7 327 7 538 Post tax Return on Equity (normalised) 13.4% 12.0% Note 1 Relates to shares held in trust to fulfil the Group's obligations under employee share options. * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) The Group identified improving the efficiency of capital management as a strategic priority for 2002. A capital plan to achieve this has been developed. This includes several key elements. In particular to reduce the amount of Tier 2 capital and to improve the overall capital mix within the broad target ratios. In October 2002 Standard Chartered PLC listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Company issued 35 million ordinary shares of $0.50 per share. The shares were issued at HKD 84 per share raising $17.5 million of share capital and $328 million of share premium. In November 2002 the Company repurchased 659 126 Non-cumulative Preference Shares with a nominal value of $5 and issued at a price of $1 000 per Preference Share. The Shares were repurchased at $1 110 per share together with an amount to compensate for accrued dividend. The deduction from the share premium reserve was restricted to the $328 million premium raised on the Hong Kong listing. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) EFFICIENCY PROGRAMME In August 2000 the Group announced an Efficiency Programme the purpose of which was to improve productivity and to build an operational platform to support future growth. Excellent progress continues to be made. Headcount reductions have exceeded the original targets set. Original Target Achieved in 2002 over 3 Years Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount reduction addition Reduction addition Centralising of processing and support operations 2 350 2 200 2 000 1 000 Operational efficiencies 3 100 - 2 100 - Integration of acquisitions 2 700 - 2 100 - 8 150 2 200 6 200 1 000 Achieved Target Cost Synergies Full year Full year Original Revised 2002 2001 2001 2002 2003 $m $m $m $m $m Centralising of processing and support operations 60 19 29 64 100 Operational efficiencies 90 60 29 80 90 Integration of acquisitions 115 70 50 100 115 265 149 108 244 305 Investment spend (110) (93) (167) (114) (136) Net Cost Benefit 155 56 (59) 130 169 Original Net Cost Benefit (59) 82 159 At the end of 2001 the Group increased its targets for savings from the Efficiency Programme. These higher targets have been delivered in 2002. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 31 December 2002 2002 2001* Notes $m $m Interest receivable 5 288 6 419 Interest payable (2 225) (3 519) Net interest income 3 063 2 900 Fees and commissions receivable net 991 977 Dealing profits 3 420 470 Other operating income 4 65 58 1 476 1 505 Net revenue 4 539 4 405 Administrative expenses: Staff (1 270) (1 241) Premises (269) (285) Other (673) (735) Depreciation and amortisation of which: (345) (324) Amortisation of goodwill (156) (140) Other (189) (184) Total operating expenses (2 557) (2 585) Operating profit before provisions 1 982 1 820 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 9 (705) (732) Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments (7) 1 Amounts written off fixed asset investments (8) - Operating profit before taxation 1 2 1 262 1 089 Taxation 5 (387) (378) Profit after taxation 875 711 Minority interests (equity) (31) (12) Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 844 699 Dividends on non-equity preference shares 6 (108) (68) Dividends on ordinary equity shares 7 (545) (474) Retained profit for the financial year 191 157 The 2002 and 2001 results are all from continuing operations. * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31 December 2002 2002 2001* Notes $m $m Assets Cash balances at central banks and cheques in course of collection 1 237 1 174 Treasury bills and other eligible bills 5 050 5 105 Loans and advances to banks 1 16 001 19 578 Loans and advances to customers 1 57 009 53 005 Debt securities and equity shares 20 437 16 080 Intangible fixed assets 2 118 2 269 Tangible fixed assets 928 992 Prepayments accrued income and other assets 10 230 9 332 Total assets 113 010 107 535 Liabilities Deposits by banks 1 10 850 11 688 Customer accounts 1 71 626 67 855 Debt securities in issue 1 4 877 3 706 Accruals deferred income and other liabilities 12 626 11 327 Subordinated