BACIT Limited (the "Company")
(a closed-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 55514)
Dealings by Directors
31 October 2013
Pursuant to Disclosure Rule 3.1.4, the Company is obliged to notify the market of Directors' holdings or interests of the Directors or their connected persons in shares of the Company.
The Company has been notified that the following interests in C Shares of no par value of the Company ("C Shares") were acquired on 28 October 2013 by the following directors:
100,000 C Shares at £1.00 per share
by Jeremy Tigue, a Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Company
20,000 C Shares at £1.00 per share
by Peter Hames, a Non-Executive Director of the Company
2,000,000 C Shares at £1.00 per share
by Thomas Henderson, a Non-Executive Director of the Company
20,000 C Shares at £1.00 per share
by Colin Maltby, a Non-Executive Director of the Company
100,000 C Shares at £1.00 per share
by Martin Thomas, a Non-Executive Director of the Company
Company website:
Rose Toussaint
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Company Secretary
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 745381