Directors' Dealings

Scottish Media Group PLC 10 February 2000 Scottish Media Group plc ('SMG') and Scottish Media Group (Jersey) Limited ('SMG (Jersey)') have today been notified of the following disposal on 24 January 2000 of nil paid interests in units of convertible unsecured loan stock in SMG (Jersey) ('Stock Units') at a price of £1.61:- Aggregate Aggregate No. of % of all interests in interests as % of Stock Stock SMG ordinary SMG ordinary Name(1) Units Units shares(2) share capital(3) Dr Calum MacLeod 17,000 0.26% 203,000 0.3% (1) Dr Calum MacLeod is a director of SMG. (2) Each Stock Unit will convert into one preference share in SMG (Jersey) and each such preference share will automatically be acquired by SMG in exchange for the issue of one SMG ordinary share (pursuant to an offer (the 'Offer') made by SMG) upon completion of the acquisition by SMG (Jersey) of Ginger Media Group Limited. This column shows the aggregate number of SMG ordinary shares in which the relevant SMG directors are interested, including those shares which may be issued pursuant to the Offer based on the number of Stock Units in which the directors are respectively interested. (3) Assumes conversion of all Stock Units and the issue of an equivalent number of SMG ordinary shares pursuant to the Offer, but no further issues of SMG ordinary shares.


STV Group (STVG)
UK 100

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