liabilities: Undated loan capital 1 853 1 804 Dated loan capital 3 602 3 544 Minority interests (equity) 249 73 Shareholders' funds 12 7 327 7 538 Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 113 010 107 535 * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES For the year ended 31 December 2002 2002 2001 Notes $m $m Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 844 699 Premises revaluation (48) - Exchange translation differences - (118) Total recognised gains and losses relating to the financial year 796 581 Prior year adjustment 16 156 - Total recognised gains and losses since the last annual report 952 581 NOTE OF CONSOLIDATED HISTORICAL COST PROFITS AND LOSSES For the year ended 31 December 2002 There is no material difference between the results as reported and the results that would have been reported on a historical cost basis. Accordingly no note of historical cost profits and losses has been included. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Consolidated cash flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2002 2002 2001* $m $m Net cash inflow from operating activities (see note 14) 4 778 6 113 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid on subordinated loan capital (330) (321) Subordinated loan capital issue expenses - (12) Premium and costs on repayment of subordinated liabilities (10) - Dividends paid to minority shareholders of subsidiary undertakings (18) (18) Dividends paid on preference shares (123) (41) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (481) (392) Taxation UK taxes paid (25) (103) Overseas taxes paid (303) (417) Total taxes paid (328) (520) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchases of tangible fixed assets (209) (283) Acquisitions of treasury bills held for investment purposes (10 453) (10 383) Acquisitions of debt securities held for investment purposes (38 314) (26 356) Acquisitions of equity shares held for investment purposes (175) (28) Disposals of tangible fixed assets 32 58 Disposals and maturities of treasury bills held for investment purposes 10 667 9 138 Disposals and maturities of debt securities held for investment purposes 35 530 20 562 Disposals of equity shares held for investment purposes 18 17 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (2 904) (7 275) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before equity dividends paid and financing 1 065 (2 074) Equity dividends paid to members of the Company (462) (442) Financing Gross proceeds from issue of ordinary share capital 399 22 Ordinary share issue expenses (31) - Issue of preference share capital - 1 000 Preference share capital - issue expenses - (31) Redemption of preference share capital (732) - Preference share capital - redemption expenses (9) - Issue of subordinated loan capital 11 700 Proceeds from issue of preferred securities - 421 Repayment of subordinated liabilities (355) (204) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (717) 1 908 Decrease in cash in the period (114) (608) * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES 1. Segmental information by geographic segment The following tables set out profit and loss information average loans and advances to customers net interest margin and selected balance sheet information by geographic segment for the year ended 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001. 2002 Asia Pacific Other Hong Asia Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific $m $m $m $m Interest receivable 1 718 780 349 789 Interest payable (641) (421) (181) (427) Net interest income 1 077 359 168 362 Fees and commissions receivable 267 80 52 135 net Dealing profits 68 31 15 73 Other operating income 4 15 (1) 2 Net revenue 1 416 485 234 572 Costs (622) (209) (143) (406) Amortisation of goodwill Total operating expenses (622) (209) (143) (406) Operating profit before 794 276 91 166 provisions Charge for debts contingent (428) (41) (13) (61) liabilities and commitments Amounts written off fixed asset - - - - investments Operating profit before taxation 366 235 78 105 Loans and advances to customers - 21 121 7 534 3 808 5 952 average Net interest margin (%) 3.0 2.3 2.6 2.3 Loans and advances to customers - 21 313 8 060 4 201 6 390 period end Loans and advances to banks - 2 507 2 027 394 2 703 period end