Final Results - Year Ended 23 Dec 1999, Part 2

Save Group PLC 7 April 2000 PART 2 SAVE GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the 52 weeks ended 23 December 1999 Preliminary Unaudited Results for the 52 weeks ended 23rd December 1999 Group Profit and Loss Account 1999 1999 1998 Before 1999 After After Excep- Excep- Excep- Excep- tional tional tional tional Item Item Item Item Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 2 420,640 - 420,640 422,841 Cost of Sales (391,220) - (391,220)(388,932) --------------------------------------- Gross Profit 29,420 - 29,420 33,909 Distribution 3 costs (19,944) (148) (20,092) (22,585) Administrative expenses (7,533) - (7,533) (6,899) Other Operating Income 4,765 - 4,765 5,205 -------------------------------------- (22,712) (148) (22,860) (24,279) --------------------------------------- Operating Profit 6,708 (148) 6,560 9,630 -------------------------------------- Net Interest (4,653) - (4,653) (5,010) -------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary a activities before taxation 2 2,055 (148) 1,907 4,620 Tax credit on profit on ordinary activities 5 - - - 136 -------------------------------------- Profit for the financial year 2,055 (148) 1,907 4,756 Dividends 6 - - - (3,229) --------------------------------------- Profit retained 2,055 (148) 1,907 1,527 -------------------------------------- Earnings per share 4 - 2.0p 5.0p Adjusted Earnings per share 4 2.1p - 5.9p Diluted Earnings per share 4 - 2.0p 5.0p Preliminary Unaudited Results for the 52 weeks ended 23rd December 1999 Group Balance Sheet 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets 195,897 196,040 Current Assets Stocks 9,895 9,731 Debtors 11,784 11,924 Cash at bank and in hand 926 988 --------------------- 22,605 22,643 --------------------- Current Liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (98,656) (72,712) ---------------------- Net current liabilities (76,051) (50,069) ---------------------- Total assets less current liabilities 119,846 145,971 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year - (28,000) Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,880) (1,912) --------------------- 117,966 116,059 --------------------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 24,462 24,462 Share premium account 68,497 68,497 Revaluation reserve 285 285 Profit and loss account 24,722 22,815 --------------------- Shareholders' funds 117,966 116,059 --------------------- Preliminary Unaudited Results for the 52 weeks ended 23rd December 1999 Group Cash Flow Statement Cash Flow Note 1999 1999 1998 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from 1 9,444 16,247 operating activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Net interest paid (5,303) (4,525) ------------------------------ Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (5,303) (4,525) Net UK Corporation Tax received/(paid) 790 (1,274) Capital Expenditure and financial investment Expenditure on tangible (973) (3,060) fixed assets Sale of tangible fixed assets 617 93 ------------------------------ Net outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (356) (2,967) Equity dividend Paid (3,229) (6,665) Financing Share options exercised - 2,866 Decrease in bank loans (1,500) (9,000) -------------------------------- Net cash outflow from financing (1,500) (6,134) -------------------------------- Decrease in cash 2 (154) (5,318) -------------------------------- Preliminary Unaudited Results for the 52 weeks ended 23rd December 1999 Cashflow Notes 1. Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Operating Profit 6,560 9,630 Depreciation and amortisation 539 567 Profit on sale of fixed assets (40) (50) Movement on redemption fund (32) 57 (Increase)/Decrease in stocks (164) 2,254 Increase in debtors (650) (1,110) Increase in creditors 3,231 4,899 -------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 9,444 16,247 --------------- 2. Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net debt 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Decrease in cash 154 5,318 Cash outflow from bank loan repayments (1,500) (9,000) ---------------- Movement in net debt in the period (1,346) (3,682) Net debt at 25th December 1998 53,957 57,639 --------------- Net debt at 23rd December 1999 52,611 53,957 --------------- 3. Analysis of changes in net debt At At 25.12.98 Cashflow 23.12.99 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 988 (62) 926 Overdrafts and debt (54,945) 1,408 (53,537) --------------------------------- Net Debt (53,957) 1,346 (52,611) -------------------------------- Preliminary Unaudited Results for the 52 weeks ended 23rd December 1999 Notes: 1. The financial information set out in this preliminary statement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has been prepared using the same accounting policies as in the 1998 statutory accounts, modified to reflect FRS 13 and 15. This information has been extracted from the Group's financial statements for the period ended 23rd December 1999. These financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors reported on them. The information relating to the year ended 24th December 1998 is based on full accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and upon which the auditors opinion was unqualified. 2. Turnover and profit on ordinary activities before taxation Turnover Profit Before Taxation 1999 1998 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Retailing of petroleum products 402,841 393,784 5,736 7,723 Wholesaling of petroleum products 17,485 28,047 (28) (48) Sales promotion 2,596 3,543 759 1,158 schemes Property services 225 900 93 797 Less: Inter-company turnover (2,507) (3,433) - - ---------------------------------- 420,640 422,841 6,560 9,630 Net interest payable (4,653) (5,010) ----------------------------------- 420,640 422,841 1,907 4,620 ---------------------------------- 3. The exceptional item relates to charges under a Transport Agreement. These charges were referred to an independent expert under the terms of the Agreement, whose determinations enabled the Group to serve 12 months' written notice to terminate the Agreement which expired on 1st April 1999. The Group obtained a number of quotations for future possible contracts. The exceptional item referred to above equates to the difference between those quotations and the sum charged under the Agreement. This has been written off as an exceptional item so as to better reflect the ongoing performance of the Group. No further amounts are expected to be incurred in respect of this matter. A new transport agreement was signed with P&O Trans European Ltd which commenced on 2nd April 1999. 4. Earnings per share: The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities for the period after taxation of £1,907,000 (1998: £4,756,000) and on 97,849,245 (1998: 94,881,474) ordinary shares of 25p each, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue. The calculation of the adjusted earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period and adding back the charge for the exceptional item relating to the transport contract of £148,000 (1998: £833,000) and tax credit thereon of £Nil (1998: £Nil) calculated at the standard tax rate for the period. The adjusted earnings per share has been presented to better reflect the Group's underlying performance. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on ordinary activities for the period after taxation of £1,907,000 (1998: £4,756,000) and on 97,852,076 (1998: 95,569,662) ordinary shares of 25p each, being the weighted number of ordinary shares adjusted for the dilutive effect of share options of 2,831 shares (1998: 688,188). 5. The Group has trading tax losses available for set off against future trading profits of £3.5m gross (1998: £1.24m). The taxation result includes a credit of £4.3m gross (1998: £5.5m) as a result of timing differences on accelerated capital allowances on which deferred tax has not been provided. As at 23rd December 1999 the current total pool for capital allowances was £14.4m (1998: £18.4m). 6. The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.


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