Interim Results - Pre-tax Profit Up 17%
Sutton Harbour Holdings PLC
26 November 1999
The operators of Plymouth's historic harbour announce their Interim Results
for the six months ended 30 September 1999
'This has been a period of considerable progress. We concluded a ground
breaking development agreement with Plymouth City Council and Plymouth
Fisheries has built on its success by becoming the first UK independent fish
market to go electronic. We now have an excellent platform for future growth
across all our activities.'
Ellen Winser, Chairman.
Pre-tax profit up 17% to £417,000 (1998: £357,000)
Turnover up 25% to £2.6 million (1998: £2.0 million)
Major development programme signed with Plymouth City Council.
Electronic Fish Auction on line and trading well.
The six months to the 30 September 1999 has been a period of considerable
progress. We concluded a ground-breaking agreement with Plymouth City Council
and Plymouth Fisheries has just become the first U.K. independent fish market
to go electronic.
Profit before tax has increased by almost 17% on turnover up by nearly 25%.
The improved turnover largely reflects the fact that there was a substantial
increase in fuel price which we were unable to pass fully on to our customers.
This, combined with other competitive pressures, resulted in a constrained
operating profit increase of just over 7%. The reduction in interest charges
is due not only to the fall in rates generally but particularly to our having
re-negotiated substantially improved terms with our bankers.
Our agreement with Plymouth City Council will result in a programme of capital
expenditure. Consequently the Board believes it is prudent at this interim
stage to keep the dividend at last year's level of 1.4p per share. This will
be paid on 14 January 2000 to shareholders on the register on 6 January.
On 18 October the first catch of fish to be auctioned electronically at an
independent auction in the U.K. took place at our market. The purpose of the
electronic auction system , which is funded, owned and operated by Plymouth
Trawler Agents, is to obtain premium prices for the fishermen. It will
achieve this partly by expanding the number of buyers, particularly from
remote sites, and partly by starting the auction high rather than low as in
the traditional shout auction. Clearly the more buyers involved the greater
the likelihood of good prices. By making the auction electronic buyers from
literally all over the world can theoretically take part provided they have
confidence in the quality and traceability of the product. The electronic
auction system makes this possible. With the traditional shout auction the
bids start low and move upwards whereas with the electronic auction system the
initial price is set very high and falls step by step until it reaches a level
a buyer is prepared to pay. The buyer indicates this by pressing a button at
his desk. Many tests have shown that buyers tend to accept paying slightly
higher prices when purchasing in this way. At present the system is not
connected to any remote buyers but this will happen in the near future.
Prices are holding up very well but of course the full benefit will not come
on stream until the remote stations are linked. If, as we hope, the new
system does lead to higher prices for the fishermen it is reasonable to
suppose turnover will increase. Our company's revenue from the fish market is
based on volume and price so potentially we stand to benefit from these
developments. The new auction has created national interest.
As I mentioned in our last annual accounts the aim of your directors is to
maximise the potential of land around the harbour, waterfront and its
immediate environs and at the same time to expand our trading activities in
related fields. Several prospects are under consideration at present.
The negotiations to conclude our recently announced development partnership
with Plymouth City Council were lengthy and complex but the resultant
opportunities to enhance profitability are considerable. The challenge is now
to produce the appropriate projects to maximise shareholder value and to
further improve the attraction of the area for both visitors and residents
alike. Inevitably it will take quite a while for the full benefits of these
additional developments to flow through.
I mentioned in my statement at the Annual General Meeting that shares held in
our company may qualify for Business Property Relief, more commonly known as
Inheritance Tax Relief. We have received confirmation that at 31 March 1999
it appeared that none of our activities debar executors of deceased
shareholders from claiming at least an element of Business Property Relief.
The rules concerning this relief are complex and dependent on personal
circumstances. Therefore, external tax advice should be sought before making
arrangements to try to benefit from this relief.
During the first six months of the year we believe your company continued to
qualify for Reinvestment Relief for those shareholders who bought their shares
when the relief was available.
We believe that the progress during the last six months provides the Company
with an excellent platform for growth over the coming years.
