Operational risk
Operational risk is the potential for loss arising from the failure of people, process or technology or the impact of external events. Operational risk exposures are managed through a consistent set of management processes that drive risk identification, assessment, control and monitoring. We seek to control operational risks to ensure that operational losses do not cause material damage to the Group's franchise.
Operational risks can arise from all business lines and from all activities carried out by the Group. We seek to systematically identify and manage operational risk by segmenting all the Group's activities into manageable units. Each of these has an owner who is responsible for identifying and managing all the risks that arise from those activities as an integral part of their First Line responsibilities. Products and services offered to clients and customers in all our markets are also assessed and authorised in accordance with product governance procedures.
Although operational risk exposures can take many varied forms, we seek to manage them in accordance with standards that drive systematic risk identification, assessment, control and monitoring. These standards are challenged and reviewed regularly to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. To support the systematic identification of material operational risk exposures associated with a given process, we classify them into the following types:
Operational Risk Subtypes |
Processing failure |
Potential for loss due to failure of an established process or to a process design weakness |
External Rules & Regulations |
Potential for actual or opportunity loss due to failure to comply with laws or regulations, or as a result of changes in laws or regulations or in their interpretation or application |
Liability |
Potential for loss or sanction due to a legal claim against any part of the Group or individuals within the Group |
Legal enforceability |
Potential for loss due to failure to protect legally the Group's interests or from difficulty in enforcing the Group's rights |
Damage to assets |
Potential for loss or damage to physical assets and other property from natural disaster and other events |
Safety and security |
Potential for loss or damage to health or safety of staff, customers or third parties arising from internal failures or the effects of external events |
Internal crime or dishonesty |
Potential for loss due to action by staff that is intended to defraud, misappropriate property or to circumvent the law or company policy |
External crime |
Potential for loss due to criminal acts by external parties such as fraud, theft and other criminal activity including internet crime |
Model |
Potential for loss due to a significant discrepancy between the output of risk measurement models and actual experience |
Identified operational risk exposures are rated 'Low', 'Medium', 'High' or 'Very High' in accordance with defined risk assessment criteria. Risks which are outside of set materiality thresholds receive a differential level of management attention and are reported to senior management and risk committees up to Board level. Significant external events or internal failures which have occurred are analysed to identify the root cause of any failure for remediation and future mitigation. Actual operational losses are systematically recorded.
In the Second Line of Defence, Group Operational Risk is responsible for setting and maintaining the standards for operational risk management and control. In addition, specialist operational risk control owners have responsibility for the control of operational risk arising from the management of the following activities Group-wide: people, technology, vendor, property, security, accounting and financial control, tax, legal processes, corporate authorities and structure and regulatory compliance, as described further in the table below.
Operational risk control area |
People Management |
Recruiting, developing, compensating and managing employees |
Technology Management |
Developing, maintaining and using information technology, and information security |
Vendor Management |
Procurement, licensing, outsourcing and supplier management |
Property Management |
Managing property assets, projects and facilities. |
Security Management |
Protecting the security of staff and customers |
Regulatory Compliance |
Maintaining relationships with regulators, evidencing compliance with banking and securities regulations and managing regulatory change |
Legal processes |
Effective documentation of material transactions and other material contractual agreements, controlling the rights pertaining to material assets of the Group, and managing material claims and legal disputes |
Accounting & Financial Control |
Financial and management accounting, associated reporting and financial control |
Tax management |
Maintaining relationships with tax authorities and managing the Group's tax affairs to ensure compliance with our obligations |
Corporate authorities & structure |
Maintaining effective corporate legal entity structure and corporate decision making authorities |
Each risk control owner, supported by a specialist control function, is responsible for identifying risks that are material to the Group and for maintaining an effective control environment, across the whole organisation. This includes defining appropriate policies for approval by authorised risk committees, that impose specific controls and constraints on the Group's activities.
The Group Operational Risk Committee, chaired by the GCRO, oversees the management of operational risks across the Group, supported by business, functional, and country-level committees. All operational risk committees operate on the basis of a defined structure of delegated authorities and terms of reference, derived from the GRC.
At the Group level, the Group Financial Crime Risk Committee provides direct oversight of operational risk relating to compliance with financial crime laws and regulations. The Committee takes its authority directly from the GRC, providing additional oversight of these risks. Close alignment is maintained with the Group Operational Risk Committee through overlap in membership and reporting.
Reputational risk
Reputational risk is the potential for damage to the Group's franchise, resulting in loss of earnings or adverse impact on market capitalisation as a result of stakeholders taking a negative view of the Group or its actions.
Reputational risk could arise from the failure of the Group to effectively mitigate the risks in its businesses including one or more of country, credit, liquidity, market, regulatory, legal or other operational risk. Damage to the Group's reputation could cause existing clients to reduce or cease to do business with the Group and prospective clients to be reluctant to do business with the Group. All employees are responsible for day to day identification and management of reputational risk. These responsibilities form part of the Group Code of Conduct and are further embedded through values-based performance assessments.
Reputational risk may also arise from a failure to comply with environmental and social standards. Our primary environmental and social impacts arise through our relationship with our clients and customers and the financing decisions we take. We have published a series of position statements which we apply in the provision of financial services to clients who operate in sectors with specific risks, and for key issues. We have mechanisms in our origination and credit processes to identify and assess environmental and social risks, and dedicated Sustainable Finance teams who review proposed transactions with identified risks.
The GRC provides Group-wide oversight on reputational risk, sets policy and monitors material risks. The Group Head of Corporate Affairs is the overall risk control owner for reputational risk. The BVC and BRC provide additional oversight of reputational risk on behalf of the Board
At the business level, Responsibility and Reputational Risk Committees have responsibility for managing reputational risk.
At country level, the Country Head of Corporate Affairs is the risk control owner of reputational risk. It is his or her responsibility to protect our reputation in that market with the support of the country management team. The Head of Corporate Affairs and Country Chief Executive Officer must actively:
· Promote awareness and application of our policies and procedures regarding reputational risk
· Encourage business and functions to take account of our reputation in all decision-making, including dealings with customers and suppliers
· Implement effective in-country reporting systems to ensure they are aware of all potential issues in tandem with respective business committees
· Promote effective, proactive stakeholder management through ongoing engagement.
Pension risk
Pension risk is the potential for loss due to having to meet an actuarially assessed shortfall in the Group's pension schemes. The risk assessment is focused on our obligations towards our major pension schemes, ensuring that our funding obligation to these schemes is comfortably within our financial capacity. Pension risk is monitored quarterly.
The Group Pension Risk Committee is the body responsible for governance of pension risk and it receives its authority from GRC.
Standard Chartered PLC - Capital
Capital management
Our approach to capital management is to maintain a strong capital base to support the development of our business, to meet regulatory capital requirements at all times and to maintain strong credit ratings.
Strategic, business and capital plans are drawn up annually covering a five-year horizon and are approved by the Board. The capital plan ensures that adequate levels of capital and an optimum mix of the different components of capital are maintained to support our strategy. Group Treasury is responsible for the ongoing assessment of the demand for capital and the updating of the Group's capital plan. The capital plan takes the following into account:
· Current regulatory capital requirements and our assessment of future standards
· Demand for capital due to business growth forecasts, loan impairment outlook and market shocks or stresses
· Forecast demand for capital to support credit ratings
· Available supply of capital and capital raising options
The Group formulates a capital plan with the help of internal models and other quantitative techniques. The Group uses a capital model to assess the capital demand for material risks, and supports this with our internal capital adequacy assessment. Other internal models help to estimate potential future losses arising from credit, market and other risks, and using regulatory formulae, the amount of capital required to support them. In addition, the models enable the Group to gain an enhanced understanding of its risk profile, for example, by identifying potential concentrations and assessing the impact of portfolio management actions. Stress testing and scenario analysis are an integral part of capital planning, and are used to ensure that the Group's internal capital adequacy assessment considers the impact of extreme but plausible scenarios on its risk profile and capital position. They provide an insight into the potential impact of significant adverse events and how these could be mitigated through appropriate management actions. The capital modelling process is a key part of our management discipline.
A strong governance and process framework is embedded in our capital planning and assessment methodology. The key capital management committees are the Group Asset and Liability Committee (GALCO) and the Capital Management Committee (CMC). The members of the GALCO include all the Group Executive Directors, the Group Chief Risk Officer and senior attendees from Group Treasury, Finance, Risk and the business. The GALCO regularly reviews the capital plan and approves capital management policies and guidelines. The CMC oversees the tactical management of the Group's capital position and provides a bridge to GALCO's strategic management of the Group's capital position. The GALCO delegates certain authorities to CMC in relation to capital management.
The Group's capital position, including its relationship to the Group's risk appetite statement, is regularly considered by the Board Risk Committee (BRC). Further details of the BRC's activities in relation to capital are available in the Corporate Governance section on page 143. At a country level, capital is monitored by the Country Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO). Appropriate policies are in place governing the transfer of capital within the Group.
Current compliance with Capital Adequacy Regulations
In light of the uncertain economic environment and continuing uncertainty as to the end state for banks' regulatory capital structures, the Group continues to believe it is appropriate to remain both strongly capitalised and well above regulatory requirements.
On 1 April 2013, the UK FSA ceased to exist and from that date, Standard Chartered Bank was authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the PRA.
The capital that we are required to hold by the PRA is determined by our balance sheet, off-balance sheet, counterparty and other risk exposures. Further detail on counterparty and risk exposures is included in the Risk review on pages 33 to 34.
Capital in branches and subsidiaries is maintained on the basis of host regulators' requirements and the Group's assessment of capital requirements under normal and stress conditions. Suitable processes and controls are in place to monitor and manage capital adequacy and ensure compliance with local regulatory ratios in all our legal entities. These processes are designed to ensure that we have sufficient capital available to meet local regulatory capital requirements at all times.
The table on page 89 summarises the consolidated capital position of the Group.
Basel II
The Group complies with the Basel II framework, which has been implemented in the UK through the PRA's General Prudential Sourcebook and its Prudential Sourcebook for Banks, Building Societies and Investment Firms.
Since 1 January 2008, we have been using the advanced Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approach for the calculation of credit risk capital requirements with the approval of our relevant regulators. This approach builds on our risk management practices and is the result of a significant investment in data warehousing and risk models. We use Value at Risk (VaR) models for the calculation of market risk capital requirements for part of our trading book exposures where permission to use such models has been granted by our relevant regulators. Where our market risk exposures are not approved for inclusion in VaR models, the capital requirements are determined using standard rules provided by the relevant regulator. We apply the Standardised Approach for determining the capital requirements for operational risk.
The Group uses IRB models to calculate certain regulatory capital requirements. The Group's models are subject to initial approval, and ongoing supervision by its regulators. The Group believes that the overall performance of its models has been, and continues to be, very conservative. Recently, the PRA has revised its philosophy and approach towards the use and calibration of IRB models. Consequently, the Group is currently in discussions with the PRA regarding changes to some of its IRB models. Whilst the outcome of these discussions and the timetable for implementing any such changes is not fully finalised, the Group currently expects the PRA to require changes in 2014. These include changes to the calculation of Exposure At Default (EAD) and the introduction of Loss Given Default (LGD) floors based on the Foundation Approach for certain exposures where the country-specific default experience is not deemed sufficient for modelling purposes, resulting in an increase in the risk-weighted requirements calculated by such models. The Group expects these PRA requirements will, in part, be offset by model efficiencies, regulatory approvals of new IRB models and other management mitigating actions. The
Standard Chartered PLC - Capital
Group's Pillar 3 Disclosures illustrate both the conservative nature of the Group's models and their robust performance over recent years. The Group currently estimates that the net impact of such model changes in 2014 will be a reduction in the Group's Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio on a pro forma basis of between 30 and 50bps.
The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) announced in March 2013 that the PRA should take action to ensure that the level of CET1 capital held by UK banks was above 7 per cent following any required adjustments to reflect a "proper valuation of their assets", "a realistic assessment of future conduct costs" and "a prudent calculation of risk weights." The PRA published the results of this exercise on 20 June 2013, confirming that the Group exceeded the 7 per cent CET1 target set by the FPC for the purposes of the exercise and, therefore, did not have a capital shortfall and had no action to take on its capital position.
The final text of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) which together comprise CRD IV were published in the EU Official Journal on 27 June 2013. In Policy Statement PS7/13, the PRA finalised its approach to implementation of the CRD IV rules in December 2013 to come into effect on 1 January 2014. The PRA's approach accelerates a number of aspects of CRD IV where there is national discretion to do so, particularly in relation to the definition of CET1.
Notwithstanding the development of the CRD IV rules during 2013, the final CRD IV outcome remains uncertain. A number of areas of CRD IV are subject to further consultation or await promulgation of the relevant European Banking Authority (EBA) Technical Standards and UK implementing rules. Further, the CRD leaves considerable scope for national discretion to be applied.
On 11 November 2013, the FSB published an updated list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), using December 2012 data and an updated assessment methodology published by the BCBS in July 2013. The Group retained its classification as a G-SIB with a 1 per cent additional CET1 requirement. We understand that the PRA have applied a "supervisory judgement" overlay resulting in the Group's classification as a G-SIB. G-SIBs will be required to hold an additional CET1 buffer. If the Group remains a G-SIB in November 2014, its related CET1 requirement will be phased in from 1 January 2016 to 1 January 2019. The EBA is currently consulting on technical standards relating to the identification of, and disclosure requirements for, G-SIBs.
Capital buffers
CRD IV contains provisions for a number of additional capital buffers and the following comments are based on the Group's current understanding of the rules.
A capital conservation buffer (CCB) of 2.5 per cent CET1 will be phased in from 1 January 2016 to 1 January 2019. The CCB is intended to provide an additional level of capital available to absorb unexpected losses during a period of stress.
A potential countercyclical buffer (CCyB) requirement of up to 2.5 per cent will be phased in from 1 January 2016 to 1 January 2019. The CCyB is intended to be used by authorities to restrain the pace of credit growth and leverage by increasing the levels of CET1 a bank is required to hold during periods of strong economic activity.
A systemic risk buffer (SRB) may be imposed by national authorities to mitigate perceived systemic risk posed by one or more financial institutions in the relevant jurisdictions. If required, the SRB will be set in CET1 at a minimum level of 1 per cent of the exposures giving rise to the SRB. The rules relating to the SRB and its calibration are not yet finalised.
Final capital requirements will not be uniform across the sector. Each institution is expected to have a specific minimum requirement based on its particular business and risk profile as implemented through a variety of tools including: Pillar 2A requirements, PRA buffers, buffers for global or domestic systemically important banks, countercyclical buffers, systemic risk buffers and, potentially, other macro prudential tools. Consequently, it is not possible to determine precisely what the Group's final capital requirements may be or the ultimate impact of the various regulatory initiatives on the Group's capital position.
Pillar 2
In December 2013, the PRA published amendments to the current Pillar 2 regime. In addition to Pillar 1 capital requirements, the Group, like other UK banks, currently holds capital in respect of its Pillar 2 risks. Pillar 2 comprises:
· An Individual Capital Guidance (ICG or Pillar 2A buffer) for risks not covered or adequately addressed by Pillar 1 capital requirements (including for example: pension risk, interest rate risk, concentration risk and operational risk).
· A Capital Planning Buffer (CPB or Pillar 2B buffer) to ensure the Group remains well capitalised in a stressed environment.
Going forward, the Group will expect to hold capital under Pillar 2 in addition to Pillar 1 requirements as follows:
· From 1 January 2015, the Group must hold at least 56 per cent of its Pillar 2A buffer in CET1.
· From 1 January 2016, the PRA Buffer Assessment will take into account the CCB, and any G-SIB and SRB. A further CET1 component could be added to the extent that the PRA do not consider that these buffers are sufficient to cover the Group's risks. The PRA have announced they intend to consult in 2014 on the transition to the new regime.
Based on the Group's 2013 ICG and its current understanding of the rules, the Group's total Pillar 2A guidance on a pro forma basis is 0.7 per cent of required total capital. Assuming that the Group meets its Pillar 2A guidance to the extent possible with Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital, the Group's Pillar 2A CET1 requirement is approximately 40bps. The Group's Pillar 2A guidance is usually considered with the PRA annually and so would be expected to vary over time.
Primary loss absorbing capacity (PLAC)
Based on its current understanding of the draft rules, the Group estimates that as at 31 December 2013 its PLAC level is around 23 per cent of risk-weighted assets (RWA). This figure includes senior liabilities with at least one year to maturity and that part of subordinated debt that is amortised for regulatory capital purposes over the last five years of the relevant instrument's duration (with at least one year remaining to maturity) and therefore outside the scope of regulatory capital recognition.
