Final Results - Replacement

Sutton Harbour Holdings PLC 24 May 2007 The following replaces the Preliminary Results announcement released at 7.00a.m. under RNS number 1370X. The full segmental analysis of the Company is included. SUTTON HARBOUR HOLDINGS PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2007 Chairman's Statement Year ended 31 March 2007 I am pleased to report that your Company has consolidated the significant advances made last year and has achieved another year of profit growth. Our regeneration sector, with its increasing portfolio of projects, made the largest contribution to profits in the year. Our transport activities achieved only a modest profit having encountered various trading difficulties. In many ways this has been a challenging year and I would like to congratulate and thank the executive directors and all the staff for their hard work and dedication. Profit before taxation is up 23% on last year to £4.212m (2006: £3.420m) and earnings per share have also advanced 23% to 12.09p (2006: 9.81p). Total operating profit of £3.226m (2006: £3.596m) excludes the profit of £2.1m on the sale of fixed assets which includes the sale of the building occupied by the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP). Your Company's strategy to develop a balanced business portfolio remains justifiable in achieving sustainable profit growth and we can expect contributions from our different business sectors to vary from year to year. Gearing has reduced to 23.1% at the year end (2006: 44.5%). Your Board proposes a final dividend of 2.55p, which added to the interim dividend of 1.5p paid in January 2007, gives a total dividend for the year of 4.05p per share. This represents an increase of 6.6% when compared with last year's total dividend of 3.8p per share. The final dividend will be payable on 24 August 2007 to shareholders on the register on 10 August 2007. The shares are expected to go ex-dividend on 8 August 2007. The Board is also proposing a one for one share capitalisation issue but before this can occur our authorised capital will have to be increased. An appropriate resolution will be put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Results from our regeneration sector (excluding the profit on sale of the DWP building) have almost doubled from last year. Your Company is purposely growing the regeneration sector with projects undertaken for both shorter term profit and longer term investment objectives. In the future, you can expect to see a greater mix of projects and increasing frequency of disposal of developments. This may, as it has done in the past, give a certain 'lumpiness' to our results year-on-year. We are close to concluding a mixed-use development on the site of the former boatyard. As well as 101 apartments, including affordable allocation, the scheme includes 35,000 sq ft of commercial space, the majority reserved by the BBC for their new South West regional studios. On an adjacent site, another 40,000 sq ft pre-let office scheme is planned. The scheme on Exeter canal-side is progressing well, as are schemes in St Austell and other regional centres. There are a number of other schemes where the Company is currently bidding or is short-listed and to maintain the flow of projects we have recruited additional regeneration specialists. ReSound (Health) Limited, in which your company holds a 37.2% interest, has now started construction on a health centre in Cattedown, Plymouth, its third scheme. The Group's share of results from this joint venture are separately shown in the Profit and Loss Account for the first time this year. After the year end, your Company acquired two car parks with 400 parking spaces, in the environs of Sutton Harbour for a total cash consideration of £2,423,530. The cash consideration was funded by the placing of 794,600 new ordinary shares of 25p each at £3.05 per share. The placing price represented a modest discount of 4.7 per cent on the share price immediately before the issue. The Group is confident of a satisfactory return from the car parks investment. As previously reported, we expected a decline in profits from our transport sector after the effects of security alerts in August 2006 and the prevailing high fuel price. Air Southwest had to contend with other challenges outside its control in the second half year including the temporary closure of the runway at Bristol Airport and the doubling in Air Passenger Duty to £10 per domestic flight. The new routes we started last Spring have been disappointing. We withdrew the Bristol-Norwich service in October 2006 and Cardiff-Manchester services will cease in June 2007. These changes provide Air Southwest with capacity to operate a newly started Newquay-Cork service, to offer charter services and to focus on core routes. We are mindful of the new competition on the Newquay-London route. It is too early to determine the effect of this on our established four times a day service, however we have been very pleased with the loyalty shown by our customers. It has been a difficult year for our young airline, particularly when contrasted with its early successes, but it is positive that we have remained profitable and have sufficient flexibility to adapt our business to changing markets. Cornwall County Council, the airport operators, and the Ministry of Defence are now working to a clear timetable to put in place the infrastructure necessary to convert Newquay Cornwall Airport into a full civilian airport. We expect this process to be completed by Autumn 2008. Plymouth City Airport continues to offer facilities to commercial airline operators, the military and private aviation. The re-introduction of the twice daily Manchester service has been well received and Air Southwest is considering new services from Plymouth for 2008. Following the creation of West Pier Marina last year, we are already seeing a very satisfactory increase in berthing revenues. We have just completed further improvements to our marina facilities and annual berths are again fully occupied. In March 2007, we closed the marine engine servicing and watercraft sales businesses that we had operated for the past decade and we also sold our remaining commercial fishing vessel. These businesses were no longer justifiable on commercial grounds. Costs in connection with closing these businesses have been charged to the profit and loss account. Plymouth Fisheries had a bumper final quarter with fish landings at a record. This business has proved to be a stable revenue earner over the 12 years since the new complex opened. With business growing year on year, use of the lock at the entrance to Sutton Harbour has far exceeded anticipated demand. As a result, the lock gates have worn faster than expected and they will be replaced by the Environment Agency this Autumn. We have been advised that the lock will need to remain closed intermittently during the refit with the inevitable inconvenience that it will