Final Results

Solitaire Group PLC 25 April 2005 25 April 2005 Solitaire Group Plc Solitaire is a leading national provider of property management services Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2004 'Another busy and exciting year' • Turnover - increased by 33 per cent. to £9.1 million • Profit before tax amortisation and exceptional costs - up 30 per cent to 2.7 million • Earnings per share before amortisation and exceptional costs - up 21 percent to 38.3p • Organic growth - from the management of new-build properties continues to increase strongly • Forward visibility - The number of new developments where the group has contracts to manage, and will receive income in future years, continues to grow apace • Freehold Managers PLC - (which was acquired in September 2003) provided its first full year's contribution to the group and was in line with expectations • New regional office - Southampton regional office opened at the start of 2005 to manage fast expanding business in the South and South West of England George Brutton, Chairman of Solitaire Group Plc, commented: 'I am very pleased to report another busy and exciting year for Solitaire with turnover and pre-tax profits significantly increased. This success is driven by the continued organic growth from our property management operations and also the inclusion for the first time of a full year's income from Freehold Managers PLC. We are trading in line with our expectations and I look forward to another successful year' For further information: Graham Shapiro, Joint Managing Tel: 020 8364 8497 Director Solitaire Group Plc Tarquin Edwards / Chris Steele 07879 458 364 / 07979 604 687 or Binns & Co PR Tel: 020 7786 9600 Chairman's statement I am very pleased to report another busy and exciting year for Solitaire with turnover and pre-tax profits significantly increased. This success is driven by the continued organic growth from our property management operations and also by the inclusion for the first time of a full year's contribution from Freehold Managers PLC (FMP). Results Turnover increased by 32.8 per cent to £9.1 million (2003: £6.9 million) and includes 12 months contribution from FMP (2003: 3 months). The operating profit for the year ended 31 December 2004, before writing off exceptional costs, goodwill amortisation and interest, increased by 37.7 per cent to £3.1 million (2003: £2.3 million). Exceptional costs include a provision of £70,000 for future costs relating to Moss Kaye Pembertons' move to new offices and a small transfer to reserves of £3,000 relating to the current and future exercise of share options necessary under UITF 17. Accordingly, after exceptional costs, interest and goodwill amortisation, pre-tax profits were up by £503,000 or 29.9 per cent to £2.2 million (2003: £1.7 million) and earnings per share under FRS 14 were up by 19.7 per cent to 28.5p (2003: 23.8p). Adjusted earnings per share, before exceptional costs, goodwill amortisation and after interest were 38.3p (2003: 31.6p) up 21.2 per cent. The board is recommending the payment of an increased final dividend of 8.7p (2003: 8.0p) per share making a total for the year of 12.3p (2003: 11.3p), an increase of 8.8 per cent over 2003. The final dividend will be paid on 29 June 2005 to shareholders on the register on 6 May 2005. Business development FMP was acquired towards the end of 2003 and has shown encouraging and steady development in line with the board's expectations. In addition, the group's pipeline of property management business has increased again to record levels. Income from this pipeline of new developments will only commence when the developments are completed and sold by the developers over the next 18 months to two years. Our contracted future management business is substantial and the board recognises the need for continual investment to support this growth and also to comply with the requirements of the Commonhold & Leasehold Reform Act 2002. With this in mind we continue to monitor our costs closely and endeavour to keep a proper balance between income and expenditure. During 2004 we extended the office space we occupy at our head office in Barnet and also at our branch office in Leicester to deal with the increase in business we have experienced. Just after the year end we opened a new regional office in Southampton to manage our fast expanding portfolio of properties in the South and South West of England. We have had a presence in the South and South West of England and particularly on the South Coast for quite some time now, and the opening of our Southampton office reflects the growth in new business which we have experienced and our desire to better serve our developer clients and residents in this area. Based on our experience with our other regional office in Leicester, it is expected that this new office will attract substantial inflows of new instructions. Both Pembertons Residential (Pembertons) and Moss Kaye Pembertons (MKP) had outgrown their existing accommodation and I am pleased to report that in January 2005 they acquired new offices in Swiss Cottage, London which will enable them to grow their business over the coming years. People The continuing growth of our core property management business has led to an increase in staff to support the needs of both residents and our developer clients. We continue to seek out appropriately qualified and motivated people to whom we provide appropriate training wherever necessary. Current trading and prospects The progress made by our property management operations during 2004 has been excellent with a major increase in both revenues and in the new business pipeline and in the absence of an unforeseen deterioration in the volume of residential sales by our developer