Ellen Winser
26 November 1999
Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc
Interim Report 30 September 1999
6 months to 6 months to Year Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 2,600 2,087 4,004
Operating Profit 540 505 1,015
Interest (123) (148) (282)
Profit on Ordinary Activities 417 357 733
Before Taxation
Taxation on Profit on - - -
Ordinary Activities
Write Off of ACT Debtor - - 253
Profit on Ordinary Activities 417 357 480
After Taxation and Attributable
to Shareholders
Dividends (140) (140) (379)
Retained Profit £277 £217 £101
Earnings per Share 4.18p 3.58p 4.81p
Dividend per Share 1.4p 1.4p 3.8p
Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc
Interim Report 30 September 1999
As at As at As at
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets £24,026 £23,819 £23,968
Current Assets
Stock and Work in Progress 561 490 605
Debtors (due within one year) 1,020 815 932
Debtors (due after more than one year)- 253 -
Cash at Bank and in Hand 2 1 2
1,583 1,559 1,539
Creditors (due within one year)
Bank Overdraft 3,833 3,648 3,702
Other 1,515 1,275 1,792
5,348 4,923 5,494
Net Current Liabilities (3,765) (3,364) (3,955)
Total Assets less
Net Current Liabilities 20,261 20,455 20,013
Deferred Income (256) (317) (285)
(due after more than one year)
Net Assets £20,005 £20,138 £19,728
Shareholders' Funds £20,005 £20,138 £19,728
Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc
Interim Report 30 September 1999
6 months to 6 months to Year Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reconciliation of Operating Profit
to Net Cash Inflow from Operating
Operating Profit 540 505 1,015
Depreciation Charges 42 45 90
Loss (Profit) on disposal
of Fixed Assets 2 (4) (4)
(Profit) on sale of Investments - - (9)
Amortisation of Grants (10) (13) (25)
Amortisation of Intangible
Fixed Assets - - 1
Decrease in Stock and Work
in Progress 44 180 65
Decrease/(Increase) in Debtors (88) 81 (36)
(Decrease)/Increase in Creditors (289) (368) 218
Net Cash Inflow from
Operating Activities £241 £426 £1,315
Net Cash Inflow from
Operating Activities 241 426 1,315
Returns on Investment and Servicing
of Finance (130) (148) (298)
Taxation - (33) (89)
Capital Receipts - 7 21
Capital Expenditure (102) (621) (1,142)
Dividends Paid (140) - (235)
Financing - 20 26
(Decrease) in Cash
in the Period (£131) (£349) (£402)
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow
to Movement in Net Debt
(Decrease) in Cash in the Period (131) (349) (402)
Increase in Net Debt
in the Period (131) (349) (402)
Net Debt Brought Forward (£3,700) (£3,298) (£3,298)
Net Debt Carried Forward (£3,831) (£3,647) (£3,700)
Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc
Interim Report 30 September 1999
6 months to 6 months to Year Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Grants and Contributions for North
Quay House, new Fish Market and
Barbican Market developments - 20 58
Realisation of Revaluation Reserve
on Sale of Tangible Fixed Assets - - (332)
Reported Profits 417 357 480
£417 £377 £206
6 months to 6 months to Year Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fisheries Related 1,044 899 1,775
Marine Leisure 1,133 782 1,358
Property 423 406 871
£2,600 £2,087 £4,004
Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc
Interim Report 30 September 1999
1. The foregoing do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
2. Earnings per Share for all periods have been calculated by reference to
9,979,848 ordinary shares in issue.
The calculation of Earnings per Share is based on the following:
6 months to 6 months to Year Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Profit for the period
attributable to Ordinary
Shareholders (£000) £417 £357 £480
Number of Ordinary
Shares ('000's) 9,980 9,980 9,980
Earnings per Share 4.18p 3.58p 4.81p
3. No taxation has been provided due to the availability of losses brought
forward from previous years.
4. Interest payable is stated after capitalisation of £Nil (1998: £6,000).
5. The interim ordinary dividend of 1.4p (net) per share (1998: 1.4p)
totalling £139,718 (1998: £139,718) will be paid on 14 January 2000.
6. The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Accounts.
7. The interim financial statements are not audited.
8. Copies of this announcement are available to members of the general
public from the company's registered office: Sutton Harbour Holdings
plc, North Quay House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth PL4 0RA.