This announcement and the information contained in it is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, in or into, and should not be distributed in, forwarded to or transmitted into, any country or jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of local securities laws or regulations.
("Superdry" or "the Company")
02 April 2019
Following the outcome of the general meeting today, the Board of Superdry, including Julian
Dunkerton and Peter Williams has met. The Board had previously indicated, in the circular issued on 11 March 2019 that, in the event the resolutions were passed, the Directors would either resign or not seek re-election. Mindful of their responsibilities, individually and collectively, as custodians of the business and to the broader stakeholders of the Company, and to assist the process of change, the following has been agreed:
• Peter Bamford, Chairman of the Board, Euan Sutherland, Chief Executive Officer, Ed Barker, Chief Financial Officer, and Penny Hughes, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, have resigned from the Board and will stand down with immediate effect;
• Dennis Millard, Minnow Powell, Sarah Wood and John Smith have given three-months' notice under their contracts and will stand down as directors with effect from 1 July 2019;
• Julian Dunkerton and Peter Williams have been appointed to the Board:
• Peter Williams has been appointed as Chairman of the Board;
• Julian Dunkerton has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer.
Peter Williams and Julian Dunkerton made the following statement:
"We are very pleased to be joining the Board of this great British company. We look forward to rebuilding the Superdry brand and the business."
For further information: |
Superdry Plc |
Simon Callander Company Secretary |
44 (0) 1242 586643 |
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