Capital base |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Shareholders' equity |
Parent company shareholders' equity per balance sheet |
46,246 |
45,362 |
Preference share classified as equity included in Tier 1 capital |
(1,494) |
(1,495) |
44,752 |
43,867 |
Non-controlling interests |
Non-controlling interests per balance sheet |
595 |
693 |
Non-controlling Tier 1 capital included in other Tier 1 capital |
(320) |
(320) |
275 |
373 |
Regulatory adjustments |
Unrealised (gains)/losses on available-for-sale debt securities |
75 |
(97) |
Unrealised gains on available-for-sale equity securities included in Tier 2 |
(744) |
(490) |
Cash flow hedge reserve |
(15) |
(81) |
Other adjustments1 |
351 |
(35) |
(333) |
(703) |
Deductions |
Goodwill and other intangible assets |
(6,070) |
(7,312) |
50 per cent of excess of expected losses 2 |
(869) |
(966) |
50 per cent of tax on excess of expected losses2 |
259 |
240 |
50 per cent of securitisation positions |
(92) |
(118) |
Other regulatory adjustments |
1 |
(42) |
(6,771) |
(8,198) |
Core Tier 1 capital |
37,923 |
35,339 |
Other Tier 1 capital |
Preference shares included within shareholder's equity |
1,494 |
1,495 |
Preference shares included within 'Subordinated debt and other borrowings' |
299 |
1,205 |
Innovative Tier 1 securities (excluding non-controlling Tier 1 capital) |
2,577 |
2,553 |
Non-controlling Tier 1 capital |
320 |
320 |
4,690 |
5,573 |
Deductions |
50 per cent of tax on excess of expected losses2 |
259 |
240 |
50 per cent of material holdings |
(537) |
(552) |
(278) |
(312) |
Total Tier 1 capital |
42,335 |
40,600 |
Tier 2 capital: |
Qualifying subordinated liabilities:3 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds as per balance sheet4 |
20,397 |
18,799 |
Preference shares eligible for Tier 1 capital |
(299) |
(1,205) |
Innovative Tier 1 securities eligible for Tier 1 capital |
(2,577) |
(2,553) |
Adjustments relating to fair value hedging and non-eligible securities |
(1,314) |
(2,052) |
16,207 |
12,989 |
Regulatory adjustments |
Reserves arising on revaluation of available-for-sale equities |
744 |
490 |
Portfolio impairment provision |
237 |
248 |
981 |
738 |
Deductions |
50 per cent of excess of expected losses2 |
(869) |
(966) |
50 per cent of material holdings |
(537) |
(552) |
50 per cent of securitisation positions |
(92) |
(118) |
(1,498) |
(1,636) |
Total Tier 2 capital |
15,690 |
12,091 |
Deductions from Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital |
(6) |
(3) |
Total capital base |
58,019 |
52,688 |
1 |
Other adjustments include the effect of regulatory consolidation and own credit adjustment |
2 |
Excess of expected losses in respect of advanced IRB portfolios are shown gross of tax benefits |
3 |
Consists of perpetual subordinated debt $1,336 million (2012: $1,314 million) and other eligible subordinated debt $14,871 million (2012: $11,675 million). Lower Tier 2 instruments that will mature within 5 years include amortisation |
4 |
The amount for 2012 does not agree to Note 25 as the prior period was re-stated due to the use of equity accounting for associates and joint ventures. |
Movement in total capital |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Opening Core Tier 1 capital: |
35,339 |
31,833 |
Ordinary shares issued in the year and share premium |
22 |
59 |
Profit attributable to parent company shareholders' for the year |
4,090 |
4,887 |
Dividends, net of scrip |
(2,068) |
(1,407) |
Decrease/Increase in goodwill and other intangible assets |
1,242 |
(251) |
Foreign currency translation differences |
(1,223) |
513 |
Increase in unrealised gains on available for sale assets |
(82) |
(379) |
Net effect of regulatory consolidation and change in non-controlling interests |
322 |
- |
Movement in eligible other comprehensive income |
224 |
306 |
(Increase)/decrease in excess expected loss, net of tax |
116 |
(210) |
(Increase)/decrease in securitisation positions |
26 |
(12) |
Own credit adjustment, net of tax |
(85) |
- |
Closing Core Tier 1 capital |
37,923 |
35,339 |
Opening Other Tier 1 capital |
5,261 |
5,179 |
Increase in tax benefit of excess expected losses |
19 |
54 |
(Increase)/decrease in material holdings deducted from capital |
15 |
(31) |
Redeemed capital |
(925) |
- |
Other |
42 |
59 |
Closing Other Tier 1 capital |
4,412 |
5,261 |
Opening Tier 2 capital |
12,091 |
10,499 |
Issuance of subordinated loan capital, net of redemptions and foreign currency translation differences |
3,218 |
1,641 |
Increase in revaluation reserve |
254 |
249 |
Increase/(decrease) in portfolio impairment provision |
(11) |
9 |
(Increase)/decrease in excess expected losses |
97 |
(264) |
(Increase)/decrease in material holdings deducted from capital |
15 |
(31) |
(Increase)/decrease in securitisation positions |
26 |
(12) |
Closing Tier 2 capital |
15,690 |
12,091 |
Deductions from total capital |
(6) |
(3) |
Closing total capital |
58,019 |
52,688 |
Risk weighted assets and capital ratios |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Credit risk |
265,834 |
246,650 |
Operational risk |
33,289 |
30,761 |
Market risk |
23,128 |
24,450 |
Total risk weighted assets |
322,251 |
301,861 |
Capital ratios |
Core Tier 1 capital |
11.8% |
11.7% |
Tier 1 capital |
13.1% |
13.4% |
Total capital ratio |
18.0% |
17.4% |
Risk-weighted assets by business and geography |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Consumer Banking |
81,148 |
80,889 |
Credit risk |
70,736 |
71,481 |
Operational risk |
10,412 |
9,408 |
Wholesale Banking |
241,103 |
220,972 |
Credit risk |
195,098 |
175,169 |
Operational risk |
22,877 |
21,353 |
Market risk |
23,128 |
24,450 |
Total risk-weighted assets |
322,251 |
301,861 |
Hong Kong |
39,610 |
36,534 |
Singapore |
44,120 |
45,064 |
Korea |
24,883 |
26,667 |
Other Asia Pacific |
59,898 |
52,313 |
India |
22,556 |
23,145 |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
32,815 |
33,119 |
Africa |
19,357 |
19,856 |
Americas, UK & Europe |
89,818 |
73,527 |
333,057 |
310,225 |
Less : Netting balances1 |
(10,806) |
(8,364) |
Total risk-weighted assets |
322,251 |
301,861 |
1 |
Risk-weighted assets by geography are reported gross of any netting benefits |
Risk-weighted contingent liabilities and commitments2 |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Contingent liabilities |
15,519 |
14,725 |
Commitments |
11,814 |
12,640 |
2 |
These amounts are included in total risk-weighted assets. |
Movement in risk-weighted assets |
Wholesale Banking |
Consumer Banking |
Total |
Credit Risk |
Credit Risk |
Credit Risk |
Market Risk |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Opening risk-weighted assets at 1 January 2013 |
175,169 |
71,481 |
246,650 |
24,450 |
Asset growth |
15,950 |
1,738 |
17,688 |
(1,322) |
Credit migration |
9,214 |
(260) |
8,954 |
- |
RWA efficiencies |
(2,084) |
(1,832) |
(3,916) |
- |
Model, methodology and policy changes |
1,012 |
1,183 |
2,195 |
- |
Acquisitions and disposals |
- |
301 |
301 |
- |
Foreign currency translation differences |
(4,163) |
(1,875) |
(6,038) |
- |
Closing risk weighted assets at 31 December 2013 |
195,098 |
70,736 |
265,834 |
23,128 |
Wholesale Banking |
Consumer Banking |
Total |
Credit Risk |
Credit Risk |
Credit Risk |
Market Risk |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Opening risk-weighted assets at 1 January 2012 |
157,538 |
62,856 |
220,394 |
21,354 |
Asset growth |
10,236 |
3,763 |
13,999 |
2,000 |
Credit migration |
4,940 |
1,164 |
6,104 |
- |
RWA efficiencies |
(2,800) |
(1,000) |
(3,800) |
- |
Model, methodology and policy changes |
5,324 |
2,713 |
8,037 |
(700) |
Foreign currency translation differences |
(69) |
1,985 |
1,916 |
- |
Stressed VaR |
- |
- |
- |
1,796 |
Closing risk-weighted assets at 31 December 2012 |
175,169 |
71,481 |
246,650 |
24,450 |
RWA grew by $20.4 billion, or 7 per cent, compared to 31 December 2012, with an increase in Wholesale Banking (WB) of $20.1 billion and $0.3 billion in Consumer Banking (CB). WB RWA growth was mainly in Americas, UK & Europe, Singapore and Other Asia Pacific region. CB growth in Hong Kong, Africa, and Middle East and Other South Asia was partly offset by an RWA decline in Singapore. Growth in Other Asia Pacific region was due to the Group now fully consolidating its Permata joint venture for regulatory purposes and this change in methodology increased RWA by $6.9 billion, of which $4.6 billion was in WB (credit risk $4.4 billion, operational risk $0.2 billion) and $2.3 billion in CB (credit risk $2 billion, operational risk $0.3 billion).
WB credit risk RWA increased by $19.9 billion. Excluding the impact of fully consolidating Permata as highlighted above, the increase was $15.5 billion. This was driven by asset growth of $16 billion across Transaction Banking, Financial Markets and Corporate Finance. Additionally, due to downgrades especially in the Americas, UK & Europe region, the impact of negative credit migration was $9.2 billion. These increases were partially offset by RWA efficiencies ($2.1 billion), methodology changes ($3.4 billion) and the foreign currency translation impact ($4.2 billion) due to the appreciation of the US dollar relative to local currencies in some of our footprint markets.
CB credit risk RWA fell by $0.7 billion. Excluding the impact of fully consolidating Permata, the underlying drop in RWA was $2.7 billion. Asset growth across SME, Wealth Management, Credit Cards and Personal Loans of $1.7 billion was more than offset through RWA efficiencies, in particular through better collateral management. The drop was, therefore, primarily driven by the foreign currency translation impact due to the appreciation of the US dollar relative to local currencies in some of our footprint markets.
As at 31 December 2013 market risk RWA was $23.1 billion compared to $24.5 billion at 31 December 2012. The decrease in market risk RWA is primarily due to a reduction in CAD2 internal model positions, covering foreign exchange and structured products. Positions outside the CAD2 permission continue to be assessed according to standard PRA rules. Of the total market risk RWA, 29 per cent is subject to CAD2 internal models and 71 per cent is under standard rules.
Operational risk RWA increased by $2.5 billion, or 8 per cent. This is primarily determined by the change in income over a rolling three-year time horizon. The growth reflects the strong performance of the Group over that period and the methodology change for the Group's Permata joint venture in the Other Asia Pacific region.
CRD IV estimate
The CRD IV position presented here, derived in accordance with the Group's current understanding of the final CRD IV rules, does not constitute either a capital or RWA forecast and may be subject to change.
The Group's current view of its CRD IV CET1 ratio on a pro forma transitional basis (as at 1 January 2014) is 10.9 per cent. The CRD IV impact is due to both increased regulatory deductions from CET1 capital (particularly the full and unsheltered deduction for excess expected losses relative to provisions and the deduction of certain deferred tax assets) and additional RWA (particularly in relation to credit valuation adjustments (CVA)).
The Group's current view of its CRD IV CET1 ratio on a pro forma end point basis is 11.2 per cent which reflects (a) the impact of estimated mitigation of the CVA RWA increase through use of internal models (subject to regulatory approval) and increased central clearing of certain derivatives and (b) the inclusion of unrealised gains on available for sale equity securities in the end point calculation which are expected to be recognised from 2015 onwards.
The CRR and the proposed EBA final technical standards on own funds refer to the deduction of foreseeable dividends when calculating CET1 in certain circumstances. The impact of the deduction of the final proposed dividend for 2013 of $1,385 million from the Group's CET1 calculation would be around 40bps which reduces to around 30bps assuming a 25 per cent scrip dividend take up.
In November 2013, the PRA set out its target for large UK institutions of 7 per cent CET1 and a 3 per cent leverage ratio from 1 January 2014, the latter excluding non CRR compliant hybrid capital and both measures taking into account adjustments to RWA and capital deemed necessary by the PRA (in line with those communicated by the PRA as part of the 20 June 2013 capital exercise). The Group exceeds both of these requirements.
Future Capital Requirements
As the relevant legislation and rules are not yet fully implemented it is not possible to predict the Group's final capital requirements. The actual outcome also depends in part on the future shape of the Group, future management actions and the future view taken by its regulators as to the Group's business and risk profile. Based on the Group's current understanding of the rules, a minimum CET1 capital requirement can be identified as follows:
· a minimum CET1 requirement of 4.5 per cent by 1 January 2015
· a CCB of 2.5 per cent by 1 January 2019
· a G-SIB buffer of 1 per cent by 1 January 2019
Following PS 7/13, the PRA requires at least 56 per cent of the Group's Pillar 2A guidance to be held in CET1. Based on its current ICG, the Group currently estimates a Pillar 2A CET1 addition of around 0.4 per cent which is subject to annual review by the PRA. This results in a minimum CET1 requirement of around 8.4 per cent. The Group's current CET1 position significantly and materially exceeds this requirement. The Group would also expect to continue to operate at all times with a prudent management buffer above minimum capital requirements. The UK authorities have yet to finalise the rules relating to, and calibration of, the CCyB, SRB, PRA Buffer and additional sectoral capital requirements.
The Group starts in a notably strong position: diverse, well capitalised, highly liquid and with a conservative approach to balance sheet management. The Group currently operates at capital levels materially above the current minimum requirements and, additionally, has a number of levers at its disposal to manage future regulatory requirements (e.g. IRB model adjustments, CRD IV buffers, Pillar 2 guidance, PRA buffers or sectoral capital requirements) as they finalise or emerge over the next few years. In this context, the Group introduced at its Investor Day in November 2013, a new financial metric of managing RWA growth to a level below that of earnings growth, which provides additional conservatism. This is intended to ensure that the Group achieves, and maintains, an accretive capital trajectory over the medium-term, which places it strongly to accommodate both future growth and potentially higher, if they emerge, regulatory capital requirements.
Consolidated income statement For the year ended 31 December 2013
Notes |
2013 |
20121 |
$million |
$million |
Interest income |
17,593 |
17,827 |
Interest expense |
(6,437) |
(7,046) |
Net interest income |
11,156 |
10,781 |
Fees and commission income |
4,581 |
4,575 |
Fees and commission expense |
(480) |
(496) |
Net trading income |
3 |
2,514 |
2,739 |
Other operating income |
4 |
1,006 |
1,184 |
Non-interest income |
7,621 |
8,002 |
Operating income |
18,777 |
18,783 |
Staff costs |
5 |
(6,570) |
(6,492) |
Premises costs |
5 |
(877) |
(863) |
General administrative expenses |
5 |
(2,032) |
(2,707) |
Depreciation and amortisation |
6 |
(714) |
(660) |
Operating expenses |
(10,193) |
(10,722) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
8,584 |
8,061 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
7 |
(1,617) |
(1,196) |
Other impairment |
Goodwill |
8 |
(1,000) |
- |
Other |
8 |
(129) |
(196) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
226 |
182 |
Profit before taxation |
6,064 |
6,851 |
Taxation |
9 |
(1,864) |
(1,866) |
Profit for the year |
4,200 |
4,985 |
Profit attributable to: |
Non-controlling interests |
28 |
110 |
98 |
Parent company shareholders |
4,090 |
4,887 |
Profit for the year |
4,200 |
4,985 |
Cents |
Cents |
Earnings per share: |
Basic earnings per ordinary share |
11 |
164.4 |
199.7 |
Diluted earnings per ordinary share |
11 |
163.0 |
197.7 |
Dividends per ordinary share : |
Interim dividends paid |
10 |
28.80 |
27.23 |
Final proposed dividend2 |
10 |
57.20 |
56.77 |
$million |
$million |
Total dividend: |
Interim dividend paid |
696 |
650 |
Final proposed dividend2 |
1,385 |
1,366 |
1 Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
2 The final proposed dividend in respect of 2013 will be accounted for in 2014 as explained in note 10 |
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income For the year ended 31 December 2013
2013 |
20121 |
Notes |
$million |
$million |
Profit for the year |
4,200 |
4,985 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Items that will not be reclassified to Income statement: |
Actuarial gain/(losses) on retirement benefit obligations |
26 |
79 |
(76) |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to Income statement: |
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations: |
Net (losses)/gains taken to equity |
(1,206) |
568 |
Net losses on net investment hedges |
(35) |
(73) |
Share of other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures |
(15) |
4 |
Available-for-sale investments: |
Net valuation gains taken to equity |
171 |
1,054 |
Reclassified to income statement |
(248) |
(336) |
Cash flow hedges: |
Net (losses)/gains taken to equity |
(83) |
133 |
Reclassified to income statement |
6 |
(20) |
Taxation relating to components of other comprehensive income |
34 |
(132) |
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of taxation |
(1,297) |
1,122 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
2,903 |
6,107 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to: |
Non-controlling interests |
28 |
79 |
84 |
Parent company shareholders |
2,824 |
6,023 |
2,903 |
6,107 |
1 Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
Consolidated balance sheet As at 31 December 2013
Notes |
2013 |
20121 |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks |
12, 30 |
54,534 |
60,537 |
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss |
12, 13 |
29,335 |
27,076 |
Derivative financial instruments |
12, 14 |
61,802 |
49,495 |
Loans and advances to banks |
12, 15 |
83,702 |
67,797 |
Loans and advances to customers |
12, 16 |
290,708 |
279,638 |
Investment securities |
12, 17 |
102,716 |
99,225 |
Other assets |
12, 18 |
33,570 |
28,548 |
Current tax assets |
234 |
215 |
Prepayments and accrued income |
2,510 |
2,552 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures |
1,767 |
1,684 |
Goodwill and intangible assets |
20 |
6,070 |
7,145 |
Property, plant and equipment |
6,903 |
6,620 |
Deferred tax assets |
529 |
676 |
Total assets |
674,380 |
631,208 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks |
12, 21 |
43,517 |
36,427 |
Customer accounts |
12, 22 |
381,066 |
372,874 |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss |
12, 13 |
23,030 |
23,064 |
Derivative financial instruments |
12, 14 |
61,236 |
47,192 |
Debt securities in issue |
12, 23 |
64,589 |
55,979 |
Other liabilities |
12, 24 |
27,338 |
24,285 |
Current tax liabilities |
1,050 |
1,066 |
Accruals and deferred income |
4,668 |
4,811 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
12, 25 |
20,397 |
18,588 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
176 |
161 |
Provisions for liabilities and charges |
107 |
215 |
Retirement benefit obligations |
26 |
365 |
491 |
Total liabilities |
627,539 |
585,153 |
Equity |
Share capital |
27 |
1,214 |
1,207 |
Reserves |
45,032 |
44,155 |
Total parent company shareholders' equity |
46,246 |
45,362 |
Non-controlling interests |
28 |
595 |
693 |
Total equity |
46,841 |
46,055 |
Total equity and liabilities |
674,380 |
631,208 |
1 Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity For the year ended 31 December 2013
Share capital |
Share premium account |
Capital and capital redemption reserve1 |
Merger reserve |
Available-for-sale reserve |
Cash flow hedge reserve |
Translation reserve |
Retained earnings |
Parent company shareholders equity |
Non-controlling interests |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January 2012 |
1,192 |
5,432 |
18 |
12,421 |
(109) |
(13) |
(1,394) |
23,167 |
40,714 |
661 |
41,375 |
Profit for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,887 |
4,887 |
98 |
4,985 |
Other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
587 |
94 |
509 |
(54)2 |
1,136 |
(14) |
1,122 |
Distributions |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(60) |
(60) |
Shares issued, net of expenses |
2 |
57 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
59 |
- |
59 |
Net own shares adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(386) |
(386) |
- |
(386) |
Share option expense, net of taxation |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
359 |
359 |
- |
359 |
Capitalised on scrip dividend |
13 |
(13) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Dividends, net of scrip |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1,407) |
(1,407) |
- |
(1,407) |
Other increases |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8 |
8 |
At 31 December 2012 |
1,207 |
5,476 |
18 |
12,421 |
478 |
81 |
(885) |
26,566 |
45,362 |
693 |
46,055 |
Profit for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,090 |
4,090 |
110 |
4,200 |
Other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(32) |
(66) |
(1,221) |
533 |
(1,266) |
(31) |
(1,297) |
Distributions |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(77) |
(77) |
Shares issued, net of expenses |
5 |
19 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
24 |
- |
24 |
Net own shares adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(124) |
(124) |
- |
(124) |
Share option expense, net of taxation |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
240 |
240 |
- |
240 |
Capitalised on scrip dividend |
2 |
(2) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Dividends, net of scrip |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,068) |
(2,068) |
- |
(2,068) |
Other decreases4 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(12) |
(12) |
(100) |
(112) |
At 31 December 2013 |
1,214 |
5,493 |
18 |
12,421 |
446 |
15 |
(2,106) |
28,745 |
46,246 |
595 |
46,841 |
1 |
Includes capital reserve of $5 million and capital redemption reserve of $13 million |
2 |
Comprises actuarial losses, net of taxation and non-controlling interests, of $58 million and share of comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures of $4 million |
3 |
Comprises actuarial gains, net of taxation and non-controlling interests, of $58 million and share of comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures of $(5) million |
4 |
Other decreases in Non-controlling interests mainly relate to the impact of losing controlling interest in a subsidiary after divesting from the company |
Consolidated Cash flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2013
2013 |
20121 |
Notes |
$million |
$million |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit before taxation |
6,064 |
6,851 |
Adjustments for: |
Non-cash items included within income statement |
29 |
4,121 |
2,421 |
Change in operating assets |
29 |
(44,144) |
(8,409) |
Change in operating liabilities |
29 |
45,148 |
18,970 |
Contributions to defined benefit schemes |
(168) |
(203) |
UK and overseas taxes paid |
(1,716) |
(1,767) |
Net cash from operating activities |
9,305 |
17,863 |
Net cash flows from investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(205) |
(162) |
Disposal of property, plant and equipment |
156 |
195 |
Acquisition of investment in subsidiaries, associates, |
and joint ventures, net of cash acquired |
(46) |
(63) |
Purchase of investment securities |
17 |
(142,888) |
(156,883) |
Disposal and maturity of investment securities |
137,163 |
145,327 |
Dividends received from investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
5 |
14 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(5,815) |
(11,572) |
Net cash flows from financing activities |
Issue of ordinary and preference share capital, net of expenses |
24 |
59 |
Purchase of own shares |
(154) |
(425) |
Exercise of share options through ESOP |
30 |
39 |
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities |
(813) |
(989) |
Gross proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities |
5,448 |
3,390 |
Repayment of subordinated liabilities |
(2,616) |
(1,701) |
Interest paid on senior debts |
(563) |
(867) |
Gross proceeds from issue of senior debts |
6,816 |
11,453 |
Repayment of senior debts |
(3,730) |
(5,938) |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests and preference shareholders, net of scrip |
(178) |
(161) |
Dividends paid to ordinary shareholders, net of scrip |
(1,967) |
(1,306) |
Net cash from financing activities |
2,297 |
3,554 |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
5,787 |
9,845 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |
79,518 |
69,566 |
Effect of exchange rate movements on cash and cash equivalents |
(1,149) |
107 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |
30 |
84,156 |
79,518 |
1 Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
Notes to the financial statements
1. Basis of preparation
The Group financial statements consolidate those of Standard Chartered PLC (the Company) and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the Group) and equity account the Group's interest in associates and jointly controlled entities.
These Group financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations as adopted by the EU.
Except as noted below, the accounting policies applied by the Group as at, and for, 31 December 2013 are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at, and for, the year ended 31 December 2012. The following accounting standards and amendments have been endorsed by the EU.
Accounting standards adopted for reporting periods beginning 1 January 2013
On 1 January 2013, the Group adopted IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, which consolidates the guidance on how to measure fair value, which was spread across various IFRS, into one comprehensive standard. It introduces the use of an exit price, as well as extensive disclosure requirements, particularly the inclusion of non-financial instruments into the fair value hierarchy. IFRS 13 is required to be applied prospectively. The most significant impact of applying IFRS 13 is the mandatory requirement for the fair value of derivative liabilities and other liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss to take into account an adjustment for an entity's own credit risk and enhanced disclosure of valuation techniques and details on significant unobservable inputs for level 3 financial instruments. The adjustment for own credit risk is recognised as part of Net trading income (see note 3), and the approach for determining these fair values, along with the enhanced disclosures, are set out in note 12.
On 1 January 2013, the group adopted IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised), which introduces significant changes in the measurement, presentation and disclosure of defined benefit plans. The most significant impact on the Group as a result of these revisions comes in the form of the rate used to discount the plan assets. Where this rate has historically (until 31 December 2012) been based on the expected return on each class of pension assets, from 1 January 2013, IAS 19 requires assets to be measured based on an AA rated corporate bond yield, which aligns to the rate at which the liability is discounted. IAS 19 also makes changes to termination benefits as well as enhancing disclosure requirements and is required to be applied retrospectively. The effect of these changes on total operating expenses and pre-tax profit is not material.