Total assets employed 41 143 17 387 6 732 16 295 Total risk weighted assets and 19 958 11 570 3 724 7 512 contingents 2002 Americas Middle UK & East & Group Other Head India S Asia Africa Office Total $m $m $m $m $m Interest receivable 597 638 316 1 541 6 728 Interest payable (369) (319) (113) (1 194) (3 665) Net interest income 228 319 203 347 3 063 Fees and commissions 85 119 89 164 991 receivable net Dealing profits 43 58 37 95 420 Other operating income 38 5 3 (1) 65 Net revenue 394 501 332 605 4 539 Costs (190) (196) (228) (407) (2 401) Amortisation of goodwill (156) (156) Total operating expenses (190) (196) (228) (563) (2 557) Operating profit before 204 305 104 42 1 982 provisions Charge for debts contingent (38) (13) (3) (115) (712) liabilities and commitments Amounts written off fixed - - - (8) (8) asset investments Operating profit before 166 292 101 (81) 1 262 taxation Loans and advances to 2 186 4 369 1 042 8 451 54 463 customers - average Net interest margin (%) 4.2 3.7 6.9 1.0 3.1 Loans and advances to 2 458 4 883 1 168 8 536 57 009 customers - period end Loans and advances to banks - 212 1 792 218 6 148 16 001 period end Total assets employed 6 411 10 400 3 880 42 327 144 575 Total risk weighted assets and 4 367 6 709 1 556 20 430 75 826 contingents a. Total interest receivable and total interest payable include intra-group interest of $1 440 million. b. Group central expenses have been distributed between segments in proportion to their direct costs and the benefit of the Group's capital has been distributed between segments in proportion to their risk weighted assets. c. Business acquisitions have been made as part of the Group's growth strategy. These activities are a result of corporate decisions made at the centre and the amortisation of purchased goodwill is included in the Americas UK and Group Head Office segment. d. Total assets employed include intra-group items of $25 874 million and balances of $5 691 million which are netted in the Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet. Assets held at the centre have been distributed between geographic segments in proportion to their total assets employed. e. Total risk weighted assets and contingents include $1 272 million of balances which are netted in calculating capital ratios. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 1. Segmental information by geographic segment (continued) 2001 Asia Pacific Other Hong Asia Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific $m $m $m $m Interest receivable 2 377 913 385 892 Interest payable* (1 283) (608) (218) (580) Net interest income 1 094 305 167 312 Fees and commissions receivable net 301 95 47 121 Dealing profits 50 40 20 90 Other operating income (3) - 3 6 Net revenue 1 442 440 237 529 Costs (679) (205) (131) (404) Amortisation of goodwill Total operating expenses (679) (205) (131) (404) Operating profit before provisions 763 235 106 125 Charge for debts contingent (257) (51) (130) (86) liabilities and commitments Operating profit before taxation 506 184 (24) 39 Loans and advances to customers - 21 233 6 311 3 555 5 520 average Net interest margin (%) 3.2 1.9 2.7 2.3 Loans and advances to customers - 21 145 6 828 3 705 5 842 period end Loans and advances to banks - period 1 227 2 315 607 3 184 end Total assets employed* 39 508 15 086 6 223 14 580 Total risk weighted assets and 19 320 8 933 3 630 7 446 contingents 2001 Americas Middle UK & East & Group Other Head India S Asia Africa Office Total* $m $m $m $m $m Interest receivable 572 749 339 2 479 8 706 Interest payable* (373) (468) (134) (2 142) (5 806) Net interest income 199 281 205 337 2 900 Fees and commissions receivable 78 96 86 153 977 net Dealing profits 42 55 62 111 470 Other operating income 36 4 2 10 58 Net revenue 355 436 355 611 4 405 Costs (209) (207) (226) (384) (2 445) Amortisation of goodwill (140) (140) Total operating expenses (209) (207) (226) (524) (2 585) Operating profit before 146 229 129 87 1 820 provisions Charge for debts contingent (27) (39) (13) (128) (731) liabilities and commitments Operating profit before taxation 119 190 116 (41) 1 089 Loans and advances to customers 1 909 4 102 1 007 9 198 52 835 - average Net interest margin (%) 4.0 4.0 8.2 1.0 3.0 Loans and advances to customers 1 923 4 117 969 8 476 53 005 - period end Loans and