13 June 2019
Steppe Cement Ltd
AGM Results
Steppe Cement Ltd wishes to announce that the following resolutions were passed in the AGM held on Wednesday, 12 June 2019:
Resolution 1:
To receive and adopt the audited financial statements for year ended 31 December 2018.
Resolution 2:
To approve the payment of First and Final Dividend of GBP0.03 per ordinary share of no par value each in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2018.
Resolution 3:
To re-elect the following Directors who offered themselves for re-election:
3.1 Xavier Blutel
3.2 Javier Del Ser Perez
3.3 Rupert Wood
Resolution 4:
To approve and ratify the change of Auditors from Messrs. Deloitte & Touche PLT to Messrs. Deloitte PLT, due to change of name, approved by the Board of Directors on 26 November 2018.
Steppe Cement's AIM nominated adviser and broker is RFC Ambrian Limited.
Nominated Adviser contact: Stephen Allen or Andrew Thomson on +61 8 9480 2500.
Broker contact: Charlie Cryer at +44 20 3440 6800.