On 1 January 2013 the Group early adopted IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements, IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements, IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. Though the EU has endorsed these standards for application from 1 January 2014, which is one year later than the mandatory adoption date required by the IASB of 1 January 2013, the EU has permitted early adoption from 1 January 2013.
IFRS 10 and 11, IAS 27 and 28 require retrospective application while IFRS 12 is applied prospectively. IFRS 10 replaces the current guidance on consolidation in IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements and SIC-12 Special Purpose Entities. It introduces a single model of assessing control whereby an investor controls an investee when it has the power, exposure to variable returns and the ability to use its power to influence the returns of the investee. IFRS 10 also includes specific guidance on de facto control, protective rights and the determination of whether a decision maker is acting as principal or agent, all of which influence the assessment of control. The application of IFRS 10 has not had a material impact on the Group.
IFRS 11 replaces IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures. It requires all joint ventures to be equity accounted thereby removing the option in IAS 31 for proportionate consolidation. It also removes the IAS 31 concept of jointly controlled assets. As a result, the Group's joint venture investment in PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata) which was proportionately consolidated until 31 December 2012, is from 1 January 2013 being accounted for using the equity method as mandated under IFRS 11. The impact of this change is provided in note 31.
IFRS 12 prescribes additional disclosures around significant judgements and assumptions made in determining whether an entity controls another entity and has joint control or significant influence over another entity. The standard also requires disclosures on the nature and risks associated with interests in unconsolidated structured entities. The Group will present these disclosures, where appropriate, in the 2013 Annual Report and Accounts.
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and key sources of uncertainty were the same as those applied to the consolidated financial statements as at, and for, the year ended 31 December 2013.
A summary of the Group's significant accounting policies will be included in the 2013 Annual Report and Accounts.
Notes to the financial statements continued
2. Segmental Information
The Group is organised on a worldwide basis for management and reporting purposes into two main business segments: Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking. The products offered by these segments are summarised under 'Income by product' below. The businesses' focus is on broadening and deepening the relationship with clients and customers, rather than maximising a particular product line. Hence the Group evaluates segmental performance based on overall profit or loss before taxation (excluding corporate items not allocated) and not individual product profitability. Product revenue information is used as a way of assessing client and customer needs and trends in the market place. The strategies adopted by Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking need to be adapted to local market and regulatory requirements, which is the responsibility of country management teams. While not the primary driver of the business, country performance is an important part of the Group's matrix structure and is also used to evaluate performance and reward staff. Corporate items not allocated are not aggregated into the businesses because of the one-off nature of these items.
The Group's entity-wide disclosure which includes profit before tax, net interest margin and structure of the Group's deposits comprises geographic areas, classified by the location of the customer, except for Financial Market products which are classified by the location of the dealer.
Transactions between the business segments and geographic areas are carried out on an arms length basis. Apart from the entities that have been acquired in the last two years, Group central expenses have been distributed between the business segments and geographic areas in proportion to their direct costs, and the benefit of the Group's capital has been distributed between segments in proportion to their average risk weighted assets. In the year in which an acquisition is made, the Group does not charge or allocate the benefit of the Group's capital. The distribution of central expenses is phased in over two years, based on the estimate of central management costs associated with the acquisition.
As disclosed in note 34, the Group will adopt a new segmental disclosure in 2014 following a reorganisation of its business.
By class of business |
2013 |
2012 4 |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking1 |
Total reportable segments |
Corporate items not allocated2 |
Total |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Total reportable segments |
Corporate items not allocated3 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Internal income |
9 |
(9) |
- |
- |
- |
(16) |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
Net interest income |
4,940 |
6,216 |
11,156 |
- |
11,156 |
4,780 |
6,001 |
10,781 |
- |
10,781 |
Non interest income |
2,230 |
5,391 |
7,621 |
- |
7,621 |
2,257 |
5,655 |
7,912 |
90 |
8,002 |
Operating income |
7,179 |
11,598 |
18,777 |
- |
18,777 |
7,021 |
11,672 |
18,693 |
90 |
18,783 |
Operating expenses |
(4,632) |
(5,326) |
(9,958) |
(235) |
(10,193) |
(4,596) |
(5,952) |
(10,548) |
(174) |
(10,722) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
2,547 |
6,272 |
8,819 |
(235) |
8,584 |
2,425 |
5,720 |
8,145 |
(84) |
8,061 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(1,034) |
(583) |
(1,617) |
- |
(1,617) |
(674) |
(522) |
(1,196) |
- |
(1,196) |
Other impairment |
Goodwill impairment |
- |
- |
- |
(1,000) |
(1,000) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Other impairment |
(7) |
(122) |
(129) |
- |
(129) |
(45) |
(151) |
(196) |
- |
(196) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
44 |
182 |
226 |
- |
226 |
43 |
139 |
182 |
- |
182 |
Profit before taxation |
1,550 |
5,749- |
7,299 |
(1,235)- |
6,064 |
1,749 |
5,186 |
6,935 |
(84) |
6,851 |
Total assets employed |
138,764 |
528,783 |
667,547 |
6,833 |
674,380 |
138,699 |
484,473 |
623,172 |
8,036 |
631,208 |
Total liabilities employed |
191,275 |
435,038 |
626,313 |
1,226 |
627,539 |
186,327 |
397,599 |
583,926 |
1,227 |
585,153 |
Other segment items: |
Capital expenditure5 |
235 |
1,216 |
1,451 |
- |
1,451 |
204 |
2,042 |
2,246 |
- |
2,246 |
Depreciation |
133 |
300 |
433 |
- |
433 |
147 |
259 |
406 |
- |
406 |
Investment in associates and joint ventures |
537 |
1,230 |
1,767 |
- |
1,767 |
559 |
1,125 |
1,684 |
- |
1,684 |
Amortisation of intangible assets |
87 |
194 |
281 |
- |
281 |
81 |
173 |
254 |
- |
254 |
1 |
Wholesale Banking non-interest income includes Own credit adjustment (OCA) of $106 million |
2 |
Relates to UK bank levy and goodwill impairment charge on Korea business |
3 |
Relates to profits realised from repurchase of subordinated liabilities and UK bank levy |
4 |
Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
5 |
Includes capital expenditure in Wholesale Banking of $874 million in respect of operating lease assets (2012: $1,788 million) |
2. Segmental Information continued
The following table details entity-wide operating income by product: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Consumer Banking |
Cards, Personal Loans and Unsecured Lending |
2,802 |
2,668 |
Wealth Management |
1,296 |
1,268 |
Deposits |
1,414 |
1,526 |
Mortgage and Auto Finance |
1,425 |
1,298 |
Other |
242 |
261 |
7,179 |
7,021 |
Wholesale Banking |
Lending and Portfolio Management |
818 |
837 |
Transaction Banking |
Trade |
1,845 |
1,915 |
Cash Management and Custody |
1,629 |
1,721 |
Global Markets |
Financial Markets1 |
3,756 |
3,657 |
Asset and Liability Management (ALM) |
754 |
837 |
Corporate Finance |
2,519 |
2,222 |
Principal Finance |
277 |
483 |
7,306 |
7,199 |
11,598 |
11,672 |
1 Includes $106 million (2012: $nil) benefits relating to Own credit adjustment (OCA) |
Entity-wide information |
By geography |
The Group manages its reportable business segments on a global basis. The operations are based in eight main geographic areas. The UK is the home country of the Company. |
2013 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas, UK & Europe1 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Internal income |
119 |
(78) |
(69) |
123 |
84 |
69 |
129 |
(377) |
- |
Net interest income |
1,681 |
1,148 |
1,267 |
2,253 |
1,030 |
1,185 |
992 |
1,600 |
11,156 |
Fees and commissions income, net |
910 |
581 |
237 |
632 |
269 |
476 |
417 |
579 |
4,101 |
Net trading income |
722 |
311 |
73 |
373 |
165 |
397 |
184 |
289 |
2,514 |
Underlying |
722 |
282 |
72 |
357 |
165 |
397 |
184 |
229 |
2,408 |
Own credit adjustment |
- |
29 |
1 |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
60 |
106 |
Other operating income |
293 |
170 |
56 |
92 |
148 |
82 |
29 |
136 |
1,006 |
Operating income |
3,725 |
2,132 |
1,564 |
3,473 |
1,696 |
2,209 |
1,751 |
2,227 |
18,777 |
Operating expenses |
(1,666) |
(1,129) |
(1,120) |
(2,118) |
(699) |
(1,084) |
(862) |
(1,515) |
(10,193) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
2,059 |
1,003 |
444 |
1,355 |
997 |
1,125 |
889 |
712 |
8,584 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(135) |
(88) |
(427) |
(415) |
(195) |
(67) |
(270) |
(20) |
(1,617) |
Other impairment |
(4) |
10 |
(1,029) |
(3) |
(105) |
- |
- |
2 |
(1,129) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
- |
- |
- |
224 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
226 |
Profit/(loss) before taxation |
1,920 |
925 |
(1,012) |
1,161 |
697 |
1,058 |
619 |
696 |
6,064 |
Capital expenditure2 |
905 |
320 |
27 |
27 |
26 |
53 |
45 |
48 |
1,451 |
1 |
Americas UK & Europe includes operating income of $1,110 million in respect of the UK, the Company's country of domicile |
2 |
Includes capital expenditure of $874 million in Hong Kong in respect of operating lease assets. Other capital expenditure comprises additions to property and equipment and software related intangibles (note 20) including any post-acquisition additions made by the acquired entities |
2. Segmental Information continued
2012 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas UK & Europe1 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Internal income |
111 |
(107) |
(85) |
93 |
129 |
84 |
60 |
(285) |
- |
Net interest income |
1,564 |
1,251 |
1,421 |
2,168 |
920 |
1,143 |
917 |
1,397 |
10,781 |
Fees and commissions income, net |
830 |
551 |
210 |
677 |
304 |
471 |
416 |
620 |
4,079 |
Net trading income |
653 |
377 |
147 |
575 |
157 |
448 |
157 |
225 |
2,739 |
Other operating income |
190 |
131 |
159 |
159 |
75 |
88 |
43 |
339 |
1,184 |
Operating income |
3,348 |
2,203 |
1,852 |
3,672 |
1,585 |
2,234 |
1,593 |
2,296 |
18,783 |
Operating expenses |
(1,572) |
(1,169) |
(1,081) |
(2,258) |
(753) |
(1,100) |
(784) |
(2,005) |
(10,722) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
1,776 |
1,034 |
771 |
1,414 |
832 |
1,134 |
809 |
291 |
8,061 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(109) |
(66) |
(249) |
(221) |
(165) |
(316) |
(38) |
(32) |
(1,196) |
Other impairment |
(7) |
(2) |
(8) |
(157) |
9 |
(32) |
- |
1 |
(196) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
- |
- |
- |
181 |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
182 |
Profit before taxation |
1,660 |
966 |
514 |
1,217 |
676 |
786 |
771 |
261 |
6,851 |
Capital expenditure 2 |
1,825 |
232 |
22 |
18 |
22 |
55 |
31 |
41 |
2,246 |
1 Americas UK & Europe includes operating income of $1,187 million in respect of the UK, the Company's country of domicile
2 Includes capital expenditure in Hong Kong of $1,788 million in respect of operating lease assets. Other capital expenditure comprises additions to property and equipment and software related intangibles (note 20) including any post-acquisition additions made by the acquired entities
2. Segmental Information continued
Net interest margin and yield |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Net interest margin (%) |
2.1 |
2.2 |
Net interest yield (%) |
2.1 |
2.1 |
Average interest earning assets |
521,287 |
483,491 |
Average interest bearing liabilities |
488,593 |
456,998 |
Net interest margin by geography |
2013 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas UK & Europe1 |
Intra-group/ tax assets |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Total assets employed |
149,327 |
115,561 |
55,921 |
118,337 |
34,962 |
47,166 |
24,892 |
193,499 |
(65,285) |
674,380 |
Of which : Loans to customers2 |
61,173 |
57,540 |
29,760 |
54,843 |
23,019 |
26,124 |
13,122 |
30,434 |
- |
296,015 |
Average interest-earning assets |
114,713 |
86,070 |
49,219 |
101,459 |
30,111 |
39,193 |
20,061 |
131,686 |
(51,225) |
521,287 |
Net interest income |
1,835 |
1,072 |
1,199 |
2,351 |
1,116 |
1,256 |
1,123 |
1,204 |
- |
11,156 |
Net interest margin (%) |
1.6 |
1.2 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
3.7 |
3.2 |
5.6 |
0.9 |
- |
2.1 |
1 Americas UK & Europe includes total assets employed of $122,182 million in respect of the UK, the Company's country of domicile
2 The analysis of loans and advances to customers is based on the location of the customer rather than booking location of the loan
2012 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas UK & Europe1 |
Intra-group/ tax assets |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Total assets employed |
130,601 |
107,973 |
62,903 |
112,476 |
36,935 |
46,219 |
20,890 |
179,516 |
(66,305) |
631,208 |
Of which : Loans to customers2 |
53,330 |
51,318 |
36,165 |
54,730 |
23,994 |
25,200 |
11,304 |
28,575 |
- |
284,616 |
Average interest-earning assets |
107,434 |
76,689 |
54,064 |
98,695 |
29,796 |
36,806 |
18,177 |
114,768 |
(52,938) |
483,491 |
Net interest income |
1,716 |
1,144 |
1,335 |
2,232 |
1,050 |
1,230 |
976 |
1,098 |
- |
10,781 |
Net interest margin (%) |
1.6 |
1.5 |
2.5 |
2.3 |
3.5 |
3.3 |
5.4 |
1.0 |
- |
2.2 |
1 Americas UK & Europe includes total assets employed of $108,775 million in respect of the UK, the Company's country of domicile
2 The analysis of loans and advances to customers is based on the location of the customer rather than booking location of the loan
2. Segmental Information continued
The following tables set out the structure of the Group's deposits by principal geographic areas: |
2013 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas UK & Europe |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Non-interest bearing current and demand accounts |
9,166 |
8,654 |
50 |
3,376 |
2,169 |
10,309 |
5,465 |
6,293 |
45,482 |
Interest bearing current accounts and savings deposits |
59,348 |
30,851 |
19,157 |
28,230 |
1,826 |
4,573 |
2,429 |
34,745 |
181,159 |
Time deposits |
39,476 |
38,020 |
12,096 |
38,175 |
7,633 |
12,683 |
3,985 |
48,074 |
200,142 |
Other deposits |
214 |
1,482 |
541 |
1,563 |
1,557 |
299 |
207 |
2,851 |
8,714 |
Total |
108,204 |
79,007 |
31,844 |
71,344 |
13,185 |
27,864 |
12,086 |
91,963 |
435,497 |
Deposits by banks |
2,091 |
4,792 |
1,479 |
6,926 |
459 |
1,574 |
566 |
26,639 |
44,526 |
Customer accounts |
106,113 |
74,215 |
30,365 |
64,418 |
12,726 |
26,290 |
11,520 |
65,324 |
390,971 |
Of which: |
Protected under government insurance schemes |
17,875 |
6,319 |
25,080 |
28,655 |
11,465 |
2,283 |
697 |
- |
92,223 |
Other accounts |
88,238 |
67,896 |
5,285 |
35,763 |
1,261 |
24,007 |
10,823 |
65,324 |
298,748 |
108,204 |
79,007 |
31,844 |
71,344 |
13,185 |
27,864 |
12,086 |
91,963 |
435,497 |
Debt securities in issue: |
Senior debt |
144 |
- |
4,094 |
2,043 |
- |
53 |
6 |
18,839 |
25,179 |
Other debt securities |
2,167 |
2,621 |
3,215 |
3,875 |
46 |
- |
214 |
34,095 |
46,233 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
1,359 |
- |
635 |
337 |
- |
24 |
51 |
17,991 |
20,397 |
Total |
111,874 |
81,628 |
39,788 |
77,599 |
13,231 |
27,941 |
12,357 |
162,888 |
527,306 |
The above table includes financial instruments held at fair value (see note 12). |
2012 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other Asia Pacific |
India |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
Africa |
Americas UK & Europe |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Non-interest bearing current and demand accounts |
8,178 |
9,260 |
49 |
3,529 |
2,691 |
9,223 |
4,380 |
4,920 |
42,230 |
Interest bearing current accounts and savings deposits |
56,261 |
28,978 |
21,368 |
30,481 |
2,224 |
4,159 |
2,392 |
27,240 |
173,103 |
Time deposits |
35,224 |
37,968 |
16,989 |
38,596 |
7,380 |
12,367 |
3,318 |
49,281 |
201,123 |
Other deposits |
199 |
242 |
595 |
915 |
1,636 |
455 |
163 |
1,851 |
6,056 |
Total |
99,862 |
76,448 |
39,001 |
73,521 |
13,931 |
26,204 |
10,253 |
83,292 |
422,512 |
Deposits by banks |
1,585 |
2,005 |
1,769 |
5,628 |
441 |
1,934 |
540 |
23,493 |
37,395 |
Customer accounts |
98,277 |
74,443 |
37,232 |
67,893 |
13,490 |
24,270 |
9,713 |
59,799 |
385,117 |
Of which: |
Protected under government insurance schemes |
16,194 |
6,279 |
24,692 |
30,586 |
11,248 |
1,383 |
1,543 |
- |
91,925 |
Other accounts |
82,083 |
68,164 |
12,540 |
37,307 |
2,242 |
22,887 |
8,170 |
59,799 |
293,192 |
99,862 |
76,448 |
39,001 |
73,521 |
13,931 |
26,204 |
10,253 |
83,292 |
422,512 |
Debt securities in issue: |
Senior debt |
1,291 |
- |
4,038 |
1,485 |
- |
69 |
6 |
14,767 |
21,656 |
Other debt securities |
5 |
1,903 |
1,999 |
3,617 |
47 |
- |
294 |
31,719 |
39,584 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
1,454 |
- |
871 |
349 |
- |
29 |
62 |
15,823 |
18,588 |
Total |
102,612 |
78,351 |
45,909 |
78,972 |
13,978 |
26,302 |
10,615 |
145,601 |
502,340 |
The above table includes financial instruments held at fair value (see note 12). |
2. Segmental Information continued
2013 |
China |
Malaysia |
Indonesia |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Others |
Other Asia Pacific |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Operating income1 |
933 |
700 |
429 |
539 |
394 |
478 |
3,473 |
Operating expenses |
(753) |
(344) |
(242) |
(353) |
(187) |
(239) |
(2,118) |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(58) |
(104) |
(103) |
(49) |
(82) |
(19) |
(415) |
Other impairment |
4 |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
(8) |
(3) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
146 |
- |
72 |
- |
- |
6 |
224 |
Profit before taxation |
272 |
252 |
156 |
138 |
125 |
218 |
1,161 |
Total assets employed |
35,117 |
19,479 |
7,868 |
25,498 |
9,538 |
20,837 |
118,337 |
Loans to customers2 |
15,489 |
12,178 |
4,564 |
13,184 |
4,126 |
5,302 |
54,843 |
Deposits by banks |
1,888 |
815 |
152 |
673 |
966 |
2,432 |
6,926 |
Customer accounts |
20,071 |
11,923 |
2,446 |
19,089 |
3,691 |
7,198 |
64,418 |
Debt securities in issue |
818 |
274 |
- |
1,906 |
66 |
2,854 |
5,918 |
1 Operating income includes OCA of ($1) million in China, $4 million in Malaysia, $12 million in Thailand and $1 million in Others |
2 The analysis is based on the location of the customers rather than booking location of the loan |
2012 |
China |
Malaysia |
Indonesia |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Others |
Other Asia Pacific |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Operating income |
999 |
743 |
525 |
567 |
391 |
447 |
3,672 |
Operating expenses |
(758) |
(338) |
(223) |
(366) |
(192) |
(381) |
(2,258) |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(38) |
(68) |
(55) |
(4) |
(37) |
(19) |
(221) |
Other impairment |
(44) |
- |
- |
(1) |
- |
(112) |
(157) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
96 |
- |
66 |
- |
- |
19 |
181 |
Profit/(loss) before taxation |
255 |
337 |
313 |
196 |
162 |
(46) |
1,217 |
Total assets employed |
29,710 |
18,665 |
8,761 |
25,831 |
9,417 |
20,092 |
112,476 |
Loans to customers1 |
14,353 |
12,110 |
5,163 |
13,609 |
4,691 |
4,804 |
54,730 |
Deposits by banks |
1,690 |
948 |
192 |
251 |
849 |
1,698 |
5,628 |
Customer accounts |
20,536 |
11,753 |
2,691 |
20,014 |
4,390 |
8,509 |
67,893 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
944 |
- |
1,971 |
177 |
2,010 |
5,102 |
1 The analysis is based on the location of the customers rather than booking location of the loan |
2. Segmental Information continued
2013 |
Pakistan |
Bangladesh |
Others |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Operating income |
1,222 |
237 |
275 |
475 |
2,209 |
Operating expenses |
(573) |
(157) |
(91) |
(263) |
(1,084) |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(52) |
(26) |
(20) |
31 |
(67) |
Other impairment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Profit before taxation |
597 |
54 |
164 |
243 |
1,058 |
Total assets employed |
27,892 |
4,032 |
3,823 |
11,419 |
47,166 |
Loans to customers1 |
15,734 |
1,623 |
2,113 |
6,654 |
26,124 |
Deposits by banks |
1,180 |
162 |
81 |
151 |
1,574 |
Customer accounts |
16,765 |
2,859 |
2,196 |
4,470 |
26,290 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
53 |
- |
- |
53 |
1 The analysis is based on the location of the customers rather than booking location of the loan |
2012 |
Pakistan |
Bangladesh |
Others |
Middle East & Other S Asia |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Operating income |
1,230 |
291 |
225 |
488 |
2,234 |
Operating expenses |
(569) |
(174) |
(87) |
(270) |
(1,100) |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(230) |
(46) |
(7) |
(33) |
(316) |
Other impairment |
- |
(4) |
- |
(28) |
(32) |
Profit before taxation |
431 |
67 |
131 |
157 |
786 |
Total assets employed |
26,306 |
4,284 |
3,105 |
12,524 |
46,219 |
Loans to customers1 |
14,366 |
1,758 |
1,802 |
7,274 |
25,200 |
Deposits by banks |
1,527 |
247 |
10 |
150 |
1,934 |
Customer accounts |
15,453 |
2,797 |
1,935 |
4,085 |
24,270 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
69 |
- |
- |
69 |
1 The analysis is based on the location of the customers rather than booking location of the loan |
3. Net trading income |
2013 |
20122 |
$million |
$million |
Gains less losses on instruments held for trading: |
Foreign currency 1 |
1,118 |
1,498 |
Trading securities |
(203) |
648 |
Interest rate derivatives |
889 |
428 |
Credit and other derivatives |
633 |
28 |
2,437 |
2,602 |
Gains less losses from fair value hedging: |
Gains less losses from fair value hedged items |
1,307 |
10 |
Gains less losses from fair value hedging instruments |
(1,322) |
(13) |
(15) |
(3) |
Gains less losses on instruments designated at fair value: |
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
97 |
229 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss |
172 |
(256) |
Own credit adjustment (OCA) |
106 |
- |
Derivatives managed with financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss |
(283) |
167 |
92 |
140 |
2,514 |
2,739 |
1 Includes foreign currency gains and losses arising on the translation of foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities
2 Amounts reclassified to present on a consistent basis
Gains less losses on instruments held for trading is presented by product type. Gains or losses on certain trading securities are offset by gains or losses within interest rate derivatives and credit and other derivatives.