advances to banks - 398 1 704 325 9 818 19 578 period end Total assets employed* 5 994 9 604 3 487 41 335 135 817 Total risk weighted assets and 3 590 5 802 1 343 19 778 69 842 contingents f. Total interest receivable and total interest payable include intra-group interest of $2 287 million. g. Group central expenses have been distributed between segments in proportion to their direct costs and the benefit of the Group's capital has been distributed between segments in proportion to their risk weighted assets. h. Business acquisitions have been made as part of the Group's growth strategy. These activities are a result of corporate decisions made at the centre and the amortisation of purchased goodwill is included in the Americas UK and Group Head Office segment. i. Total assets employed include intra-group items of $24 724 million and balances of $3 558 million which are netted in the Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet. Assets held at the centre have been distributed between geographic segments in proportion to their total assets employed. j. Total risk weighted assets and contingents include balances of $500 million which are netted in calculating Capital ratios. * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 1. Segmental information by geographic segment (continued) The following table sets out the structure of the Group's deposits by principal geographic region where it operates at 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001. 2002 Asia Pacific Hong Other Kong Singapore Malaysia Asia Pacific $m $m $m $m Non interest bearing current and 1 341 992 828 597 demand accounts Interest bearing current and 10 841 1 860 76 1 590 demand accounts Savings deposits 553 455 514 1 117 Time deposits 14 615 7 779 2 739 4 812 Other deposits 5 382 444 1 097 Total 27 355 11 468 4 601 9 213 Deposits by banks 649 1 356 422 2 183 Customer accounts 26 706 10 112 4 179 7 030 27 355 11 468 4 601 9 213 Debt securities in issue 1 813 177 295 358 Total 29 168 11 645 4 896 9 571 2002 Americas Middle UK & East & Group Other Head Total India S Asia Africa Office Deposits $m $m $m $m $m Non interest bearing current and 807 1 465 696 428 7 154 demand accounts Interest bearing current and 3 500 908 2 939 18 717 demand accounts Savings deposits 584 1 151 416 11 4 801 Time deposits 2 722 3 531 525 11 726 48 449 Other deposits 113 410 26 878 3 355 Total 4 229 7 057 2 571 15 982 82 476 Deposits by banks 1 078 1 156 113 3 893 10 850 Customer accounts 3 151 5 901 2 458 12 089 71 626 4 229 7 057 2 571 15 982 82 476 Debt securities in issue 82 - - 2 152 4 877 Total 4 311 7 057 2 571 18 134 87 353 2001 Asia Pacific Hong Other Kong Singapore Malaysia Asia Pacific $m $m $m $m Non interest bearing current 1 207 901 728 439 and demand accounts Interest bearing current and 10 002 1 622 107 1 301 demand accounts Savings deposits 582 437 579 1 042 Time deposits 16 687 7 078 2 824 4 565 Other deposits 4 253 303 1 099 Total 28 482 10 291 4 541 8 446 Deposits by banks 1 001 1 028 472 2 051 Customer accounts 27 481 9 263 4 069 6 395 28 482 10 291 4 541 8 446 Debt securities in issue 1 305 81 245 363 Total 29 787 10 372 4 786 8 809 2001 Americas Middle UK & East & Group Other Head Total India S Asia Africa Office Deposits $m $m $m $m $m Non interest bearing current 672 980 714 669 6 310 and demand accounts Interest bearing current and 5 767 711 2 228 16 743 demand accounts Savings deposits 518 1 040 372 220 4 790 Time deposits 2 798 3 672 461 9 831 47 916 Other deposits 57 205 190 1 673 3 784 Total 4 050 6 664 2 448 14 621 79 543 Deposits by banks 1 115 1 298 67 4 656 11 688 Customer accounts 2 935 5 366 2 381 9 965 67 855 4 050 6 664 2 448 14 621 79 543 Debt securities in issue 82 - 3 1 627 3 706 Total 4 132 6 664 2 451 16 248 83 249 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 1. Segmental information by class of business 2002 2001* Consumer Wholesale Consumer Wholesale Banking Banking Total Banking Banking Total $m $m $m $m $m $m Net interest income 1 867 1 196 3 063 1 702 1 198 2 900 Other income 549 927 1 476 520 985 1 505 Net revenue 2 416 2 123 4 539 2 222 2 183 4 405 Costs (1 190) (1 211) (2 401) (1 254) (1 191) (2 445) Amortisation of goodwill - - (156) (140) Total operating expenses (1 190) (1 211) (2 557) (1 254) (1 191) (2 585) Operating profit