cause harbour users. The refit is purposely scheduled to take place between the summer yachting and spring fishing seasons. The new gates are designed to last for thirty years. We have previously reported that Malcolm Naylor will retire from the Board and from Air Southwest on 31 May 2007, when his service contract expires. We thank Malcolm for his significant contribution in setting up Air Southwest, which has operated a range of domestic scheduled services since October 2003. Starting an airline was a major diversification for the Group and Malcolm's long experience in the aviation industry has proved invaluable. I am pleased to report that Malcolm's successor, Jim Cameron, joined us in April 2007. Jim, until recently, was Chief Executive of Loganair, a larger regional airline operating out of Glasgow. He has also previously held senior positions with British Airways and Brymon Airways. Tim Bacon, who has headed up our property regeneration team for several years, has indicated to the Board that he wishes to work independently in his own consultancy and will therefore be relinquishing his executive duties, probably before the end of the calendar year. I am delighted to report that he will remain on the board as a non-executive director. It has been my privilege to be your Chairman for the last nine years but, as I approach my 65th birthday, I feel it is right for me to step down both from the Chair and as a director. During my time with your company we have seen considerable change and progress and had a lot of fun along the way. I am very confident that we have in place a good team and business mix to provide growth for shareholders in the future. Michael Knight, who has been a director since 2005, will succeed me as Chairman immediately after the AGM. Your Company has had another exciting but challenging year and has started the current year well. With volatility in the transport sector likely to be ever present, your company will work to achieve core growth from its regeneration activities. Looking forward, there is plenty in the pipeline and the Board remains optimistic of your Company's prospects. Ellen Winser Chairman Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2007 2007 2006 £'000 *£'000 Turnover 30,688 27,218 Less Share of Joint Venture's Turnover (499) - Group Turnover 30,189 27,218 Cost of Sales (26,297) (22,769) Gross Profit 3,892 4,449 Administrative Expenses (954) (853) Group Operating Profit 2,938 3,596 Share of Operating Profit in Joint Venture 288 - Total Operating Profit 3,226 3,596 Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets 2,141 - 5,367 3,596 Interest Receivable 105 106 Interest Payable and Similar Charges (958) (282) Group Joint Venture (302) - Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 4,212 3,420 Current Taxation (834) (552) Deferred Taxation (432) (481) Taxation on Profit on Ordinary Activities (1,266) (1,033) Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation and Attributable to Shareholders 2,946 2,387 Earnings per Ordinary 25p share (Basic) 12.09p 9.81p Earnings per Ordinary 25p share (Diluted) 11.83p 9.70p All figures relate to continuing activities. *As restated for prior year adjustment in respect of adoption of FRS 20 - Share Based Payments. Balance Sheets as at 31 March 2007 The Group The Company 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Intangible Assets 576 611 - - Tangible Assets 49,189 56,584 - - Investments Investments in Joint Ventures Share of gross assets 8,956 - - - Share of gross liabilities (9,023) 75 2,291 2,217 Other investments 76 75 2,291 2,217 49,774 57,270 2,291 2,217 Current Assets Stock 3,898 3,145 - - Debtors 6,377 4,939 6,999 6,916 Cash at Bank and in Hand 6 4 32 13 10,281 8,088 7,031 6,929 Creditors (14,423) (14,109) (30) (78) (amounts falling due within one year) Net Current (Liabilities)/ Assets comprising: Net Current (Liabilities)/Assets (5,213) (6,952) 6,106 6,080 Debtors due after more than one year 1,071 931 895 771 (4,142) (6,021) 7,001 6,851 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 45,632 51,249 9,292 9,068 Creditors (amounts falling due after more (2,644) (10,835) - - than one year) Provisions for Liabilities and Charges (2,828) (2,396) (3) - Deferred Taxation 40,160 38,018 9,289 9,068 Capital and Reserves Called Up Share Capital 6,112 6,086 6,112 6,086 Share Premium Account 2,843 2,797 2,843 2,797 Revaluation Reserve 13,056 13,056 - - Investment Property Revaluation Reserve 9,435 9,435 - - Other Reserves 348 274 97 23 Profit and Loss Account 8,366 6,370 237 162 Equity Shareholders' Funds 40,160 38,018 9,289 9,068 *As restated for prior year adjustment. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2007 2007 2006 CASH FLOW STATEMENT £'000 £'000 Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 1,433 4,144 Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance (995) (522) Taxation (875) (465) Capital Receipts/Expenditure 8,956 (13,976) Equity Dividends Paid (950) (852) Financing (8,125) 11,560 (Decrease) in Cash in the Year (556) (111) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT (Decrease) in Cash in the Year (556) (111) Increase in Loans (1,670) (11,558) Loans Repaid 9,866 - Movement in net debt in the year 7,640 (11,669) Net Debt at the start of the year (16,927) (5,258) Net Debt at the end of the year (9,287) (16,927) Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 31 March 2007 2007 2006 £'000 * £'000 Reported Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 4,212 3,420 Historical Cost Profit on Ordinary Activities Before 4,212 3,420 Taxation Historical Cost Profit for the year retained after Taxation 1,996 1,535 and Dividends *as restated for prior year adjustment Segmental analysis 2007 2006 Turnover Cost of Operating Turnover Cost of Operating Sales Profit Sales Profit £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Marine Activities 4,934 3,987 947 4,571 3,675 896 Regeneration 3,283 525 2,758 3,097 1,667 1,430 Transport 21, 972 21,785 187 19,550 17,427 2,123 Share of Joint 499 211 288 - - - Venture 30,688 26,508 4,180 27,218 22,769 4,440 Administrative (954) (853) Expenses Total Operating 3,226 3,596 Profit Profit on Sale of 2,141 - Fixed Assets 5,367 3,596 Interest Receivable 105 106 Interest Payable Group (958) (282) Joint Venture (302) - Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 4,212 3,420 Segmental Analysis has been grouped under three main headings which cover the three principal activities of the group. Marine activities includes fishing related and marine leisure activities. Regeneration includes property and related activities. Transport includes airport operations and airline operations. The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2007 or 2006 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the registrar of companies, and those for 2007 will be delivered following the Group's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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