4. Other operating income |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Other operating income includes: |
Gains less losses on disposal of financial instruments: |
Available-for-sale |
248 |
336 |
Loans and receivables |
5 |
37 |
Dividend income |
104 |
92 |
Gains arising on repurchase of subordinated liabilities |
- |
90 |
Rental income from operating lease assets |
485 |
347 |
Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment |
102 |
100 |
Gain arising on sale of business |
- |
15 |
Fair value loss on businesses classified as held for sale |
(49) |
- |
5. Operating expenses |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Staff costs: |
Wages and salaries |
4,982 |
4,877 |
Social security costs |
160 |
148 |
Other pension costs (note 26) |
336 |
299 |
Share based payment costs |
264 |
374 |
Other staff costs |
828 |
794 |
6,570 |
6,492 |
Variable compensation is included within wages and salaries. Other staff costs include training and travel costs. |
5. Operating expenses continued
The following tables summarise the number of employees within the Group : |
2013 |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Support Services |
Total |
At 31 December |
51,248 |
20,384 |
15,008 |
86,640 |
Average for the year |
53,628 |
20,101 |
14,528 |
88,257 |
2012 |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Support Services |
Total |
At 31 December |
55,237 |
19,752 |
14,069 |
89,058 |
Average for the year |
54,650 |
19,565 |
13,354 |
87,569 |
Premises and equipment expenses: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Rental of premises |
440 |
432 |
Other premises and equipment costs |
415 |
406 |
Rental of computers and equipment |
22 |
25 |
877 |
863 |
General administrative expenses: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
UK bank levy 1 |
235 |
174 |
Settlement with the US authorities 2 |
- |
667 |
Other general administrative expenses |
1,797 |
1,866 |
2,032 |
2,707 |
1 The UK bank levy is applied on the chargeable equities and liabilities on the Group's consolidated balance sheet. Key exclusions from chargeable equities and liabilities include Tier 1 capital, insured or guaranteed retail deposits, repos secured on certain sovereign debt and liabilities subject to netting.
The rate of the levy for 2013 is 0.13 per cent for chargeable short term liabilities, with a lower rate of 0.065 per cent generally applied to chargeable equity and long term liabilities (i.e. liabilities with a remaining maturity greater than one year). The rate for 2014 has been increased to 0.156 per cent for qualifying liabilities, with a long term rate of 0.078 per cent. The charge for 2013 has been reduced by a refund of $31 million relating to prior years, $11 million of which related to 2012.
2 During 2012, the Group reached settlements with the US authorities regarding US sanctions compliance in the period 2001 to 2007, involving a Consent Order by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), a Cease and Desist Order by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY), Deferred Prosecution Agreements with each of the Department of Justice and with the District Attorney of New York and a Settlement Agreement with the Office of Foreign Assets Control.
6. Depreciation and amortisation |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Premises |
108 |
126 |
Equipment: |
Operating lease assets |
206 |
148 |
Others |
119 |
132 |
Intangibles: |
Software |
226 |
189 |
Acquired on business combinations |
55 |
65 |
714 |
660 |
7. Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
The following table reconciles the charge for impairment provisions on loans and advances to the total impairment charge and other credit risk provisions : |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Net charge against profit on loans and advances: |
Individual impairment charge |
1,597 |
1,230 |
Portfolio impairment charge/(release) |
15 |
(35) |
1,612 |
1,195 |
Provisions related to credit commitments |
- |
5 |
Impairment charge/(release) relating to debt securities classified as loans and receivables |
5 |
(4) |
Total impairment losses and other credit risk provisions |
1,617 |
1,196 |
An analysis of impairment provisions on loans and advances by geography and business is set out within the Risk review on pages 44 to 63. |
8. Other impairment |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Impairment losses on available-for-sale financial assets: |
- Asset backed securities |
(2) |
(3) |
- Other debt securities |
56 |
(16) |
- Equity shares |
90 |
134 |
144 |
115 |
Impairment of investment in associates |
- |
70 |
Impairment of goodwill |
1,000 |
- |
Others |
14 |
36 |
1,158 |
221 |
Recovery of impairment on disposal of equity instruments1 |
(29) |
(25) |
1,129 |
196 |
1 Relates to private equity instruments sold during the year which had impairment provisions raised against them in prior years
9. Taxation |
Determining the Group's taxation charge for the year involves a degree of estimation and judgement. |
Analysis of taxation charge in the year: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
The charge for taxation based upon the profits for the year comprises: |
Current tax: |
United Kingdom corporation tax at 23.25 per cent (2012: 24.5 per cent): |
Current tax on income for the year |
139 |
110 |
Adjustments in respect of prior periods (including double taxation relief) |
(3) |
10 |
Double taxation relief |
(9) |
(9) |
Foreign tax: |
Current tax on income for the year |
1,594 |
1,687 |
Adjustments in respect of prior periods |
(37) |
(4) |
1,684 |
1,794 |
Deferred tax: |
Origination/reversal of temporary differences |
165 |
64 |
Adjustments in respect of prior periods |
15 |
8 |
180 |
72 |
Tax on profits on ordinary activities |
1,864 |
1,866 |
Effective tax rate |
30.7% |
27.2% |
The UK corporation tax rate was reduced from 24 per cent to 23 per cent with an effective date of 1 April 2013, giving a blended rate of 23.25 per cent for the year.
Foreign taxation includes taxation on Hong Kong profits of $242 million (2012: $189 million) provided at a rate of 16.5 per cent (2012: 16.5 per cent) on the profits assessable in Hong Kong. Deferred taxation includes origination/reversal of temporary differences in Hong Kong profits of $1 million (2012: $3 million) provided at a rate of 16.5 per cent (2012: 16.5 per cent) on the profits assessable in Hong Kong.
10. Dividends |
Ordinary equity shares |
2013 |
2012 |
Cents per share |
$million |
Cents per share |
$million |
2012/2011 final dividend declared and paid during the year1 |
56.77 |
1,366 |
51.25 |
1,216 |
2013/2012 interim dividend declared and paid during the year1 |
28.80 |
696 |
27.23 |
650 |
2,062 |
1,866 |
1 The amounts are gross of scrip adjustments |
The amounts in the table above reflect the actual dividend per share declared and paid to shareholders in 2013 and 2012. Dividends on ordinary equity shares are recorded in the period in which they are declared and, in respect of the final dividend, have been approved by the shareholders. Accordingly, the final ordinary equity share dividends set out above relate to the respective prior years. The 2012 final dividend of 56.77 cents per ordinary share ($1,366 million) was paid to eligible shareholders on 14 May 2013 and the 2013 interim dividend of 28.80 cents per ordinary share ($696 million) was paid to eligible shareholders on 17 October 2013.
2013 recommended final ordinary equity share dividend The 2013 final ordinary equity share dividend recommended by the Board is 57.20 cents per share ($1,385 million), which makes the total dividend for 2013 86.00 cents per share (2012: 84.00 cents per share). The final dividend will be paid in either pounds sterling, Hong Kong dollars or US dollars on 14 May 2014 to shareholders on the UK register of members at the close of business in the UK (10:00 pm London time) on 14 March 2014, and to shareholders on the Hong Kong branch register of members at the opening of business in Hong Kong (9:00 am Hong Kong time) on 14 March 2014. The 2013 final ordinary equity share dividend will be paid in Indian rupees on 15 May 2014 to Indian Depository Receipt holders on the Indian register at the close of business in India on 14 March 2014.
It is intended that shareholders on the UK register and Hong Kong branch register will be able to elect to receive shares credited as fully paid instead of all or part of the final cash dividend. Details of the dividend arrangements will be sent to shareholders on or around 28 March 2014. Indian Depository Receipt holders will receive their dividend in Indian rupees only. |
2013 |
2012 |
Preference shares |
$million |
$million |
Non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares: |
7 3/8 per cent preference shares of £1 each1 |
11 |
11 |
8 1/4 per cent preference shares of £1 each1 |
13 |
13 |
Non-cumulative redeemable preference shares: |
8.125 per cent preference shares of $5 each1,3 |
75 |
75 |
7.014 per cent preference shares of $5 each2 |
53 |
53 |
6.409 per cent preference shares of $5 each2 |
48 |
48 |
1 |
Dividends on these preference shares are treated as interest expense and accrued accordingly |
2 |
Dividends on these preference shares classified as equity are recorded in the period in which they are declared |
3 |
On 27 November 2013 these preference shares were redeemed (see note 27)
11. Earnings per ordinary share
2013 |
2012 |
Profit1 |
Weighted average number of shares |
Per share amount |
Profit1 |
Weighted average number of shares |
Per share amount |
$million |
('000) |
cents |
$million |
('000) |
cents |
Basic earnings per ordinary share |
3,989 |
2,426,238 |
164.4 |
4,786 |
2,396,737 |
199.7 |
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares: |
Options2 |
- |
20,671 |
- |
- |
24,534 |
- |
Diluted earnings per ordinary share |
3,989 |
2,446,909 |
163.0 |
4,786 |
2,421,271 |
197.7 |
There were no ordinary shares issued after the balance sheet date that would have significantly affected the number of ordinary shares used in the above calculation had they been issued prior to the end of the balance sheet date. |
The Group measures earnings per share on a normalised basis. This differs from earnings defined in IAS 33 Earnings per share. The table below provides a reconciliation. |
2013 |
20123 |
$million |
$million |
Operating income as reported |
18,777 |
18,783 |
Items normalised: |
Fair value gains on own credit adjustment |
(106) |
- |
Gain on disposal of property |
(77) |
(91) |
Gains on repurchase of subordinated liabilities |
- |
(90) |
Gain arising on sale of business |
- |
(15) |
Fair value loss on business classified as held for sale |
49 |
- |
(134) |
(196) |
Normalised operating income |
18,643 |
18,587 |
Operating expenses as reported |
(10,193) |
(10,722) |
Items normalised: |
Amortisation of intangible assets arising on business combinations |
55 |
65 |
Settlements with US authorities |
- |
667 |
55 |
732 |
Normalised operating expenses |
(10,138) |
(9,990) |
Other impairment as reported |
(1,129) |
(196) |
Items normalised: |
Impairment of associates |
- |
70 |
Impairment of property |
9 |
4 |
Impairment of goodwill |
1,000 |
- |
1,009 |
74 |
Normalised other impairment |
(120) |
(122) |
Taxation as reported |
(1,864) |
(1,866) |
Tax on normalised items4 |
31 |
2 |
Normalised taxation |
(1,833) |
(1,864) |
Profit as reported1 |
3,989 |
4,786 |
Items normalised as above: |
Operating income |
(134) |
(196) |
Operating expenses |
55 |
732 |
Other impairment |
1,009 |
74 |
Taxation |
31 |
2 |
961 |
612 |
Normalised profit |
4,950 |
5,398 |
Normalised basic earnings per ordinary share (cents) |
204.0 |
225.2 |
Normalised diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents) |
202.3 |
222.9 |
1 |
The profit amounts represent the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, which is profit for the year after non-controlling interest and the declaration of dividends payable to the holders of the non-cumulative redeemable preference shares classified as equity (note 10) |
2 |
The impact of anti-dilutive options has been excluded from this amount as required by IAS 33 |
3 |
Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31 |
4 |
No tax is included in respect of the impairment of goodwill as no tax relief is available |
12. Financial instruments |
Financial assets are classified between four measurement categories: held at fair value through profit or loss (comprising trading and designated), available-for-sale, loans and receivables and held-to-maturity; and two measurement categories for financial liabilities: held at fair value through profit or loss (comprising trading and designated) and amortised cost. Instruments are classified in the balance sheet in accordance with their legal form, except for instruments that are held for trading purposes and those that the Group has designated to hold at fair value through the profit and loss account. The latter are combined on the face of the balance sheet and disclosed as financial assets or liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss.
The Group's classification of its principal financial assets and liabilities is summarised in the table below.
Assets at fair value |
Assets at amortised cost |
Assets |
Trading |
Derivatives held for hedging |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Available- for-sale |
Loans and receivables |
Non-financial assets |
Total |
Notes |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Cash and balances at central banks |
- |
- |
- |
- |
54,534 |
- |
54,534 |
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to banks1 |
2,221 |
- |
246 |
- |
- |
- |
2,467 |
Loans and advances to customers1 |
4,411 |
- |
896 |
- |
- |
- |
5,307 |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
13 |
5,161 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5,161 |
Debt securities |
13 |
12,407 |
- |
292 |
- |
- |
- |
12,699 |
Equity shares |
13 |
2,932 |
- |
769 |
- |
- |
- |
3,701 |
27,132 |
- |
2,203 |
- |
- |
- |
29,335 |
Derivative financial instruments |
14 |
59,765 |
2,037 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
61,802 |
Loans and advances to banks1 |
15 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
83,702 |
- |
83,702 |
Loans and advances to customers1 |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
290,708 |
- |
290,708 |
Investment securities |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
26,243 |
- |
- |
26,243 |
Debt securities |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
70,546 |
2,828 |
- |
73,374 |
Equity shares |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
3,099 |
- |
- |
3,099 |
- |
- |
- |
99,888 |
2,828 |
- |
102,716 |
Other assets |
18 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
26,351 |
7,219 |
33,570 |
Total at 31 December 2013 |
86,897 |
2,037 |
2,203 |
99,888 |
458,123 |
7,219 |
656,367 |
Cash and balances at central banks |
- |
- |
- |
- |
60,537 |
- |
60,537 |
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to banks1 |
677 |
- |
97 |
- |
- |
- |
774 |
Loans and advances to customers1 |
4,793 |
- |
185 |
- |
- |
- |
4,978 |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
13 |
2,955 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,955 |
Debt securities |
13 |
14,882 |
- |
333 |
- |
- |
- |
15,215 |
Equity shares |
13 |
2,140 |
- |
1,014 |
- |
- |
- |
3,154 |
25,447 |
- |
1,629 |
- |
- |
- |
27,076 |
Derivative financial instruments |
14 |
47,133 |
2,362 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
49,495 |
Loans and advances to banks1 |
15 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
67,797 |
- |
67,797 |
Loans and advances to customers1 |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
279,638 |
- |
279,638 |
Investment securities |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
26,740 |
- |
- |
26,740 |
Debt securities |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
65,356 |
3,851 |
- |
69,207 |
Equity shares |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
3,278 |
- |
- |
3,278 |
- |
- |
- |
95,374 |
3,851 |
- |
99,225 |
Other assets |
18 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21,406 |
7,142 |
28,548 |
Total at 31 December 2012 |
72,580 |
2,362 |
1,629 |
95,374 |
433,229 |
7,142 |
612,316 |
1 Further analysed in Risk review on pages 25 to 86
12. Financial instruments continued
Classification continued
Liabilities at fair value |
Liabilities |
Trading |
Derivatives held for hedging |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Amortised cost |
Non-financial liabilities |
Total |
Notes |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss |
Deposits by banks |
- |
- |
1,009 |
- |
- |
1,009 |
Customer accounts |
- |
- |
9,905 |
- |
- |
9,905 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
- |
6,823 |
- |
- |
6,823 |
Short positions |
5,293 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5,293 |
5,293 |
- |
17,737 |
- |
- |
23,030 |
Derivative financial instruments |
14 |
60,322 |
914 |
- |
- |
- |
61,236 |
Deposits by banks |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
43,517 |
- |
43,517 |
Customer accounts |
22 |
- |
- |
- |
381,066 |
- |
381,066 |
Debt securities in issue |
23 |
- |
- |
- |
64,589 |
- |
64,589 |
Other liabilities |
24 |
- |
- |
- |
21,894 |
5,444 |
27,338 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
25 |
- |
- |
- |
20,397 |
- |
20,397 |
Total at 31 December 2013 |
65,615 |
914 |
17,737 |
531,463 |
5,444 |
621,173 |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss1 |
Deposits by banks |
- |
- |
968 |
- |
- |
968 |
Customer accounts |
- |
- |
12,243 |
- |
- |
12,243 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
- |
5,261 |
- |
- |
5,261 |
Short positions |
4,592 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,592 |
4,592 |
- |
18,472 |
- |
- |
23,064 |
Derivative financial instruments |
14 |
46,459 |
733 |
- |
- |
- |
47,192 |
Deposits by banks |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
36,427 |
- |
36,427 |
Customer accounts |
22 |
- |
- |
- |
372,874 |
- |
372,874 |
Debt securities in issue |
23 |
- |
- |
- |
55,979 |
- |
55,979 |
Other liabilities |
24 |
- |
- |
- |
19,547 |
4,738 |
24,285 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
25 |
- |
- |
- |
18,588 |
- |
18,588 |
Total at 31 December 2012 |
51,051 |
733 |
18,472 |
503,415 |
4,738 |
578,409 |
1Amounts have been restated as explained in note 31
Valuation of financial instruments
Valuation hierarchy
The valuation hierarchy, and the types of instruments classified into each level within that hierarchy, is set out below:
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Fair value determined using: |
Unadjusted quoted prices in an active market for identical assets and liabilities |
Directly or indirectly observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable |
One or more inputs that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs) |
Types of financial assets: |
Actively traded government and other securities Listed equities Listed derivative instruments Investments in publicly traded mutual funds with listed market prices |
Corporate and other government bonds and loans Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives Asset backed securities Private equity investments |
Asset backed securities Private equity investments Highly structured OTC derivatives with unobservable parameters Illiquid or highly structured corporate bonds with unobservable inputs |
Types of financial liabilities: |
Listed derivative instruments |
OTC derivatives Structured deposits Credit structured debt securities in issue |
Highly structured OTC derivatives with unobservable parameters Illiquid highly structured debt securities in issue with unobservable inputs |
12. Financial instruments continued
Valuation of financial instruments continued
The table below shows the classification of financial instruments held at fair value into the valuation hierarchy set out above as at 31 December 2013. |
Assets |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to banks |
244 |
2,223 |
- |
2,467 |
Loans and advances to customers |
- |
4,587 |
720 |
5,307 |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
4,904 |
257 |
- |
5,161 |
Debt securities |
6,596 |
5,944 |
159 |
12,699 |
Of which: |
Government bonds |
6,396 |
1,220 |
- |
7,616 |
Issued by corporates other than financial institutions |
79 |
3,211 |
159 |
3,449 |
Issued by financial institutions |
121 |
1,513 |
- |
1,634 |
Equity shares |
2,797 |
- |
904 |
3,701 |
Derivative financial instruments |
323 |
60,881 |
598 |
61,802 |
Of which: |
Foreign exchange |
56 |
41,942 |
366 |
42,364 |
Interest rate |
- |
16,013 |
53 |
16,066 |
Commodity |
267 |
2,104 |
- |
2,371 |
Credit |
- |
573 |
13 |
586 |
Equity and stock index |
- |
249 |
166 |
415 |
Investment securities |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
22,701 |
3,523 |
19 |
26,243 |
Debt securities |
24,445 |
45,493 |
608 |
70,546 |
Of which: |
Government bonds |
14,513 |
5,451 |
64 |
20,028 |
Issued by corporates other than financial institutions |
6,480 |
7,314 |
493 |
14,287 |
Issued by financial institutions |
3,452 |
32,728 |
51 |
36,231 |
Equity shares |
1,635 |
8 |
1,456 |
3,099 |
At 31 December 2013 |
63,645 |
122,916 |
4,464 |
191,025 |
Liabilities |
Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss |
Deposit by banks |
- |
1,009 |
- |
1,009 |
Customer accounts |
- |
9,897 |
8 |
9,905 |
Debt securities in issue |
7 |
6,777 |
39 |
6,823 |
Short positions |
4,917 |
376 |
- |
5,293 |
Derivative financial instruments |
420 |
60,375 |
441 |
61,236 |
Of which: |
Foreign exchange |
84 |
41,738 |
315 |
42,137 |
Interest rate |
- |
15,863 |
24 |
15,887 |
Commodity |
336 |
1,500 |
- |
1,836 |
Credit |
- |
874 |
- |
874 |
Equity and stock index |
- |
400 |
102 |
502 |
At 31 December 2013 |
5,344 |
78,434 |
488 |
84,266 |
There are no significant transfers of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value between level 1 and level 2 in 2013 |
12. Financial instruments continued
. |
The table below shows the classification of financial instruments held at fair value into the valuation hierarchy set out above as at 31 December 2012. |
Valuation of financial instruments continued
Assets |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to banks |
97 |
677 |
- |
774 |
Loans and advances to customers |
- |
4,068 |
910 |
4,978 |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
2,812 |
143 |
- |