before provisions 1 226 912 1 982 968 992 1 820 Charge for debts contingent liabilities (603) (109) (712) (330) (401) (731) and commitments Amounts written off of fixed assets - (8) (8) - - - investments Operating profit before taxation 623 795 1 262 638 591 1 089 Total assets employed 40 465 104 110 144 575 44 992 90 825 135 817 Total risk weighted assets and contingents 23 779 50 775 74 554 21 688 47 654 69 342 * Comparative restated (see note 16) Please refer to note 1 (a) - (d) and (f) - (i) 3. Dealing profits 2002 2001 $m $m Income from foreign exchange dealing 319 374 Profits less losses on dealing securities 65 22 Other dealing profits 36 74 420 470 4. Other operating income 2002 2001 $m $m Other operating income includes: Profits less losses on disposal of investment securities 18 23 Dividend income 5 3 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 5. Taxation 2002 2001 $m $m United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2001: 30%) 257 211 Relief for overseas tax (180) (179) 95 77 32 Overseas tax 310 346 387 378 Effective tax rate 30.7% 34.7% 6. Dividends on preference shares 2002 2001 $m $m Non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares: 7 3/8% preference shares of £1 each 11 11 8 1/4% preference shares of £1 each 12 12 Non-cumulative redeemable preference shares: 8.9% preference shares of $5 each 85 45 108 68 7. Dividends on ordinary shares 2002 2001 Cents per $m Cents per share $m share Interim 14.10 160 12.82 145 Final 32.90 385 29.10 329 47.00 545 41.92 474 The 2002 final dividend of 32.9 cents per share will be paid in sterling unless shareholders elect to be paid in US dollars on 13 May 2003 to shareholders on the register of members at the close of business on 28 February 2003. It is intended that shareholders will be able to elect to receive shares credited as fully paid instead of all or part of the interim dividend. Details will be sent to shareholders on or around 17 March 2003. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 8. Earnings per ordinary share 2002 2001 Average Per Average Per number of Share number of Share Profit shares Amount Profit shares Amount $m ('000) Cents $m ('000) Cents Basic EPS Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 736 1 135 664 - 631 1 128 407 55.9c Premium and costs paid on redemption of preference (82) - - - - - shares Basic earnings per ordinary share 654 1 135 664 57.6c 631 1 128 407 55.9c Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares: Convertible bonds 17 34 488 16 34 488 Options - 2 168 - 4 478 Diluted EPS 671 1 172 320 57.2c 647 1 167 373 55.4c The Group measures earnings per share on a normalised basis. This differs from earnings defined in Financial Reporting Standard 14. The table below provides a reconciliation. 2002 2001 $m $m Basic earnings per ordinary share as above 654 631 Premium and costs paid on redemption of preference shares 82 - Amortisation of goodwill 156 140 Profits less losses on disposal of investment securities (18) (23) Amounts written off fixed asset investments 8 - Impairment of tangible fixed assets 9 - Gain on close out of interest rate swap to hedge preference share dividends (57) - Tax charge relating to profit on interest rate swap 17 - Normalised earnings 851 748 Normalised earnings per ordinary share 74.9c 66.3c 9. Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 2002 2001 Specific General Specific General $m $m $m $m Provisions held at beginning of period 951 468 1 146 468 Exchange translation differences 1 - (12) - Amounts written off (1 008) - (633) - Amounts written down (23) - (368) - Recoveries of amounts previously written off 65 - 51 - Other (3) - 35 - New provisions 1 012 - 994 - Recoveries/provisions no longer required (307) - (262) - Net charge against profit 705 - 732 - Provisions held at end of period 688 468 951 468 Corporate loans and advances to customers against which provisions have been outstanding for two years or more are written down to their net realisable value. