Issue of Equity

Stagecoach Theatre Arts plc ("Stagecoach Theatre Arts" or "the Company") Director's dealing and issue of equity Stagecoach Theatre Arts (AIM: STA) announces that Richard Dawson, Finance Director, exercised options over 35,000 ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") on 5 August 2009 at an exercise price of 32.5 pence per share. Application has been made for these shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and this is expected to take place on 13 August 2009. Following the exercise of these options, the resultant shareholding of Richard Dawson will be 202,812 Ordinary Shares, representing 2.04 per cent. of the Company's enlarged issued ordinary share capital. 7 August 2009 Enquiries: Stagecoach Theatre Arts Tel: 01932 254 333 Richard Dawson, Finance Director & Investor Relations Smith & Williamson Corporate Tel: 020 7131 4000 Finance Limited Nominated Adviser & Joint Broker David Jones / Barrie Newton / Charles Combe Daniel Stewart & Company plc Tel: 020 7776 6550 Joint Broker Paul Shackleton Peckwater PR Tel: 07879 458 364 Public Relations Tarquin Edwards
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