2,955 |
Debt securities |
8,523 |
6,516 |
176 |
15,215 |
Of which: |
Government bonds |
8,286 |
1,482 |
4 |
9,772 |
Issued by corporates other than financial institutions |
132 |
2,683 |
172 |
2,987 |
Issued by financial institutions |
105 |
2,351 |
- |
2,456 |
Equity shares |
2,029 |
- |
1,125 |
3,154 |
Derivative financial instruments |
260 |
48,749 |
486 |
49,495 |
Of which: |
Foreign exchange |
41 |
25,125 |
401 |
25,567 |
Interest rate |
- |
20,364 |
9 |
20,373 |
Commodity |
219 |
2,151 |
- |
2,370 |
Credit |
- |
824 |
6 |
830 |
Equity and stock index |
- |
285 |
70 |
355 |
Investment securities |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
22,781 |
3,901 |
58 |
26,740 |
Debt securities |
20,771 |
44,189 |
396 |
65,356 |
Of which: |
Government bonds |
11,809 |
3,419 |
87 |
15,315 |
Issued by corporates other than financial institutions |
4,516 |
7,853 |
266 |
12,635 |
Issued by financial institutions |
4,446 |
32,917 |
43 |
37,406 |
Equity shares |
1,307 |
13 |
1,958 |
3,278 |
At 31 December 2012 |
58,580 |
108,256 |
5,109 |
171,945 |
Liabilities |
Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss |
Deposit by banks |
- |
968 |
- |
968 |
Customer accounts |
68 |
12,175 |
- |
12,243 |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
5,147 |
114 |
5,261 |
Short positions |
4,320 |
272 |
- |
4,592 |
Derivative financial instruments |
383 |
46,246 |
563 |
47,192 |
Of which: |
Foreign exchange |
72 |
24,584 |
411 |
25,067 |
Interest rate |
- |
19,106 |
33 |
19,139 |
Commodity |
311 |
1,173 |
- |
1,484 |
Credit |
- |
1,120 |
10 |
1,130 |
Equity and stock index |
- |
263 |
109 |
372 |
At 31 December 2012 |
4,771 |
64,808 |
677 |
70,256 |
There are no significant transfers of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value between level 1 and level 2 in 2012. |
12. Financial instruments continued
Level 3 movement tables - Financial assets |
Held at fair value through profit or loss |
Derivative financial instruments |
Investment securities |
Assets |
Loans and advances to customers |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January 2013 |
910 |
176 |
1,125 |
486 |
58 |
396 |
1,958 |
5,109 |
Total (losses)/gains recognised in income statement |
(89) |
63 |
17 |
37 |
- |
(18) |
51 |
61 |
Total losses recognised in other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(23) |
(46) |
(69) |
Purchases |
- |
18 |
264 |
86 |
- |
6 |
119 |
493 |
Sales |
- |
(30) |
(502) |
(11) |
(36) |
(59) |
(446) |
(1,084) |
Settlements |
(103) |
(38) |
- |
(50) |
(3) |
(100) |
- |
(294) |
Transfers out |
- |
(44) |
- |
(1) |
- |
(56) |
(180) |
(281) |
Transfers in |
2 |
14 |
- |
51 |
- |
462 |
- |
529 |
At 31 December 2013 |
720 |
159 |
904 |
598 |
19 |
608 |
1,456 |
4,464 |
Total (losses)/ gains recognised in the income statement relating to assets held at 31 December 2013 |
(86) |
3 |
16 |
24 |
- |
- |
3 |
(40) |
Transfers in during the year primarily relate to investments in structured notes, bonds and corporate debt securities where the valuation parameters became unobservable during the year. |
Transfers out during the year primarily relate to certain equity shares and corporate debt securities where the valuation parameters became observable during the year and were transferred to level 1 and level 2 financial assets. |
12. Financial instruments continued
Level 3 movement tables - Financial assets continued
Held at fair value through profit or loss |
Derivative financial instruments |
Investment securities |
Assets |
Loans and advances to customers |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January 2012 |
- |
293 |
566 |
276 |
49 |
745 |
1418 |
3,347 |
Total gains/(losses) recognised in income statement |
- |
9 |
313 |
(48) |
- |
48 |
(13) |
309 |
Total losses recognised in other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(56) |
133 |
77 |
Purchases |
- |
22 |
310 |
336 |
42 |
134 |
525 |
1,369 |
Sales |
- |
(5) |
(64) |
(13) |
- |
(199) |
(71) |
(352) |
Settlements |
(27) |
(97) |
- |
(60) |
- |
(17) |
(23) |
(224) |
Transfers out |
- |
(96) |
- |
(7) |
(33) |
(261) |
(16) |
(413) |
Transfers in |
937 |
50 |
- |
2 |
- |
2 |
5 |
996 |
At 31 December 2012 |
910 |
176 |
1125 |
486 |
58 |
396 |
1958 |
5,109 |
Total (losses)/gains recognised in the income statement relating to assets held at 31 December 2012 |
- |
(10) |
195 |
(30) |
- |
- |
(14) |
141 |
Transfers in during the year primarily relate to loans held within the Group's global syndicates underwriting book where the valuation parameters became unobservable during the year. |
Transfers out during the year primarily relate to certain corporate debt securities where the valuation parameters became observable during the year and were transferred to Level 2 financial assets. |
Financial liabilities |
2013 |
2012 |
Liabilities |
Customer Accounts |
Debt securities in issue |
Derivative financial instruments |
Total |
Customer Accounts |
Debt securities in issue |
Derivative financial instruments |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1January |
- |
114 |
563 |
677 |
- |
172 |
184 |
356 |
Total losses/(gains) recognised in income statement |
- |
3 |
54 |
57 |
- |
(43) |
80 |
37 |
Issues |
9 |
506 |
1 |
516 |
- |
50 |
324 |
374 |
Settlements |
(3) |
(490) |
(144) |
(637) |
- |
(28) |
(25) |
(53) |
Transfers out |
- |
(99) |
(33) |
(132) |
- |
(37) |
- |
(37) |
Transfers in |
2 |
5 |
- |
7 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At 31 December |
8 |
39 |
441 |
488 |
- |
114 |
563 |
677 |
Total losses recognised in the income statement relating to liabilities held at 31 December |
- |
4 |
37 |
41 |
- |
3 |
44 |
47 |
Transfers in during the year primarily relate to certain financial instruments which parameters became unobservable during the year. |
Transfers out during the year primarily relate to certain financial instruments where the valuation parameters became observable during the year and were transferred to level 2 financial liabilities. |
12. Financial instruments continued
Valuation of financial instruments measured at amortised cost on a recurring basis
The valuation techniques used to establish the Group's fair values are consistent with those used to calculate the fair values of financial instruments carried at fair value. The fair values calculated are for disclosure purposes only and do not have any impact on the Group's reported financial performance or position. The fair values calculated by the Group may be different from the actual amount that will be received/paid on the settlement or maturity of the financial instrument. As certain categories of financial instruments are not traded there is a significant level of management judgement involved in calculating the fair values.
The following sets out the Group's basis of establishing fair values of amortised cost financial instruments and their classification between level 1, 2 and 3.
Cash and balances at central banks
The fair value of cash and balances at central banks is their carrying amounts.
Loans and advances to banks and customers
For loans and advances to banks, the fair value of floating rate placements and overnight deposits is their carrying amounts. The estimated fair value of fixed interest bearing deposits is based on discounted cash flows using the prevailing money market rates for debts with a similar credit risk and remaining maturity.
The Group's loans and advances to customers portfolio is well diversified by geography and industry. Approximately one-fourth of the portfolio reprices within one month, and approximately half reprices within 12 months. Loans and advances are presented net of provisions for impairment. The fair value of loans and advances to customers with a residual maturity of less than one year generally approximates the carrying value, subject to any significant movement in credit spreads. The estimated fair value of loans and advances with a residual maturity of more than one year represents the discounted amount of future cash flows expected to be received, including assumptions relating to prepayment rates and, where appropriate, credit spreads. Expected cash flows are discounted at current market rates to determine fair value. The Group has a wide range of individual instruments within its loans and advances portfolio and as a result providing quantification of the key assumptions used to value such instruments is impractical, with no one assumption being material.
Investment securities
For investment securities that do not have directly observable market values, the Group utilises a number of valuation techniques to determine fair value. Where available, securities are valued using inputs proxied from the same or closely related underlying (for example, bond spreads from the same or closely related issuer) or inputs proxied from a different underlying (for example, a similar bond but using spreads for a particular sector and rating). Certain instruments cannot be proxied as set out above, and in such cases the positions are valued using non-market observable inputs. This includes those instruments held at amortised cost and predominantly relate to asset backed securities. The fair value for such instruments is usually proxied from internal assessments of the underlying cash flows. The Group has a wide range of individual investments within the unlisted debt securities portfolio. Given the number of instruments involved, providing quantification of the key assumptions used to value such instruments is impractical, with no one assumption being material.
Deposits and borrowings
The estimated fair value of deposits with no stated maturity is the amount repayable on demand. The estimated fair value of fixed interest bearing deposits and other borrowings without quoted market prices is based on discounting cash flows using the prevailing market rates for debts with a similar credit risk and remaining maturity. Following the adoption of IFRS 13 the Group also adjusts the fair value of deposits and borrowings for own credit adjustment using the principles described above.
Debt securities in issue, subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds
The aggregate fair values are calculated based on quoted market prices. For those notes where quoted market prices are not available, a discounted cash flow model is used based on a current market related yield curve appropriate for the remaining term to maturity.
Financial Hierarchy for Instruments at amortised cost
The valuation hierarchy, and the main types of instruments classified into each level within that hierarchy, is set out below:
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Fair value determined using: |
Unadjusted quoted prices in an active market for identical assets and liabilities |
Directly or indirectly observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable |
Significant inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs) |
Types of financial assets: |
Actively traded corporate or other debt |
Cash and balances at central banks Loans to banks and other financial institutions |
Loans and advances to customers Illiquid or highly structured corporate bonds Illiquid loans and advances |
Types of financial liabilities: |
Quoted debt securities in issue Quoted subordinated liabilities |
Unquoted debt securities in issue Unquoted subordinated liabilities Time deposits by customers Deposits by banks |
Illiquid or highly structured debt securities in issue |
12. Financial instruments continued
Instruments carried at amortised cost
The following table summarises the carrying amounts and incorporates the Group's estimate of fair values of those financial assets and liabilities not presented on the Group's balance sheet at fair value. The fair values in the table below may be different from the actual amount that will be received/paid on the settlement or maturity of the financial instrument. For certain instruments, the fair value may be determined using assumptions for which no observable prices are available.
Fair value |
Carrying value |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks1 |
54,534 |
- |
54,534 |
- |
54,534 |
Loans and advances to banks |
83,702 |
- |
83,408 |
177 |
83,585 |
Loans and advances to customers |
290,708 |
- |
3,518 |
286,958 |
290,476 |
Investment securities |
2,828 |
- |
2,812 |
73 |
2,885 |
Other assets1 |
26,351 |
- |
26,182 |
168 |
26,350 |
At 31 December 2013 |
458,123 |
- |
170,454 |
287,376 |
457,830 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks |
43,517 |
12 |
43,506 |
- |
43,518 |
Customer accounts |
381,066 |
682 |
380,610 |
- |
381,292 |
Debt securities in issue |
64,589 |
19,015 |
45,673 |
- |
64,688 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
20,397 |
17,987 |
2,512 |
- |
20,499 |
Other liabilities1 |
21,894 |
201 |
21,691 |
9 |
21,901 |
At 31 December 2013 |
531,463 |
37,897 |
493,992 |
9 |
531,898 |
1 |
The carrying amount of these financial instruments is considered to be a reasonable approximation of fair value as they are short-term in nature or reprice to current market rates frequently.
Carrying value |
Fair value |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks1 |
60,537 |
60,537 |
Loans and advances to banks |
67,797 |
67,761 |
Loans and advances to customers |
279,638 |
278,672 |
Investment securities |
3,851 |
3,803 |
Other assets1 |
21,406 |
21,406 |
At 31 December 2012 |
433,229 |
432,179 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks |
36,427 |
35,961 |
Customer accounts |
372,874 |
371,702 |
Debt securities in issue |
55,979 |
56,469 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
18,588 |
19,773 |
Other liabilities1 |
19,547 |
19,547 |
At 31 December 2012 |
503,415 |
503,452 |
1 |
The carrying amount of these financial instruments is considered to be a reasonable approximation of fair value as they are short-term in nature or reprice to current market rates frequently.
12. Financial instruments continued
Reclassification of financial assets
In 2008 the Group reclassified certain non-derivative financial assets classified as held for trading into the available-for-sale ('AFS') category as these were no longer considered to be held for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term. At the time of transfer, the Group identified the rare circumstances permitting such a transfer as the impact of the credit crisis in financial markets, particularly from the beginning of 2008, which significantly impacted the liquidity in certain markets. The Group also reclassified certain eligible financial assets from trading and available-for-sale categories to loans and receivables where the Group had the intent and ability to hold the reclassified assets for the foreseeable future or until maturity. There have been no reclassifications since 2008.
The following tables provide details of the remaining balances of assets reclassified during 2008:
If assets had not been reclassified, fair value gains from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 that would have been recognised within |
For assets reclassified: |
Carrying amount at 31 December 2013 |
Fair value at 31 December 2013 |
Income |
AFS reserve |
Income recognised in income statement in 2013 |
Effective interest rate at date of reclassification |
Estimated amounts of expected cash flows |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
% |
$million |
From trading to AFS |
46 |
46 |
5 1 |
- |
6 |
8.8% |
123 |
From trading to loans and receivables |
183 |
179 |
20 |
- |
12 |
6.2% |
214 |
From AFS to loans and receivables |
486 |
520 |
- |
12 |
21 |
5.5% |
626 |
715 |
745 |
25 |
12 |
39 |
Of which asset backed securities: |
reclassified to AFS |
46 |
46 |
71 |
- |
6 |
reclassified to loans and receivables |
614 |
647 |
- |
33 |
33 |
1 Post reclassification, the gain is recognised within the available-for-sale reserve.
If assets had not been reclassified, fair value gains from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 that would have been recognised within |
For assets reclassified: |
Carrying amount at 31 December 2012 |
Fair value at 31 December 2012 |
Income |
AFS reserve |
Income recognised in income statement in 2012 |
Effective interest rate at date of reclassification |
Estimated amounts of expected cash flows |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
% |
$million |
From trading to AFS |
85 |
85 |
51 |
- |
10 |
4.1 |
195 |
From trading to loans and receivables |
550 |
532 |
34 |
- |
28 |
5.0 |
609 |
From AFS to loans and receivables |
673 |
661 |
- |
45 |
26 |
5.3 |
826 |
1,308 |
1,278 |
39 |
45 |
64 |
Of which asset backed securities: |
reclassified to AFS |
81 |
81 |
51 |
- |
8 |
reclassified to loans and receivables |
924 |
896 |
68 |
45 |
43 |
1 Post reclassification, the gain is recognised within the available-for-sale reserve.
12. Financial instruments continued
Transfers of financial assets |
Transfers where financial assets are not derecognised |
Repurchase transactions |
The Group enters into collateralised repurchase agreements (repos) and securities borrowing and lending transactions. These transactions typically entitle the Group and its counterparties to have recourse to assets similar to those provided as collateral in the event of a default. Securities sold subject to repos continue to be recognised on the balance sheet as the Group retains substantially the associated risk and rewards of these securities. The counterparty liability is included in deposits by banks or customer accounts, as appropriate. Assets sold under repurchase agreements are considered encumbered as the group cannot pledge these to obtain funding |
The table below sets out the financial assets provided by the Group as collateral for repurchase transactions: |
Fair value through profit and loss |
Available for sale |
Loans and receivables |
Total |
Collateral pledged against repurchase agreements |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
On balance sheet |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
391 |
256 |
- |
647 |
Debt securities |
1,706 |
1,163 |
- |
2,869 |
Loan and advances to banks and customers |
- |
- |
2,714 |
2,714 |
Off balance sheet |
Repledged collateral received |
257 |
- |
1,547 |
1,804 |
At 31 December 2013 |
2,354 |
1,419 |
4,261 |
8,034 |
Balance sheet liabilities - Repurchase agreements |
Deposits by banks |
4,330 |
Customer accounts |
1,732 |
At 31 December 2013 |
6,062 |
Fair value through profit and loss |
Available for sale |
Loans and receivables |
Total |
Collateral pledged against repurchase agreements |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
On balance sheet |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
62 |
424 |
- |
486 |
Debt securities |
522 |
590 |
- |
1,112 |
Loan and advances to banks and customers |
- |
- |
1,780 |
1,780 |
Off balance sheet |
Repledged collateral received |
97 |
- |
1,281 |
1,378 |
At 31 December 2012 |
681 |
1,014 |
3,061 |
4,756 |
Balance sheet liabilities - Repurchase agreements |
Deposits by banks |
1,338 |
Customer accounts |
1,917 |
At 31 December 2012 |
3,255 |
12. Financial instruments continued
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements |
The Group also undertakes reverse repurchase (reverse repo) lending agreements with counterparties typically financial institutions in exchange for collateral. Reverse repo agreements entitle the Group to have recourse to assets similar to those received as collateral in the event of a default. In addition the Group also obtains collateral on terms that permit the Group to repledge or resell the collateral to others. The Group does not recognise the securities bought under reverse repos as collateral on its balance sheet as the Group is not substantially entitled to the risks and rewards associated with those assets and instead recognises the lending as loans and advances to banks or customers, as appropriate. The Group's reverse repos at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012 are set out in the table below: |
Balance sheet assets - Reverse repurchase agreements |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Loans and advances to banks |
12,887 |
7,759 |
Loans and advances to customers |
4,538 |
2,900 |
17,425 |
10,659 |
Under reverse repurchase and securities borrowing arrangements, the Group obtains securities on terms which permit it to repledge or resell the securities to others. Amounts on such terms are: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Securities and collateral received (at fair value) |
17,835 |
10,949 |
Securities and collateral which can be repledged or sold (at fair value) |
15,906 |
10,517 |
Thereof repledged/transferred to others for financing activities, to satisfy commitments under short sale transactions or liabilities under sale and repurchase agreements (at fair value) |
1,804 |
1,378 |
Securitisation transactions |
The Group has also entered into a number of securitisation transactions where the underlying loans and advances have been transferred to Structured Entities (SEs) that are fully consolidated by the Group. As a result, the Group continues to recognise the assets on its balance sheet, together with the associated liability instruments issued by the SEs. The holders of the liability instruments have recourse only to the assets transferred to the SEs. |
The following table sets out the carrying value and fair value of the assets transferred and the carrying value and fair value of the associated liabilities at 31 December 2013 and 2012 respectively. |
2013 |
2012 |
Carrying value |
Fair value |
Carrying value |
Fair value |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Loan and advances to customers |
779 |
778 |
1,321 |
1,319 |
Securitisation liability - reported as debt securities in issue |
502 |
502 |
1,093 |
1,093 |
Net |
277 |
276 |
228 |
226 |
The Group did not undertake any transactions that required the recognition of an asset representing continuing involvement in financial assets. |
12. Financial instruments continued
Financial instruments subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements |
Impact of offset in the balance sheet In accordance with IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation the Group is permitted to offset assets and liabilities and present these net on the Group's balance sheet, only if there is a legally enforceable right to set off and the Group intends to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and liability simultaneously.
