Final Results

Gold Oil PLC 27 October 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 27 October 2005 GOLD OIL PLC ('Gold Oil' or 'the Company') PRELIMINARY RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE PERIOD 8 APRIL 2004 TO 30 APRIL 2005 NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Chairman's Statement to Shareholders Gold Oil is a very young company that floated on AIM on 14 July 2004. However, due to the hard work, imagination and good relationships developed by our staff in Peru the Company now has two very attractive blocks in Peru. Oil discoveries can be easily monetised through existing facilities in N W Peru but so can gas discoveries through agreements with local power companies and MAN Ferrostaal of Germany. These put the Company in the enviable position of having profitable development activity whether oil or gas is discovered. The Company, on 19 October 2005, acquired Northern Petroleum Exploration Ltd., a subsidiary of Northern Petroleum PLC, which has equity in and operates the Ayoluengo field in northern Spain that produces about 110 barrels of oil per day and subsequently sold, on 20 October 2005, half of its interest to Ascent Resources plc. This acquisition will provide cash flow to the Company. More importantly it has allowed the Company to start the process of having it recognised by the Peruvian authorities as Gold Oil's operator. This will allow Gold Oil to convert its Promotion Permits into Exploration Licences during 2006, so as to allow drilling on the prospective onshore permit, Block XI, and seismic acquisition over the offshore permit, Block Z34. On the latter the Company is seeking to farm-out to a large oil company who would drill a well offshore at no cost to the Company. The Company raised £3.6 million in March 2005 through a placement. Although at the end of the year the Company showed a loss of £374,000, the cash balance was £3,3671,000, reflecting the hard work by the Company's staff to work efficiently and control costs. Looking ahead I expect to see the Company soon being in a position to start seismic and drilling activity on our blocks in Peru. The Company is continuing to seek out low risk oil and gas reserves in Peru that will generate cash flow sooner than through our own efforts on our own acreage. Due to the energy and dedication of our team, the Company has made very good progress in its first year of life, and next year we expect to see the fruits of this effort. I look forward to meeting you all at our forthcoming extraordinary general meeting in which our accounts will be laid before the Company as they were not available to be received at the Annual General Meeting convened on 7 October 2005. Michael Burchell Chairman Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the period 8 April 2004 to 30 April 2005 Note 2005 £000 Turnover - Administration expenses (383) Operating loss (383) Other interest receivable and similar income 5 9 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation 2-4 (374) Taxation credit on loss on ordinary activities 6 - Loss for the year for group (374) Loss: Earnings per ordinary share 7 - Basic (0.18p) - Diluted (0.15p) A note on historical gains or losses has not been included as part of the financial statements as the results as disclosed in the profit and loss account are prepared on an unmodified historical cost basis. There were no other recognised gains or losses in the period. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2005 2005 Note £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 8 25 Current assets Debtors 10 39 Cash at bank and in hand 3,632 ------- 3,671 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 11 (116) ------- Net current assets 3,555 Total assets less current liabilities 3,580 _____ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 12 86 Share premium account 13 3,868 Profit and loss account 13 (374) Equity shareholders' funds 3,580 _____ These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 October 2005 and were signed on its behalf by: Director: M N Burchell Director: J G Moore Company Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 2005 Note £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible Fixed Assets 8 2 Investment in Gold Oil Peru 9 150 152 Current assets Debtors 10 32 Cash at bank and in hand 3,606 ------- 3,638 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 11 (113) ------- Net current assets 3,525 Total assets less current liabilities 3,677 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 12 86 Share premium account 13 3,868 Profit and loss account 13 (277) Equity Shareholders' Funds 3,677 These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 October 2005 and were signed on its behalf by: Director: M N Burchell Director: J G Moore Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the period 8th April 2004 to 30th April 2005 Note 2005 £000 Cash flow statement Cash outflow from operating activities 15 (306) Returns on investments and servicing of finance 16 9 Capital expenditure 16 (25) Cash outflow before management of liquid resources and financing (322) Management of liquid resources 16 (1,800) Financing 16 3,954 Increase in cash in the year 1,832 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds Cash at bank and in hand 3,632 Less deposits treated as liquid resources (1,800) 1,832 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the period ended 30 April 2005 2005 £000 Loss for the financial year (374) Increase in share capital 3,954 Closing shareholders' funds 3,580 Notes 2. Pre-production costs Pre production costs incurred in Peru and which have been expensed in the period were £94,000. 3. Loss on ordinary activities before taxation 2005 £000 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging Auditors' remuneration: Group - audit 8 Company - audit 6 Group - non audit services 10 4. Staff number and costs The average number of persons employed by the group (including directors) during the year, analysed by category, were as follows: 2005 Technical and administration 6 The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows: 2005 £000 Wages and salaries 26 Social security costs 3 29 5. Interest receivable and similar income 2005 £000 Bank interest 9 6. Taxation Analysis of charge in period: 2005 £000 UK and overseas corporation tax Current tax on income for the period - Total current tax - Tax on loss on ordinary activities - Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period. The current tax charge for the period is higher than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK 30%. The differences are explained below: 2005 £000 Current tax reconciliation Loss on ordinary activities before tax (374) Current tax at 30% (112) Effects of: Expenses not deductible for tax purposes - Increase in tax losses 112 Total current tax charge (see above) - At 30 April 2005 The Group had net operating losses to carry forward of £374,000. The deferred tax asset on these tax losses at 30% of £112,000 has not been recognised due to the uncertainty of recovery. 