clients, we look forward to our property management business continuing to achieve steady growth during 2005. In addition, we anticipate that FMP will continue to provide strong core support to group earnings. As in previous years we continue to look for acquisitions that will provide increased shareholder value and which will integrate with our existing core businesses. We are, however, focused on organic growth and continue to invest in all our businesses on an ongoing basis. I am pleased to report that current trading is in line with our expectations and I look forward to another successful year. George Brutton FRICS Chairman 25 April 2005 Consolidated profit and loss account Year ended 31 December 2004 2003 Notes £'000 £'000 Turnover 9,105 6,855 Operating expenses External fees and commissions 325 209 Other administration expenses 5,680 4,395 3,100 2,251 Amortisation of goodwill 410 189 Exceptional costs 2 73 177 Operating profit 2,617 1,885 Net interest paid (432) (203) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,185 1,682 Taxation on ordinary activities 784 567 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,401 1,115 Dividends 3 609 552 Retained profit for the year 792 563 Basic and diluted earnings per share 4 28.5p 23.8p Adjustment for amortisation 8.3p 4.0p Adjustment for exceptional costs 1.5p 3.8p Adjusted earnings per share 4 38.3p 31.6p Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Profit for the year 1,401 1,115 Revaluation of freehold reversions 2,000 - Total recognised gains for the year 3,401 1,115 All amounts relate to continuing activities. Consolidated balance sheet 31 December Group Company 2004 2003 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 7,149 7,554 - - Tangible assets Office equipment 485 464 - - Freehold land and buildings 261 261 - - Freehold reversions 16,014 12,743 - - Investments - - 9,527 9,522 16,760 13,468 9,527 9,522 23,909 21,022 9,527 9,522 Current assets Debtors 4,051 2,447 5,803 4,021 Cash and deposits 391 681 - - 4,442 3,128 5,803 4,021 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Borrowings 2,299 1,573 1,968 1,247 Other liabilities 2,336 1,942 983 938 4,635 3,515 2,951 2,185 Net current (liabilities) / (193) (387) 2,852 1,836 assets Total assets less current 23,716 20,635 12,379 11,358 liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Borrowings 6,460 5,467 5,462 4,455 Other liabilities 610 1,550 610 1,550 7,070 7,017 6,072 6,005 Provisions for liabilities and charges Deferred taxation 20 - - - Net Assets 16,626 13,618 6,307 5,353 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 495 489 495 489 Share premium account 3,825 3,615 3,825 3,615 Revaluation reserve 8,731 6,731 - - Profit and loss account 3,575 2,783 1,987 1,249 Equity shareholders' funds 16,626 13,618 6,307 5,353 Consolidated cash flow statement Year ended 31 December 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Cash flow from operating activities 2,033 1,720 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 21 12 Interest paid (453) (215) Net cash outflow from returns on investment and (432) (203) servicing of finance UK corporation tax (801) (636) Capital expenditure and financial investment Office equipment (239) (380) Purchase of freehold reversions (1,303) (1,004) Disposal of freehold reversions 32 - Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and (1,510) (1,384) financial investment Deferred consideration of acquisition of (779) (3,056) subsidiary Equity dividends paid (570) (497) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and (2,059) (4,056) financing Management of liquid resources and financing Financing 1,128 4,581 (Decrease) / increase in cash in the year (931) 525 2004 2003 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in £'000 £'000 net debt (Decrease) / increase in cash in the year (931) 525 Cash inflow from increased debt (1,078) (4,416) Movement in net debt (2,009) (3,891) Non cash deferred taxation provision (20) - Opening net debt (6,359) (2,468) Closing net debt (8,388) (6,359) SOLITAIRE GROUP Plc Notes 1 Basis of preparation The results and balance sheet incorporate the audited results of Solitaire Group Plc and all its subsidiaries made up to 31 December 2004 and have been prepared on a basis consistent with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003. 2 Exceptional costs Exceptional items include a provision of £70,000 for future costs relating to Moss Kaye Pembertons' move to new offices and a transfer to reserves of £3,000 relating to the current and future exercise of share options necessary under UITF 17. Some of these costs are not an allowable expense in the calculation of the tax charge for the year. 3 Dividends During the year the company paid an interim dividend of 3.6p (2003: 3.3p) per share. The company has proposed a final dividend of 8.7p (2003: 8.0p) per share making a total of 12.3p (2003: 11.3p) for the year. 4 Earnings per share The calculation of earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2004 is based on earnings of £1,401,000 (2003: £1,115,000) and a weighted average number of shares in issue of 4,913,523 (2003: 4,686,880). There is no significant difference between basic and diluted earnings per share in 2004 and 2003. The adjusted earnings per share are based on the profits for the year after tax adjusted for amortisation of goodwill and development costs and exceptional costs. 5 Results The results for the year ended 31 December 2004 have been extracted from the audited financial statements, which will shortly be sent to shareholders and filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on these accounts was unqualified. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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