Company Number: 04981279
Interim Report
Six months ended
30 June 2008
In the first half of 2008 we continued to build on the foundations laid during 2007. In my Statement accompanying the annual report, I highlighted three integral parts to these foundations, where the progress in 2008 to date has been as follows:
1. Deliverability of Gas
2. Asset Growth
3. Financial Flexibility
Our objectives for 2008 remain:
As can be seen, against these goals we continue to make good progress and remain on track to achieve them by year-end. IGas continues to operate in a tight market for services and it remains a top priority of the Board to ensure the skills and equipment required to execute our plans are secured. Various solutions are currently being evaluated and our recent fundraising increases our flexibility in relation to the range of options open to the venture.
Finally, I would like to thank the whole team and our partners for enabling us to make good progress towards our goals for 2008.
Francis Gugen
1 September 2008
for the six months ended 30 JUNE 2008
Notes |
Six months ended 30 June 2008 |
Six months ended 30 June 2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Revenue |
300 |
391 |
Cost of sales |
(221) |
(307) |
Gross Profit |
79 |
84 |
Administrative expenses |
(164) |
(19) |
Operating (loss)/profit |
(85) |
65 |
Finance income |
24 |
10 |
(Loss)/profit before tax |
(61) |
75 |
Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities |
3 |
1 |
(14) |
Retained (loss)/profit for period |
(60) |
61 |
(Loss)/earnings per share |
Basic and diluted (loss)/earnings per share (£/share) |
4 |
(0.0010) |
0.0011 |
The notes on pages 9 to 12 form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information.
for the six months ended 30 JUNE 2008
Notes |
30 June 2008 |
31 December 2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Non-current assets |
Intangible exploration and evaluation assets |
5 |
302 |
109 |
Property, plant and equipment |
- |
- |
302 |
109 |
Current assets |
Trade and other receivables |
332 |
283 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
6 |
2,769 |
1,414 |
3,101 |
1,697 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
(500) |
(751) |
Current taxation liabilities |
- |
(1) |
(500) |
(752) |
Net current assets |
2,601 |
945 |
Total assets less current liabilities |
2,903 |
1,054 |
Non-current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
- |
(78) |
Net assets |
2,903 |
976 |
Capital and reserves |
Called up share capital |
7 |
4,275 |
2,664 |
Preference shares |
- |
- |
Share premium account |
7 |
420 |
44 |
Share warrant reserve |
167 |
167 |
(Accumulated deficit) |
(1,959) |
(1,899) |
Shareholders' funds |
2,903 |
976 |
The notes on pages 9 to 12 form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information.
for the six months ended 30 June 2008
Called up share capital |
Preference shares |
Share premium account |
Share warrant reserve |
(Accumulated deficit)/ retained earnings |
Total |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
2008 Balance at 1 January Loss for the period |
2,664 |
- |
44 |
167 |
(1,899) (60) |
(60) |
Issue of shares during period |
1,611 |
484 |
2,095 |
Cost of issue of shares during period |
(108) |
(108) |
Balance at 30 June 2008 (unaudited) |
4,275 |
- |
420 |
167 |
(1,959) |
2,903 |
Balance at 1 January 2007 |
1 |
44 |
44 |
- |
118 |
207 |
Profit for the period |
61 |
61 |
Balance at 30 June 2007 (unaudited) |
1 |
44 |
44 |
- |
179 |
268 |
The notes on pages 9 to 12 form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information.