Amounts not offset in the balance sheet In practice the Group is able to offset other assets and liabilities which do not meet the IAS 32 netting criteria set out above. Such arrangements include master netting arrangements for derivatives and global master repurchase agreements for repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions. These agreements generally allow that all outstanding transactions with a particular counterparty can be offset but only in the event of default or other pre determined events.
In addition the Group also receives and pledges readily realisable collateral for derivative transactions cover the net exposure in the event of a default. Under repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements the Group pledges (legally sell) and obtains (legally purchase) respectively, highly liquid assets which can be sold in the event of a default.
The table below sets out the following: · Impact of offset on the balance sheet - This comprises derivative transactions settled through an enforceable netting agreement where we have the intent and ability to settle net that are offset on the balance sheet. · Related amounts not offset the balance sheet: This comprise (a) Financial instruments not offset in the balance sheet, but covered by an enforceable netting arrangement. This comprises master netting arrangements held against derivative financial instruments and excludes the effect of over collateralisation; and (b) Financial collateral - This comprises cash collateral pledged and received for derivative financial instruments and collateral bought and sold for reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements respectively and excludes the effect of over collateralisation.
Related amount not offset in the balance sheet |
Gross amounts of recognised financial instruments |
Impact of offset in the balance sheet |
Net amounts of financial instruments presented in the balance sheet |
Financial instruments |
Financial collateral |
Net amount |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Derivative financial instruments |
67,369 |
(5,567) |
61,802 |
(46,242) |
(5,147) |
10,413 |
Reverse repurchase agreements |
17,425 |
- |
17,425 |
- |
(17,425) |
- |
At 31 December 2013 |
84,794 |
(5,567) |
79,227 |
(46,242) |
(22,572) |
10,413 |
Liabilities |
Derivative financial instruments |
66,803 |
(5,567) |
61,236 |
(46,242) |
(9,240) |
5,754 |
Sale and repurchase liabilities |
6,062 |
- |
6,062 |
- |
(6,062) |
- |
At 31 December 2013 |
72,865 |
(5,567) |
67,298 |
(46,242) |
(15,302) |
5,754 |
Related amount not offset in the balance sheet |
Gross amounts of recognised financial instruments |
Impact of offset in the balance sheet |
Net amounts of financial instruments presented in the balance sheet |
Financial instruments |
Financial collateral |
Net amount |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Derivative financial instruments |
55,795 |
(6,300) |
49,495 |
(35,073) |
(3,245) |
11,177 |
Reverse repurchase agreements |
10,659 |
- |
10,659 |
- |
(10,517) |
142 |
At 31 December 2012 |
66,454 |
(6,300) |
60,154 |
(35,073) |
(13,762) |
11,319 |
Liabilities |
Derivative financial instruments |
53,492 |
(6,300) |
47,192 |
(35,073) |
(5,068) |
7,051 |
Sale and repurchase liabilities |
3,255 |
- |
3,255 |
- |
(3,255) |
- |
At 31 December 2012 |
56,747 |
(6,300) |
50,447 |
(35,073) |
(8,323) |
7,051 |
13. Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss comprise assets held for trading and those financial assets designated as being held at fair value through profit or loss. For certain loans and advances and debt securities with fixed rates of interest, interest rate swaps have been acquired with the intention of significantly reducing interest rate risk. Derivatives are recorded at fair value whereas loans and advances are usually recorded at amortised cost. To significantly reduce the accounting mismatch between fair value and amortised cost, these loans and advances and debt securities have been designated at fair value through profit or loss. The Group ensures the criteria under IAS 39 are met by matching the principal terms of interest rate swaps to the corresponding loans and debt securities.
Debt securities, equity shares and treasury bills held at fair value through profit or loss |
2013 |
Debt Securities |
Equity Shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Issued by public bodies: |
Government securities |
7,763 |
Other public sector securities |
76 |
7,839 |
Issued by banks: |
Certificates of deposit |
292 |
Other debt securities |
457 |
749 |
Issued by corporate entities and other issuers: |
Other debt securities |
4,111 |
Total debt securities |
12,699 |
Of which: |
Listed on a recognised UK exchange |
144 |
21 |
- |
165 |
Listed elsewhere |
8,017 |
2,741 |
1,646 |
12,404 |
Unlisted |
4,538 |
939 |
3,515 |
8,992 |
12,699 |
3,701 |
5,161 |
21,561 |
Market value of listed securities |
8,161 |
2,762 |
1,646 |
12,569 |
2012 |
Debt Securities |
Equity Shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Issued by public bodies: |
Government securities |
10,174 |
Other public sector securities |
131 |
10,305 |
Issued by banks: |
Certificates of deposit |
255 |
Other debt securities |
1,723 |
1,978 |
Issued by corporate entities and other issuers: |
Other debt securities |
2,932 |
Total debt securities |
15,215 |
Of which: |
Listed on a recognised UK exchange |
467 |
23 |
- |
490 |
Listed elsewhere |
9,086 |
2,081 |
949 |
12,116 |
Unlisted |
5,662 |
1,050 |
2,006 |
8,718 |
15,215 |
3,154 |
2,955 |
21,324 |
Market value of listed securities |
9,553 |
2,104 |
949 |
12,606 |
13. Financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss continued
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss
The Group designates certain financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss where either the liabilities:
· have fixed rates of interest and interest rate swaps or other interest rate derivatives have been entered into with the intention of significantly reducing interest rate risk; or
· are exposed to foreign currency risk and derivatives have been acquired with the intention of significantly reducing exposure to market changes; or
· have been acquired to fund trading asset portfolios or assets, or where the assets and liabilities are managed, and performance evaluated, on a fair value basis for a documented risk management or investment strategy.
Derivatives are recorded at fair value whereas non-trading financial liabilities (unless designated at fair value) are recorded at amortised cost. Designation of certain liabilities at fair value through profit or loss significantly reduces the accounting mismatch between fair value and amortised cost expense recognition (a criterion of IAS 39). The Group ensures the criteria under IAS 39 are met by matching the principal terms of derivatives to the corresponding liabilities, either individually or on a portfolio basis.
14. Derivative financial instruments
The tables below analyse the notional principal amounts and the positive and negative fair values of the Group's derivative financial instruments. Notional principal amounts are the amount of principal underlying the contract at the reporting date.
2013 |
2012 |
Total derivatives |
Notional principal amounts |
Assets |
Liabilities |
Notional principal amounts |
Assets |
Liabilities |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Foreign exchange derivative contracts: |
Forward foreign exchange contracts |
1,303,103 |
17,213 |
17,490 |
1,220,806 |
11,635 |
12,697 |
Currency swaps and options |
1,086,784 |
25,151 |
24,647 |
853,460 |
13,932 |
12,370 |
Exchange traded futures and options |
340 |
- |
- |
8,772 |
- |
- |
2,390,227 |
42,364 |
42,137 |
2,083,038 |
25,567 |
25,067 |
Interest rate derivative contracts: |
Swaps |
1,974,451 |
15,295 |
15,241 |
1,463,777 |
19,107 |
18,343 |
Forward rate agreements and options |
236,646 |
771 |
646 |
145,020 |
1,266 |
796 |
Exchange traded futures and options |
694,212 |
- |
- |
306,054 |
- |
- |
2,905,309 |
16,066 |
15,887 |
1,914,851 |
20,373 |
19,139 |
Credit derivative contracts |
40,981 |
586 |
874 |
61,186 |
830 |
1,130 |
Equity and stock index options |
15,684 |
415 |
502 |
12,223 |
355 |
372 |
Commodity derivative contracts |
162,858 |
2,371 |
1,836 |
138,642 |
2,370 |
1,484 |
Total derivatives |
5,515,059 |
61,802 |
61,236 |
4,209,940 |
49,495 |
47,192 |
The Group limits exposure to credit losses in the event of default by entering into master netting agreements with certain market counterparties. As required by IAS 32, exposures are only presented net in these accounts where they are subject to legal right of offset and intended to be settled net in the ordinary course of business. Details of the amounts available for offset under master netting agreement can be found in the Risk review on page 33.
The Derivatives and Hedging sections of the Risk review on pages 73-74 explain the Group's risk management of derivative contracts and application of hedging.
14. Derivative financial instruments continued
Derivatives held for hedging |
Hedge accounting is applied to derivatives and hedged items when the criteria under IAS 39 have been met. The tables below list the types of derivatives that the Group holds for hedge accounting. |
2013 |
20121 |
Notional principal amounts |
Assets |
Liabilities |
Notional principal amounts |
Assets |
Liabilities |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Derivatives designated as fair value hedges: |
Interest rate swaps |
41,598 |
756 |
589 |
35,896 |
1,111 |
524 |
Forward foreign exchange contracts |
199 |
7 |
- |
427 |
- |
9 |
Currency swaps |
22,026 |
1,190 |
169 |
18,396 |
1,143 |
117 |
63,823 |
1,953 |
758 |
54,719 |
2,254 |
650 |
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges: |
Interest rate swaps |
20,564 |
22 |
19 |
17,033 |
33 |
17 |
Forward foreign exchange contracts |
2,150 |
42 |
38 |
2,066 |
52 |
1 |
Currency swaps |
7,169 |
20 |
15 |
8,955 |
23 |
13 |
29,883 |
84 |
72 |
28,054 |
108 |
31 |
Derivatives designated as net investment hedges: |
Forward foreign exchange contracts |
981 |
- |
84 |
671 |
- |
52 |
Total derivatives held for hedging |
94,687 |
2,037 |
914 |
83,444 |
2,362 |
733 |
1 The split within fair value hedges and cash flow hedges has been reclassified for prior year |
15. Loans and advances to banks |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Loans and advances to banks |
86,271 |
68,676 |
Individual impairment provision |
(100) |
(103) |
Portfolio impairment provision |
(2) |
(2) |
86,169 |
68,571 |
Of which: loans and advances held at fair value through profit or loss (note 12) |
(2,467) |
(774) |
83,702 |
67,797 |
Analysis of loans and advances to banks by geography are set out in the Risk review section on page 36. |
16. Loans and advances to customers |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Loans and advances to customers |
299,460 |
287,668 |
Individual impairment provision |
(2,749) |
(2,330) |
Portfolio impairment provision |
(696) |
(722) |
296,015 |
284,616 |
Of which: loans and advances held at fair value through profit or loss (note 12) |
(5,307) |
(4,978) |
290,708 |
279,638 |
The Group has outstanding residential mortgage loans to Korea residents of $12.6 billion (2012:$16.7 billion) and Hong Kong residents of $23.3 billion (2012: $21.4 billion).
Analysis of loans and advances to customers by geography and business and related impairment provisions are set out within the Risk review on pages 36 to 64.
17. Investment securities |
2013 |
Debt securities |
Available- for-sale |
Loans and receivables |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Issued by public bodies: |
Government securities |
26,111 |
- |
Other public sector securities |
928 |
- |
27,039 |
- |
Issued by banks: |
Certificates of deposit |
6,476 |
- |
Other debt securities |
24,897 |
49 |
31,373 |
49 |
Issued by corporate entities and other issuers: |
Other debt securities |
12,134 |
2,779 |
Total debt securities |
70,546 |
2,828 |
Of which: |
Listed on a recognised UK exchange |
5,563 |
1131 |
65 |
- |
5,741 |
Listed elsewhere |
26,091 |
6191 |
1,545 |
10,480 |
38,735 |
Unlisted |
38,892 |
2,096 |
1,489 |
15,763 |
58,240 |
70,546 |
2,828 |
3,099 |
26,243 |
102,716 |
Market value of listed securities |
31,654 |
732 |
1,610 |
10,480 |
44,476 |
1 |
These debt securities listed or registered on a recognised UK exchange or elsewhere, are thinly traded or the market for these securities is illiquid |
2012 |
Debt securities |
Available- for-sale |
Loans and receivables |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Issued by public bodies: |
Government securities |
23,059 |
390 |
Other public sector securities |
1,229 |
- |
24,288 |
390 |
Issued by banks: |
Certificates of deposit |
5,974 |
- |
Other debt securities |
24,195 |
114 |
30,169 |
114 |
Issued by corporate entities and other issuers : |
Other debt securities |
10,899 |
3,347 |
Total debt securities |
65,356 |
3,851 |
Of which: |
Listed on a recognised UK exchange |
6,858 |
1731 |
70 |
- |
7,101 |
Listed elsewhere |
22,816 |
8781 |
1,104 |
13,039 |
37,837 |
Unlisted |
35,682 |
2,800 |
2,104 |
13,701 |
54,287 |
65,356 |
3,851 |
3,278 |
26,740 |
99,225 |
Market value of listed securities |
29,674 |
1,006 |
1,174 |
13,039 |
44,893 |
1 |
These debt securities listed or registered on a recognised UK exchange or elsewhere, are thinly traded or the market for these securities is illiquid |
There are no debt securities classified as held-to-maturity. Equity shares largely comprise investments in corporates.
17. Investment securitiescontinued
The change in the carrying amount of investment securities comprised: |
2013 |
2012 |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
Debt securities |
Equity shares |
Treasury bills |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January |
69,207 |
3,278 |
26,740 |
99,225 |
60,975 |
2,543 |
21,428 |
84,946 |
Exchange translation differences |
(1,834) |
(9) |
(566) |
(2,409) |
678 |
14 |
627 |
1,319 |
Additions |
93,136 |
215 |
49,537 |
142,888 |
111,322 |
783 |
44,778 |
156,883 |
Maturities and disposals |
(86,954) |
(533) |
(49,676) |
(137,163) |
(104,558) |
(217) |
(40,552) |
(145,327) |
Impairment, net of recoveries on disposal |
(59) |
(61) |
- |
(120) |
24 |
(109) |
- |
(85) |
Changes in fair value (including the effect of fair value hedging) |
(91) |
209 |
(29) |
89 |
727 |
264 |
56 |
1,047 |
Amortisation of discounts and premiums |
(31) |
- |
237 |
206 |
39 |
- |
403 |
442 |
At 31 December |
73,374 |
3,099 |
26,243 |
102,716 |
69,207 |
3,278 |
26,740 |
99,225 |
The analysis of unamortised premiums and unamortised discounts on debt securities and income on equity shares held for investment purposes is provided below: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Debt securities: |
Unamortised premiums |
605 |
607 |
Unamortised discounts |
425 |
443 |
Income from listed equity shares |
67 |
54 |
Income from unlisted equity shares |
37 |
38 |
18. Other assets |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Financial assets held at amortised cost (note 12) |
Hong Kong SAR government certificates of indebtedness (note 24)1 |
4,460 |
4,191 |
Cash collateral |
9,240 |
5,068 |
Acceptances and endorsements |
5,501 |
4,957 |
Unsettled trades and other financial assets |
7,150 |
7,190 |
26,351 |
21,406 |
Non-financial assets and assets held for sale |
Commodities |
3,965 |
5,574 |
Assets held for sale2 |
1,623 |
43 |
Other |
1,631 |
1,525 |
33,570 |
28,548 |
1 The Hong Kong SAR government certificates of indebtedness are subordinated to the claims of other parties in respect of bank notes issued |
2 In 2013, assets held for sale include $1,563 million in respect of the Group's realignment of the Consumer Banking business in Korea. The disposal group consists of Standard Chartered Capital (Korea) Company Limited and Standard Chartered Savings Bank Korea Company Limited. The assets recorded here are classified as level 3. |
19. Business Combinations
2013 acquisitions
On 2 December 2013 the Group completed the acquisition of the South African custody and trustee business of Absa Bank for a consideration of $36 million recognising goodwill of $16 million. The net assets acquired primarily comprised customer relationships that have been recognised as intangibles assets of the Group.
Goodwill arising on the acquisition is attributable to the synergies expected to arise from their integration with the Group. The primary reason for this acquisition is to enhance capability.
2012 acquisitions
On 4 November 2012, the Group completed the acquisition of 100 per cent of the issued and paid up share capital of Credit Agricole Yatirim Bankasi Turk A.S. (CAYBT), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, for a consideration of $63 million, recognising goodwill of $26 million. The net assets acquired primarily comprised balances held with central banks. The goodwill acquired largely represents intangibles that are not separately recognised, and primarily relates to the associated banking license. The primary reason for these acquisitions is to enhance capability and broaden product offering to customers.
20. Goodwill and intangible assets |
2013 |
2012 |
Goodwill |
Acquired intangibles |
Software |
Total |
Goodwill |
Acquired intangibles |
Software |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Cost |
At 1 January |
6,378 |
658 |
923 |
7,959 |
6,186 |
643 |
806 |
7,635 |
Exchange translation differences |
(187) |
(15) |
(15) |
(217) |
158 |
14 |
41 |
213 |
Acquisitions |
16 |
35 |
- |
51 |
34 |
3 |
- |
37 |
Additions |
- |
- |
372 |
372 |
- |
- |
294 |
294 |
Amounts written off |
(1,000) |
- |
(175) |
(1,175) |
- |
(2) |
(218) |
(220) |
Other movements |
- |
- |
(2) |
(2) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At 31 December |
5,207 |
678 |
1,103 |
6,988 |
6,378 |
658 |
923 |
7,959 |
Provision for amortisation |
At 1 January |
- |
481 |
333 |
814 |
- |
404 |
340 |
744 |
Exchange translation differences |
- |
(6) |
2 |
(4) |
- |
14 |
15 |
29 |
Amortisation for the period |
- |
55 |
226 |
281 |
- |
65 |
189 |
254 |
Amounts written off |
- |
- |
(173) |
(173) |
- |
(2) |
(211) |
(213) |
At 31 December |
- |
530 |
388 |
918 |
- |
481 |
333 |
814 |
Net book value |
5,207 |
148 |
715 |
6,070 |
6,378 |
177 |
590 |
7,145 |
20. Goodwill and intangible assets continued Testing of goodwill for impairment
An annual assessment is made as to whether the current carrying value of goodwill is impaired. For the purposes of impairment testing goodwill is allocated at the date of acquisition to a cash-generating unit (CGU), and the table below sets out the goodwill allocated to each CGU. Goodwill is considered to be impaired if the carrying amount of the relevant CGU exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amounts for all the CGUs were measured based on value-in-use. The key assumptions used in determining the recoverable amounts are set out below and are solely estimates for the purposes of assessing impairment of acquired goodwill. |
2013 |
2012 |
Goodwill |
Pre-tax discount rate |
Long-term forecast GDP growth rates |
Goodwill |
Pre-tax discount rate |
Long-term forecast GDP growth rates |
Cash Generating Unit |
$million |
per cent |
per cent |
$million |
per cent |
per cent |
Korean business |
794 |
16.5 |
3.9 |
1,850 |
16.4 |
3.9 |
Pakistan business |
249 |
25.9 |
4.4 |
270 |
27.6 |
3.5 |
Taiwan business |
1,313 |
18.6 |
4.4 |
1,348 |
16.3 |
4.8 |
Credit card and personal loan - Asia, India & MESA |
896 |
15.8 |
1.4 |
896 |
15.8 |
1.8 |
India business |
324 |
17.7 |
6.5 |
364 |
16.8 |
6.8 |
MESA business |
368 |
19.1 |
4.1 |
368 |
20.4 |
4.0 |
Thailand business |
315 |
16.4 |
4.7 |
331 |
16.1 |
5.0 |
Financial Institutions and Private Banking business |
396 |
14.5 |
1.4 |
396 |
15.2 |
1.8 |
Corporate advisory business |
75 |
15.8 |
1.4 |
77 |
15.9 |
1.8 |
Consumer banking business in Singapore |
221 |
11.2 |
3.8 |
228 |
12.6 |
3.8 |
Other |
256 |
12.4-15.8 |
1.4 - 7.4 |
250 |
15.6 - 17.0 |
1.8 - 7.5 |
5,207 |
6,378 |
Methodology for determining value-in-use
The calculation of value-in-use for each CGU is based on cash flow projections over a 20 year period, including a terminal value which is determined based on long-term earnings multiple consistent with available market data. These cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax discount rate which reflects current market rates appropriate to the CGU as set out in the table below.