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 10. Non-performing loans and advances 2002 2001 SCNB SCNB (LMA) Other Total (LMA) Other Total $m $m $m $m $m $m $m Loans and advances on which interest is suspended 693 1 912 2 605 742 2 451 3 193 Specific provisions for bad and doubtful debts (3) (685) (688) (3) (948) (951) Interest in suspense - (205) (205) - (225) (225) 690 1 022 1 712 739 1 278 2 017 The Group acquired Standard Chartered Nakornthon Bank (SCNB) (formerly Nakornthon Bank) in September 1999. Under the terms of the acquisition non-performing loans (NPLs) of THB 39 billion ($904 million) are subject to a Loan Management Agreement (LMA) with the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) a Thai Government agency. Under the LMA the FIDF has guaranteed the recovery of a principal amount of the NPLs of THB 23 billion ($533 million). The LMA also provides inter alia for loss sharing arrangements whereby the FIDF will bear up to 85 per cent of losses in excess of the guaranteed amount. The carrying cost of the NPLs is reimbursable by the FIDF to SCNB every half year for a period of five years from the date of acquisition. Excluding the SCNB non-performing loan portfolio subject to the LMA agreement specific provisions and interest in suspense together cover 47 per cent (2001: 48 per cent) of total non-performing lending to customers. If lending and provisions are adjusted for the cumulative amounts written off of $1 652 million (2001: $1 574 million) the effective cover is 71 per cent (2001: 68 per cent). 11. Called up share capital 2002 2001 $m $m Equity capital Ordinary shares of $0.50 each 585 566 Non-equity capital Non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares: 7 3/8% preference shares of £1 each 161 145 8 1/4% preference shares of £1 each 161 145 Non-cumulative redeemable preference shares: 8.9% preference shares of $5 each 2 5 909 861 In November 2002 the Group repurchased 659 126 8.9 per cent preference shares of $5 each. The shares were repurchased at a price of $1 110 per share. The total premium paid on the buy back equated to $82 million. This however was partially offset by a gain on unwinding the interest rate swaps hedging the position of $57 million. STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 12. Shareholders' funds Share Share premium Capital capital account reserve $m $m $m At 1 January 2002 previously published 861 2 761 5 Prior year adjustment - - - (note 16) At 1 January 2002 restated 861 2 761 5 Exchange translation differences 32 - - Shares issued net of expenses 19 329 - Repurchase of preference shares (3) (328) - Retained profit - - - Premises revaluation - - - Capitalised on exercise of share options - 2 - Realised on disposal of premises - - - At 31 December 2002 909 2 764 5 Equity interests Non-equity interests At 31 December 2002 Capital Premises Profit Total redemption revaluation and loss shareholders' reserve reserve account funds $m $m $m At 1 January 2002 previously published - 45 3 710 7 382 Prior year adjustment - 16 140 156 (note 16) At 1 January 2002 restated - 61 3 850 7 538 Exchange translation (6) (26) differences - - Shares issued net of expenses - - 39 387 Repurchase of preference shares 3 - (413) (741) Retained profit - - 191 191 Premises revaluation - (48) - (48) Capitalised on exercise of share options - - (2) - Realised on disposal of (4) 4 premises - - At 31 December 2002 3 3 3 643 7 327 7 080 Equity interests 6 695 Non-equity interests 632 At 31 December 2002 7 327 13. Net interest margin and interest spread 2002 2001* % % Net interest margin 3.1 3.0 Interest spread 2.7 2.6 $m $m Average interest earning assets 99 667 96 738 Average interest bearing liabilities 86 484 86 624 * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 14. Consolidated cash flow statement Reconciliation between operating profit before taxation and net cash inflow from operating activities: 2002 2001* $m $m Operating profit 1 262 1 089 Items not involving cash flow: Amortisation of goodwill 156 140 Depreciation impairment and amortisation of premises and equipment 189 184 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 3 1 Gain on disposal of investment securities (18) (23) Amortisation of investments (48) (11) Charge for bad and doubtful debts and contingent liabilities 712 731 Amounts written off fixed asset investments 8 - Debts written off net of recoveries (966) (950) Decrease in accruals and deferred income (256) (66) (Increase)/decrease in prepayments and accrued income (16) 236 Adjustments for items shown separately: Interest paid on subordinated loan capital 330 321 Premium and costs on