for the six months ended 30 June 2008
Notes |
Six months ended 30 June 2008 |
Six months ended 30 June 2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Operating activities |
Retained (loss)/profit for the period |
(60) |
61 |
Finance income |
(24) |
(10) |
(Increase) in trade and other receivables |
(49) |
(202) |
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables |
(251) |
339 |
(Decrease)/increase in current taxation liabilities |
(1) |
15 |
(Decrease) in non-current liabilities |
(78) |
- |
Net cash (used in)/from operating activities |
(463) |
203 |
Investing activities |
Acquisition of exploration and evaluation assets |
5 |
(193) |
(15) |
Interest received |
24 |
10 |
Net cash (used in) investing activities |
(169) |
(5) |
Financing activities |
Cash proceeds from issue of shares |
2,095 |
- |
Less : Share issue costs |
(108) |
- |
Net cash from financing activities |
1,987 |
- |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in the period |
1,355 |
198 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
1,414 |
227 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
2,769 |
425 |
The notes on pages 9 to 12 form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information.
for the six months ended 30 June 2008
1. Corporate information
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2008, which are unaudited, were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the directors on1 September 2008.
Island Gas Resources plc is a limited company incorporated and domiciled in England whose shares are publicly traded.
The principal activity of the Company and its subsidiaries ('the Group') is coal bed methane ('CBM'), intended to result in the production and marketing of methane gas for industrial and domestic use from virgin coal seams within its UK acreage. This requires acreage to be explored, appraised and developed and in connection with which the Group also provides technical and other related services.
2. Basis of preparation and accounting policies
The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention and on a going concern basis and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations adopted for use in the European Union ('IFRS').
The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2008 has not been audited or reviewed in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. The figures were prepared using applicable accounting policies and practices consistent with those adopted in the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2007.
The financial information contained in this document does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (England & Wales).
Statement of compliance
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ('IAS') 34 - Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union. Accordingly the interim financial statements do not include all of the information or disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and therefore should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto in the Group's annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007
Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements present the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the 'Group') as if they formed a single entity. Intercompany transactions and balances between Group companies are therefore eliminated in full.
On 31 December 2007 the Company completed a reverse takeover whereby a private company, Island Gas Limited ('IGL'), became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company but with IGL's shareholders acquiring 94% of the ordinary share capital of the combined entity (the 'Reverse'); these arrangements, being more fully described in an admission document dated 27 November 2007 (the 'Admission Document'). As a result of the Reverse and in accordance with IFRS and the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 the Group's results up to the date of the Reverse become those of IGL and the comparative financial information is therefore that of IGL. At 31 December 2007 the Group comprised the Company and its subsidiaries IGL and KP Renewables (Operations) Limited.
Revenue, segment information and seasonality
All revenue, which represented turnover, arose within the United Kingdom and is attributable to activities in the Coal Bed Methane (CBM) sector. The Group's business is not affected by seasonality.
for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (continued)
3. Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities
For the six months ended 30 June |
2008 |
2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Current tax |
Current tax on income for the period |
- |
(14) |
Adjustment in respect of prior years |
1 |
. - |
1 |
(14) |
Deferred tax |
- |
- |
1 |
(14) |
Current tax arising in the subsidiary company, Island Gas limited, for the six months ended 30 June 2008 has been wholly relieved by the surrender of excess management charges of the Company, as group relief (2007 - £Nil).
Tax losses are not considered to be sufficiently certain of utilisation to justify setting up deferred tax assets.
4. (Loss)/earnings per share (EPS)
Basic EPS amounts are calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the period plus the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential Ordinary Shares into Ordinary Shares.
The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations (in £/share):
For the six months ended 30 June |
2008 |
2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Basic EPS - Ordinary Shares of 50p each |
(0.0010) |
0.0011 |
Diluted EPS - Ordinary Shares of 50p each |
(0.0010) |
0.0011 |
(Loss)/profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent - (£000) |
(60) |
61 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in the period - basic EPS |
59,124,888 |
55,555,365 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in the period - diluted EPS |
59,124,888 |
55,555,365 |
There are 525,280 potentially dilutive warrants and options over the Ordinary Shares at 30 June 2008 (2007: nil) which are not included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share because they were anti-dilutive for the period as their conversion to Ordinary Shares would decrease the loss per share.