7. Loss per share 2005 Pence Loss per ordinary share - Basic (0.18) - Diluted (0.15) Loss per ordinary share is based on the Group's loss for the financial year of £374,000. The weighted average number of shares used in the calculation is the weighted average ordinary shares in issue during the year. 2005 Number Weighted average ordinary shares in issue during the year 212,791,361 Potentially dilutive warrants issued 39,305,624 Weighted average ordinary shares for diluted earning per share 252,096,985 8. Tangible fixed assets Equipment and Machinery Vehicle Total £'000 £000 £000 Group Cost Additions 6 19 25 At end of year 6 19 25 Depreciation - - - At end of year - - - Net book value At 30 April 2005 6 19 25 Company Cost Additions 2 - 2 At end of year 2 - 2 Depreciation - - - At end of year - - - 9. Fixed asset investments Shares in group undertaking Company Cost Additions 150 At end of year 150 The Company's subsidiary undertakings at the year end was a 100% interest in the ordinary shares of Gold Oil Peru, a company registered in Peru whose principal activity is exploration of oil and gas. 10. Debtors 2005 Group Company £000 £000 Trade debtors 14 - Other debtors 5 5 Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings - 12 Prepayments and accrued income 20 15 39 32 11. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2005 Group Company £000 £000 Trade creditors 91 89 Other creditors 4 3 Accruals and deferred income 21 21 116 113 12. Called up share capital 2005 £000 Authorised 400,000,000 ordinary shares of £0.00025 each 100 Allotted, called up and fully paid Equity: 345,200,000 ordinary shares of £0.00025 each 86 At incorporation the company had an authorised share capital of £1,000,000 divided into 100,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each. On 12 May 2004, the authorised share capital was reduced to £100,000 by the cancellation of 90,000,000 unissued ordinary shares of 1p each and the remaining 10,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each were sub-divided into 400,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.025p. On 8 June 2004, 199,999,920 ordinary shares were issued at par. On 8 June 2004 warrants to subscribe for 42,000,000 ordinary shares were issued. Under the Placing Agreement, 35,000,000 shares of 0.025p and warrants on a further 35,000,000 shares were issued at 1p per share on 18 June 2004. On 28 June 2004, 1,000,000 shares of 0.025p were issued at 1p per share. From October 2004 to January 2005 19,200,000 shares of 0.025p were issued at 1p per share on the exercise of warrants. On 21 March 2005, 90,000,000 shares of 0.025p were issued at 4p per share. Subsequent to the year end 3,850,000 ordinary shares of 0.025p on the exercise of warrants. The Warrants above entitles the holder to subscribe for one ordinary share of 1p per share for a period of three years from issue except for directors warrants which are not exercisable for one year period from admission. 13. Share premium, and reserves Share premium account Profit and loss account £000 £000 Group Loss for the period - (374) Premium on share issues 4,116 - Placement and share issue costs (248) - At end of year 3,868 (374) Share premium account Profit and loss account £000 £000 Company Loss for the period - (277) Premium on share issues 4,116 - Placement cost (248) - At end of year 3,868 (277) 14. Commitments The group and company had no capital commitments at the end of the year. 15. Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows 2005 £000 Operating loss (383) (Increase) in debtors (39) Increase in creditors 116 Net cash outflow from operating activities (306) 16. Analysis of cash flows 2005 £000 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 9 Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets 25 Management of liquid resources Increase in short term bank deposits 1,800 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 3,954 17. Directors' emoluments and interests The directors who held office during the period are shown below along with their interests in the 0.025p ordinary shares of the company. Interest at end of period Interest at start of period Executive directors M N Burchell 3,000,000 - M L Keeley - - P G Mahony - - J G Moore 20,000,000 - B Underwood Jr. 77,000,000 - Directors emoluments and other benefits are as listed below. 2005 £000 Directors' remuneration 14 Directors' fees 38 52 Warrants held by the directors are as follows: No. of Warrants M N Burchell 2,300,000 B G Underwood Jr. 9,200,000 J G Moore 9,200,000 P G. Mahony 2,300,000 Total Warrants held by the directors 23,000,000 18. Financial instruments The Group's financial instruments comprise trade creditors, cash and short term deposits and equity shares. The Group has cash at bank. This is placed on short term deposit to maximise the group's liquid resources and no interest rate hedging is undertaken. Short-term debtors and creditors The Company has taken advantage of the exemptions available under FRS 13 and excluded Short-term debtors and creditors from its disclosure of financial instruments. The Company does not presently have any long term debtors or creditors. Foreign currency risk The Company reports in sterling. However, a significant proportion of its activities may be undertaken in foreign currencies. Exchange rates are monitored in conjunction with forecast currency requirements and the Company will enter into forward exchange contracts to hedge its foreign currency exposure where appropriate. No forward foreign exchange contracts were entered into during the period. There were no outstanding foreign exchange contracts at the start of the period or at the end of the period. 19. Related party disclosures Gold Oil Plc is listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) operated by the London Stock Exchange. At the date of the Annual Report in the Directors opinion there is no controlling party. 20. Post balance sheet events The company purchased on onshore production company based in northern Spain. The consideration for the purchase of Northern Petroleum Exploration Limited was £300,000. Half of the interest in Northern Petroleum Exploration Limited was then sold to Ascent Resources plc for £150,000. Note to the preliminary announcement This announcement does not constitute a full financial statement of the Company's affairs for the period 8 April 2004 to 30 April 2005 ('the Period'). The auditors have reported on the full financial statement for the Period and the report and accounts are being posted to Shareholders today. Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting has been posted to Shareholders. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held at Finsgate, 5-7 Cranwood Street, London, EC1V 9EE on 21 November 2005 at 11.00 a.m. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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