repayment of subordinated liabilities 10 - Net cash inflow from trading activities 1 366 1 652 Net increase in cheques in the course of collection (19) (71) Net (increase)/decrease in treasury bills and other eligible bills (93) 1 Net decrease in loans and advances to banks and customers 485 1 282 Net increase in deposits from banks customer accounts and debt 2 891 3 805 securities in issue Net increase in dealing securities (302) (606) Net decrease in mark-to-market adjustment 414 63 Net increase/(decrease) in other accounts 36 (13) Net cash inflow from operating activities 4 778 6 113 Analysis of changes in cash Balance at beginning of period 3 549 4 278 Exchange translation differences 61 (121) Net cash outflow (114) (608) Balance at end of period 3 496 3 549 * Comparative restated (see note 16) STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. Consolidated profit and loss account (unaudited) First half and second half 2002 2nd 1st Half Half 2002 2002 $m $m Interest receivable 2 735 2 553 Interest payable (1 214) (1 011) Net interest income 1 521 1 542 Fees and commissions receivable net 515 476 Dealing profits 191 229 Other operating income 27 38 733 743 Net revenue 2 254 2 285 Administrative expenses: Staff (636) (634) Premises (131) (138) Other (358) (315) Depreciation and amortisation of which: (188) (157) Amortisation of goodwill (88) (68) Other (100) (89) Total operating expenses (1 313) (1 244) Operating profit before provisions 941 1 041 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (299) (406) Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments (6) (1) Amounts written off fixed asset investments (8) - Operating profit before taxation 628 634 Taxation (186) (201) Profit after taxation 442 433 Minority interests (equity) (14) (17) Profit for the financial period attributable to 428 416 shareholders Dividends on non-equity preference shares (52) (56) Dividends on ordinary equity shares (385) (160) Retained profit for the financial period (9) 200 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) 16. Change in accounting policies Financial Reporting Standard 19 - Deferred Tax ('FRS 19') is effective for accounting periods ending on or after 23 January 2002 and the Group adopted FRS19 in the current period. It specifies the provisions that are required for deferred tax which are on a different basis to its predecessor Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 15. The adjustments have no effect on current or prior periods tax charge but affect the Deferred Tax balances and Reserves. The brought forward balances at 1 January 2001 have been restated as follows: the Deferred Tax Asset balance is increased by $156 million the Profit and Loss Reserves balance is increased by $140 million and the Premises Revaluation Reserve is increased by $16 million. In February 2002 the Urgent Issues Task Force issued Abstract 33 (UITF 33) - 'Obligations in Capital Instruments'. This reviewed the classification of instruments that have the characteristics of both liabilities and shareholders' funds and provided further guidance on the accounting treatment of these issues. In 2001 the £300 million 8.103 per cent Step-up Callable Perpetual Trust Preferred Securities and the Eur500 million 8.16 per cent non-cumulative Trust Preferred Securities were treated as minority interests (non-equity) in the consolidated accounts of Standard Chartered PLC in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 4 - Capital Instruments. As a result of complying with UITF 33 the instruments have been reclassified from minority interests (non-equity) to liabilities. The restatement of principal balances at 31 December 2001 is $878 million together with accrued interest of $51 million and fee accruals of $11 million. The associated minority interest payable reclassified to interest payable is $59 million for the year ended 31 December 2001. Comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2001 are restated to reflect these changes to accounting policy. 