Interim Results

Web Shareshop (Holdings) PLC 31 January 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WEB SHARESHOP HOLDINGS PLC INTERIM REPORT - EIGHT MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 MANAGEMENT COMMENTARY Highlights Since being admitted to the Alternative Investment Market in September 2000, Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc ('the company') has focused on creating the Placings Club, which will be the mechanism through which private investors will be able to participate in new issue placings alongside City institutions. Other revenue streams will follow, but at this early stage it is essential that our small team concentrates on the main objective. Launched successfully, we are confident that the Placings Club will enable the company to achieve a distinct and profitable niche in the investment arena. It is worth noting that we already have over 600 prospective members of the Placings Club among our shareholders, of whom 99% own the minimum qualifying number of 7,000 shares, or more. This illustrates how important participating in placings is to private investors. I am pleased to report in my first statement since becoming chairman that we have made good progress towards key development objectives. The application for category A1 registration through the PIA is proceeding and we are hopeful that it will be granted in time for a planned launch of the Placings Club in April 2001. The website is being redeveloped to enable private investors to apply for membership of the Placings Club online and subsequently to commit funds to Placings online. We are also making design changes to the website to encourage greater visitor interest and loyalty. Prospects The marketing of the Placings Club will be achieved in conjunction with a number of marketing partners in the publishing and financial sectors. It will be preceded in March by research among our shareholders to ascertain their reactions to aspects of the marketing package and to enable us to make the package as attractive as possible. Concurrently with our marketing to private investors, we will be targeting key sponsors of placings with a view to having access to quality offerings throughout 2001 and 2002. We are already holding preliminary discussions with sponsors. Results Results for the 8 months to 30 September 2000 record an operating loss of £ 540,000, offset by interest of £14,000, leaving a loss before taxation for the period of £526,000. This reflects mainly site development costs, professional advice and business development costs. At 30 September 2000, the company had £1,258,000 in cash in the bank, net current assets of £1,157,000 and net assets of £1,239,000. Funding will be more than adequate for the launch and initial marketing of the Placings Club, and to meet the capital adequacy requirements of the PIA. We are keeping overheads to a minimum. No dividends have been proposed for the period. Board changes A number of board changes were made in December 2000 to prepare the company for the marketing phase. Bill Jackson was appointed as Chairman and Chief Executive, replacing, respectively, John McNair and Andrew Neubauer. Bill Jackson has a strong marketing and management background. He was also co-owner of the financial website, MoneyWorld, which he and his partner sold at the end of 1999. Andrew Neubauer remains as technical director. John Woolgar, whose vision led to the launch of Web Shareshop, also resigned from his role of Development Director. John will continue to work closely with Bill Jackson on the marketing of the Placings Club to private investors, marketing partners and sponsors. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT PRIVATE 8 months to Year ended 30 September 2000 31 January Unaudited 2000 Note £'000 Audited £'000 Group establishment expenses (4) (5) Group administrative expenses (536) (40) Group operating loss - continuing operations (540) (45) Group interest receivable 14 - Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (526) (45) Tax on loss on ordinary activities - - Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (526) (45) Dividends - on equity shares - - Retained loss for the period (526) (45) Loss per share 2 p p Basic and diluted (3.5) (1.9) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS At At 30 September 31 January 2000 2000 Unaudited Audited £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 12 14 Tangible assets 70 4 82 18 Current assets Debtors 27 5 Cash at bank and in hand 1,258 368 1,285 373 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one (128) (18) year Net current assets 1,157 355 Net assets 1,239 373 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 196 67 Share premium account 1,189 351 Merger reserves 425 - Profit and loss account (571) (45) Equity shareholders' funds 1,239 373 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS PRIVATE 8 months to Year ended 30 September 31 January 2000 2000 Unaudited Audited £'000 £'000 Total recognised losses relating to the (526) (45) period Net proceeds of share issues 1,392 418 Increase in shareholders' funds 866 373 Opening shareholders' fund 373 - Closing shareholders' funds 1,239 373 1. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc was incorporated on 20 April 2000, and no trading activity was undertaken between that date and 31 May 2000. On 31 May 2000, Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc acquired 100% of the share capital of The Web Shareshop Limited and its subsidiaries by way of a share for share exchange. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using merger accounting. Under merger accounting the results and cash flows are combined from the beginning of the financial period and all comparatives are restated on the combined basis. These interim financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc, The Web Shareshop Limited and its subsidiaries as though they had been in existence with its present constitution. The first reporting period of the company is to be the 18 months ending 31 July 2001. The interim financial statements cover the eight month period to 30 September 2000, as the last results reported were the financial statements for The Web Shareshop Limited for the year ended 31 January 2000 included in the prospectus for the Offer for Subscription for shares in Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc and its admission to the Alternative Investment Market. The year end for the Group is 31 July and hence a further interim report will cover the four month period to 31 January 2001. 2. LOSS PER SHARE PRIVATE 8 months to Year ended 30 September 2000 31 January Unaudited 2000 £'000 Audited £'000 These have been calculated on (526) (45) losses of The weighted average number of shares used was: Basic 14,830,007 2,369,072 There were no diluting factors in the period. 3. INTERIM REPORT This interim report was neither audited nor reviewed by the auditors. It was approved by the Board on 30 January 2001. It has been prepared using accounting policies that are consistent with those adopted in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2000 by The Web Shareshop Limited and its subsidiary undertakings, and those to be adopted in the statutory accounts for the Group for the period ending 31 July 2001.


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