The cash flow projections are based on budgets and forecasts approved by management covering one year, except for Taiwan, Korea, Thailand and Pakistan CGUs, where management forecasts cover a total of five years to 2018. Management forecasts project growth rates greater than long-term GDP rates but which are in line with past performance as adjusted to reflect the current economic climate. For the period after management approved forecasts, the cash flows are extrapolated forward using steady long-term forecast GDP growth rates appropriate to the CGU.
Outcome of impairment assessment
The Group performed an impairment assessment on the level of goodwill assigned to the Korea CGU as at 30 June 2013 prior to its annual assessment date as a result of its consideration of reduced expectation for future cash flows and fluctuations in the discount rate. Based on this analysis, the carrying amount was assessed as exceeding the recoverable value by $1 billion which was recognised as an impairment charge.
At 31 December 2013, the results of our annual assessment review indicated that there is no other goodwill impairment to be recognised for 2013. Other than for the Korea CGU, the Group also believes that a reasonable possible change in any of the key assumptions on which the recoverable amounts have been based would not cause the carrying amounts to exceed their recoverable amount.
It continues to be possible that certain scenarios (to which Korea is more sensitive than other CGUs) could be constructed where a combination of a material change in the discount rate coupled with a reduction in current business plan forecasts or the GDP growth rate, would potentially result in the carrying amount of the goodwill exceeding the recoverable amount in the future.
21. Deposits by banks |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Deposits by banks |
43,517 |
36,427 |
Deposits by banks included within: |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss (note 12) |
1,009 |
968 |
Total deposits by bank |
44,526 |
37,395 |
22. Customer accounts |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Customer accounts |
381,066 |
372,874 |
Customer accounts included within: |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss (note 12) |
9,905 |
12,243 |
Total customer accounts |
390,971 |
385,117 |
Included in customer accounts were deposits of $4,956 million (2012: $2,862 million) held as collateral for irrevocable commitments under import letters of credit.
23. Debt securities in issue |
2013 |
2012 |
Certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more |
Other debt securities in issue |
Total |
Certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more |
Other debt securities in issue |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Debt securities in issue |
21,082 |
43,507 |
64,589 |
16,982 |
38,997 |
55,979 |
Debt securities in issue included within: |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss (note 12) |
141 |
6,682 |
6,823 |
165 |
5,096 |
5,261 |
Total debt securities in issue |
21,223 |
50,189 |
71,412 |
17,147 |
44,093 |
61,240 |
24. Other liabilities |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Financial liabilities held at amortised cost (note 12) |
Notes in circulation1 |
4,460 |
4,191 |
Acceptances and endorsements |
5,501 |
4,900 |
Cash collateral |
5,147 |
3,245 |
Unsettled trades and other financial liabilities |
6,786 |
7,211 |
21,894 |
19,547 |
Non-financial liabilities |
Cash-settled share based payments |
73 |
84 |
Liabilities held for sale2 |
344 |
- |
Other liabilities |
5,027 |
4,654 |
Total other liabilities |
27,338 |
24,285 |
1 Hong Kong currency notes in circulation of $4,460 million (2012: $4,191 million) that are secured by the government of Hong Kong SAR certificates of indebtedness of the same amount included in other assets (note 18) |
2 Liabilities held for sale of $344 million is in respect of the Group's realignment of the Consumer Banking business in Korea. The disposal group consists of Standard Chartered Capital (Korea) Company Limited and Standard Chartered Savings Bank Korea Company Limited. In addition, the businesses also have total net liabilities due to Group undertakings of $1.1 billion which will be transferred to the acquirer on completion of the sale. Liabilities recorded here are classified as level 2. |
25. Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
20,397 |
18,588 |
2013 |
2012 |
Euro |
Others |
Euro |
Others |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Fixed rate subordinated debt |
9,663 |
3,922 |
4,426 |
2,060 |
7,512 |
4,638 |
2,706 |
2,400 |
Floating rate subordinated debt |
238 |
50 |
- |
38 |
338 |
50 |
890 |
54 |
Total |
9,901 |
3,972 |
4,426 |
2,098 |
7,850 |
4,688 |
3,596 |
2,454 |
All subordinated liabilities are unsecured, unguaranteed and subordinated to the claims of other creditors including without limitation, customer deposits and deposits by banks. The Group has the right to settle these debt instruments in certain circumstances as set out in the contractual agreements.
On 11 January 2013, the Company issued $2 billion 3.95 per cent fixed interest rate notes due January 2023.
On 11 January 2013, the Company issued $500 million 5.3 per cent fixed interest rate notes due January 2043. On 17 January 2013, the Company issued a further $250 million 5.3 per cent fixed interest rate notes due January 2043 which were consolidated and form a single series with the existing $500 million 5.3 per cent fixed interest rate notes due January 2043 issued on 11 January 2013.
On 26 September 2013, the Company issued $1 billion 5.2 per cent fixed interest rate notes due January 2024.
On 21 October 2013, the Company issued €1.25 billion 4 per cent fixed interest rate notes due October 2025.
On 15 January 2013, Standard Chartered Bank (Botswana) Limited exercised its right to redeem its BWP75 million floating rate subordinated notes in full on the first optional call date.
On 25 January 2013, Standard Chartered Bank exercised the right to redeem its £300 million 6.0 per cent fixed rate subordinated notes in full on the first optional call date.
On 29 January 2013, Standard Chartered (Pakistan) Limited redeemed its PKR1 billion floating rate note on maturity.
On 28 March 2013, Standard Chartered Bank exercised its right to redeem its $100 million floating rate subordinated notes in full on the first optional call date.
On 28 March 2013, Standard Chartered Bank exercised the right to redeem its €675 million floating rate subordinated notes in full on the first optional call date.
On 25 April 2013, Standard Chartered Bank Korea Limited exercised its right to redeem its KRW260 billion 6.08 per cent subordinated debt in full on the first optional call date.
On 27 November 2013, the Company exercised its right to redeem its $925 million 8.125 per cent non-cumulative redeemable Dollar Preference Shares on the first optional call date.
The following subordinated notes issued by PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata) are no longer disclosed as part of the Group consolidated accounts due to IFRS 11 'Joint Arrangements' which requires all joint ventures to be equity accounted:
· $22 million 9.75 per cent fixed to floating interest rate note 2021 (callable and floating rate from 2016)
· IDR 700 billion 8.9 per cent subordinated notes 2019
· IDR 1,750 billion 11 per cent subordinated notes 2018
· IDR 1,800 billion 9.4 per cent subordinated notes 2019
26. Retirement benefit obligations |
Retirement benefit obligations comprise: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Total market value of assets |
2,585 |
2,366 |
Present value of the schemes' liabilities |
(2,926) |
(2,836) |
Defined benefit schemes obligation |
(341) |
(470) |
Defined contribution schemes obligation |
(24) |
(21) |
Net book amount |
(365) |
(491) |
Retirement benefit charge comprises: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Defined benefit schemes |
119 |
96 |
Defined contribution schemes |
217 |
203 |
Charge against profit |
336 |
299 |
The pension cost for defined benefit schemes was: |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Current service cost |
100 |
100 |
Past service cost and curtailments |
4 |
3 |
Gain on settlements |
- |
(6) |
Interest income on pension scheme assets |
(93) |
(112) |
Interest on pension scheme liabilities |
108 |
111 |
Total charge to profit before deduction of tax |
119 |
96 |
Gain on assets above expected return |
(69) |
(75) |
(Gain)/loss on liabilities |
(10) |
151 |
Total (gains)/loss recognised directly in statement of comprehensive income before tax |
(79) |
76 |
Deferred taxation |
21 |
(14) |
Total (gains)/loss after tax |
(58) |
62 |
27. Share capital, reserves and own shares
Number of ordinary shares |
Ordinary share capital |
Preference share capital |
Total |
(millions) |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January 2012 |
2,384 |
1,192 |
- |
1,192 |
Capitalised on scrip dividend |
25 |
13 |
- |
13 |
Shares issued |
4 |
2 |
- |
2 |
At 31 December 2012 |
2,413 |
1,207 |
- |
1,207 |
Capitalised on scrip dividend |
4 |
2 |
- |
2 |
Shares issued |
10 |
5 |
- |
5 |
At 31 December 2013 |
2,427 |
1,214 |
- |
1,214 |
On 13 May 2013, the Company issued 1,727,682 new ordinary shares instead of the 2012 final dividend and on 17 October 2013 the Company issued 2,081,685 new ordinary shares instead of the 2013 interim dividend.
During the year 10,542,375 new ordinary shares were issued under employee share plans at prices between nil and 1,463 pence.
On 14 May 2012, the Company issued 6,961,782 new ordinary shares instead of the 2011 final dividend and on 11 October 2012 the Company issued 18,454,741 new ordinary shares instead of the 2012 interim dividend.
During the year 3,559,652 new ordinary shares were issued under employee share plans at prices between nil and 1,463 pence.
27. Share capital, reserves and own shares continued
Own shares
Bedell Cristin Trustees Limited is trustee of both the 1995 Employees' Share Ownership Plan Trust (the 1995 trust), which is an employee benefit trust used in conjunction with some of the Group's employee share schemes, and of the Standard Chartered 2004 Employee Benefit Trust (the 2004 trust) which is an employee benefit trust used in conjunction with the Group's deferred bonus plan and the delivery of shares to satisfy any discretionary variable compensation arrangements such as the annual performance plan. The trustee has agreed to satisfy a number of awards made under these arrangements through the relevant employee benefit trust. As part of these arrangements Group companies fund the trust, from time to time, to enable the trustee to acquire shares to satisfy these awards. All shares have been acquired through the London Stock Exchange.
Except as disclosed, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has bought, sold or redeemed any securities of the company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited during the year. Details of the shares purchased and held by the trusts are set out below.
1995 Trust |
2004 Trust |
Total |
Number of shares |
2013 |
2012 |
2013 |
2012 |
2013 |
2012 |
Shares purchased |
4,855,145 |
15,984,057 |
790,829 |
977,7611 |
5,645,974 |
16,961,818 |
Market price of shares purchased ($ million) |
133 |
386 |
21 |
25 |
154 |
411 |
Shares held at the end of the year |
5,575,821 |
6,809,2692 |
141,160 |
211,415 |
5,716,981 |
7,020,684 |
Maximum number of shares held during year |
7,278,439 |
18,321,546 |
1 The acquisition of shares in the year to 31 December 2012 was overstated by 4,472 shares in the 2012 accounts and has therefore been restated |
2 The closing balance at 31 December 2012 was understated by 894 shares in the 2012 accounts and has therefore been restated |
28. Non-controlling interests |
$300m 7.267% Hybrid Tier 1 Securities |
Other non-controlling interests |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
At 1 January 2012 |
320 |
341 |
661 |
Expenses in equity attributable to non-controlling interests |
- |
(14) |
(14) |
Other profits attributable to non-controlling interests |
22 |
76 |
98 |
Comprehensive income for the year |
22 |
62 |
84 |
Distributions |
(22) |
(38) |
(60) |
Other increases |
- |
8 |
8 |
At 31 December 2012 |
320 |
373 |
693 |
Expenses in equity attributable to non-controlling interests |
- |
(31) |
(31) |
Other profits attributable to non-controlling interests |
22 |
88 |
110 |
Comprehensive income for the year |
22 |
57 |
79 |
Distributions |
(22) |
(55) |
(77) |
Other decreases |
- |
(100) |
(100) |
At 31 December 2013 |
320 |
275 |
595 |
The $300 million 7.267% Hybrid Tier 1 securities were issued by Standard Chartered Bank Korea Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group, and are classified in equity. The Group has no interest in these securities. |
29. Cash flow statement |
Adjustment for non-cash items and other adjustments included within income statement |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Amortisation of discounts and premiums of investment securities |
(206) |
(442) |
Interest expense on subordinated liabilities |
655 |
569 |
Interest expense on senior debt securities in issue |
492 |
418 |
Other non-cash items (including own credit adjustment) |
173 |
120 |
Pension costs for defined benefit schemes |
119 |
96 |
Share based payment costs |
264 |
374 |
UK bank levy |
55 |
10 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
1,617 |
1,196 |
Other impairment |
1,129 |
196 |
Loss on business classified as held for sale |
49 |
- |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
(226) |
(116) |
Total |
4,121 |
2,421 |
Change in operating assets |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
(Increase)/decrease in derivative financial instruments |
(13,065) |
18,684 |
Decrease/(increase) in debt securities, treasury bills and equity shares held at fair value through profit or loss |
5,220 |
(3,077) |
Net increase in loans and advances to banks and customers |
(29,918) |
(20,925) |
(Increase) / decrease in pre-payments and accrued income |
(8) |
(39) |
(Increase)/decrease in other assets |
(6,373) |
(3,052) |
Total |
(44,144) |
(8,409) |
Change in operating liabilities |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Increase/(decrease) in derivative financial instruments |
14,804 |
(18,968) |
Net increase in deposits from banks, customer accounts, debt securities in issue, Hong Kong notes in circulation and short positions |
28,996 |
37,826 |
(Decrease) / increase in accruals and deferred income |
(39) |
113 |
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities |
1,387 |
(1) |
Total |
45,148 |
18,970 |
30. Cash and cash equivalents |
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash, on demand and overnight balances with central banks (unless restricted) and balances with less than three months maturity from the date of acquisition, including: treasury bills and other eligible bills, loans and advances to banks, and short-term government securities. The following balances with less than three months maturity from the date of acquisition have been identified by the Group as being cash and cash equivalents. Restricted balances comprise minimum balances required to be held at central banks. |
Group |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Cash and balances at central banks |
54,534 |
60,537 |
Less restricted balances |
(9,946) |
(9,336) |
Treasury bills and other eligible bills |
6,561 |
3,101 |
Loans and advances to banks |
29,509 |
23,909 |
Trading securities |
3,498 |
1,307 |
Total |
84,156 |
79,518 |
31. Restatement of prior year
The Group has introduced the following changes in its financial statements and has re-presented prior year balances on a similar basis to enhance the comparability of information presented.
Restatements impacting 31 December 2012
· Application of IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements as discussed in Note 1
The Group's investment in Permata has been presented using the equity method of accounting, applied on a retrospective basis. There is no impact on the profit for the period or Shareholders' equity, however, profit before taxation is lower as a result of profits from joint ventures been reported on a net of tax basis (see pages 137 to 141).
· Allocation of associates and joint ventures to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking
The Group's profits and interests in associates are allocated to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking. The associates balances were previously reported as corporate items not allocated. Joint venture balances were previously allocated to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking on a line by line basis and has been presented within the line following adoption of IFRS 11 (see page 141).
Goodwill and intangible assets previously allocated to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking is now reported in Corporate items not allocated.
· Reclassification of liabilities due to operational improvements
The Group has reclassified certain liabilities measured at fair value, these liabilities were previously reported as trading but now classified as fair value through profit and loss (see page 141).
The impact of the above restatements on the primary statements is set out on pages 137 to 141.
Income statement |
As reported |
Permata |
Restated |
Notes |
31.12.12 |
restatement |
31.12.12 |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Interest income |
18,258 |
(431) |
17,827 |
Interest expense |
(7,248) |
202 |
(7,046) |
Net interest income |
11,010 |
(229) |
10,781 |
Fees and commission income |
4,618 |
(43) |
4,575 |
Fees and commission expense |
(497) |
1 |
(496) |
Net trading income |
3 |
2,748 |
(9) |
2,739 |
Other operating income |
4 |
1,192 |
(8) |
1,184 |
Non-interest income |
8,061 |
(59) |
8,002 |
Operating income |
19,071 |
(288) |
18,783 |
Staff costs |
5 |
(6,584) |
92 |
(6,492) |
Premises costs |
5 |
(886) |
23 |
(863) |
General administrative expenses |
5 |
(2,758) |
51 |
(2,707) |
Depreciation and amortisation |
6 |
(668) |
8 |
(660) |
Operating expenses |
(10,896) |
174 |
(10,722) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
8,175 |
(114) |
8,061 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
7 |
(1,221) |
25 |
(1,196) |
Other impairment |
8 |
(194) |
(2) |
(196) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
116 |
66 |
182 |
Profit before taxation |
6,876 |
(25) |
6,851 |
Taxation |
9 |
(1,891) |
25 |
(1,866) |
Profit for the year |
4,985 |
- |
4,985 |
31. Restatement of prior year continued
Statement of other comprehensive income |
As reported |
Permata |
Restated |
2012 |
restatement |
2012 |
Notes |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Profit for the year |
4,985 |
- |
4,985 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Items that will not be reclassified to Income statement: |
Actuarial losses on retirement benefit obligations |
26 |
(76) |
- |
(76) |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to Income statement: |
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations: |
Net gains taken to equity |
575 |
(7) |
568 |
Net losses on net investment hedges |
(73) |
- |
(73) |
Share of other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures |
(2) |
6 |
4 |
Available-for-sale-investments: |
Net valuation gains taken to equity |
1,056 |
(2) |
1,054 |
Reclassified to income statement |
(339) |
3 |
(336) |
Cash flow hedges: |
Net gains taken to equity |
133 |
- |
133 |
Reclassified to income statement |
(20) |
- |
(20) |
Taxation relating to components of other comprehensive income |
9 |
(132) |
- |
(132) |
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of taxation |
1,122 |
- |
1,122 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
6,107 |
- |
6,107 |
31. Restatement of prior year continued
Balance sheet |
As reported |
Permata |
Restated |
Notes |
2012 |
restatement |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks |
12, 30 |
61,043 |
(506) |
60,537 |
Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss |
12, 13 |
27,084 |
(8) |
27,076 |
Derivative financial instruments |
12, 14 |
49,496 |
(1) |
49,495 |
Loans and advances to banks |
12, 15 |
68,381 |
(584) |
67,797 |
Loans and advances to customers |
12, 16 |
283,885 |
(4,247) |
279,638 |
Investment securities |
12, 17 |
99,413 |
(188) |
99,225 |
Other assets |
12, 18 |
28,818 |
(270) |
28,548 |
Current tax assets |
215 |
- |
215 |
Prepayments and accrued income |
2,581 |
(29) |
2,552 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures |
953 |
731 |
1,684 |
Goodwill and intangible assets |
20 |
7,312 |
(167) |
7,145 |
Property, plant and equipment |
6,646 |
(26) |
6,620 |
Deferred tax assets |
691 |
(15) |
676 |
Total assets |
636,518 |
(5,310) |
631,208 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks |
12, 21 |
36,477 |
(50) |
36,427 |
Customer accounts |
12, 22 |
377,639 |
(4,765) |
372,874 |
Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss |
12, 13 |
23,064 |
- |
23,064 |
Derivative financial instruments |
12, 14 |
47,192 |
- |
47,192 |
Debt securities in issue |
12, 23 |
55,979 |
- |
55,979 |
Other liabilities |
12, 24 |
24,504 |
(219) |
24,285 |
Current tax liabilities |
1,069 |
(3) |
1,066 |
Accruals and deferred income |
4,860 |
(49) |
4,811 |
Subordinated liabilities and other borrowed funds |
12, 25 |
18,799 |
(211) |
18,588 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
161 |
- |
161 |
Provisions for liabilities and charges |
215 |
- |
215 |
Retirement benefit obligations |
26 |
504 |
(13) |
491 |
Total liabilities |
590,463 |
(5,310) |
585,153 |
Equity |
Share capital |
27 |
1,207 |
- |
1,207 |
Reserves |
44,155 |
- |
44,155 |
Total parent company shareholders' equity |
45,362 |
- |
45,362 |
Non-controlling interests |
28 |
693 |
- |
693 |
Total equity |
46,055 |
- |
46,055 |
Total equity and liabilities |
636,518 |
(5,310) |
631,208 |
31. Restatement of prior year continued
Cash flow statement |
As reported |
Permata |
Restated |
Notes |
2012 |
restatement |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit before taxation |
6,876 |
(25) |
6,851 |
Adjustments for: |
Non-cash items and other adjustments included within income statement |
29 |
2,465 |
(44) |
2,421 |
Change in operating assets |
29 |
(15,882) |
7,473 |
(8,409) |
Change in operating liabilities |
29 |
26,416 |
(7,446) |
18,970 |
Contributions to defined benefit schemes |
(204) |
1 |
(203) |
UK and overseas taxes paid |
(1,791) |
24 |
(1,767) |
Net cash from operating activities |
17,880 |
(17) |
17,863 |
Net cash flows from investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(168) |
6 |
(162) |
Disposal of property, plant and equipment |
195 |
- |
195 |
Acquisition of investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, net of cash acquired |
(63) |
- |
(63) |
Purchase of investment securities |
(157,325) |
442 |
(156,883) |
Disposal and maturity of investment securities |
145,905 |
(578) |
145,327 |
Dividends received from investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
14 |
- |
14 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(11,442) |
(130) |
(11,572) |
Net cash flows from financing activities |
Issue of ordinary and preference share capital, net of expenses |
59 |
- |
59 |
Purchase of own shares |
(425) |
- |
(425) |
Exercise of share options through ESOP |
39 |
- |
39 |
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities |
(871) |
(118) |
(989) |
Gross proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities |
3,390 |
- |
3,390 |
Repayment of subordinated liabilities |
(1,701) |
- |
(1,701) |
Interest paid on senior debts |
(867) |
- |
(867) |
Gross proceeds from issue of senior debts |
11,453 |
- |
11,453 |
Repayment of senior debts |
(5,938) |
- |
(5,938) |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests and preference shareholders, net of scrip |
(161) |
- |
(161) |
Dividends paid to ordinary shareholders, net of scrip |
(1,306) |
- |
(1,306) |
Net cash from financing activities |
3,672 |
(118) |
3,554 |
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
10,110 |
(265) |
9,845 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year |
70,450 |
(884) |
69,566 |
Effect of exchange rate movements on cash and cash equivalents |
40 |
67 |
107 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year |
30 |
80,600 |
(1,082) |
79,518 |
31. Restatement of prior year continued
Restatement by class of business |
The Group's profits and interests in associates are allocated to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking. The associates balances were previously reported as corporate items not allocated. Joint venture balances were previously allocated to Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking on a line by line basis and has been presented within the line following adoption of IFRS 11. |
As reported |
Restatement |
Restated |
2012 |
2012 |
2012 |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Corporate items not allocated |
Total |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Corporate items not allocated |
Total |
Consumer Banking |
Wholesale Banking |
Corporate items not allocated |
Total reportable segments |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Operating income |
7,202 |
11,779 |
90 |
19,071 |
(181) |
(107) |
- |
(288) |
7,021 |
11,672 |
90 |
18,783 |
Operating expenses |
(4,723) |
(5,999) |
(174) |
(10,896) |
127 |
47 |
- |
174 |
(4,596) |
(5,952) |
(174) |
(10,722) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
2,479 |
5,780 |
(84) |
8,175 |
(54) |
(60) |
- |
(114) |
2,425 |
5,720 |
(84) |
8,061 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(697) |
(524) |
- |
(1,221) |
23 |
2 |
- |
25 |
(674) |
(522) |
- |
(1,196) |
Other impairment |
(4) |
(120) |
(70) |
(194) |
(41) |
(31) |
70 |
(2) |
(45) |
(151) |
- |
(196) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
- |
- |
116 |
116 |
43 |
139 |
(116) |
66 |
43 |
139 |
- |
182 |
Profit before taxation |
1,778 |
5,136 |
(38) |
6,876 |
(29) |
50 |
(46) |
(25) |
1,749 |
5,186 |
(84) |
6,851 |
Total assets employed |
143,250 |
491,409 |
1,859 |
636,518 |
(4,551) |
(6,936) |
6,177 |
(5,310) |
138,699 |
484,473 |
8,036 |
631,208 |
Total liabilities employed |
189,779 |
399,454 |
1,230 |
590,463 |
(3,452) |
(1,855) |
(3) |
(5,310) |
186,327 |
397,599 |
1,227 |
585,153 |
Reclassification of financial liabilities |
As reported 2012 |
Restatement 2012 |
Restated 2012 |
Trading |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Total |
Trading |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Total |
Trading |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Total |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Deposits by banks |
933 |
35 |
968 |
(933) |
933 |
- |
- |
968 |
968 |
Customer accounts |
4,858 |
7,385 |
12,243 |
(4,858) |
4,858 |
- |
- |
12,243 |
12,243 |
Debt securities in issue |
3,902 |
1,359 |
5,261 |
(3,902) |
3,902 |
- |
- |
5,261 |
5,261 |
Total |
9,693 |
8,779 |
18,472 |
(9,693) |
9,693 |
- |
- |
18,472 |
18,472 |
32. Contingent liabilities and commitments |
The table below shows the contract or underlying principal amounts and risk weighted amounts of unmatured off-balance sheet transactions at the balance sheet date. The contract or underlying principal amounts indicate the volume of business outstanding and do not represent amounts at risk. |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Contingent liabilities |
Guarantees and irrevocable letters of credit |
36,936 |
34,258 |
Other contingent liabilities |
10,002 |
10,035 |
46,938 |
44,293 |
Commitments |
Documentary credits and short term trade-related transactions |
7,409 |
7,610 |
Forward asset purchases and forward deposits placed |
459 |
711 |
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: |
One year and over |
43,294 |
39,294 |
Less than one year |
17,983 |
17,353 |
Unconditionally cancellable |
123,481 |
110,138 |
192,626 |
175,106 |
The Group's share of contingent liabilities and commitments relating to joint ventures is $388 million (2012: $348 million)
33. Legal and regulatory matters
The Group receives legal claims against it in a number of jurisdictions arising in the normal course of business. The Group considers none of these matters as material either individually or in aggregate. Where appropriate the Group recognises a provision for liabilities when it is probable that an outflow of economic resources embodying economic benefits will be required and for which a reliable estimate can be made of the obligation.