for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (continued)
5. Intangible exploration and evaluation assets
Total |
£000 |
Cost |
At 1 January 2008 |
109 |
Additions |
193 |
Disposals |
- |
At 30 June 2008 (unaudited) |
302 |
Amortisation |
At 1 January 2008 |
- |
Charge for the period, including impairment |
- |
Disposals |
- |
At 30 June 2008 (unaudited) |
- |
Net book value |
At 30 June 2008 (unaudited) |
302 |
At 1 January 2008 |
109 |
Under certain agreements which the Group has in place with Nexen (the 'Nexen Carry Agreements'), Nexen will provide 100% of the funding required for work programmes up to a gross spend of £26.5 million. The repayment to Nexen of any amounts carried under these arrangements is dependent, on a licence by licence basis, on successful operations yielding sufficient production to support repayment in accordance with terms of the Nexen Carry Agreements.
At 30 June 2008 £3,429 thousand had been carried (2007: £1,576 thousand), which has not been recorded as either non-current assets or liabilities, since repayment is currently sufficiently uncertain.
6. Cash and cash equivalents
30 June 2008 |
31 December 2007 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
£000 |
£000 |
Cash at bank and in hand |
1,938 |
425 |
Short-term deposits |
831 |
- |
Total |
2,769 |
425 |
Cash and cash equivalents (continued)
The carrying value of the Group's cash and cash equivalents as stated above is considered to be a reasonable approximation of their fair value.
The Group only deposits cash surpluses with major banks that have acceptable published credit ratings.
7. Called up share capital and share premium account
Ordinary Shares |
Nominal Value |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Number |
£ |
At 1 January 2008 |
59,107,182 |
2,664,344 |
Shares issued during period |
3,222,460 |
1,611,230 |
At 30 June 2008 (unaudited) |
62,329,642 |
4,275,574 |
Effective 30 June 2008 the Company placed 3,222,460 new ordinary shares of 50 pence each with institutional investors at a price of 65 pence per share to raise approximately £2.1 million (before expenses); representing £1,611 thousand of called up share capital and £484 thousand of share premium.
The net proceeds of this placing will be used primarily to fund the Group's working capital requirements and to enable the Group to secure drilling and exploration services required in developing the Group's existing and recently-awarded acreage. Based on the Group's current projections, the net proceeds of the placing will provide the Group with more than sufficient working capital for at least 12 months from the date of placing.
8. Commitments
The Group had no lease or capital commitments at 30 June 2008 (2007: £nil).
As at 30 June 2008, no amounts have been included for exploration and appraisal as these are expected to be covered by the Nexen Carry Agreements as referred to in Note 5 above (2007: £nil).
9. Related party transactions
There were no related party transactions during the period. (2007 - As disclosed in the Group's annual report and accounts for 2007).
Directors |
F R Gugen - Chairman (appointed 27 December 2007) A P Austin - Chief Executive Officer (appointed 27 December 2007) B Cheshire- Technical Director (appointed 27 December 2007) R J Armstrong - Non-Executive (appointed 10 April 2007) J Bryant - Non-Executive (appointed 10 April 2007) P Redmond - Non-Executive (appointed 10 April 2007) |
Secretary |
MOFO Secretaries Limited Citypoint One Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9AW |
Registered office |
International House 1-6 Yarmouth Place London W1J 7BU |
Nominated Adviser |
Brewin Dolpin Investment Banking 12 Smithfield Street London EC1A 9BA |
Brokers |
Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking 12 Smithfield Street London EC1A 9BA Libertas Capital Securities Ltd 16 Berkeley Square London W1J 8DZ |
Auditors |
Ernst & Young LLP 1 More London Place London SE1 2AF |
Bankers |
HSBC 165 High Street Southampton Hampshire SO14 2NZ |
Financial PR |
Gavin Anderson and Company 85 Strand London WC2R 0DW |
Share Registry |
Computershare Investors Services PLC The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 8AE |
Company's registered number |
04981279 |