14 December 2023
SulNOx Group Plc (the "Company" or "SulNOx")
China, South Africa and Georgia Patents Granted
(Aquis Stock Exchange: SNOX)
The board of the directors of the Company (the "Board") is pleased to announce that SulNOx has now secured patents in three further jurisdictions. Like the US, European and Eurasian patents granted earlier this year, the patents cover a range of formulation versions which includes both the Berol® 6446 Heavy Fuel Oils (HFO) emulsifiers and SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners which enhance all diesel, petrol/gasoline and biofuels, Very and Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oils (VLSFO/ULSFO) and other lighter marine fuels.
Ben Richardson CEO of SulNOx Ltd. commented: "We are excited by these additional patents given the scale of opportunity in China and how developed our distribution network is in South Africa with its client pipeline expected to generate considerable revenues in 2024."
SulNOx Group Plc
Steven Cowin, Chief Financial Officer
AQSE Corporate Adviser:
Allenby Capital Limited
Nick Harriss
020 3328 5656
The directors take responsibility for this announcement.