The Group seeks to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, but may be subject to regulatory actions and investigations across our markets, the outcome of which are generally difficult to predict and can be material to the Group.
Further details in the 'Regulatory compliance, reviews, request for information and investigations' and 'Risk of fraud and other criminal acts' sections' are set out on pages 27 and 28 of the Risk Review.
34. Post balance sheet events
On 1 January 2014 the Group adopted a new regional geographic structure in order to better align with how the Group is managed. The new regions are Greater China (including Hong Kong), North East Asia (including Korea), ASEAN (Including Singapore), South Asia (Including India), Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan, Africa, Americas, and Europe.
On 9January 2014 the Group announced that with effect from 1 April 2014 the two businesses of the Group, Wholesale Banking and Consumer Banking would be integrated to form one business. The new business will be organised into 3 segment groups (Corporate and Institutional; Commercial and Private banking; and Retail and Small business) serviced by 5 global product groups. The impact of this change will be reflected in the Group's 2014 Half Year report.
35. Related party transactions |
Directors and officers |
Details of directors' remuneration and interests in shares are disclosed in the Directors' remuneration report. |
IAS 24 'Related party disclosures' requires the following additional information for key management compensation. Key management comprises non-executive directors, executive directors of Standard Chartered PLC and the Court Directors of Standard Chartered Bank. |
2013 |
2012 |
$million |
$million |
Salaries, allowances and benefits in kind |
25 |
21 |
Pension contributions |
5 |
51 |
Bonuses paid or receivable |
7 |
10 |
Share based payments |
28 |
35 |
65 |
71 |
1The 2012 pension balance has been restated (previously stated as $6 million). In addition, for 2013, the methodology for calculating pension value has been changed to be consistent with the new UK remuneration reporting requirements. The change in methodology does not affect the restated 2012 balance as the difference in value is not material.
Transactions with directors, officers and others |
At 31 December 2013, the total amounts to be disclosed under the Companies Act 2006 (the Act) and the Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (HK Listing Rules) about loans to directors and officers were as follows: |
2013 |
2012 |
Number |
$000 |
Number |
$000 |
Directors |
5 |
6,446 |
4 |
4,898 |
Officers1 |
- |
- |
1 |
18 |
1 For this disclosure in respect of 2012 the term 'Officers' means the members of the Executive Management Group other than those who were directors of Standard Chartered PLC and the Group Company Secretary. |
Directors, connected persons or officers
There were no material transactions, arrangements or agreements outstanding for any director, connected person or officer of the Company which have to be disclosed under the Act, the rules of the UK Listing Authority or the HK Listing Rules.
The Group has loans and advances to Merchant Solutions and China Bohai Bank totalling $nil million and $20 million respectively at 31 December 2013 (2012: $29 million and $32 million respectively) and amounts payable to Merchant Solutions and China Bohai Bank of $27 million and $20 million respectively at 31 December 2013 (2012: $21 million and $16 million respectively).
Joint ventures
The Group has loans and advances to PT Bank Permata Tbk totalling $31 million at 31 December 2013 (2012: $18 million), and deposits of $31 million (2012: $23 million). The Group has investments in subordinated debt issued by PT Bank Permata Tbk of $114 million (2012: $128 million).
36. Corporate governance |
The directors confirm that, throughout the year, the Company has complied with the code provisions set out in the corporate governance code continued in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ("HK Listing Rules"). The Company confirms that it has adopted a code of conduct regarding securities transactions by directors on terms no less exacting than required by Appendix 10 of the HK Listing Rules and that the directors of the Company have complied with this code of conduct throughout the year.
The directors also confirm that the announcement of these results have been reviewed by the Company's Audit Committee.
37. Other information |
The financial information included within this document does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 were approved by the directors on 5 March 2014. These accounts will be published on 28 March 2014 after which they will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales. The report of the auditors on these accounts was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not include a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.
38. UK and Hong Kong accounting requirements |
As required by the HK Listing Rules, an explanation of the differences in accounting practices between EU endorsed IFRS and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards is required to be disclosed. There would be no significant differences had these accounts been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. EU endorsed IFRS may differ from IFRSs published by the International Accounting Standards Board if a standard has not been endorsed by the EU.
Standard Chartered PLC - Statement of directors' responsibilities
The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:
(a) the consolidated financial information contained herein has been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and
(b) this announcement includes:
(i) an indication of important events that have occurred during the year ended 31 December 2013 and their impact on the consolidated financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties; and
(ii) details of material related party transactions in the year ended 31 December 2013 and any material changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report of the Group.
By order of the Board
R H Meddings
Group Finance Director
5 March 2014
Standard Chartered PLC - Additional information
A. Remuneration
The Group employed 86,640 staff at 31 December 2013 (2012: 89,058).
Performance and reward philosophy and principles
Our approach to performance, reward and benefits supports and drives our business strategy and reinforces our values in the context of a clearly articulated risk appetite.
Our approach:
· supports a strong performance-oriented culture, ensuring that individual reward and incentives relate directly to: (i) the performance and behaviour of the individual (ii) the performance of the business; and (iii) the interests of shareholders.
· ensures a competitive reward package that reflects our international nature and enable us to attract, retain and motivate our employees.
· reflects the fact that many of our employees bring international experience and expertise, and we recruit from a global marketplace.
· encourages an appropriate mix of fixed and variable compensation based on (i) the individual's responsibility and (ii) the individual's risk profile and that of the business.
Total remuneration is typically delivered via a combination of base salary and benefits plus variable compensation. Consistent with our pay for performance culture, our discretionary variable compensation incentives play an integral role in enabling us to recognise and reward superior performance and behaviour that support our values.
Standard Chartered PLC - Additional information continued
B. Summarised consolidated income statement |
First and second half 2013 |
1st half 2013 |
2nd half 2013 |
2013 |
$million |
$million |
$million |
Interest income |
8,914 |
8,679 |
17,593 |
Interest expense |
(3,316) |
(3,121) |
(6,437) |
Net interest income |
5,598 |
5,558 |
11,156 |
Fees and commission income |
2,338 |
2,243 |
4,581 |
Fees and commission expense |
(243) |
(237) |
(480) |
Net trading income1 |
1,685 |
829 |
2,514 |
Other operating income2 |
610 |
396 |
1,006 |
Total non-interest income |
4,390 |
3,231 |
7,621 |
Operating income |
9,988 |
8,789 |
18,777 |
Staff costs |
(3,397) |
(3,173) |
(6,570) |
Premises costs |
(426) |
(451) |
(877) |
General administrative expenses |
(860) |
(1,172) |
(2,032) |
Depreciation and amortisation |
(351) |
(363) |
(714) |
Operating expenses |
(5,034) |
(5,159) |
(10,193) |
Operating profit before impairment losses and taxation |
4,954 |
3,630 |
8,584 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances and other credit risk provisions |
(730) |
(887) |
(1,617) |
Other impairment: |
Goodwill Impairment |
(1,000) |
- |
(1,000) |
Other |
(11) |
(118) |
(129) |
Profit from associates and joint ventures |
112 |
114 |
226 |
Profit before taxation |
3,325 |
2,739 |
6,064 |
Taxation |
(1,089) |
(775) |
(1,864) |
Profit for the year |
2,236 |
1,964 |
4,200 |
Profit attributable to: |
Non-controlling interests |
55 |
55 |
110 |
Parent company shareholders |
2,181 |
1,909 |
4,090 |
Profit for the year |
2,236 |
1,964 |
4,200 |
Earnings per share: |
Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents) |
88.1 |
76.4 |
164.4 |
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents) |
87.3 |
75.6 |
163.0 |
1 Includes Own credit adjustment (OCA) gain of $237 million in the first half of 2013 and a charge of $131 million in the second half of 2013, taking the full year gain to $106 million (2012: $ nil million) |
2 The second half of 2013 includes a net charge of $235 million relating to the UK bank levy
Advances-to-deposits ratio |
The ratio of total loans and advances to customers relative to total customer deposits. A low advances-to-deposits ratio demonstrates that customer deposits exceed customer loans resulting from emphasis placed on generating a high level of stable funding from customers. |
Asset Backed Securities (ABS) |
Securities that represent an interest in an underlying pool of referenced assets. The referenced pool can comprise any assets which attract a set of associated cash flows but are commonly pools of residential or commercial mortgages and in the case of Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs), the reference pool may be ABS. |
Advanced Internal Rating Based (AIRB) approach |
The AIRB approach under the Basel II framework is used to calculate credit risk capital based on the Group's own estimates of certain parameters. |
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) which includes the Group's operation in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. |
Attributable profit to ordinary shareholders |
Profit for the year after non-controlling interests and the declaration of dividends on preference shares classified as equity. |
Basel II |
The capital adequacy framework issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in June 2006 in the form of the 'International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards'. |
Basel III |
In December 2010, the BCBS issued the Basel III rules text, which presents the details of strengthened global regulatory standards on bank capital adequacy and liquidity. The new requirements are being phased in from 1 January 2013 with full implementation by 31 December 2019. |
Basis point (bps) |
One hundredth of a per cent (0.01 per cent); 100 basis points is 1 per cent. Used in quoting movements in interest rates or yields on securities. |
CAD2 |
An amendment to Capital Adequacy Directive that gives national regulators the discretion to permit firms to use their own value at risk model for calculating capital requirements subject to certain criteria. |
Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs) |
Securities issued by a third party which reference ABS and/or certain other related assets purchased by the issuer. CDOs may feature exposure to sub-prime mortgage assets through the underlying assets. |
Collateralised Loan Obligation |
A security backed by the repayments from a pool of commercial loans. The payments may be made to different classes of owners (in tranches). |
Collectively assessed loan impairment provisions |
Also known as portfolio impairment provisions. Impairment assessment on a collective basis for homogeneous groups of loans that are not considered individually significant and to cover losses which have been incurred but have not yet been identified at the balance sheet date. Typically assets within the Consumer Banking business are assessed on a portfolio basis. |
Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) |
Securities that represent interests in a pool of commercial mortgages. Investors in these securities have the right to cash received from future mortgage payments (interest and/or principal). |
Commercial Paper (CP) |
An unsecured promissory note issued to finance short-term credit needs. It specifies the face amount paid to investors on the maturity date. |
Commercial real estate |
Includes office buildings, industrial property, medical centres, hotels, malls, retail stores, shopping centres, farm land, multifamily housing buildings, warehouses, garages, and industrial properties. Commercial real estate loans are those backed by a package of commercial real estate assets. |
Constant currency |
Constant currency change is derived by applying a simple translation of the previous period functional currency number in each entity using the current average and period end US dollar exchange rates to the income statement and balance sheet respectively. |
Contractual maturity |
Contractual maturity refers to the final payment date of a loan or other financial instrument, at which point all the remaining outstanding principal will be repaid and interest is due to be paid. |
Core Tier 1 Capital |
Core Tier 1 capital comprises called-up ordinary share capital and eligible reserves plus non-controlling interests, less goodwill and other intangible assets and deductions relating to excess expected losses over eligible provisions and securitisation positions as specified by the UK's Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). |
Core Tier 1 Capital ratio |
Core Tier 1 capital as a percentage of risk weighted assets. |
Cost to income ratio |
Represents the proportion of total operating expenses to total operating income. |
Cover ratio |
Represents the extent to which non-performing loans are covered by impairment allowances. |
Covered bonds |
Debt securities backed by a portfolio of mortgages that are segregated from the issuer's other assets solely for the benefit of the holders of the covered bonds. |
Credit Conversion Factor (CCF) |
CCF is an internally modelled parameter based on historical experience to determine the amount that is expected to be further drawn down from the undrawn portion in a committed facility. |
Glossary continued |
Financial Calendar
Financial Calendar
Results and dividend announced |
5 Mar 2014 |
Ex-dividend date |
12 Mar 2014 |
Record date for dividend |
14 Mar 2014 |
Last date to elect for share dividend or to change standing instructions |
24 Apr 2014 |
Annual General Meeting |
8 May 2014 |
Dividend payment date |
14 May 2014 |
Copies of this statement are available from:
Investor Relations, Standard Chartered PLC, 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD or on our website at http://investors.standardchartered.com
For further information please contact:
Steve Atkinson, Group Head of Corporate Affairs
+44 20 7885 7245
James Hopkinson, Head of Investor Relations
+44 20 7885 7151
Edwin Hui, Head of Investor Relations, Asia
+852 2820 3050
Uttam Hazarika, Manager, Investor Relations, India
+91 22 61158643
Tim Baxter ,Group Head of Corporate Communications
+44 20 7885 5573
The following information for the Full Year Results will be available on our website:
Video interviews with Peter Sands, Group Chief Executive and Richard Meddings, Group Finance Director
Analyst presentation in pdf format
Webcast of the live analyst presentation
Podcast of analyst presentation
Images of our Board of directors and senior management are available for the media at http://www.sc.com/en/about-us/our-people/index.html
Information regarding the Group's commitment to Sustainability is available at http://www.sc.com/sustainability
Forward looking statements
It is possible that this document could or may contain forward-looking statements that are based on current expectations or beliefs, as well as assumptions about future events. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. Forward looking statements often use words such as anticipate, target, expect, estimate, intend, plan, goal, believe, will, may, should, would, could or other words of similar meaning. Undue reliance should not be placed on any such statements because, by their very nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause actual results, and the Group's plans and objectives, to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements.
There are several factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward looking statements are changes in the global, political, economic, business, competitive, market and regulatory forces, future exchange and interest rates, changes in tax rates and future business combinations or dispositions.
The Group undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward looking statement contained within this document, regardless of whether those statements are affected as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
The CRD IV position presented in this document does not constitute either a capital or RWA forecast and may be subject to change. Whiles the CRD IV rules text is finalised it remains subject to final EBA technical standards and certain aspects remain subject to ongoing national discretion or future regulatory decisions.
The securities referred to in this announcement have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (the "U.S. Securities Act") and may not be offered, sold or transferred within the United States except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. No public offering of the Placing Shares will be made in the United States.
Page |
Page |
Assets at fair value through profit or loss |
125 |
Liquidity risk |
75 |
Asset backed securities |
66 |
Loan maturity analysis |
37 |
Balance sheet |
96 |
Loans and advances |
127 |
Business combinations |
130 |
Market risk |
71 |
Capital base and ratios |
89-90 |
Net interest margins and spread |
103 |
Cash flow statement |
98 |
Non-controlling interest |
135 |
Consumer Banking: |
Non-performing loans |
41,53,64 |
· Financial review |
15 |
Normalised earnings |
112 |
· Loan impairment coverage ratio |
53 |
Operational risk |
84 |
Contingent liabilities and commitments |
142 |
Other impairment |
109 |
Country risk |
70 |
Other operating income |
107 |
Customer deposits |
132 |
Regulatory and legal matters |
142 |
Depreciation and amortisation |
109 |
Regulatory risk |
27 |
Derivates |
126 |
Remuneration |
146 |
Dividends |
111 |
Renegotiated and forborne loans |
46-47 |
Earnings per share |
112 |
Reputational risk |
86 |
Financial calendar |
153 |
Retirement benefit obligations |
134 |
Financial instruments classification |
113 |
Risk management framework |
28 |
Financial review of Group |
Risk weighted assets |
91 |
· Operating income and profit |
13 |
Segmental information by business |
100 |
· Group consolidated balance sheet |
23 |
Segmental information by geography |
101 |
Hedging |
74 |
Structure of deposits |
104 |
Highlights |
1 |
Selected European Country exposures |
67 |
Impairment losses on loans and advances: |
Share capital |
134 |
Total individual impairment |
44 |
Shares held by share scheme trust |
135 |
· Consumer Banking |
52 |
Statement of comprehensive income |
95 |
· Wholesale Banking |
62 |
Subordinated liabilities |
133 |
· Income statement |
94 |
Summarised income statement by halves |
147 |
Industry concentration in loans and advances |
48,54 |
Summary results |
3 |
Investment securities |
128 |
Taxation |
110 |
Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
126 |
Net trading income |
107 |
Wholesale Banking: |
· Financial review |
19 |
· Loan impairment coverage ratio |
64 |