17. Remuneration The Group employed 29 400 staff at 31 December 2002 (2001: 28 400). Within the authority delegated by the Board of Directors the Board Remuneration Committee is involved in determining the remuneration policy of Standard Chartered Group but specifically for agreeing the individual remuneration packages for executive directors and other highly remunerated individuals. No executive directors are involved in deciding their own remuneration. The success of the Group depends upon the performance and commitment of talented employees. The Group's remuneration policy is to:- • Support a strong performance-oriented culture and ensure that individual rewards and incentives relate directly to the performance of the individual the operations and functions for which they are responsible the Group as a whole and the interests of the shareholders; and STANDARD CHARTERED PLC - NOTES (continued) • Maintain competitive awards that reflect the international nature of the Group and enable it to attract and retain talented employees of the highest quality internationally. In terms of applying this policy: • Base salaries are set at the median of the Group's key international competitors. • Annual bonus awards are made wholly on the basis of Group and individual performance and also an individual's adherence to the Group's values. • Standard Chartered Group believes strongly in encouraging employee share ownership at all levels in the organisation. The Group is proud to announce that in 2002 50 per cent of employees globally participated in its all employee sharesave scheme. In addition the Group operates certain discretionary share plans which are designed to provide competitive long-term incentives. Of these plans the Performance Share Plan and the Executive Share Option Scheme are only exercisable upon the achievement of tough performance criteria. 18. Charge on Group assets The following table shows assets which are subordinated to the claims of other parties. 2002 2001 $m $m Loans and advances to banks 128 111 Loans and advances to customers 4 4 Debt securities 552 11 Other assets - Hong Kong certificates of deposit 2 015 1 884 2 699 2 010 19. Contingent liabilities and commitments The table below shows the total contract amount of contingent liabilities and commitments. 2002 2001 $m $m Contingent liabilities 17 913 15 576 Non-cancellable commitments 14 988 15 471 Contingent liabilities include acceptances and endorsements guarantees and irrevocable letters of credit. Commitments largely relate to undrawn non-cancellable commitments to extend credit. The contract amounts reflect the volume of business outstanding and do not represent amounts at risk. The financial information included herein has been derived from the audited and unaudited information contained in the Group's Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002. Statutory accounts for 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) (accounting records or returns inadequate or accounts not agreeing with records and returns) or 237(3) (failure to obtain necessary information and explanation) of the Companies Act 1985. Financial Calendar Ex-dividend date 26 February 2003 Record date 28 February 2003 Posting to shareholders of 2002 Report and Accounts 17 March 2003 Annual General Meeting 8 May 2003 Payment date - final dividend on ordinary shares 13 May 2003 Copies of this statement are available from Investor Relations Standard Chartered PLC 1 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7SB or from our website on For further information please contact: Tracy Clarke Group Head of Corporate Affairs (020) 7280 7708 Paul Marriage Head of Media Relations (020) 7280 7163 Benjamin Hung Head of Investor Relations (020) 7280 7245 The following information is available on our website investor • A live webcast of the final results analyst presentation (available 9:30am GMT) • A pre-recorded webcast and Q/A session of analyst presentation in London (available 1:00pm GMT) • Interviews with Mervyn Davies Group Chief Executive and Peter Sands Group Finance Director (available from 8.00am GMT). • Slides for the Group's presentations (available 11.00am GMT) Images of Standard Chartered are available for the media at Information regarding the Group's commitment to corporate and social responsibility is available at The 2002 Report and Accounts will be made available on the website of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and on our website as soon as is practicable. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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